I'm trying to create a plot about crimes in my city per 100000 inhabitants (the plot 1 above), x-axis is the year of the crime and y-axis the crime per 100000 inhabitants. I've a problem with x-axis because it repeat the years. How can i avoid it? I want to each year only show up a time.
data = xlsread('Pico.xls');
x = [2012 2013 2014 2015 2016];
plot( x,data(2,:),'-C',x, data(3,:),'-V',x, data(4,:),'-V',x, data(5,:),'-V')
You want the x-axis ticks equal to the values in your x variable. To achieve that, add this after your code:
set(gca, 'xtick', x)
I have a code which goes like this:
clc;clear;close all
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
window=hamming(hammng_wndw_size); %window size
noverlap=512; % the noverlaps its the no. of points for repeating the window
nfft=4096; %size of fft
fs=32; %sampling freq
axis tight;ylim([0 4]);view(0,90);
The result of this plot is these two figures:
The xaxis is time and y axis is some other quantity, lets say field. Now, when I plotting, the x axis starts from 16.8 to 17.8 for first figure and 16.8 and 18.8 for second figure. This actually corresponds to 16:48:00 to 17:48:00 and similarly for the second one. How do I have to modify the program to convert the x-axis into hh:mm format do this job?
I tried in this fashion
TimeInReqFrmat=datestr(Time(:,1),'HH:MM:SS'), but this gives me a string of characters.
I am using Matlab 2016a.
Thanks in advance
You approach was almost right. You need to use datetimes. It's just a bit tricky to convert decimal numbers to date times
x = [16.8;17.8]
H = floor(x); % hour
m = floor((x-H)*60); % minute
S = (x-H)*60-m; % second
% create date vector
DateVec = datetime(0,0,0,H,m,S);
% set the tick format
There are many options to set the xtickformat.
If you have unix-time, you can convert it right away
If you have just time, you will need to come up with a date for a proper datetime. Otherwiese you can also think of using duration.
I have a matrix that is organized row-wise as follows:
Row 1: Year (e.g., 2004)
Row 2: Month (e.g., 6)
Row 3: Discharge (e.g., 90 m3/s)
I have 23 columns total (3x23 matrix). I want to plot all columns that are associated with each year (e.g., columns 1-4 correspond to data collected for the year 2004) as a single line. How do I find and plot all columns for a given year? Ultimately, I want to plot each year of data (over multiple columns) as lines on the same plot (maybe best done as a for loop?).
Or, is it better to combine rows 1 and 2 (year and month) into Matlab time and then plot discharge for each year that way? If so, how would I write this in Matlab?
A sample of the data and its organization is as follows:
2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005
6 7 8 9 5 6
90.97 591.88 515.09 1.83 1.41 209.07
Thank you!
%% For this example, I plotted month against discharge - change as needed
%% Your sample data
a = [2004,2004,2004,2004,2005,2005;
%% Get the years represented
years_represented = unique(a(1,:));
%% Get the number of years represented
num_of_years = length(years_represented);
%% Use loop to get data for each year and plot (customize as needed).
for idx = 1:num_of_years
curr_year = years_represented(idx); % current year
curr_year_idx = a(1,:) == curr_year; % columns of current year
curr_year_data = a(:,curr_year_idx); % current year data
plot(curr_year_data(2,:),curr_year_data(3,:)); % plot current year data
hold on
xlabel('Month') % X-axis label
ylabel('Discharge') % Y-axis label
hold off
Does anyone know how to remove the last ticklabel on a plot in Matlab AFTER using the datetick function to put the labels there?
I am plotting Y data and X dates (years and months converted to a datenum).
Then I am using the following to plot the year labels on the xaxis:
close all;clear all;clc;
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('data.xlsx');
yr = num(:,1);
mth= num(:,2);
data= num(:,3);
dateFormat = 10;
I would like to remove the last tick label, as it is including a year that isn't in the datset (presumably Matlab is optimising the distance between ticks and interpolating to the next year).
You should set the ticks you want on your chart first, e.g.:
set(gca, 'XTick', x_values_you_want_ticks_at);
Then use datetick with 'keepticks' option, which will preserve your ticks location:
datetick(gca, 'x', dateFormat, 'keepticks');
I have a (1x700) vector x for which I would like to create and plot a time series object in Matlab. Each observation corresponds to one month, and the first observation belongs to January 1960. I tried the following:
state1 = timeseries(x,1:size(x,2));
state1.Name = 'Test';
state1.TimeInfo.Units = 'months';
state1.TimeInfo.StartDate = 'Jan-1960'; % Set start date.
state1.TimeInfo.Format = 'yy'; % Set format for display on x-axis.
state1.Time = state1.time - state1.time(1); % Express time relative to the start date.
However, I still see numbers on the x-axis instead of years. Could anyone please help? Thanks in advance!
Create random data. 1/12 corresponds to the fraction of a year that each month represents.
x = 1960:1/12:1970;
y = rand(1,121);
Then plot the x and y axes data using plot.
plot( x, y )
Then set the tick as follows for a decade per year. 1960:1970 will generate [1960 1961 ...] each corresponding to the tick's year.
set( gca, 'XTick', 1960:1970 );
Here is the output plot.
Doing 1 year intervals get VERY MESSY with lots of data. So solutions include doing a larger interval or setting your ticks to display vertically instead of horizontally. This code below shows how to set 5 year intervals instead.
set( gca, 'XTick', 1960:5:2010 );
I have a plot that has 528 points on the x-axis. The x-axis is labelled by mmm yyyy. I want to plot data over it, but the data is in monthly form. I want to take each of the monthly data points and plot it at the beginning of the month as a dot.
% Axis and plot
t = 731:1258; % 20120101 to 20130611
y = reshape(dataPoint_Anom1x1(:,:,731:end),[],1); % Size 528x1
x = datenum(2009, 12, 31) + t; % Convert t into serial numbers
plot(x, y); % Plot data
hold on
The part below is what I'm having trouble with. The dataPoint_Clim1x1 is size 12x1. (1,1) corresponds to January, (2,1) corresponds to February, etc. I need to plot the corresponding month's climatology point as a dot at the beginning of each month between January 2012 and June 2013.
%%%% Plot climatology on the same graph
dataClim_1x1 = dataClim(u,v,:); % Array that only contains points 1 degree away from 72.5E and 67.25S
B = mean(dataClim_1x1); % Average along the column
dataPoint_Clim1x1 = mean(B,2); % Average along the row
x_dataClim = ???
y_dataClim = reshape(dataPoint_Clim1x1, [],1); % Change dataPoint_Clim1x1 into a 1 column matrix
plot(x_dataClim,y_dataClim) % y_dataClim is only 12x1.
So the plot command right above is wrong. Do I just need to somehow set up the x-axis so that it plots every month with datenum somehow? I don't want to use a secondary axis though.
I think you just need to define your x coordinates of the points with
x_dataClim = datenum(2011, 1:12, 1);
This generates "the first of the month":
>> datestr(x_dataClim)
ans =
The cool thing is that you can actually "go into next year" - so
>> datestr(datenum(2011, 11:14, 1))
ans =
Here's what I ended up doing:
x = datenum(2011,1:30,1); % 30 months of data (2 and 1/2 years)
y_dataClim = reshape(dataPoint_Clim1x1, [],1); % Change dataPoint_Clim1x1 into a 1 column matrix
y = cat(1, y_dataClim, y_dataClim, y_dataClim(1:6,:));
scatter(x,y, 50,'fill'); % Plot scatter plot