How to pass the func () value of the view element to another Controller - swift

First I'll start with what I did, and in the end I will describe the problem, so it will be clearer. In general, after Android Studio, working with view elements in Xcode is still a task. I understand that a good programmer will not write the same code twice, so that each time in different Controller does not describe each time the view elements - so I wrote this function in the main Controller
class func designForButton (button: UIButton){
button.layer.masksToBounds = true
button.layer.cornerRadius = 8
Then you can access it in different Controller
class RegisterViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var buttonBack: UIButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
ViewController.designForButton(button: buttonBack)
Now, what is not clear. I loaded the framework to work with Toast. And I described its values in the main Controller
func designForToast(message: String){
let style = CSToastStyle.init(defaultStyle: {
_ = style?.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray
_ = style?.titleColor = UIColor.cyan
_ = style?.messageColor = UIColor.darkGray
self.view.makeToast(message, duration: 2, position: self.bottomLayoutGuide, title: "title", image: UIImage (named: "logo.jpg"), style: style ) { (success: Bool) in
But the matter is that in this case I can address to it exclusively in the same Controller
_=self.designForToast(message: "Its a Toast")
As soon as I want to make func () - like class func () to work in another Controller, Xcode starts to highlight that it's impossible, and due to my small experience, I can not fix it myself.

I suggest that you add a viewController parameter in the method so that it looks like this:
static func showToast(message: String, on viewController: UIViewController){ // I also renamed the method as well
let style = CSToastStyle.init(defaultStyle: {
_ = style?.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray
_ = style?.titleColor = UIColor.cyan
_ = style?.messageColor = UIColor.darkGray
viewController.view.makeToast(message, duration: 2, position: viewController.bottomLayoutGuide, title: "title", image: UIImage (named: "logo.jpg"), style: style ) { (success: Bool) in
I also suggest that you put these "helper functions" in a designated class, like StyleHelper or something like that.
Then you can use it like this in a View Controller:
StyleHelper.showToast(message: "Hello", on: self)
Or better yet, make this an extension method!
extension UIViewController {
func showMyToast(message: String){
let style = CSToastStyle.init(defaultStyle: {
_ = style?.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray
_ = style?.titleColor = UIColor.cyan
_ = style?.messageColor = UIColor.darkGray
self.view.makeToast(message, duration: 2, position: self.bottomLayoutGuide, title: "title", image: UIImage (named: "logo.jpg"), style: style ) { (success: Bool) in
You can then use it like this in a View Controller:
self.showMyToast(message: "Hello")
Side Note:
For views that conform to UIAppearance protocol, you can access the appearance() property to change its style globally. For example, you can do this in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
UIButton.appearance().tintColor = .red
And every UIButton you create will be red.

I think you need to define a protocol , and an extension to UIViewController to provide a default implementation for your method.....if this was the question...:P
protocol ToastProtocol: class {
func showToast(message:String)
extension ToastProtocol where Self: UIViewController {
func showToast(message:String){
After that you can youse your showToast method in any UIViewController


Testing method in UITabBarController sets title correctly

I am currently trying to understand Unit Testing in Swift 4.
I have a class, with a method that setups my view controllers.
I would like to ensure that this method sets the title on the ViewController correctly.
However I cannot understand how to write this test?
This is my code and test so far.
Currently my tests fails with:
XCTAssertEqual failed: ("nil") is not equal to ("Optional("Favourites")") -
How is it possible to test this behaviour? Any help would be much appreciated.
class MainTabBarController: UITabBarController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// MARK:- Setup
fileprivate func setupViewControllers() {
viewControllers = [
generateNavigationController(with: UIViewController(), title: "Favourites", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "favorites")),
generateNavigationController(with: UIViewController(), title: "Search", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "search")),
generateNavigationController(with: UIViewController(), title: "Downloads", image: UIImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "downloads"))
fileprivate func setupTabBar() {
tabBar.tintColor = .purple
// MARK:- Helpers
fileprivate func generateNavigationController(with rootViewController: UIViewController, title: String, image: UIImage) -> UIViewController {
let controller = UINavigationController(rootViewController: rootViewController)
controller.tabBarItem.title = title
controller.tabBarItem.image = image
rootViewController.navigationItem.title = title
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
return controller
import Foundation
import XCTest
#testable import Podcasts
class MainTabBarControllerTests: XCTestCase {
func testTheInitialViewControllerShouldHaveTitleFoo() {
let sut = MainTabBarController()
let _ = sut.viewDidLoad()
XCTAssertEqual(sut.navigationItem.title, "Favourites")
There are some issues with accessing proper views in your code snippet. Btw I wrote an additional test for your tab bar controller, hope it will help :) Try this to pass the test:
class MainTabBarControllerTests: XCTestCase {
func testFirstTabTitleIsCorrectAfterInitialSetup() {
// Given
let sut = MainTabBarController()
// When
// Then
let viewController = sut.viewControllers?.first
let title = viewController?.tabBarItem.title
XCTAssertEqual(title, "Favourites")
func testNavigationTitleIsCorrectAfterInitialSetup() {
// Given
let sut = MainTabBarController()
// When
// Then
let viewController = sut.viewControllers?.first as? UINavigationController
let title = viewController?.viewControllers.first?.navigationItem.title
XCTAssertEqual(title, "Favourites")
It's good that you've already used Given-When-Then, but it would even great if you improve naming of the test. There are a lot of conventions, for example, I prefer something like test_SubjectUnderTest_doSomething_whenConditionsAreCorrect.
Here is another tip. Try to figure out how to separate the logic between view and view controller. It you get your hands dirty into at least MVP (Model-View-Presenter), then you'll figure out that its testability is better.
By the way, instead of this kind of tests it's more reasonable to consider UI tests. UI tests mostly rely on accessibility IDs. The most popular tools for test automation are Appium or XCUITests/Earlgrey if you prefer to go with native.

Using a UISegmentedControl like a UISwitch

Is it possible to use a UISegmentedControl with 3 segments as if it was a three-way UISwitch? I tried to use one as a currency selector in the settings section of my app with no luck, it keeps reseting to the first segment when I switch views and that creates a big mess.
I proceeded like that:
IBAction func currencySelection(_ sender: Any) {
switch segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex {
case 0:
WalletViewController.currencyUSD = true
WalletViewController.currencyEUR = false
WalletViewController.currencyGBP = false
case 1:
WalletViewController.currencyUSD = false
WalletViewController.currencyEUR = true
WalletViewController.currencyGBP = false
case 2:
WalletViewController.currencyUSD = false
WalletViewController.currencyEUR = false
WalletViewController.currencyGBP = true
The UISegmentedControl is implemented in the
SettingsViewController of the app to choose between currencies to
display in the MainViewController.
(Taken from a comment in #pacification's answer.)
This was the missing piece I was looking for. It provides a lot of context.
Yes, you can use a three segment UISegmentedControl as a three-way switch. The only real requirement is that you can have only one value or state selected.
But I wasn't grasping why your code referred to two view controllers and some of switching views resulting in resetting the segment. One very good way to do what you want is to:
Have MainViewController present SettingsViewController. Presenting it modally means the user is only doing one thing at a time. When they are making setting changes, you do not want them adding new currency values.
Create a delegate protocol in SettingsViewController and make MainViewController conform to it. This tightly-couples changes made to the settings to the view controller interested in what those changes are.
Here's a template for what I'm talking about:
protocol SettingsVCDelegate {
func currencyChanged(sender: SettingsViewController)
class SettingsViewController : UIViewController {
var delegate:SettingsVCDelegate! = nil
var currency:Int = 0
#IBAction func valueChanged(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
currency = sender.selectSegmentIndex
class MainViewController: UIViewController, SettingsVCDelegate {
var currency:Int = 0
let settingsVC = SettingsViewController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
settingsVC.delegate = self
func presentSettings() {
present(settingsVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
func currencyChanged(sender:SettingsViewController) {
currency = sender.currency
You can also create an enum of type Int to make your code more readable, naming each value as currencyUSD, currencyEUR, and currencyGBP. I'll leave that to you as a learning exercise.
it keeps reseting to the first segment when I switch views
yes, it is. to avoid this situation you should set the correct switch value to the segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex every time when you load your view with UISegmentedControl.
Ok, the behavior of MainViewController can be similar to this:
final class MainViewController: UIViewController {
private var savedValue = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
func openSettingsController() {
let viewController = SettingsController.instantiate() // simplify code a bit. use the full controller initialization
viewController.configure(value: savedValue, onValueChanged: { [unowned self] value in
self.savedValue = value
navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)
And the SettingsViewController:
final class SettingsViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl!
private var value: Int = 0
var onValueChanged: ((Int) -> Void)?
func configure(value: Int, onValueChanged: #escaping ((Int) -> Void)) {
self.value = value
self.onValueChanged = onValueChanged
override func viewDidLoad() {
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = value
#IBAction func valueChanged(_ sender: UISegmentedControl) {
The main idea that you should keep your selected value if you moving from SettingsViewController. For this thing you can create closure
var onValueChanged: ((Int) -> Void)?
that pass back to MainViewController the selected UISegmentedControl value. And in future when you will open the SettingsViewController again you just configure() this value and set it to UI.

protocols & viewControllers, passing info using protocols on the same action Func Swift 3 & 4

I have this code to pass info between viewControllers using protocols, I have my models and with the first protocol work perfectly but the second one I have some issues, the data pass nil, or do nothing, already use tabBarController & UINavigationBar... the protocols... I create one in my ViewController(RecordViewController) and have the button & action and one protocol, this is:
protocol RecordViewProtocol {
func newTrackInstrument(item: SampleCarouselsRecord)
func newInstrumentTrackCell(item: SampleTrackCellRecord)
extension RecordViewController: RecordViewProtocol {
func newTrackInstrument(item: SampleCarouselsRecord) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleCarouselItemsRecord.count - 1, section: 0)
self.instrumentCarousel.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
func newInstrumentTrackCell(item: SampleTrackCellRecord) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleTrackRecord.count - 1, section: 0)
self.trackInstrument.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
the other protocol, on another ViewController(MixerViewController):...
protocol MixerViewProtocol {
func newCarouselItem(item: SampleCarouselMixer)
extension MixerViewController: MixerViewProtocol {
func newCarouselItem(item: SampleCarouselMixer) {
let indexOnPath = NSIndexPath(row: self.sampleCarouselMixer.count - 1, section: 0)
self.mixerCarouselInstrument.insertItems(at: [indexOnPath as IndexPath])
so, when wanna go the view and put the info to my models.. I put this code in the action Button to go into the view where is the function to put the info models:
#objc func goToAddView() {
let addTrackViewController = AddNewTrackView()
let addTrackView = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addTrackViewController)
addTrackViewController.recordViewControllerProtocol = self as RecordViewProtocol
present(addTrackView, animated: true, completion: nil)
and work good with the first protocol.. but with to the other protocol nothing.. I don't know why or I don't know wath I have to do... look, I have the delegate protocols inside on the AddNweTrackView:
var recordViewControllerProtocol: RecordViewProtocol?
var delegateMixerView: MixerViewProtocol? <- this is I think, put into the action button like the firstone:
here on the same action where the first protocol already is
#objc func goToAddView() {
let addTrackViewController = AddNewTrackView()
let addTrackView = UINavigationController(rootViewController: addTrackViewController)
addTrackViewController.recordViewControllerProtocol = self as RecordViewProtocol
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = MixerViewController.self as? MixerViewProtocol
present(addTrackView, animated: true, completion: nil)
but return nil... and I try with diferents forms.. I try put this:
let mixerViewController = MixerViewController()
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = mixerViewController as? MixerViewProtocol
and try with this but the error Is obvious:
addTrackViewController.delegateMixerView = self as MixerProtocol
and the same... I think, here at this point, it's where Im failing .. someone can help?

How to call extension methods in overrideViewDidLoad in swift

I have the following code:
extension ViewController {
func AddLeftGesture(){
let SwipeLeft:UITapGestureRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(MyDismissOnSwipeLeft))
func MyDismissOnSwipeLeft(){
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
and What I would like to accomplish is that override the viewDidLoad and
call AddLeftGesture method so that it'll be part of each VC I make
and I don't have to type it again and again in each viewDidLoad,
is this possible? or do you guys have any other suggestions?
well I don't think it's a good idea, because typically viewDidLoad is used for setting most properties and if you would like to override it in a view controller you should write it again.What I can suggest is that to make a base ViewController and add this code in the viewDidLoad of that and then subclass every viewController from the base view controller , This way whenever you want to change anything you just call super.viewDidLoad
class BaseViewController: UIViewController{
override func viewDidLoad() {
class CustomViewController: BaseViewController{
Make this class which inherits UITapGestureRecognizer
open class BlockTap: UITapGestureRecognizer {
fileprivate var tapAction: ((UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void)?
public override init(target: Any?, action: Selector?) {
super.init(target: target, action: action)
public convenience init (
tapCount: Int = 1,
fingerCount: Int = 1,
action: ((UITapGestureRecognizer) -> Void)?) {
self.numberOfTapsRequired = tapCount
#if os(iOS)
self.numberOfTouchesRequired = fingerCount
self.tapAction = action
self.addTarget(self, action: #selector(BlockTap.didTap(_:)))
open func didTap (_ tap: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
tapAction? (tap)
then make an extension of UIView
extension UIView {
public func addTapGesture(tapNumber: Int = 1, action: ((UITapGestureRecognizer) -> ())?) {
let tap = BlockTap(tapCount: tapNumber, fingerCount: 1, action: action)
isUserInteractionEnabled = true
Then You can use this as
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.addTapGesture(action: {[unowned self] (_) in
//Do whatever on click of View
Hope it helps!
There's two options AFAIK. Either you can subclass UIViewController and then make all of your controllers inherit from the subclassed one, or you can swizzle UIViewController's viewDidLoad().
I personally would choose swizzling, although it has one disadvantage - it hides the implementation and might be confusing for a new developer coming onto a project. So make sure you document this properly, somewhere in your project README and in the code as well.
Now for some code examples:
Subclassing UIViewController
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func addGesture() {
// Do what you need
class OtherViewController: MyViewController {
// Automatically will add gesture because it's a subclass of MyViewController
Swizzling viewDidLoad
What method swizzling does is, that it exchanges implementations of your methods. That simply means that the name of your function points at code from a different function. For more information on this topic read this article.
static func swizzle(selector originalSelector: Selector,
with newSelector: Selector,
on targetClass: AnyClass) {
let originalMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass, originalSelector)
let swizzledMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass, newSelector)
// If we were able to add the swizzled function, replace methods.
// Otherwise exchange implementations if method already exists.
if class_addMethod(targetClass, originalSelector,
method_getTypeEncoding(swizzledMethod)) {
class_replaceMethod(targetClass, newSelector,
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, swizzledMethod)
extension UIViewController {
// This function is getting called automatically by the runtime,
// when this class is loaded to perform some additional intiialization.
// However, this has now been deprecated in Swift, so only option is to
// declare a static function which you need to remember to call from
// somewhere, preferably early in your app initialization, like your
// didFinishLaunching function in AppDelegate or even AppDelegate's init
// function. I kept the initialize function in the code as a reference,
// however you would probably want to write it like in the comment
// below, to silence the warning.
// class func swizzle()
open override class func initialize() {
if self != UIViewController.self { return }
let swizzlingClosure: () = {
swizzle(selector: #selector(UIViewController.viewDidLoad),
with: #selector(UIViewController.swizzled_viewDidLoad),
on: UIViewController.self)
#objc private func swizzled_viewDidLoad() {
// Calls the original implementation,
// because implementations are switched.
// Do whatever you need
#objc func addGesture() {
// Add your gesture

what to recast as an NSSplitViewItem

I am trying to self-learn OSX application development so I can make up all of my own bad habits 8).
Probably extraneous information
I have a trial app that works successfully - it resizes itself based on input from the user via a slider.
The key piece of code that does this is in one View controller ...
class JunkViewController2: NSViewController {
var myY: CGFloat!
#IBOutlet weak var mySlider: NSSlider!
#IBOutlet weak var myView: NSView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.width, 83)
#IBAction func mySlider(sender: NSSlider) {
let mySplitViewController = self.childViewControllers[0] as! JunkSplitViewController
switch mySlider.intValue {
case 3:
myY = 140.0
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[2].collapsed = false
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[1].collapsed = false
case 2:
myY = 110.0
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[2].collapsed = true
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[1].collapsed = false
myY = 80.0
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[2].collapsed = true
mySplitViewController.splitViewItems[1].collapsed = true
mySplitViewController.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.width, myY - 50 + 3)
self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.width, myY + 3)
More pertinent information
In what is working, above, on the story board I have three duplicate ViewControllers connected to a SplitView controller. I do a bunch of what feels like belts and suspenders work to make sure that everything gets resized properly - but the key part (I think) is the .collapsed property.
I am now trying to accomplish the same thing, using a completely different method - dynamically adding / removing split view items. This should allow me to have only one of the small ViewControllers on my story board, and then instantiate it as needed.
Following that idea, here is my SplitViewController ...
class JunkSplitViewController: NSSplitViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var mySplitView: NSSplitView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
func makeChild() -> SmallViewController {
let mySmallGroup = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("smallVwCtl")
self.addSplitViewItem(mySmallGroup as! NSSplitViewItem)
return mySmallGroup as! SmallViewController
The main view controller invokes the makeChild function.
class JunkViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var mySlider: NSSlider!
#IBOutlet weak var myView: NSView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.width, 83)
#IBAction func mySlider(sender: NSSlider) {
let mySplitViewController = self.childViewControllers[0] as! JunkSplitViewController
while mySlider.intValue.toIntMax() > mySplitViewController.splitViewItems.count.toIntMax() {
while mySlider.intValue.toIntMax() < mySplitViewController.splitViewItems.count.toIntMax(){
I get an error at the self.addSplitViewItem(mySmallGroup as! NSSplitViewItem) line of JunkSplitViewController ... "Could not cast value of type Scratch2.SmallViewController to NSSplitViewItem"
I've tried a handful of combinations (forcing mySmallGroup, 'self.addSplitViewItem(mySmallGroup as! SmallViewController)`, etc.) Everything leads to a similar error, either at compile or run time.
I cannot find any documentation on SplitViewItem.
So the question - what will work as input to addSplitViewItem and still successfully connect a new instance of SmallViewController?
And gratefully accept any comments/feedback on the methodology
I hate it when I find my answer minutes after posting a question ...
Based on info I found here ...
func makeChild() -> SmallViewController {
let mySmallGroup = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("smallVwCtl") as! SmallViewController
self.addSplitViewItem(NSSplitViewItem(viewController: mySmallGroup))
return mySmallGroup
... but I'd still like to hear any feedback on methodology. Thanks.