Is it possible to write a custom TouchBar app for an existing application? - swift

I have tried looking for an answer to this but can't seem to see anything about it.
I have a piece of software on my laptop (not written by me), that I want to customise. Some of the tasks I do are very repetitive, and could be simplified by just pressing a button on the Touch Bar that executes a number of commands.
Is it possible to write a Touch Bar app that either:
1) Customises the application's original TouchBar app (for which there is none)
2) Runs only when that application is running, and hides when the application is out of focus

I believe BetterTouchTool can do that.
Also in the "App Specific" button you can customise when to hide system touch bar and when to show it again


How to close System dialogs that appears on app crash?

I'm using xcuitest framework to automate mac application. I get system dialogs when the app is opened again after it crashes. I want to handle the dialog programmatically. But the dialog appears under the process `UserNotificationCenter' instead of the application under test. How can I handle the alert in such case?
You have two options:
Use InterruptionMonitor (documentation, use-case). This
approach is however kinda old and I found, that it does not work for
all dialogs and situations.
Create a method, which will wait for some regular app's button. If the app's button (or tab bar or other such XCUIElement) is visible and hittable after your app started, you can proceed with your test and if it's not, you can wait for the UserNotificationCenter dialog's button and identify&tap it by its string/position.
I'm using the second approach and its working much better, than the InterruptionMonitor. But it really depends on your app layout and use-case.
You should be able to revent it from appearing in the first place. Something like:
defaults write DialogType none

Dock "Turn Hiding On" programmatically from within an app

If you secondary-click on the Dock you can click the Turn Hiding On option to automatically hide the Dock. Alternatively, you can go to System Preferences > Dock and click the Automatically hide and show the Dock.
I want to mimic that functionality from within an app I am making (which is basically a status bar icon app) and preferably in Swift.
The code I have written so far to turn on the Dock Automatic Hiding functionality is the following:
// Update the value for key "autohide" in, located in ~/Library/Preferences/.
var dict = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().persistentDomainForName("")
dict.updateValue(true, forKey: "autohide")
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setPersistentDomain(dict, forName: "")
// Send notification to the OS.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
CFNotificationCenterPostNotification(CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(), "", nil, nil, true)
The first part of the code updates a value in a plist file and I have confirmed that that is working. The second part sends a notification to the OS to tell it that a value has been changed in that plist, which I have also confirmed to be working.
However, these two things are not making the Dock hide, making me believe I need to do something else. Or made my approach to the problem is wrong? How do I make the Dock start hiding?
PS: I have read something about a private, undocumented API called CoreDock, but I would like to avoid going that way, as it may cause many problems...
Almost certainly better to use AppleScript or the Scripting Bridge to do this. The following script turns Dock autohiding on:
tell application "System Events"
set autohide of dock preferences to true
end tell
You can run that using NSAppleScript.

UILocalNotification actions and snoozing

I'm working on a custom app for a client and am still relatively new to iOS development. The app involves setting reminders and I'm using UILocalNotifications. Now from my research the action on the notification will always run the app but I'm really hoping someone can correct me on that. Also from what I've read you are limited to the 'View' or 'Close' options. Ideally I'd love to have 3 buttons on the notification and not have to open the app to perform an action.
I'd like a 'dismiss' option, 'snooze' option, and an 'ok' option that dismisses the notification but runs some code in the background.
I came across a notification related question where somebody suggested opening the app with a modal view and presenting the options from there. Possible, just not as clean, I guess.
Any other ideas or is this what I have to do to achieve my desired functionality? If that's the case is there a way to close the app after I've selected one of my options from the modal view?
Thanks in advance.
That is not possible, as the notification is not created by your app but by the system, so you can't customize the appearance of the notification. (also in iOS 5, the user can choose to display the notifications as banners instead of alerts, which would hide any other button than the view and close button, if that were to be possible).
Secondly there is no way to close your app, as iOS is a user centric system, where the user takes the decision on whether to open or close app, and not the app itself.

iPhone Beginner Question - Hooking Up Actions

I'm just starting out with iPhone development, and in my hello world application I'm having a hard time hooking up a view to a controller with actions. I followed the instructions in the book I'm reading (I believe), but depending on where I run the application the app behaves differently.
-When i command-r from the code, I see only the single button I have on the view taking up the whole window. When I click the button the action is triggered.
-when I command-r from the interface designer I see the button, label, and textbox lined up correctly. When I click the button nothing happens.
Anyone know why this is happening/how to fix it? Thanks.
Launching simulator from interface builder only simulates selected .xib file. You should only do that to test your view design.
If you want to learn the basics about iPhone development I recommend:
both are free video tutorials on how to make iPhone apps.
Good luck!
you accidentally the whole view.
Seriously. You made one wrong connection. You connected the view outlet of the viewController (aka File's Owner) with the UIButton.
just delete this connection and connect the view outlet of the File Owner with the "Root"View.
And you should probably remove almost all connections that trigger btnClicked: too. TouchUpInside from the button is enough.
And you should follow the objective-c coding style (Part II) and start all Class names with a capital letter. chapter_2ViewController should be something like Chapter2ViewController.
To my knowledge you cannot run an app from interface builder, I may be mistaken.
You should make sure your interface builder file is saved and run the app from within xcode
just a guess, but is the window size in the simulator different than that in IB? You might check the control resizing masks and on the sizing tab in IB.

How to implement iPhone TitleBar in Android

You know in iPhone, The four components of a typical iPhone application are
a title bar,
a navigation list,
a destination page,
and a button bar.
for The Title Bar
The title bar includes the following elements:
Back button:
Screen title:
Command button:
My question comes, although i can use UI framework tool, such as:
to develop web app, but i can't display the TitleBar effect in Android,
i can't use below code in Android:
meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable"
Actually, the above can work in Apple Safari Browser, but I can't use Safari to display our Android Project, which is i don't want to see.
Does anyone know how to fulfill this effect in Android, please help me, your help will be great appreciated.
"It's unclear if you developing a native android application or a webapp.
– alexanderblom yesterday"
sorry that i forget to mention, i want to develop a iphone-webapp-style application in Android. Since it's too difficult, i want to use iWebkit, but it seems only work in apple iPhone OS or Safari which contain the specific engine to display the beautiful layout, like below:( -_-! i am new so i can't post images here)
If I'm not mistaken, if you want to custom in any way the title bar at the top of your screen, you have to do several things :
First, read this thread about titlebar customisation, as it's quite detailled.
Then, you have to add a few more things to it to match your requirements, all in the same xml file which will be your titlebar.xml:
-a button, on which listener you assign the same keyEvent as the normal back key of every android phone.
-a textview for whatever title you want to put in.
-a button for the command button, for whatever it does in Iphone (if you tell me what it does, maybe i'll be able to give more details)
Then, as I take it, you want to have it available on all your pages, without having to request titlebar customization on every activity, I would recommend you to use the same trick as I did : Define a superclass, which all your activities will extend.
then you you requestwindowfeatures in this class, and do all your customization in this one.Finnaly, You just have to call the variable of your titlebar textview in the oncreate of all your subclasses to assign the string you want on each page. If your string is generated dynamically from, lets say a file name you load from the internetv in a background thread, you will need to define a handler to the main thread as you can't update a view from another thread than the one that has created it.
Hopes that helps. If you have any question about that, feel free to ask, i'll keep an eye on your topic, because I had quite a pain to make my titlebar work properly.
good luck