Using socat to use data coming from another machine - raspberry-pi

I have a Raspberry machine running a program which process data coming from a /dev/ttyUSB0 device.
I want to move that device to another machine and transfer the data to the initial machine so it appears as coming from the original machine.
I feel that socat might be the answer but I am lost in the parameters of the command.
Any help would really be appreciated

This seems to work.
On the server side (were the physical device is plugged):
sudo socat tcp-l:54321,reuseaddr,fork file:/dev/ttyUSB0,nonblock,b1200,cs7,parenb,waitlock=/var/run/ttyUSB0.lock
On the client side (where the program is, expecting data from ttyUSB0):
sudo socat pty,link=/dev/ttyUSB0,wait-slave tcp:my_server_ip:54321


kernel module insertion issue

We are running the latest raspibian on the raspberry pi board and have a kernel driver for a USB peripheral which is added externally (sudo insmod driverx.ko) after boot-up by connecting to the hardware using ssh (its a headless system).
The problem is as follows:
If the device is already connected to the system upon power-up then running sudo insmod driverx.ko leads to the terminal getting stuck (no response, Ctrl+C doesn't work). Running lsmod by starting another ssh session shows that the module is in use even though there is no code running that will use it.
If I plug the USB device after the system boots up then sudo insmod driverx.ko works normally, (the terminal is still active). Running lsmod subsequently shows that that module is loaded but not in use by anyone. I can then run my user code and everything is fine. Upon running my user code lsmod shows the kernel module is in use and the number of users is 1.
In our system the USB device will always be plugged in. The kernel version and the driver version are the same.
I can fill in more details but do not wish to bias or make this query un-readble.
Please advise on what could the problem be.
Thank you for your time and help.
Possibility is that, the device is already attached into some other driver during startup. If it’s the case, the device credential of your specific device has to be removed from the startup driver.
Check the USB device list before to insert your driver.

port forwarding in raspberry pi on debian

I want to forward incomings from to on raspberry pi debian installed . I do not want to make a bridge between two networks. How can I achieve this?
You can use ssh:
ssh -L -N localhost
this assumes that your server is the machine at if not, you're going to need to give me the IPs of all the machines involved and tell me which is which.
You'll need sshd running but you should already have that with Raspbian.
After you run it, you'll need to authenticate. No forwarding will occur until then.
Once you've logged in, it will look like it's hung, but it's not; it just doesn't have any output to show you.
At this point the forwarding is active.
You can kill it with ctrl-c when you're done.
If you'd rather keep it running in the background instead of having an empty window sitting around, you can use ctrl-z (which will pause its execution) followed by bg which will resume the process in the background.
To stop the forwarding from a backgrounded job, you're going to have to find the pid in ps and kill it.
Run netstat -ano --tcp |grep 5007 to see your server listening for connections on, remote computers making connections to, and new connections from your server to

Raspberry Pi VNC fail connection

I face a problem that I can ping to correct IP address, it have no loss. And also I use nmap ping the pi address, and I get it correctly. Then I using VNC viewer to try access to pi, but it always show up "The connection was refused by the host computer"
Did u all have any idea ?
Your problem indicates that your Raspberry Pi was reached by the connection attempt, but that no service was running on the relevant port and hence the connection was refused. I think, this is because the VNC service is not running on your Raspberry Pi.
Update 1
Raspbian now comes with the server by default thanks to a partnership with RealVNC, it just needs to be enabled.
You must enable VNC Server on your Raspberry Pi using terminal
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server
or you can also enable VNC Server on the command line using the sudo raspi-config command.
Advanced Options->VNC:Yes
Now you can connect to the VNC Server using a application such as VNC Viewer.
I have been having this issue with my Raspberry Pi Zero W even though it worked perfectly beforehand. This page should help.
I ran vncserver in a ssh window after verifying the interface settings in raspi-config.
It started the VNC Server and gave me the VNC Server catchphrase and the IP address with Port Number as shown in the photo linked below.
vncserver output
After running that command I was able to get the VNC Viewer on my windows machine to connect to the pi.
I then ran sudo systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced.service in the ssh window so that it would start automatically on subsequent reboots.
I've had this same problem but found a different reason. I found three ways to get around this error message.
Plug a mouse or keyboard into the Raspberry Pi zero, waking up the screen and the VNC connection.
Wait about 5 - 10 minutes which is the amount of time for the screen saver to kick in which seems to wake up VNC connection. but don't wait to long other wise run this command to get things going via ssh "systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced.service".
I am hoping the new update they just published will fix this problem. I don't see this as much with the Raspi B3+ as with the Zero H.
The last was plug in both monitor and mouse and that for sure fixes the VNC issues but defeats the headless connection. It seems that running headless and the screen/saver are somehow related but just not smart enough to figure it out.
For people using newer version of Raspberry, VNC option is found under:
Config>Interface Options
pinging to any service will only tells us that whether the server is currently listening on that port or not. It will not tell you the possible result to connection request asked by client.
It seems that, you have installed VNC server but not started it properly. Use this command to start it...
# vncserver start
Also recheck the port number is correct or not.
With the Rasp Pi 4 - had connecting fail after rebooting both the server and client (both Rasp Pi 4s).
Took a while to realize that I have two clients: One named "VNC Client", the other "VNC Viewer for Google Chrome".
The former works, the latter doesn't.

How can I get connection with Raspberry without access of its shell?

There are Raspberry Pi 3 model B and MicroSD with NOOBS OS. Unfortunately I have not any display to get a direct access to NOOBS shell. So remote connection could be set via ssh. However my device does not have any IP-address. I read everywhere that the connection options must be set... via shell. But it's impossible for me!
How can I resolve this problem and get remote access to shell (or to desktop even)?
I ran into this a while ago, I started using PiBakery. It will write raspbian to the SD card and add a startup script to connect to the network and enable ssh. This way the first time you boot it up, its ready to go and you can connect via SSH.
When you set it up, it also allows you to set a static IP address so you know exactly where it is when it boots.
Enable SSH by placing a file named 'ssh', without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card.
Connect your device to your LAN using a wired connection.
From another computer on the network execute arp -a to view locally connected hosts and get your raspberry pi's IP address.
From there you should be able to SSH into your pi.

Data Transmission Stop from Raspberry Pi

I am trying to establish a communication b/w raspberrypi(Raspbian) and PC(Microsoft XP) through GPIO PINS 14(Tx) and 15(Rx) for sending/receiving data... , RS-232 level converter is using for connection of GPIO to PC serial COM port and Voltage conversion from 3.3V to 12V...
I install minicom (Echo ON) at raspberry side and install Teraterm(ECHO OFF) at PC side.
Whatever I typed on minicom, it successfully appear on Minicom and Teraterm but when I tried same thing on Teraterm, it only appears on Teraterm not on minicom and also blocked by minicom (/dev/ttyAMA0). After that I am not able to send data from minicom to Teraterm.
But I just check one thing more and very surprise that, when shorting GPIO PIN 14& 15 together and starting typing on minicom... it just show me one character and stop after that...
Again I repeat whole process by closing/opening minicom, again it just show character and then stop.
Can you plz guide me why it happening and how do I resolve it?
I just read from this link that someone was also facing your kind of problem but not exactly what you are facing.
It is happened because Kernel takeover the control on console so It is good and very important to disconnect the connect of console and kernal from the startup.
Now you can follow these step, I am sure you will get rid from this trouble...
Start editing this file by this command
sudo vi /boot/cmdline.txt
Originally it contained:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 rpitestmode=1 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
deleted the two parameters involving the serial port (ttyAMA0) to get the following:
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 rpitestmode=1 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
rebooted (sudo reboot) to confirm that kernel output was no longer going to the serial port. But the serial console was still available. So edited /etc/inittab:
sudo vi /etc/inittab
commented out the following line:
2:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 9600 vt100
Finally, rebooted again and confirmed that nothing was touching the serial port anymore. Then, to test it out installed minicom on the Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt-get install minicom
And ran it:
minicom -b 9600 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0
After, it is able to send data in both directions!