Create function with temporary tables that return a select query using these temp tables - plpgsql

I need to create a function, which returns results of a SELECT query. This SELECT query is a JOIN of few temporary tables created inside this function. Is there any way to create such function? Here is an example (it is very simplified, in reality there are multiple temp tables with long queries):
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunction () RETURNS TABLE (column_a TEXT, column_b TEXT) AS $$
SELECT d.column_a, d2.column_b FROM dummy_data d JOIN dummy_data_2 d2 using (id);
RETURN QUERY (select distinct column_a, column_b from raw_data limit 100);
I get error:
[Error] Script lines: 1-19 -------------------------
ERROR: RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning set;
use RETURN NEXT at or near "QUERY"Position: 237
I apologize in advance for any obvious mistakes, I'm new to this.
Psql version is PostgreSQL 8.2.15 (Greenplum Database build 1)

The most recent version of Greenplum Database (5.0) is based on PostgreSQL 8.3, and it supports the RETURN QUERY syntax. Just tested your function on:
PostgreSQL 8.4devel (Greenplum Database 5.0.0-beta.10+dev.726.gd4a707c762 build dev)

The most probable error this could raise in Postgres:
ERROR: column "foo" specified more than once
Meaning, there is at least one more column name (other than id which is folded to one instance with the USING clause) included in both tables. This would not raise an exception in a plain SQL SELECT which tolerates duplicate output column names. But you cannot create a table with duplicate names.
The problem also applies for Greenplum (like you later declared), which is not Postgres. It was forked from PostgreSQL in 2005 and developed separately. The current Postgres manual hardly applies at all any more. Look to the Greenplum documentation.
And psql is just the standard PostgreSQL interactive terminal program. Obviously you are using the one shipped with PostgreSQL 8.2.15, but the RDBMS is still Greenplum, not Postgres.
Syntax fix (for Postgres, like you first tagged, still relevant):
RETURNS TABLE (column_a text, column_b text) AS
SELECT d.column_a, d2.column_b -- explicit SELECT list avoids duplicate column names
FROM dummy_data d
JOIN dummy_data_2 d2 using (id);
SELECT DISTINCT column_a, column_b
FROM raw_data
LIMIT 100;
The example wouldn't need a temp table - unless you access the temp table after the function call in the same transaction (ON COMMIT DROP). Else, a plain SQL function is better in every way. Syntax for Postgres and Greenplum:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunction(OUT column_a text, OUT column_b text)
SELECT DISTINCT d.column_a, d2.column_b
FROM dummy_data d
JOIN dummy_data_2 d2 using (id)
LIMIT 100;
Not least, it should also work for Greenplum.
The only remaining reason for this function is SECURITY DEFINER. Else you could just use the simple SQL statement (possibly as prepared statement) instead.
RETURN QUERY was added to PL/pgSQL with version 8.3 in 2008, some years after the fork of Greenplum. Might explain your error msg:
ERROR: RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning set;
use RETURN NEXT at or near "QUERY" Position: 237
Aside: LIMIT without ORDER BY produces arbitrary results. I assume you are aware of that.
If for some reason you actually need temp tables and cannot upgrade to Greenplum 5.0 like A. Scherbaum suggested, you can still make it work in Greenplum 4.3.x (like in Postgres 8.2). Use a FOR loop in combination with RETURN NEXT.
plpgsql error "RETURN NEXT cannot have a parameter in function with OUT parameters" in table-returning function
How to use `RETURN NEXT`in PL/pgSQL correctly?
Use of custom return types in a FOR loop in plpgsql


Error in passing columns as parameters in procedures in postgre using ems sql manager

I have 2 tables order table and customer table. The order table contains order_id, customer_id where order_id are the different orders placed by a customer and customer_id is the customer id(general). The customer table contains customer_name and customer_id. The relationship between order table and customer table is customer_id column.
I was trying to use procedure in PostgreSQL using ems sql manager. The procedure will take column name as a parameter and will return the values in the column from a table by using the below procedure. Here we are trying to find values in customer_name column from customer table
create or replace function customers(name TEXT)
returns table(cust_name TEXT)
from customer
language sql;
select customers('customer_name');
Few comments here -
1. Though I have specified that I am using postgresql I have specified sql in the language because language plpgsql was not working.
2. This procedure returns 1 column repeating customer_name as value for all the records present in customer table. I guess it is taking customer_name as text value and not using it as column name in the select system.
To correct the 2nd comment, I used this link in stack overflow which uses execute statement in passing columns as parameters - Define table and column names as arguments in a plpgsql function?
So, I copied the 2nd example and tried implementing that also -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION customers(name regclass)
RETURNS table(cust_name TEXT)AS
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
But this is throwing an error syntax error at execute statement.
So, I tried another way which too was given in stack overflow - Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries
The code is here -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION customers(name regclass)
RETURNS table(cust_name TEXT)AS
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
select customers('customer_name');
But this is also throwing syntax error at execute.
After exhausting all the options, I am confused how to pass column names in the procedure. Please note that Declare statement is also not working which is also given in one of the posts in stack overflow.
Can somebody provide me a correct query to pass columns as a parameter in procedures/stored functions? Thanks in advance.
Please note that I am using Postgre Sql version 8.4 and EMS Sql Manager 5.6 version.

Dynamic table name in postgreSQL 9.3

I am using postgreSQL. I want to select data from a table. Such table name contains the current year. such as abc2013. I have tried
select * from concat('abc',date_part('year',current_date))
select *from from concat('abc', extract (year from current_date))
So how to fetch data from such table dynamically?
Please don't do this - look hard at alternatives first, starting with partitioning and constraint exclusion.
If you must use dynamic table names, do it at application level during query generation.
If all else fails you can use a PL/PgSQL procedure like:
CREATE OR REPLACE pleasedont(int year) RETURNS TABLE basetable AS $$
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM %I', 'basetable_'||year);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
This will only work if you have a base table that has the same structure as the sub-tables. It's also really painful to work with when you start adding qualifiers (where clause constraints, etc), and it prevents any kind of plan caching or effective prepared statement use.

Accessing columns inside a record using table alias in Postgresql

I'm trying to iterate over the result of a query using a record data type. Nevertheless, if I try to access one column using the table alias defined in the query, I get the following error:
ERRO: schema "inv_row" does not exist
CONTEXT: SQL command "SELECT inv_row.s.processor <> inv_row.d.processor"
PL/pgSQL function "teste" line 7 at IF
Here is the code that throws this error:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION teste() returns void as $$
inv_row record;
FOR inv_row in SELECT * FROM sa_inventory s LEFT JOIN dim_inventory d ON s.macaddr = d.macaddr LOOP
IF inv_row.s.processor <> inv_row.d.processor THEN
<do something>;
$$ language plpgsql;
Is there another way to access a column of a particular table inside a record data type?
Fortunately the answer here is relatively simple. You have to use parentheses to indicate tuples:
IF (inv_row.s).processor <> (inv_row.d).processor THEN
This is because SQL specifies meaning to the depth of the namespaces and therefore without this PostgreSQL cannot safely determine what this means. So inv_row.s.processor means the processor column of the s table in the inv_row schema. However (inv_row.s).processor means take the s column of the inf_row table, treat it as a tuple, and take the processor column of that.

How can I insert the return of DELETE into INSERT in postgresql?

I am trying to delete a row from one table and insert it with some additional data into another. I know this can be done in two separate commands, one to delete and another to insert into the new table. However I am trying to combine them and it is not working, this is my query so far:
insert into b (one,two,num) values delete from a where id = 1 returning one, two, 5;
When running that I get the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "delete"
Can anyone point out how to accomplish this, or is there a better way? or is it not possible?
You cannot do this before PostgreSQL 9.1, which is not yet released. And then the syntax would be
WITH foo AS (DELETE FROM a WHERE id = 1 RETURNING one, two, 5)
INSERT INTO b (one, two, num) SELECT * FROM foo;
Before PostgreSQL 9.1 you can create a volatile function like this (untested):
create function move_from_a_to_b(_id integer, _num integer)
returns void language plpgsql volatile as
_one integer;
_two integer;
delete from a where id = _id returning one, two into strict _one, _two;
insert into b (one,two,num) values (_one, _two, _num);
And then just use select move_from_a_to_b(1, 5). A function has the advantage over two statements that it will always run in single transaction — there's no need to explicitly start and commit transaction in client code.
For all version of PostgreSQL, you can create a trigger function for deleting rows from a table and inserting them to another table. But it seems slower than bulk insert that is released in PostgreSQL 9.1. You just need to move the old data into the another table before it gets deleted. This is done with the OLD data type:
CREATE FUNCTION moveDeleted() RETURNS trigger AS $$
INSERT INTO another_table VALUES(OLD.column1, OLD.column2,...);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
As above answer, after PostgreSQL 9.1 you can do this:
WITH tmp AS (DELETE FROM table RETURNING column1, column2, ...)
INSERT INTO another_table (column1, column2, ...) SELECT * FROM tmp;
That syntax you have there isn't valid. 2 statements is the best way to do this. The most intuitive way to do it would be to do the insert first and the delete second.
As "AI W", two statements are certainly the best option for you, but you could also consider writing a trigger for that. Each time something is deleted in your first table, another is filled.

Is using the RETURNING clause from an UPDATE as the query clause for an INSERT's query clause possible?

I'm trying to use PostgreSQL's RETURNING clause on an UPDATE within in UPDATE statement, and running into trouble.
Postgres allows a query clause in an INSERT, for example:
SELECT * FROM tmp_films WHERE date_prod < '2004-05-07';
I would like to use the RETURNING clause from an UPDATE as the query clause for an INSERT, for example:
INSERT INTO user_status_history(status)
UPDATE user_status SET status = 'ACTIVE' WHERE status = 'DISABLED' RETURNING status
All of the Postgres references I can find suggest that a RETURNING clause behaved exactly like a SELECT clause,
however when I run something like the above, I get the following:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "UPDATE"
LINE 2: UPDATE user_statuses
Despite being able to execute the UPDATE portion of the above query without error.
Is using the RETURNING clause from an UPDATE as the query clause for an INSERT's query clause possible?
The goal is to update one table and insert into another with a single query, if possible.
With PostgreSQL 9.1 (or higher) you may use the new functionality that allows data-modification commands (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) in WITH clauses, such as:
WITH updated_rows AS
UPDATE products
SET ...
INSERT INTO products_log
SELECT * FROM updated_rows;
With PostgreSQL 9.0 (or lower) you may embed the UPDATE command inside one function, and then use that function from another function which performs the INSERT command, such as:
FUNCTION update_rows()
RETURNS TABLE (id integer, descrip varchar)
AS $$
UPDATE products
SET ...
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
FUNCTION insert_rows()
AS $$
INSERT INTO products_log
SELECT * FROM update_rows() AS x;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Right now, no.
There was a feature that almost made it into PostgreSQL 9.0 known as Writeable CTE's that does what you're thinking (although the syntax is different).
Currently, you could either do this via a trigger or as two separate statements.
I think this is not possible the way you are trying to do.
I'd suggest you to write an AFTER UPDATE trigger, which could perform the insert, then.