GitHub GUI move folder from one repo to another - github

I have multiple repositories under my account, and I placed a folder into the incorrect repo.
Is there a way use the GitHub web interface to move that folder from one repo to another?

From GitHub GUI alone, I don't think so.
You can delete files from the web GUI, but you still need to push your folder content from a local cloned repo (the right one this time)
Note: even if GitHub GUI referred to GitHub Desktop, you would still need to push.


How to transfer Github Gist to Repository?

I am new to Github. I recently have created a gist and want to transfer it to my repository at
The simpler approach would be to clone your repository, and copy in it your gist, as a new file.
From there, add, commit and push.
Note that you can, from command-line, list your gists with gh girst list and view the content of a particular gist with gh gist view
gh gist view
(you need to install gh first)
You can also, since yesterday, do it online by going to your repository Muhammad-Ammar-Masood/Log-In-Page, and use GitHub Codespace by typing ..
You can add your gist in the online VSCode there.
You can, download Github Desktop on "", log in , create a new repository with GitHub Desktop, then choose a local directory on your PC for the newly created repository.
You can go to your Gist and choose to download as zip at the right end of the options
Screenshot of Gist Url and the download button highlighted
You can extract the zip file to your local directory assigned for the newly created repository.
On your GitHub Desktop : You can commit and push the changes of the repository to your GitHub.

unfamiliar icon in github

Hi I'm really confused about this situation.
Here is the img
What is the meaning of the icon in front of the champ and cham_teleop icon?
I cannot open them on github and I cannot commit any changes I made in those two repos.
I'm always new to GitHub and not too familiar using this tool for nearly 2 years.
Any help?
Check if it is a gitlink, that is a nested Git repository folder.
That happens when you add a folder which has its own .git subfolder: the parent rpeository record that folder, but not its content (since it is a Git repository)

How to re-connect a local github repository I completely overwrote?

I have a Unity project that I messed up badly, so I downloaded the zip file of the latest repository I pushed to GitHub, deleted the local files, and dumped the content of that zip in place of the old directory. I thought this would be a seamless transition, but now GitHub Desktop is not recognizing these files as a git repository. I don't know why because there are github-specific files in there. I have made significant changes that I need to save. How do I reconnect this repository? Do I want to hit "Clone Again" or will that overwrite what I have locally with what is in the cloud? Again, I want to push what I have locally to the cloud.
For anybody else having this problem, here is what I did:
Save your local repository into a zip file someplace accessible,
like your desktop.
Completely gut your local directory--delete all
contents within the root folder. GitHub Desktop demands a clear folder to clone into.
In GitHub Desktop, where it says it
can't find your repository anymore, click the button that says
"Clone Again". This will download your cloud repository into your
local directory--the opposite of what we wanted, but at least what
comes next will work.
Delete all the cloned files that are NOT files associated with GitHub. This will prevent extraneous files from being left over when you overwrite your project files.
Copy all the non-GitHub-related files from the zip into the renewed directory.
This will restore the link between directories. Now, IT IS POSSIBLE that I deleted an essential GitHub file and did not notice (since there are at least 4 of them), and simply restoring THAT file from the cloud would fix everything. If you become disconnected like I was, I recommend trying that first in case it works and saves you time. Those are the files that get overwritten by GitHub when local files are updated.

why is there a GitHub folder on my computers boot drive?

I use GitHub. I thought the files were stored on the website. so why do I have a GitHub folder on my desktop (it takes up a lot of bootdrive space)? The GitHub folder has subfolders with the names of my repositories
That is choice made by the tool you are using when working with GitHub: you are using GitHub Desktop.
And GitHub Desktop chooses to store its local cloned repos in %USERPROFILE%/Documents/GitHub (as shown in issue 1663)
You should be able to delete those stored repos, clone only the ones you need, and File | Add existing repository in Desktop, as in issue 2851.

GitHub support for multiple directories

I am managing multiple projects. All of them located on the GitHub and I'm using GitHub for Windows GUI and GitHub Shell.
Recently one of the projects got updated with the really big file name and so in order to keep the GitHub happy I had to move it from the standard place: c:\documents and settings\\My Documents\GitHub to just c:.
This created a disaster as I currently have two places to manage.
Is it possible to keep GitHub GUI happy and stop making new repository on the C:\? In other words, can I configure GitHub to use 2 source directories?
Thank you.
You can drag the root folder of a git repo (the one under c:\ in your case) from Windows Explorer onto the start screen in GitHub for Windows. Then it can see your repo and can manage it in your non-default location.
Not for a single repository.
You could move the entire repo to the C: drive.
Or you could manage 2 repositories, one in My Documents and the other on the C: drive.