Getting content from remote database in TYPO3 - typo3

I wrote web-site and as CMS used TYPO3. Now i have remote database and want to display content from that database on my site. But i dont have any idea, how to do that with typo3. Can someone give me a tipp or advice, where should i to start from. Maybe there is extension for that purpose(typo3 7.6.18).

First of all I don't know if there are extensions in TER solving this issue, but I would think that every database has its special behaviour you really need to adjust that extension.
I would prefer to write an own extension and the usage of TYPO3 8 LTS due to the switch to Doctrine DBAL. With that you can handle multiple databases easily.


TYPO3 t3events and readable URLs

I use the TYPO3 extension t3events. The docs are not up to date with the current version of Typo3.
I know I have to add some code of routeEnhancers in sites config.yaml. But don't know what and how.
How can I realize readable URLs for t3events within TYPO3 version 9 LTS and above?
You are right with the routeEnhancers in site config.
If you need help implementing it might be easiest if you write down the different type of URLs you get.
I don't know t3events but I am sure somebody can help then.

Are pibase extensions still working in TYPO3 8?

I have to migrate TYPO3 6.2 websites to 8.7. Some websites use custom pibase extensions, do I need to redevelop them with Extbase ?
All previous answers have been correct but some words from a TYPO3 core team member: There are no plans to drop the support of "pibase" in the core. It is absolutely ok to use that API even though it does not provide much help to developers.
However I recommend to use at least fluid standalone to be able to create nice templates without all those ### stuff.
you don't need to redevelop these extensions, but you might need to change the call to core functions.
In 6.2 you still could use the old class names like t3lib.
These class names are available only with compatibility layer (together with a lot of delay).
For the future you need to use namespaces (and the correct new classes). You also should use namespaces for your own classes.
Depending on your used functions you might need to replace some calls with the newer functions as some functions got deprecated meanwhile.
You don't need to redevelop these extensions.
Just you need to change some TYPO3 core function like t3lib_div t3lib_BEfunc t3lib_parsehtml t3lib_extMgm and more..
Please see complete example here : See more details

EPiServer migrate content from home grown CMS

Hopefully someone can help me, I'm new to EPiServer and have been given a data migration task. We are using the latest version 8.5. I need to migrate content from a clients home grown CMS (that luckily is in a tree like structure) to EPiServer. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information about this on the web - perhaps I just don't know the right thing to search for.
It looks like using the EPiServer.ServiceApi might be the route to go but again locating useful documentation is proving difficult.
I was thinking of setting up the client CMS in SQL Server and writing a simple console application to call the EPiServer.ServiceApi inserting the content. If anyone has any information on this or better still and example i would be very grateful.
If you are just importing content from another CMS I would write a scheduled job in EPiServer:
That job then uses the standard IContentRepository to create content:
That way you can run it whenever you want and have access to EPiServers complete API. Also you can see progress of the import through the job status.
In the job you can read the content as a file in any format you like or directly from the source CMS database or some xml or RSS feed perhaps.
I have moved content from PHP, Java and .NET CMS this way. In .NET you could even access the source CMS via WCF or SOAP if available.
The ServiceApi is relatively new and more focused on Commerce products and media assets rather than CMS page and block content so I wouldn't use that.
There is complete documentation below for the ServiceApi by the way, did you not find it?
Regarding language management you can read more in the below links:
Basically you have two options for multiple languages. If the content is just straight translations you should create nine different language versions (branches) of the same page. You can also have multiple sites in an EPiServer installation but that requires 9 separate licenses (and the associated costs).
I've done a lot of EpiServer content migration projects. The easiest way if it's possible is to export your current sites tree in Json and then import that into EpiServer. I've had to do it on a recent project and mixed with it's pretty easy.
If you want to go that route you can find all the code to do it here: EpiServer Content Migration With Json.Net/

TYPO3: nested entities in TCA

For a new extension in Typo3 i need to know how the functionality seen in this picture can be realised in TCA and how to implement it? It would be great to know how it is called. Icant find it anywhere and i think this is a core functionality because the same feature is used in TemplaVoila too. The current installed Typo3 Version is 4.5 (LTS). I have no idea how to start. Please help me.
best regards
The feature is called Inline Relational Record Editing, short IRRE. The TCA-type is "inline".

TYPO3 - Migration from RealURL to CoolURI

I have a big TYPO3 instance that exists for ages. All the time the webpage used RealURL but now we want to migrate to CoolURI because we have better experience with this. Now the problem is that all old links shall be available even after switching the URL extension.
The CoolURI documentation states
Migrating from RealURL
The field Speaking URL path segment (tx_realurl_pathsegment) is kept with its values, but make sure it's listed in the element.
I got the tables tx_realurl_pathcache and tx_realurl_uniqalias besides some other tables like redirects, etc. But I don't really understand the function and differences of these two tables and can't find any indepth documentation on this. So I'm a bit afraid right now that I have to reverse engineer the whole extensions and then write a script which exports all the old URLs and imports into the new CoolURI tables. Because we also use tt_news and these URLs have to work, too.
So does anyone have some experience with this? Does CoolURI automatically handle everything and the old links are still valid or if not maybe someone could give me a detailed explanation for all the RealURL tables in the database?
I wouldn't migrate if there is no really important reason (like ie. missing feature). To make sure that you'll be able to generate all links properly and then map them into CoolURI you'll need to learn RU logic anyway.
Reason: RU generates links on the fly - if it's required, and then caching it in the tables, other tables stores links to common pages and other for extensions. You would need to just write custom extension which will visit each page, to make sure that RU cached every possible link and then rewrite all results into for an example list of redirects. IMHO it's not worth of wasting time.
Note, I don't want to say that CU is bad :) actually I don't know it. I want to just remember Voltaire's most famous words: "the better is an enemy of the good"