I have to test one Temp Sensitive IoT device API, Where Need to pass the Maximum and Minimum Temp in the Request Paylod, And the Response need to validate if the correct data is processed successfully. I have used the method .validate .validate("$.minVal", "(${minVal})") minVal = 20 to do a validation. But however the script is ended up with the exception as follow
FAILURE: Caused by: ValidationException: Validation failed: Values not
equal for element '$.maxVal', expected '(20.0)' but was '20
Request--> {"minVal": "20.0", "maxVal": "20.0"}
Response--> {"maxVal":20,"minVal":20,}
Note: if my Request Input is 20.12 its working fine.
Appreciate you guys help.
First of all remove the brackets () around ${minVal} variable. Secondly your minVal variable value is obviously a decimal number 20.0. The received value in Json is a non-decimal number 20. This is why the validation did fail - I think the error message is pretty clear.
The below popup works properly displaying "Neigh_Name" (a name such as "Main") and "2020 Total Population" (a string comprised of numbers '234273' etc).
layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.Neigh_Name+"<br>"+feature.properties["2020 Total Population"])
However, when using the below..
layer.bindPopup(feature.properties["2020 Total Population"])
I get the error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
Can someone explain what is happening in the backend and why these two lines of code differ and the latter ultimately fails? I'm trying to learn why certain things occur to avoid future issues.
Very probably the bindPopup method behaves unexpectedly when passing a number as content (your 2nd line), whereas it happily accepts a string argument (as in your 1st line).
Simply make sure to convert your argument into string, e.g. with "" + feature.properties["2020 Total Population"] or
`${feature.properties["2020 Total Population"]}`
My QuickFIX client is complaining that the body length is not expected.
After checking, it is found that it receives a message which actually contains 2 messages (2 different MsgTypes <35>). Also, 2 BeginStrings <8>
Is it a valid message?
The error is reported by QuickFIX, instead of my own code.
Hence, it looks like an invalid message to me although I cannot find any official doc, saying that it is not allowed.
I would expect that QuickFIX could parse the messages as long as the body length of the first message is correct.
You could check if the body length is correct by using the following:
counting the number of characters in the message following the BodyLength (9) field up to, and including, the delimiter immediately preceding the CheckSum (10) field. ALWAYS SECOND FIELD IN MESSAGE. (Always unencrypted) For example, for message 8=FIX 4.4^9=5^35=0^10=10^, the BodyLength is 5 for 35=0^
Source: https://btobits.com/fixopaedia/fixdic44/index.html?tag_9_BodyLength.html
Its completely depends on your fix engine whether to support multiple messages in one go or not.
Using BodyLength[9] and CheckSum[10] fields.
BodyLength is calculated starting from field starting after BodyLenght and
before CheckSum field.
CheckSum is calculated from ‘8= upto SOH before the checksum field.
Binary value of each character is calculated and compared to the LSB of the calculated value to the checksum value.
If the checksum has been calculated to be 274 then the modulo 256 value is 18 (256 + 18 = 274). This value would be transmitted a 10=018 where
"10="is the tag for the checksum field.
I have the following .check on my returned body: (I changed the values for security reasons but the structure is the same)
.exec(http("Get ids")
.check(jsonPath("$...Types..[?(#.Type == 'web')].id").findAll.saveAs("IDLlist"))
But the transaction fails with "Gettting findAll.exists extraction crashed: end of input expected when trying to extract values from a returned body"
Gatling prints the body of the failed transaction, when I take the exact body that the transaction had just failed on to http://jsonpath.com/ and
evaluate the jsonpath that had just failed, I get good results with no issues. This means that the returned body is correct and that the jsonpath is also correct.
What is the issue then?
Thanks to Stephane from the Gatling forum, I found that $..Files[?(#.Format == 'DASH_Web')].URL is correct works instead of the variation that I had.
Since http://jsonpath.com/ was able to extract the correct path using my original syntax, I think its important to note that Gatling jsonpath is much more conservative in its syntax.
It seems your JSON path syntax is wrong --> "$...Types..[?(#.Type == 'web')].id"
Try using JSONPath Online Evaluator -- http://jsonpath.com/ to find correct json syntax
I got some account issues in the SCN so I make a attempt here.
We switched to Unicode and got some issues with that. INFTY_TAB = PS+2. This coding gets an error that "the offset + length is exceeding".
I found some hints but couldn't really figure out how to fix this. And even when I manage to fix those errors I got a new error called 'Iclude-Report %HR_P9002 not found'. The IT is still there so is there something else I can check?
Definition of PS:
*This indicates if a record was read with disabled authority check.
data: authc_disabled(1) type c.
TCLAS is a char(1) field.
This is the part where the error pops up:
Error: I had to translate so sorry for some mistakes that could appear.
Offset and Length (=2432) exceed the length of the character based beginning (=2430) of the structure.
Depends on the length of INFTY_TAB. You have to explicitly set length:
INFTY_TAB = PS+2(length).
Official information is here. The important point to note is that the inclusion of SY-SUBRC (which is an INT4 field) places a limit to the range of fields you can access using this (discouraged) method of access.
ASSIGN field+off TO is generally forbidden from a syntactical
point of view since any offset <> 0 would cause the range to be
Although the sentence above is related to ASSIGN command, it is also valid for this situation.
If I try to replace or cancel an order I get a message
58=Conditionally Required Field Missing
and the next message contains
58=Invalid MsgType
Here are the logs:
Replacing an order (tgFZctx200U61 is my side. FG is an exchange.):
20170203-15:44:04.225 : 8=FIX.4.49=15135=G34=349=tgFZctx200U6152=20170203-15:44:04.22556=FG1=U6111=270071221=138=240=241=2700744=11640054=155=RTS-3.1760=20170203-18:44:04.20510=028
20170203-15:44:04.225 : 8=FIX.4.49=23235=849=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=352=20170203-15:43:56.98137=572984433198=F:572984433526=$01$11=270071241=2700717=exec-201702031001027616150=E39=E55=RTS-3.17461=FXXXXX54=138=140=2151=114=06=060=19700101-00:00:00.00010=213
20170203-15:44:04.275 : 8=FIX.4.49=11535=j34=449=tgFZctx200U6152=20170203-15:44:04.27556=FG45=358=Conditionally Required Field Missing372=8380=510=065
20170203-15:44:04.275 : 8=FIX.4.49=33335=849=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=452=20170203-15:43:56.98237=572984753198=F:572984753526=$01$11=270071241=27007453=1448=tgFZctx200U61447=C452=317=3355471052150=539=01=FZ00U6155=RTS-3.1754=138=240=244=116400.00000336=9291151=214=06=060=20170203-15:43:56.98920008=-922337203685372211120018=[51000-3355471052-0]10=100
20170203-15:44:04.285 : 8=FIX.4.49=10335=349=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=552=20170203-15:43:57.03345=4371=372373=1158=Invalid MsgType372=810=164
cancelling an order:
20170203-15:26:19.178 : 8=FIX.4.49=15435=F34=349=tgFZctx200U6152=20170203-15:26:19.17856=FG11=270061237=57286383038=141=2700644=116470.0000054=155=RTS-3.1760=20170203-18:26:19.17810=013
20170203-15:26:19.188 : 8=FIX.4.49=20735=849=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=352=20170203-15:26:11.92437=572863830198=F:572863830526=$01$11=270061241=2700617=exec-201702031001027615150=639=655=RTS-3.17461=FXXXXX54=138=140=2151=114=06=010=239
20170203-15:26:19.418 : 8=FIX.4.49=11535=j34=449=tgFZctx200U6152=20170203-15:26:19.41856=FG45=358=Conditionally Required Field Missing372=8380=510=070
20170203-15:26:19.418 : 8=FIX.4.49=33335=849=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=452=20170203-15:26:11.92437=572863830198=F:572863830526=$01$11=270061241=27006453=1448=tgFZctx200U61447=C452=317=3354681208150=439=41=FZ00U6155=RTS-3.1754=138=140=244=116470.00000336=9291151=014=06=060=20170203-15:26:11.93120008=-922337203685267353520018=[51000-3354681208-0]10=080
20170203-15:26:19.418 : 8=FIX.4.49=10335=349=FG56=tgFZctx200U6134=552=20170203-15:26:12.16445=4371=372373=1158=Invalid MsgType372=810=161
Best regards, Mikhail
"Conditionally Required Field Missing" means you are trying to extract an optional field that isn't present. (It's not required by the DD, but the user's logic expects it to be there, hence "conditionally required".)
The first 35=j message says:
45=3 - sequence number of message where these happened
58=Conditionally Required Field Missing
372=8 - type of message where this happened
380=5 - same code as explained in 58
Unfortunately, the message doesn't say which field is the problem, but basically, you're doing this (forgive my pseudocode):
var x = msg.getSomeOptionalField()
but you need to do this:
var x = null;
if (msg.checkIfSomeOptionalFieldIsPresent())
x = msg.getSomeOptionalField();
In order to parse your own FIX messages use FIXimate.
58 is a text field. The text after 58 in this case is the error message. The tag value pair 372=83 means: The message referred to (i.e. the missing tag) is tag 83.
Tag 83 is the sequence number of message within report series. FIXimate says that 83 is "Used to carry reporting sequence number of the fill as represented on the Trade Report Side."
This is your FIX engine sending an error back to the exchange. You can tell by looking at the SenderCompID and TargetCompID for each message.
You send a message:
20170203 15:44:04.225:8=FIX.4.49=15135=G34=349=tgFZctx200U6152=20170203-15:44:04.22556=FG
You get an Execution Report (35=8, probably acknowledging order cancellation/replace):
20170203-15:44:04.225 : 8=FIX.4.49=23235=8 49=FG 56=tgFZctx200U61lo9
You send an Business Reject (35=j):
20170203-15:44:04.275 : 8=FIX.4.49=115 35=j 34=4 49=tgFZctx200U61 52=20170203-15:44:04.275 56=FG 45=358=Conditionally Required Field Missing372=8380=510=065
What this last message coming in from the exchange is, is hard to tell without further analysis, but it most likely the execution report for the replaced order. It seems to have been sent 1 ms after the original execution report.
Your FIX engine expects certain data to be present within the messages. The expectation is set in your data dictionary, an xml file which should be provided by your counterparty. Sometimes (like now) there are errors in this file and you have to open it up, find the message in question (in this case the original execution report), and tell your data dictionary not to expect tag 83.
That should clear things up. Let me know if it doesn't work.