Error installing chaincode on HyperLedger fabric - ibm-cloud

I'm working on this tutorial on a virtual machine Ubuntu 14.04 and I run the script
./ -m up to bring up the network. When I run this to install the chaincode:
peer chaincode install -n mycc -v 1.0 -p
I get the following error:
Error: Error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = chaincode error (status: 500, message: Error installing chaincode code mycc:1.0(chaincode /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/mycc.1.0 exists))
How can I fix this?
Note: I also run docker exec -it cli bash

Ok, while I'm not 100% sure, since there is not enough information provided. So based on your logs snapshot provided in the comment and based on the error you've got:
Error: Error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = chaincode error (status: 500, message: Error installing chaincode code mycc:1.0(chaincode /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/mycc.1.0 exists))
You trying to install chaincode with name which overlaps name of the chaincode installed by script. You can see in
Try to change chaincode name in install command, to something different, e.g.:
peer chaincode install -n myNewCC -v 1.0 -p
An alternative could be to disable execution of, however you will have to initialize and create the channel yourself. See here.


VBoxNetAdpCtl: Error while adding new interface: failed to open /dev/vboxnetctl: No such file or directory

I am trying to install kubeadm and for this i am trying to create vagrant environment i clone this link "" to my server and then run the command "vagrant up". I take this error.I am using Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
==> kubemaster: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
There was an error while executing VBoxManage, a CLI used by Vagrant
for controlling VirtualBox. The command and stderr is shown below.
Command: ["hostonlyif", "create"]
Stderr: 0%...
Progress state: NS_ERROR_FAILURE
VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter
VBoxManage: error: VBoxNetAdpCtl: Error while adding new interface: failed to open /dev/vboxnetctl: No such file or directory
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005), component HostNetworkInterfaceWrap, interface IHostNetworkInterface
VBoxManage: error: Context: "RTEXITCODE handleCreate(HandlerArg*)" at line 95 of file VBoxManageHostonly.cpp
i want to create vagrant environment
This problem was solved by downgrading the "VirtualBox" version. Try to install version 6.38.

Sails fails to lift - Server failed to start (sailsjs, mongodb, nodemon sails lift --redis)

In VSCode When I run the sails lift sometimes it works, but when I tried "nodemon sails lift --redis" it shows this message.
enter image description here
error: Server failed to start.
error: (received error: EACCES)
error: Troubleshooting tips:
error: -> Do you have a slow Grunt task, or lots of assets?
error: -> Is something else already running on port 1337 ?
error: -> Are you deploying on a platform that requires an explicit hostname, like OpenShift?
error: (Try setting the explicitHost config to the hostname where the server will be accessible.)
error: (e.g. or
Then Sails lift also showing the same error.
I'm using windows 11.
sail -v = 1.5.3
node -v = v16.15.1
MongoDB shell version v4.0.28
Ubuntu windows app(Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS release)

Cloud Code for VisualStudio Code Errors on Cloud Code: Deploy

I've been trying to setup Cloud Code with VSCode and I've been running in to problems when starting the deploy process with Cloud Code: Deploy.
I've tried deploying the samples, python-hello-world-1 as well as the go-hello-world-1, to my kubernetes cluster on GKE but always end up getting errors when the deploy process starts package downloading:
Go Output
Running: skaffold run --enable-rpc -v info --rpc-http-port 49869 --filename skaffold.yaml --default-repo
starting gRPC server on port 50051
starting gRPC HTTP server on port 49869
Using kubectl context: gke_abx-lernende_europe-west4-a_joshu-test-cluster
Generating tags...
- go-hello-world ->
Checking cache...
- go-hello-world: Not found. Building
Building [go-hello-world]...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.86kB
Step 1/8 : FROM golang:1.13
---> 6586e3d10e96
Step 2/8 : RUN go get -u -v
---> Running in b75ce8e5dae9
[ (download)
[0m[91m# cd .; git clone -- /go/src/
Cloning into '/go/src/'...
fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443: Connection refused
package exit status 128
[0mfailed to build: build failed: building [go-hello-world]: build artifact: unable to stream build output: The command '/bin/sh -c go get -u -v' returned a non-zero code: 1
Exited with code 1.
Python Output
Running: skaffold run --enable-rpc -v info --rpc-http-port 50185 --filename
skaffold.yaml --default-repo
starting gRPC server on port 50051
starting gRPC HTTP server on port 50185
Skaffold &{Version:v1.3.1 ConfigVersion:skaffold/v2alpha3 GitVersion: GitCommit:6ba887a42438d1da578a005cf550e618fee6dfb8 GitTreeState:clean BuildDate:2020-01-31T19:55:18Z GoVersion:go1.13.4 Compiler:gc Platform:windows/amd64}
Using kubectl context: gke_abx-lernende_europe-west4-a_joshu-test-cluster
Generating tags...
- python-hello-world -> Tags generated in 0s
Checking cache...
- python-hello-world: Cache check complete in 6.0001ms
Not found. Building
Building [python-hello-world]...
Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB
Step 1/7 : FROM python:3.8
---> efdecc2e377a
Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /app
---> Using cache
---> a131b81cad66
Step 3/7 : COPY requirements.txt .
---> Using cache
---> 4625ef1862bd
Step 4/7 : RUN pip install --trusted-host -r requirements.txt
---> Running in 4da23a158ae3
[91mWARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ConnectTimeoutError(<pip._vendor.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f17ba9c9d60>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=15)')': /simple/flask/
Im assuming this is due to me being behind a corporate proxy. As counter measures I have explicitly configured VSCode, Git, pip, go and google cloud sdk all to use said proxy. On top of that I set the Windows ENV variables for the proxy. sadly without success.
You can configure docker to pass through proxy information into the containers by adding something like the following to your ~/.docker/config.json:
"proxies": {
"default": {
"httpProxy": "",
"httpsProxy": ""
Docker will set the HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY environment variables within the container which is picked up by many tools.

./ line 116: docker-compose: command not found (Hyperledger -m up Error)

I am trying to install Hyperledger sample on Ubuntu 14.04.
Followed all the steps in the tutorial. I am stuck at Build your first network script. When I run ./ -m -up I get the following error:
boss#ubuntu:/tmp/fabric-samples/first-network$ ./ -m up
Starting with channel 'mychannel' and CLI timeout of '10000'
Continue (y/n)? y
proceeding ...
./ line 116: docker-compose: command not found
ERROR !!!! Unable to start network
Error response from daemon: No such container: cli
Did not have Docker Compose Installed on my Ubuntu.
Followed the steps in the link below and got it working:

Swift Perfect Docker Debugging the build process

I am woking on Swift Perfect server programming. My code is compiling on MacOS successfully and able to run on localhost. But, when I try with Linux build in Perfect Assistant, it is giving following error
unable to execute command: Killed
<unknown>:0: error: compile command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)
Failed: systemError(1, "sh: no job control in this shell\n<unknown>:0: error: build had 1 command failures\nswift-build: error: exit(1): /swift-3.0.2-RELEASE-ubuntu16.04/usr/bin/swift-build-tool -f /perfectbuild/.build_lin/release.yaml\n")
Tired of figuring out where the problem is and how to debug it. I'm new to docker as well. Please guide me regarding this.
When I try making linux executable I'm getting the following error
docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "exec: \".build_lin/debug/S-server\": stat .build_lin/debug/S-server: no such file or directory".