Grafana custom data source - grafana

help me with this fairly new to Grafana
Things accomplished so far:
1. Managed to get a JSON output from CSV (basically looking to plot transaction availability based on success/ fail criteria)
2. Wanted a Prometheus source imported
Can you help me how I proceed in either building a Graphite dashboard (or) Prometheus? Much appreciated. thanks

In order to use Prometheus datasource, you need to follow below steps
Start Prometheus server. By default, it listens at 9090 port.
login to Grafana console, go to option - Add datasource
select Prometheus as type of datasource from the drop down.
Insert the Prometheus URL (You got this in step 1)
Access should be "direct" if you aren't using any proxy to establish connection.
Hit save & test.


Grafana on ECS cluster return not allowed origin

Created ECS cluster let's call it tools.
tools cluster have 2 services:
grafana - opensource
Going through sso-proxy to get grafana.
when trying to enter credentials to grafana i got the following error:
When incognito mode the login working for the first time.
This is the ECS logs:
Please someone can help.
Grafana must receive proper Host header in the request header. I guess your "sso-proxy" doesn't do that. You didn't provide reproducible example (why not, when you want to help), so it is only a guess.
Lazy and insecure workaround will be Grafana downgrade to version 8.3.4-, where CSRF fix for CVE-2022-21703 is not included.

How to configure Jaeger data source in Grafana properly?

I would like to configure Jaeger data source in Grafana. I have Loki, Jaeger, Grafana installed in Kubernetes cluster. All services are up and running. Then, I navigate to Grafana to set up a new data source for Jaeger. Specify Jaeger url (http://jaeger-tracing-query.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:16687), click on [Save & test] button and the 'Data source connected, but no services received. Verify that Jaeger is configured properly.' error message is shown. If I navigate to Jaeger UI, I can clearly see 2 services.
Could you please guide me on what is probably missing in the configuration?
16687 is admin port. Use port 80 to configure the data source in grafana.
it should be like jaeger-tracing-query.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:80
I was scratching my head over this issue.
All the documents say you need to connet to {pod}.{namespace}:{port}
I noticed if you go to the Jaeger UI it's querying for the services on this endpoint
So I went back to Grafana and set the URL to http://jaeger-query:16686/jaeger

Get data from clickhouse to grafana

I can’t get data from the clickhouse database to Grafana. I have tried various settings of the data source: various access options, various authorization options. And, did not get any results.
I have made the settings in the Grafana like this:
This is my request. If I copy it and execute it on the clickhouse console, then I get the data. That is, the request is formed rules.
ClickHouse database is on localhost:8123 (in console: curl 'http://localhost:8123/' Ok.)
Grafana is on localhost:3000.
All services are on the same machine.
I am using clickhouse server version 20.1.4 revision 54431 and grafana 6.6.2.
This is a release bug.
it works correctly with Grafana 6 before the latest update from GrafanaLabs that seem to break the compatibility.

How to monitor multiple JNDI datasources with FlexyPool?

I am starting to use FlexyPool to monitor an JNDI datasource managed by Tomcat.
I found how to monitor one datasource in this answer and in FlexyPool doc. I can not, however, figure how to configure the monitoring of multiple sources through the file. Is this possible ?
Currently, the declarative configuration only supports a single DataSource. You can open an issue on GitHub for this. I would not mind if you send a Pull request for it.

Retrieving Project Metrics using Rest API and Timemachine from SonarQube

I'm trying to retrieve projects metrics using the REST Api. Therefore I first query the projects using "/api/projects/index". Afterwards I retrieve the metrics using "/api/metrics/search". Both works fine. And I result with:
[id:35476, k:com.test:TestProject, nm:TestProject, qu:TRK, sc:PRJ]
[custom:false, description:Cyclomatic complexity, direction:-1, domain:Complexity, hidden:false, id:10019, key:complexity, name:Complexity, qualitative:false, type:INT]
Now I wanted to retrieve a projects metrics. Therefore I use the following URL:
There the server retruns only: [{"cols":[],"cells":[]}]
This surprices me, because when I enter the WebInterface of sonar for the project, I can see numbers. I tried some other metrics, however all ended with the same result. What am I doing wrong?
You didn't mention server version, so I'll assume the latest: 5.2.
I got the same result for a bare query (, and for a query which specified resource but not metrics (
So I'm guessing there's a problem with either your resource or metric id. Try using the keys (com.test&%3ATestProject, and complexity) instead.
And yes, the ids you got back from the other web services should work here, but what's meant by "id" can be a little... ah... variable from service to service to service.