How do pods on the same node communicate with each other? - kubernetes

If I'm running processes in 2 pods that communicate with each other over tcp (addressing each other through Kubernetes services) and the pods are scheduled to the same node will the communication take place over the network or will Kubernetes know to use the loopback device?

In a kubernetes cluster, a pod could be scheduled in any node in the cluster. The another pod which wants to access it should not ideally know where this pod is running or its POD IP address. Kubernetes provides a basic service discovery mechanism by providing DNS names to the kubernetes services (which are associated with pods). When a pod wants to talk to another pod, it should use the DNS name (e.g. svc1.namespace1.svc.cluster.local)

loopback is not mentioned in "community/contributors/design-proposals/network/networking"
Because every pod gets a "real" (not machine-private) IP address, pods can communicate without proxies or translations. The pod can use well-known port numbers and can avoid the use of higher-level service discovery systems like DNS-SD, Consul, or Etcd.
When any container calls ioctl(SIOCGIFADDR) (get the address of an interface), it sees the same IP that any peer container would see them coming from — each pod has its own IP address that other pods can know.
By making IP addresses and ports the same both inside and outside the pods, we create a NAT-less, flat address space. Running "ip addr show" should work as expected. This would enable all existing naming/discovery mechanisms to work out of the box, including self-registration mechanisms and applications that distribute IP addresses.
We should be optimizing for inter-pod network communication.
Using IP was already mentioned last year in "Kubernetes - container communication within a pod using names instead of 'localhost'?"


How to keep IP address of a pod static after pod dies

I am new to learning kubernetes, and I understand that pods have dynamic IP and require some other "service" resource to be attached to a pod to use the fixed IP address. What service do I require and what is the process of configuration & How does AWS-ECR fit into all this.
So if I have to communicate from a container of a pod to, Can I assume my source as the IP address of the "service", if I have to establish a connection?
Well, for example on Azure, this feature [Feature Request] Pod Static IP is under request:
Also, as I know, you can currently assign an existing IP adress to a load balancer service or an ingress controller
By default, the public IP address assigned to a load balancer resource
created by an AKS cluster is only valid for the lifespan of that
resource. If you delete the Kubernetes service, the associated load
balancer and IP address are also deleted. If you want to assign a
specific IP address or retain an IP address for redeployed Kubernetes
services, you can create and use a static public IP address
As you said we needs to define a service which selects all the required pods and then you would be sending requests to this service instead of the pods.
I would suggest you to go through this
The type of service you need basically depends on the use-case.
I will give a small overview so you get an idea.
Usually when pods only have internal requests ClusterIP is used
Node port allow external requests but is basically used for testing and not for production cases
If you also have requests coming from outside the cluster you would usually use load balancer
Then there is another option for ingress
As for AWS-ECR, its basically a container registry where you store your docker images and pull from it.

Does Kubernetes need to assign real IP addresses?

I am trying to understand Kubernetes and how it works under the hood. As I understand it each pod gets its own IP address. What I am not sure about is what kind of IP address that is.
Is it something that the network admins at my company need to pass out? Or is an internal kind of IP address that is not addressable on the full network?
I have read about network overlays (like Project Calico) and I assume they play a role in this, but I can't seem to find a page that explains the connection. (I think my question is too remedial for the internet.)
Is the IP address of a Pod a full IP address on my network (just like a Virtual Machine would have)?
Kubernetes clusters
Is the IP address of a Pod a full IP address on my network (just like a Virtual Machine would have)?
The thing with Kubernetes is that it is not a service like e.g. a Virtual Machine, but a cluster that has it's own networking functionality and management, including IP address allocation and network routing.
Your nodes may be virtual or physical machines, but they are registered in the NodeController, e.g. for health check and most commonly for IP address management.
The node controller is a Kubernetes master component which manages various aspects of nodes.
The node controller has multiple roles in a node’s life. The first is assigning a CIDR block to the node when it is registered (if CIDR assignment is turned on).
Cluster Architecture - Nodes
IP address management
Kubernetes Networking depends on the Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin your cluster is using.
A CNI plugin is responsible for ... It should then assign the IP to the interface and setup the routes consistent with the IP Address Management section by invoking appropriate IPAM plugin.
It is common that each node is assigned an CIDR range of IP-addresses that the nodes then assign to pods that is scheduled on the node.
GKE network overview describes it well on how it work on GKE.
Each node has an IP address assigned from the cluster's Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network.
Each node has a pool of IP addresses that GKE assigns Pods running on that node (a /24 CIDR block by default).
Each Pod has a single IP address assigned from the Pod CIDR range of its node. This IP address is shared by all containers running within the Pod, and connects them to other Pods running in the cluster.
Each Service has an IP address, called the ClusterIP, assigned from the cluster's VPC network.
Kubernetes Pods are going to receive a real IP address like how's happening with Docker ones due to the brdige network interface: the real hard stuff to understand is basically the Pod to Pod connection between different nodes and that's a black magic performed via kube-proxy with the help of iptables/nftables/IPVS (according to which component you're running in the node).
A different story regarding IP addresses assigned to a Service of ClusterIP kind: in fact, it's a Virtual IP used to transparently redirect to endpoints as needed.
Kubernetes networking could look difficult to understand but we're lucky because Tim Hockin provided a really good talk named Life of a Packet that will provide you a clear overview of how it works.

Unique external IP per kubernetes pod

I need to scale my application so that it won't get banned for passing request rate-limit of a site it uses frequently (which allow up to X requests per minute per IP).
I meant to use kubernetes and split the requests between multiple workers, but I saw that all the pods get the same external IP.
so what can I do?
I used kubernetes DaemonSet to attach pod to each node, and instead of scaling by changing deployment, I'm scaling by adding new nodes.
If you run in cloud you can create worker nodes with Public IP addresses. Then your pods will use node's public IP address. And then you can somehow distribute your pods across nodes using multiple replicas or DaemonSet.
do not worry a bout getting one external IP because if you have 3 worker and one master like below
and forexample if you expose nginx on 30000 port the kubernetes open this port in every nod and you can access it by
and if you want to every worker have one pod you can use DaemonSet or you can use label to the node that you want
This probably has less to do with your Kubernetes implementation and more to do with your network setup. It would depend on the source of the "exernal IP" you're referencing: is it given to you by your ISP? If you google "what is my ip", does it match the single IP you're talking about? If so, then you would need to negotiate with your ISP for additional external IPs.
Worth Noting that #JamesJJ is correct. Using additional IPs to 'trick' the API into allowing more connections is most likely a violation of that site's TOS and may result in your access getting terminated.

Google Cloud Kuberneties: Finding the external IP address for pods

I have deployed a Kubernetes cluster to GCP. For this cluster, I added some deployments. Those deployments are using external resources that protected with security policy to reject connection from unallow IP address.
So, in order to pod to connect the external resource, I need manually allow the node (who hosting the pod) IP address.
It's also possible to me to allow range of IP address, where one of my nodes are expected to be running.
Untill now, I just find their internal IP addresses range. It looks like this:
Pod address range
The question is how to find the range of external IP addresses for my nodes?
Let's begin with the IPs that are assigned to Nodes:
When we create a Kubernetes cluster, GCP in the backend creates compute engines machines with a specific internal and external IP address.
In your case, just go to the compute engine section of the Google Cloud Console and capture all the external IPs of the VM whose initials starts with gke-(*) and whitelist it.
Talking about the range, as such in GCP only the internal IP ranges are known and external IP address are randomly assigned from a pool of IPs hence you need to whitelist it one at a time.
To get the pod description and IPs run kubectl describe pods.
If you go to the compute engine instance page it shows the instances which make the cluster. it shows the external ips on the right side. For the the ip of the actual pods use the Kubectl command.

CIDR Address and advertise-address defining in Kubernetes Installation

I am trying to install Kubernetes in my on-premise server Ubuntu 16.04. And referring following documentation ,
After installing kubelete kubeadm and kubernetes-cni I found that to initiate kubeadm with following command,
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address= --kubernetes-version stable-1.8
Here I am totally confused about why we are setting cidr and api server advertise address. I am adding few confusion from Kubernetes here,
Why we are specifying CIDR and --apiserver-advertise-address here?
How I can find these two address for my server?
And why flannel is using in Kubernetes installation?
I am new to this containerization and Kubernetes world.
Why we are specifying CIDR and --apiserver-advertise-address here?
And why flannel is using in kubernetes installation?
Kubernetes using Container Network Interface for creating a special virtual network inside your cluster for communication between pods.
Here is some explanation "why" from documentation:
Kubernetes imposes the following fundamental requirements on any networking implementation (barring any intentional network segmentation policies):
all containers can communicate with all other containers without NAT
all nodes can communicate with all containers (and vice-versa) without NAT
the IP that a container sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as
Kubernetes applies IP addresses at the Pod scope - containers within a Pod share their network namespaces - including their IP address. This means that containers within a Pod can all reach each other’s ports on localhost. This does imply that containers within a Pod must coordinate port usage, but this is no different than processes in a VM. This is called the “IP-per-pod” model.
So, Flannel is one of the CNI which can be used for create network which will connect all your pods and CIDR option define a subnet for that network. There are many alternative CNI with similar functions.
If you want to get more details about how network working in Kubernetes you can read by link above or, as example, here.
How I can find these two address for my server?
API server advertise address has to be only one and static. That address using by all components to communicate with API server. Unfortunately, Kubernetes has no support of multiple API server addresses per master.
But, you can still use as many addresses on your server as you want, but only one of them you can define as --apiserver-advertise-address. The only one request for it - it has to be accessible from all your nodes in cluster.