Google places api error in ionic 2 - ionic-framework

I am using google places api in ionic app.I places google places api script in index.html. The app allow the user to access wifi within specific place. User get internet access after login with our app. When application launch and user is connecting with our network, user do not have access to the internet. So i get error:
Application Error connection to the server was unsuccessful.
Is there anyway to call the google places api after user has access to the internet to avoid the error?

This has been quickly tested in ionic 1 and it works, no reason it shouldn't in ionic 2. But if you know a proper way to add the script tag in angular, just replace this part. The logic is simply to add your resource on the fly to index.html. Don't forget that connexion can appear while app is already started, and that you don't need to add the tag twice (verifications have to be done). Some edits might be done to adapt to ionic 2, sorry my version was made on the 1.
the function to add the script:
function addScriptTag(){
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
in $ionicPlatform.ready (network is not available before that)
var networkState = navigator.connection.type;
if(networkState !== Connection.NONE){
$rootScope.$on('$cordovaNetwork:online', function(event, networkState){
}, false);


WebFilter blocks dynamic links from Firebase

I am integrating dynamic links from Firebase into my iOS app to reward new users with bonus points. In order to reward them I track the sender of the link and currently I am testing 2 scenarios:
First is when I open the Firebase dynamic link and I have the app locally installed on the iPhone. This case works perfectly fine, because the link is just redirecting me to the app and successfully prints the sender's UUID.
The second is when the app is not installed and the user has to download it from AppStore. In this case the link redirects the user to AppStore and when the app is successfully installed, I want to print the UUID of the sender. Unfortunately this is not possible due to the fact that WebFilter is blocking the Link which results to no information about the sender's UUID. In order to resolve the issue, the user has to click again on the link which trigers Scenario 1. But there is no point of using a dynamic links if we have to click twice.
Error message:
2021-02-15 23:56:56.453607+0100 Universal-Link-SwiftUI2.0[78267:19937175] 7.5.0 -
[GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler][I-SWZ001014] App Delegate does not conform to
UIApplicationDelegate protocol.
2021-02-15 23:56:57.257019+0100 Universal-Link-SwiftUI2.0[78267:19936907] WF: === Starting
WebFilter logging for process Universal-Link-SwiftUI2.0
2021-02-15 23:56:57.257243+0100 Universal-Link-SwiftUI2.0[78267:19936907] WF:
_userSettingsForUser mobile: {
filterBlacklist = (
filterWhitelist = (
restrictWeb = 1;
useContentFilter = 0;
useContentFilterOverrides = 0;
whitelistEnabled = 0;
2021-02-15 23:56:57.257438+0100 Universal-Link-SwiftUI2.0[78267:19936907] WF:
_WebFilterIsActive returning: NO
My dynamic link object has no url
I found out this question: How to fix xcode bug "web filter is active"?
The problem is that I am sure that the link is HTTPS, so it must be something else whcih I can not find out.
I am also allowing the ATS to load everything:
and associated domains:
But it is still not loading. Any help will be very appreciated.
My full link is:

How to interact with html response from http request in Flutter

I have a Flutter app where I am running a Google Apps Script through an http request. The purpose of the script is to create a Form and link the responses to a spreadsheetID that is passed in. The script is configured to only allow Google accounts access it and I've set up the flutter app to use a Service Account to access the script using the format:
getCredentials().then( (AuthClient client){
response = client.get(url, headers{"Authorization": "Bearer ${client.access_token}");
Issue: The issue is that the first time that the Service Account makes a request it will get an HTML response saying that it the account needs to give permission to the script to access its data and I'm not sure how to do that.
I'm fairly new to making http requests and using it with the GoogleAPI so I'm stuck. Any advice?
Create a web page which anyone can use to submit a Google sheet link and for the app to create a form and link the sheet to that.
For this users will require a google account and they will be required to go through the OAuth process to authorize your app.
To create the form and link it from client-side JavaScript you would indeed need to call the Apps Script API, though you cannot do this with a service account.
Warning: The Apps Script API doesn't work with service accounts.
Luckily, you don't need a service account to do this.
Create an Apps Script project with a function something like:
function createForm(ssID){
form = FormApp.create("Your New Form");
form.setDestination(FormApp.DestinationType.SPREADSHEET, ssID);
let formLink = form.getPublishedUrl();
return formLink;
Save and take a note of the ID of the script project.
Set up a GCP project (sounds like you already have one).
Make sure the Apps Script API is enabled in your GCP.
Configure the OAuth consent screen and add the scope -
Create an API key and a Client ID - add http://localhost:8000 or whatever port you are testing on to the "Authorized JavaScript Origins"
Create OAuth credentials "web browser (JavaScript)".
Link your Apps Script project to the same GCP project - Instructions
Deploy the Apps Script project as an API executable - take not of the deployment ID, although the documentation says that you need the script ID, it is wrong, at least with the new Apps Script IDE.
Write the client-side JavaScript in your app like what is found in the quickstart. Which will enable users to authorize the app. You need to add in the scopes and keys there too. I recommend just following the quick start steps first to get a feel for it. You can use the authorization parts without modification.
Then add in the function that will call your Apps Script, something like this:
function appsScriptCreateForm(ssId) {
var scriptId = "<DEPLOYMENT_ID>";
// Run your Apps Script function
scriptId: scriptId,
resource: {
function: "createForm",
parameters: [ssId],
.then(function (resp) {
var result = resp.result;
if (result.error && result.error.status) {
appendPre("Error calling API:");
appendPre(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
} else if (result.error) {
var error = result.error.details[0];
appendPre("Script error message: " + error.errorMessage);
if (error.scriptStackTraceElements) {
appendPre("Script error stacktrace:");
for (var i = 0; i < error.scriptStackTraceElements.length; i++) {
var trace = error.scriptStackTraceElements[i];
appendPre("\t" + trace.function + ":" + trace.lineNumber);
} else {
console.log("success", resp);
Write your HTML with the buttons and inputs necessary.
Add event listeners where appropriate.
Please note
This set up is your project running with the authorization of other accounts.
The API requests count against your quota.
You can see details of all the executions in your GCP Project Dashboard.
Users require a Google account and need to authorize the app.
In the Apps Script function above, you just need to pass in the Spreadsheet ID. Not the whole link. You could ask for the whole link and then use Regex to extract the ID if you wanted.
This can be quite tricky and easy to miss a step or make a mistake, so double check your work.
If, after successful authorization, when trying to run the script you get a 404 error, the request has been built wrong, check your IDs. If you get a 500 error, that can mean that the Apps Script function has successfully been called, but, there was an error within Apps Script and failed, check the executions page of the Apps Script editor.
Apps Script How to Execute
Apps Script JS Quickstart - Highly recommended you follow these steps first and get that working!
How to link your Apps Script to GCP

POST to Salesforce API using Google Tag Manager and JSforce not working?

I want to use Google Tag Manager to send data to our Salesforce org for certain events on our website (user signup, conversion etc). After some research, I realized JSforce would be the easiest way to achieve this. I created a new connected app in Salesforce, tried out the Salesforce API using Postman and successfully managed to create a new user account via the API. Then I moved on to try and achieve the same thing in Google Tag Manager. I read JSforce's docs and attempted to implement everything. But, after multiple hours of troubleshooting and Google searching, I can't seem to make it work.
Here is my current code, which is in a 'tag' in Google Tag Manager that triggers on all pages (just for testing):
<script src="//"></script>
clientId: '<MYCLIENTID>',
redirectUri: ''
var jsforce = require('jsforce');
var conn = new jsforce.Connection({
instanceUrl : '',
accessToken : '<MYACCESSTOKEN>',
conn.sobject("Account").create({ Name : 'My Account #1' }, function(err, ret) {
if (err || !ret.success) { return console.error(err, ret); }
console.log("Created record id : " +;
I'm getting this error in the browser console:
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
EDIT: Removing var jsforce = require('jsforce'); solved this problem and accounts are being created in Salesforce. But, now I am getting the following error in the browser console:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '<URL>' from origin '<CALLBACKURL>' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
As mentioned in the JSforce docs, I think it may be something to do with proxy servers:
I don't know that much about salesforce, but "require" is something from node.js, not a function that is implemented in the browser.
If I understand the documentation correctly, then for a browser project it should be enough to call the jsforce script via a script tag. You should not need any way to "require" files after that, since the jsforce script already contains everything you need. So you should be fine if you just remove the offending lines (i.e. all references to "require('jsforce');").

Google Tag Manager + Facebook retargeting pixel in China

We are using Google Tag Manager to manage Java scripts for 3rd party services like Facebook retargeting pixel. In China, Facebook is blocked as a service so whenever a user opened the site it would try to work the script but eventually go into timeout because the firewall blocks the script from loading.
Is there an ability to exclude Facebook pixel script by condition? What is the best solution to define if Facebook is blocked for the current user?
You need a trigger which checks the value of a variable. This variable must return true/false whether facebook can be loaded or not.
You could try this code as your variable (custom JS code in GTM interface). Replace the facebookUrl value according.
function (){
var facebookUrl = "..." // your facebook ressource URL
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', facebookUrl);
return http.status < 500;

iphone how to capture simple login/logout event from web to native

I am developing iPhone application which loads login page of my website. I am able to load my login page using phonegap/childbrowser. I am newbie to JS, Phonegap.
How do my native/phonegap application should handle logout and login event has performed on the webpage? Please guide me how to know user has logged out.
Also is it possible to add support for Push Notification in phonegap/childbrowser application ? How?
So far have seen facebook login-logout questions around but hard to understand and couldnt simulate similar approach.
does your whole app run using the childbrowser? If so why not just have the login log out as piece of your app?
Also if you have to use the childbrowser best bet is to set up a locationchange event and if the location equals a login success page then append some arguments and store those using localstorage.
example -
client_browser.onLocationChange = function(loc){
function locationchange(loc){
if(loc.indexOf("") > -1){
var user = loc.match(/user=(.*)$/)[1]; // grab user info
localStorage.setItem('login','true'); // set login as true
localStorage.setItem('user',user); // set username
that will save to your app locally that the user is logged in and their username, which you can use later if you need to use the childbrowser by passing that in the url you open and on the server side you'll have to look for those arguments.
to log out just open the childbrowser and send a logout argument
and in your localStorage
Honestly this is kind of a vague question, it would really help to understand why you're wanting to do this in the childBrowser vs your app...