I setup a vault servr (not in dev mode) with keystore following the section of the link - http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-vault/single/spring-cloud-vault.html
I am able to start the server now with tls enabled. My question is simple how do I get vault client to communicate with the server.
Vault has authbackend to validate against role using TLS, but to reach to this point i think i would have to first make client connection. Can someone please throw some light.
I am creating a Linked Service to connect to BigQuery with Service Account authentication and p12 file has already been placed in IR VM directory.
Receiving following error:
ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][DriverSupport] (1160) Cannot enable SSL for the connection when connecting to a server that has not enabled SSL. If the server has SSL enabled, please check if it has been configured to use a SSL protocol version that is lower than what is allowed for the connection. The minimum SSL protocol version allowed for the connection is: TLS 1.2.
But when i place p12 file in another IR VM, linked service is working correctly.
Tried to check TLS version in both VM's and everything looks same.
Please suggest ways to check SSL and TLS version in VM's and how to resolve this issue.
Based on the error message it seems the issue might be w.r.t SSL certificate so 1st step would be to compare the SSL/TLS across both the servers
In case if they are same, would suggest to monitor the traffic across both the server when trying to access GCP Big Query.
You might get the exact cause of failure which can be like :
Firewall blockage
some missing set up like Big query need Google_base set up as a signature
You could create a PowerShell script that checks the TLS & SSL registry entries mentioned in the following documentation:
Even if after enabling TLS/SSL settings the same issue arises then please try re-installing IR in the VM
Does the client x.509 certificate encrypt the data as well as handle authorization?
Documentation says it handles authorization and message signing. But does that mean the data is encrypted in transit?
It is NOT encrypted when using Secure-Cluster with Certificates (Node2Node + Client2Node) with default Rpc-Endpoints. In Wireshark you can see the whole communication. It seems just for authorization.
Endpoints with https are encrypted of course.
Yes, a given x509 certificate will be used to encrypt the data while communication happens between a client and the cluster. As for authorization, it means that you could set what client certificates will posses 'SF Cluster Admin' privileges, and the ones that will allow only to query the info about your cluster.
In addition to the cluster certificates, you can add client
certificates to perform management operations on a service fabric
cluster. You can add two kinds of client certificates - Admin or
Read-only. These then can be used to control access to the admin
operations and Query operations on the cluster. By default, the
cluster certificates are added to the allowed Admin certificates list.
you can specify any number of client certificates. Each
addition/deletion results in a configuration update to the service
fabric cluster
We're using Fabric secure cluster and need client certificate for CI/CD tools.
I've created both Cluster primary certificate and client certificate with this script https://gist.github.com/kagarlickij/d63a4061a1066d3a85abcc658f0856f5
so both have been uploaded to the same Kay vault and both have been installed to local keystore on my machine.
I've added client certificate to my Fabric security settings (Authentication type = Admin client, Authorization method = Certificate thumbprint).
The problem is that I can connect (I'm using Connect-ServiceFabricCluster in PowerShell) to Fabric cluster with Cluster primary certificate but can't with Client certificate.
I'm getting this error: Connect-ServiceFabricCluster : FABRIC_E_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: 0x800b0109
Please advice what can be done?
Based on this link the corresponding error code for 0x800b0109 is:
A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate
which is not trusted by the trust provider.
You're using a self-signed certificate as client cert. I'm not sure it's supported as explained in the Service Fabric Security documentation, moreover you'll have to make sure the SSL certificate has been added inside your local Store.
Client X.509 certificates
Client certificates typically are not issued by a third-party CA.
Instead, the Personal store of the current user location typically
contains client certificates placed there by a root authority, with an
Intended Purposes value of Client Authentication. The client can use
this certificate when mutual authentication is required. Note
All management operations on a Service Fabric cluster require server certificates. Client certificates cannot be used for management.
I had the same issue managing my cluster through powershell, I only had 1 cert on the cluster (the one azure generates when creating the cluster) and I believe it is a client cert since I have to select it in my browser when managing the cluster.
Ultimately I had to add the self signed cert to my Root certificate store (in addition to my personal store where I already had it) to get the powershell module to stop complaining about it.
I want to connect to my ejabberd server from another machine using a certificate instead of a login/password. I've looked for authentication client-to-server with a certificate for ejabberd, but i couldn't find something helpfull.
If anyone has any ideas how it cas be done, I'm taking..
As of version 16.02, ejabberd Community Server does not yet support client cert authentication.
However, if your questions is about communication encryption, you can indeed configure ejabberd with Starttls support to use TLS between client and server. A service like Let's encrypt can provide such certificates for free: https://letsencrypt.org/
In order to secure my Rest Services, I have enabled SSL in IIS and Created a Self-Signed Certificate and assigned it to the HTTPS binding in IIS. I exported the same as pfx file and added the same in IE also but when I try to access the Services, I get the following error on Windows 7, Enterprise edition
HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden
The page you are attempting to access requires your browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the Web server recognizes.
And on Windows Server 2003, this is
HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden: SSL client certificate is required.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
I am not sure what shall I do except adding the certificate in IE under “Personal” and “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”? Could you please suggest me some step, in order to make this work.
Note: I have tried with “Self-Signed Certificates” as well as with Certificates generated from Microsoft “Certificate Services” also.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
SSL is used to verify the identity of the server, not the identity of the client. The error suggests (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/199215, "This is used for authenticating you as a valid user of the resource. ") the server wants to identify the client. Which of the two are you trying to do?
Edit: SSL requires the public part of the SSL certificate to be available to the client. Adding it to the trusted root certificates seems to me to be the only way to make the public part of a self-signed certificate available to the browser.