Virtual Data Room service with anonymity login management - share

Please can someone recommend a virtual data room service which allows to create user login based on non-real email?
To be more clear this is a scenario:
I created data room named '123 5th Avenue' and want to set up log-in on this folder which will be distributed to many people. Instead of sharing this folder to the real emails of the people who need access to the folder, I prefer to create just one login/user like this: with appropriate folder permissions and distribute it to those ones who need it.
I know that ShareFile by Citrix allows this but it is too expensive for me. It's welcomed if someone can suggest any service based on own knowledge or experience.
Thank you!


Emulating tenants using roles

We are developing a keycloak(5.0.0) based solution where our clients can create their account with us and manage their own users - and only their users.
Initially with thought that we could use realms for this. Every client gets their own realm. After initial testing we deemed it might not be a good solution as after creating ~500 realms the application becomes unresponsive(
We decided to try using Groups to emulate a tenant. Our objective is to create during an external process(keycloak REST API) a group with an admin user.
Can't find currently a way how to restrict this administrator to be able to only manage their own group(creating subgroups, managing users, and giving them roles).
I've noticed several emails mentioning these features but I fail to find actual examples to make this work.
The second link shows exactly what we would like to achieve.
Current alternative I can see is to implement a facade(client or separate web app) which would restrict visibility and access to other groups.
Are there other alternatives?

How can I have a software access files on the cloud

So I have a small company with plenty of documents and I want to set up an archiving system. I have several employees with different levels of permissions to access the files on the server. This will serve as an archive system plus a management system, as employees can read and write files (depending on the permission) for a certain project, then the admin can prevent access to certain directory (i.e. project).
So after some research I think the best idea is to have a cloud-based NAS in which a user can have locally by giving the correct username and password. Then a software will access these files (which are now local) and can display some data (e.g. project progress, minutes of meetings), or the user can access the files directly.
Does any of this make sense? I mean is that what NAS can actually do and can it be done on the cloud? and can users access the file system (with restrictions) given username and password (much like if it were a network). Is there a better alternative for my purposes?
To the best of my knowledge, I can, instead, create a software that accesses the cloud directly, but how can I get the users to write files and be stored on the cloud? won't that be more complicated to implement? Can I use an RDMS for it? I've used it before but never for files.
If I understand your use case correctly, all you really want is to have access to different files for different roles within your company, is this correct?
To the best of my knowledge, I believe that Google provide corporate accounts which are quite affordable which should have access control schemes suiting what you need (after all, storing files on scaling storage, with various access controls in an offsite location and with redundancy is partly what the cloud is for).
If not, or if this solution isn't appealing to you and you would prefer to use your NAS, the best way to do this would be to use Google's Backup and Sync application (you can download this by clicking the cog icon on Drive and selecting it). If you install and run this on an admin computer that is always on (and always connected (mounted) with your NAS), you can set a root folder on the NAS as your Drive sync folder. Any files added to this folder will be uploaded to Drive, and any added to Drive will be automatically downloaded. After this you can configure the access control on the NAS using various user accounts and roles, and have each employee mount the store using their own credentials, revealing only the files they have access to.

Cloud service to store email activity and to pull reports

What is a good way to store and run some reports on email analytics? Imagine this is a pretty high volume of emails sent, open, click stats broken down to email categories. This info has to be stored at some DB and we need to be able to slice the data in different ways to extract some valuable business information.
One way to do this would be in-house, build a new database and log and track every action. And later on built reports on top of it.
However, this is a lot of work and I was wondering if there's some cloud service that we can use to do this. Azure and Amazon offer cloud DB storage, I guess we can use them, but that means a lot of setup work as well. Not sure if there's a 3rd party email analytics in the cloud service.
Any recommendations on best way to tackle this problem?
Indeed, tracking your email links and analyzing the relevant is a lot of work. I recomend you use a third party application to take care of it.
Most email-as-a-service providers offer prety goood analytics, including things like opens, clicks, by location, time, etc...
It really depends on the provider, but I think you should take a look at some of the best known ones such as Sendgrid, Postmarkapp or Mailjet

Externalizing a datasource for creating content to be used on ios app

I hope that my title is descriptive enough. I am planning on creating a directory application for my town however I would like to to be a fully offline experience.
The idea would be to offer businesses a yearly subscription for listing their business in the directory.
My concept would be to create a web interface where they can pay for their subs and then enter all of the information into a their profile listing that would then be saved into a sql db.
I am wondering if it is then possible to take this sql database and then use it in the application by saving it into the application directory some how.
Basically my question is how could I do something like this? what is the best way to get them to enter their own information then me somehow build that database into the application?
Its not certain that I will even end up doing this but I am just really intrested in how to generate my own content for application like this that I can then use strictly offline.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
In my opinion , need to create some web application that provide information each specific client and client need to sync some update information with server and do caching.
If there is no need to update , use your cache . and If there are something to update . try to decide what is need to update and show them.
hope it helps you

Creating a user controlled data service with Google App engine

I am designing a to-do list manager for the iPhone using GAE as the back end. My end goal is to create user sharable lists, and I was looking for some advice/examples of how to go about designing something like that. I know the google user API provides functionality for authenticating users, but from what I can tell any additional user management would be something I would need to implement myself.
Can something like this be done by simply adding usernames to a list that is a property of the data I want to share? I am guessing I am oversimplifying things, but any suggestions would be appreciated.
you're right, app engine doesn't have any built in support for user ACLs or permissions, and a few quick web searches didn't immediately turn up any obvious open source libraries.
how to implement full-fledged permissions and ACLs for group sharing is definitely a nontrivial design question. there are a number of other questions here about it.
having said that, as a very rough first pass, you're probably on the right track with storing lists of users. i'd suggest that you abstract the list into separate Group entities, and attach those to yor data instead, so that users can define groups once instead of for every piece of data. i'd also consider storing separate lists of groups that can read vs write. finally, i'd store User properties in the group entities, instead of string usernames or email addresses.