How to get substring with specific ranges in Swift 4? - swift

This is using the example code from the official Swift4 doc
let greeting = "Hi there! It's nice to meet you! 👋"
let endOfSentence = greeting.index(of: "!")!
let firstSentence = greeting[...endOfSentence]
// firstSentence == "Hi there!"
But lets say let greeting = "Hello there world!"
and I want to retrieve only the second word (substring) in this sentence? So I only want the word "there".
I've tried using "world!" as an argument like
let endOfSentence = greeting.index(of: "world!")! but Swift 4 Playground doesn't like that. It's expecting 'Character' and my argument is a string.
So how can I get a substring of a very precise subrange? Or get nth word in a sentence for greater use in the future?

You can search for substrings using range(of:).
import Foundation
let greeting = "Hello there world!"
if let endIndex = greeting.range(of: "world!")?.lowerBound {
Hello there
If you want to separate out the words, there's a quick-and-dirty way and a good way. The quick-and-dirty way:
import Foundation
let greeting = "Hello there world!"
let words = greeting.split(separator: " ")
And here's the thorough way, which will enumerate all the words in the string no matter how they're separated:
import Foundation
let greeting = "Hello there world!"
var words: [String] = []
greeting.enumerateSubstrings(in: greeting.startIndex..<greeting.endIndex, options: .byWords) { substring, _, _, _ in
if let substring = substring {
EDIT 2: And if you're just trying to get the 7th through the 11th character, you can do this:
import Foundation
let greeting = "Hello there world!"
let startIndex = greeting.index(greeting.startIndex, offsetBy: 6)
let endIndex = greeting.index(startIndex, offsetBy: 5)

For swift4,
let string = "substring test"
let start = String.Index(encodedOffset: 0)
let end = String.Index(encodedOffset: 10)
let substring = String(string[start..<end])

In Swift 5 encodedOffset (swift 4 func) is deprecated.
You will need to use utf160Offset
// Swift 5
let string = "Hi there! It's nice to meet you!"
let startIndex = 10 // random for this example
let endIndex = string.count
let start = String.Index(utf16Offset: startIndex, in: string)
let end = String.Index(utf16Offset: endIndex, in: string)
let substring = String(string[start..<end])
prints -> It's nice to meet you!

There is one mistake in the first answer.
The upperBound property should be the endIndex
For Example:
let text = "From Here Hello World"
if let result = text.range(of: "Hello World") {
let startIndex = result.upperBound
let endIndex = result.lowerBound
print(String(text[startIndex..<endIndex])) //"Hello World"

the simplest way I use is :
var str = "abcdefg"

Old habits die hard. I did it the "Java" way and split the string up by spaces, then accessed the second word.
print(greeting.split(separator: " ")[1]) // "there /n"


Replacing two ranges in a String simultaneously

Say you have a string that looks likes this:
let myStr = "Hello, this is a test String"
And you have two Ranges,
let rangeOne = myStr.range(of: "Hello") //lowerBound: 0, upperBound: 4
let rangeTwo = myStr.range(of: "this") //lowerBound: 7, upperBound: 10
Now you wish to replace those ranges of myStr with new characters, that may not be the same length as their original, you end up with this:
var myStr = "Hello, this is a test String"
let rangeOne = myStr.range(of: "Hello")!
let rangeTwo = myStr.range(of: "this")!
myStr.replaceSubrange(rangeOne, with: "Bonjour") //Bonjour, this is a test String
myStr.replaceSubrange(rangeTwo, with: "ce") //Bonjourceis is a test String
Because rangeTwo is based on the pre-altered String, it fails to properly replace it.
I could store the length of the replacement and use it to reconstruct a new range, but there is no guarantee that rangeOne will be the first to be replaced, nor that rangeOne will actually be first in the string.
The solution is the same as removing multiple items from an array by index in a loop.
Do it backwards
First replace rangeTwo then rangeOne
myStr.replaceSubrange(rangeTwo, with: "ce")
myStr.replaceSubrange(rangeOne, with: "Bonjour")
An alternative could be also replacingOccurrences(of:with:)
This problem can be solved by shifting the second range based on the length of first the replaced string.
Using your code, here is how you would do it:
var myStr = "Hello, this is a test String"
let rangeOne = myStr.range(of: "Hello")!
let rangeTwo = myStr.range(of: "this")!
let shift = "Bonjour".count - "Hello".count
let shiftedTwo = myStr.index(rangeTwo.lowerBound, offsetBy: shift)..<myStr.index(rangeTwo.upperBound, offsetBy: shift)
myStr.replaceSubrange(rangeOne, with: "Bonjour") // Bonjour, this is a test String
myStr.replaceSubrange(shiftedTwo, with: "ce") // Bonjour, ce is a test String
You can sort the range in descending order, then replace backwards, from the end to the start. So that any subsequent replacement will not be affect by the previous replacements. Also, it is safer to use replacingCharacters instead of replaceSubrange in case when dealing with multi-codepoints characters.
let myStr = "Hello, this is a test String"
var ranges = [myStr.range(of: "Hello")!,myStr.range(of: "this")!]
ranges.sort(by: {$1.lowerBound < $0.lowerBound}) //Sort in reverse order
let newWords : [String] = ["Bonjour😀","ce"].reversed()
var newStr = myStr
for i in 0..<ranges.count
let range = ranges[i]
//check overlap
if(ranges.contains(where: {$0.overlaps(range)}))
//Some range over lap
throw ...
let newWord = newWords[i]
newStr = newStr.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: newWord)
My solution ended up being to take the ranges and replacement strings, work backwards and replace
extension String {
func replacingRanges(_ ranges: [NSRange], with insertions: [String]) -> String {
var copy = self
copy.replaceRanges(ranges, with: insertions)
return copy
mutating func replaceRanges(_ ranges: [NSRange], with insertions: [String]) {
var pairs = Array(zip(ranges, insertions))
pairs.sort(by: { $0.0.upperBound > $1.0.upperBound })
for (range, replacementText) in pairs {
guard let textRange = Range(range, in: self) else { continue }
replaceSubrange(textRange, with: replacementText)
Which works out to be useable like this
var myStr = "Hello, this is a test."
let rangeOne = NSRange(location: 0, length: 5) // “Hello”
let rangeTwo = NSRange(location: 7, length: 4) // “this”
myStr.replaceRanges([rangeOne, rangeTwo], with: ["Bonjour", "ce"])
print(myStr) // Bonjour, ce is a test.

How to replace Swift substring with an Un-Equal substring by using location?

Can’t use occurrence of pattern as text can change at any instance.
var originalString = "Hi there <un>"
var stringToPut = "Some Amazing Name"
// Change string between 10th index and 13th to the following.
var requiredString = "Hi there <Some Amazing Name>"
This is very easy for just 1 character or when the length of the replacing string is same. But breaks when the substrings are unequal in length as the length of parent string changes and exact location references cannot be made.
Hopefully this works.
let originalString = "Hi there <un>"
let subString = "Some Amazing Name"
let characters = Array(originalString)
let firstPart = characters[0..<9]
let lastPart = characters[13..<characters.count]
let finaString = ("\(String(firstPart))\(subString)\(String(lastPart))")
Or you can use replaceSubrange:
var originalString = "Hi there <un>"
var stringToPut = "Some Amazing Name"
// Change string between 10th index and 13th to the following.
var requiredString = "Hi there <Some Amazing Name>"
let startIndex = originalString.index(originalString.startIndex, offsetBy: 9)
let endIndex = originalString.index(originalString.startIndex, offsetBy: 12)
originalString.replaceSubrange(startIndex...endIndex, with: "Some Amazing Name") // "Hi there Some Amazing Name"
If you know the format of <un> the simplest method would be:
let newString = originalString.replacingOccurrences(of: "<un>", with: stringToPut, options: .literal, range: nil)

Get the string up to a specific character

var hello = "hello, how are you?"
var hello2 = "hello, how are you #tom?"
i want to delete every letter behind the # sign.
result should be
var hello2 = "hello, how are you #tom?"
-> "hello, how are you"
As i want to use it to link multiple users and replace the space behind #sign with the correct name, I always need the reference to the latest occurrence of the #sign to replace it.
text3 = "hey i love you #Tom #Marcus #Peter"
Example what the final version should look like
to start off
var text = "hello #tom #mark #mathias"
i want to always get the index of the latest # sign in the text
Expanding on #appzYourLife answer, the following will also trim off the whitespace characters after removing everything after the # symbol.
import Foundation
var str = "hello, how are you #tom"
if str.contains("#") {
let endIndex = str.range(of: "#")!.lowerBound
str = str.substring(to: endIndex).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
print(str) // Output - "hello, how are you"
In response to finding the last occurance of the # symbol in the string and removing it, here is how I would approach it:
var str = "hello, how are you #tom #tim?"
if str.contains("#") {
//Reverse the string
var reversedStr = String(str.characters.reversed())
//Find the first (last) occurance of #
let endIndex = reversedStr.range(of: "#")!.upperBound
//Get the string up to and after the # symbol
let newStr = reversedStr.substring(from: endIndex).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
//Store the new string over the original
str = String(newStr.characters.reversed())
//str = "hello, how are you #tom"
Or looking at #appzYourLife answer use range(of:options:range:locale:) instead of literally reversing the characters
var str = "hello, how are you #tom #tim?"
if str.contains("#") {
//Find the last occurrence of #
let endIndex = str.range(of: "#", options: .backwards, range: nil, locale: nil)!.lowerBound
//Get the string up to and after the # symbol
let newStr = str.substring(from: endIndex).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
//Store the new string over the original
str = newStr
//str = "hello, how are you #tom"
As an added bonus, here is how I would approach removing every # starting with the last and working forward:
var str = "hello, how are you #tom and #tim?"
if str.contains("#") {
while str.contains("#") {
//Reverse the string
var reversedStr = String(str.characters.reversed())
//Find the first (last) occurance of #
let endIndex = reversedStr.range(of: "#")!.upperBound
//Get the string up to and after the # symbol
let newStr = reversedStr.substring(from: endIndex).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
//Store the new string over the original
str = String(newStr.characters.reversed())
//after while loop, str = "hello, how are you"
let text = "hello, how are you #tom?"
let trimSpot = text.index(of: "#") ?? text.endIndex
let trimmed = text[..<trimSpot]
Since a string is a collection of Character type, it can be accessed as such. The second line finds the index of the # sign and assigns its value to trimSpot, but if it is not there, the endIndex of the string is assigned through the use of the nil coalescing operator
The string, or collection of Characters, can be provided a range that will tell it what characters to get. The expression inside of the brackets,
is a range from 0 to trimSpot-1. So,
returns an instance of type Substring, which points at the original String instance.
You need to find the range of the "#" and then use it to create a substring up to the index before.
import Foundation
let text = "hello, how are you #tom?"
if let range = text.range(of: "#") {
let result = text.substring(to: range.lowerBound)
print(result) // "hello, how are you "
Please note that, following the logic you described and using the input text you provided, the output string will have a blank space as last character
Also note that if multiple # are presente in the input text, then the first occurrence will be used.
Last index [Update]
I am adding this new section to answer the question you posted in the comments.
If you have a text like this
let text = "hello #tom #mark #mathias"
and you want the index of the last occurrency of "#" you can write
if let index = text.range(of: "#", options: .backwards)?.lowerBound {
Try regular expressions, they are much safer (if you know what you are doing...)
let hello2 = "hello, how are you #tom, #my #next #victim?"
let deletedStringsAfterAtSign = hello2.replacingOccurrences(of: "#\\w+", with: "", options: .regularExpression, range: nil)
//prints "hello, how are you , ?"
And this code removes exactly what you need and leaves the characters after the strings clear, so you can see the , and ? still being there. :)
EDIT: what you asked in comments to this answer:
let hello2 = "hello, how are you #tom, #my #next #victim?"
if let elementIwannaAfterEveryAtSign = hello2.components(separatedBy: " #").last
let deletedStringsAfterAtSign = hello2.replacingOccurrences(of: "#\\w+", with: elementIwannaAfterEveryAtSign, options: .regularExpression, range: nil)
//prints hello, how are you victim?, victim? victim? victim??

Swift 3: How to do string ranges?

Last night I had to convert my Swift 2.3 code to Swift 3.0 and my code is a mess after the conversion.
In Swift 2.3 I had the following code:
let maxChar = 40;
let val = "some long string";
var startRange = val.startIndex;
var endRange = val.startIndex.advancedBy(maxChar, limit: val.endIndex);
let index = val.rangeOfString(" ", options: NSStringCompareOptions.BackwardsSearch , range: startRange...endRange , locale: nil)?.startIndex;
Xcode converted my code to this which doesn't work:
let maxChar = 40;
let val = "some long string";
var startRange = val.startIndex;
var endRange = val.characters.index(val.startIndex, offsetBy: maxChar, limitedBy: val.endIndex);
let index = val.range(of: " ", options: NSString.CompareOptions.backwards , range: startRange...endRange , locale: nil)?.lowerBound
The error is in the parameter range in val.rage, saying No '...' candidates produce the expected contextual result type 'Range?'.
I tried using Range(startRange...endRange) as suggestd in the docs but I'm getting en error saying: connot invoke initiliazer for type ClosedRange<_> with an arguement list of type (ClosedRange). Seems like I'm missing something fundametnal.
Any help is appreciated.
Simple answer: the fundamental thing you are missing is that a closed range is now different from a range. So, change startRange...endRange to startRange..<endRange.
In more detail, here's an abbreviated version of your code (without the maxChar part):
let val = "some long string";
var startRange = val.startIndex;
var endRange = val.endIndex;
let index = val.range(
of: " ", options: .backwards, range: startRange..<endRange)?.lowerBound
// 9
Now you can use that as a basis to restore your actual desired functionality.
However, if all you want to do is split the string, then reinventing the wheel is kind of silly:
let arr = "hey ho ha".characters.split(separator:" ").map{String($0)}
arr // ["hey", "ho", "ha"]

How to get the first characters in a string? (Swift 3)

I want to get a substring out of a string which starts with either "<ONLINE>" or "<OFFLINE>" (which should become my substring). When I try to create a Range object, I can easily access the the first character by using startIndex but how do I get the index of the closing bracket of my substring which will be either the 8th or 9th character of the full string?
A simple example:
let onlineString:String = "<ONLINE> Message with online tag!"
let substring:String = // Get the "<ONLINE> " part from my string?
let onlineStringWithoutTag:String = onlineString.replaceOccurances(of: substring, with: "")
// What I should get as the result: "Message with online tag!"
So basically, the question is: what do I do for substring?
let name = "Ajay"
// Use following line to extract first chracter(In String format)
print(name.characters.first?.description ?? "");
// Output : "A"
If you did not want to use range
let onlineString:String = "<ONLINE> Message with online tag!"
let substring:String = onlineString.components(separatedBy: " ")[0]
print(substring) // <ONLINE>
The correct way would be to use indexes as following:
let string = "123 456"
let firstCharIndex = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let firstChar = string.substring(to: firstCharIndex)
This Code provides you the first character of the string.
Swift provides this method which returns character? you have to wrap it before use
let str = "FirstCharacter"
Similar to OOPer's:
let string = "<ONLINE>"
let closingTag = CharacterSet(charactersIn: ">")
if let closingTagIndex = string.rangeOfCharacter(from: closingTag) {
let mySubstring = string.substring(with: string.startIndex..<closingTagIndex.upperBound)
Or with regex:
let string = "<ONLINE>jhkjhkh>"
if let range = string.range(of: "<[A-Z]+>", options: .regularExpression) {
let mySubstring = string.substring(with: range)
This code be some help for your purpose:
let myString = "<ONLINE>abc"
if let rangeOfClosingAngleBracket = myString.range(of: ">") {
let substring = myString.substring(to: rangeOfClosingAngleBracket.upperBound)
print(substring) //-><ONLINE>
Swift 4
let firstCharIndex = oneGivenName.index(oneGivenName.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
let firstChar = String(oneGivenName[..<firstCharIndex])
let character = MyString.first
it's an simple way to get first character from string in swift.
In swift 5
let someString = "Stackoverflow"
let firstChar = someString.first?.description ?? ""
Swift 5 extension
extension String {
var firstCharactor: String? {
guard self.count > 0 else {
return nil
return String(self.prefix(1))