Where did the service-connector plugin go? - swisscomdev

Latest since this checkin the service-connector cf plugin seems to be gone for SwisscomDev.
Official Link to the plugin simply returns a 404.
Isn't it supported anymore? What's the alternative? And did I miss communication about it?

Isn't it supported anymore? What's the alternative?
Yes. Our proprietary CF CLI client plugin is phased out. The alternative is cf ssh (from upstream). See Accessing Services with SSH on docs.developer.swisscom.com.
On Migrate from legacy MariaDB to MariaDB Ent you have a step by step howto for cf ssh. Please adapt that for your service and port.
cf ssh proy-app -L 13000:<old-db-host>:<old-db-port>
Here on #swisscomdev there is also a posting Alternative to Swisscom CF plugin named Service Connector with MongoDB Ops Manager example.
We have an edge case for an enterprise customer that may still need a cf sc feature (not available in cf ssh). Investigation ongoing.
And did I miss communication about it?
Sorry we failed in communication.
Sorry that you notice this change in our GitHub repo first. We wished to update docs first, then communicate the EOL. We somehow forgot it in yesterdays newsletter.


AWS SSO integration with G suite

I want to make use of AWS SSO and integrate it to work with G suite.
I followed the official blog post - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-use-g-suite-as-external-identity-provider-aws-sso/
However, I'm unable to perform the user synchronization from G suite into AWS SSO via the mentioned ssosync project - https://github.com/awslabs/ssosync. There's an open issue regarding the fact that ssosync is no longer available in AWS Serverless Application Repository. I've tried to clone and build the project manually but I get a 404 error and I can't find a reason why.
I am also unable to find a way to create users/groups programmatically (didn't find anything useful in AWS SSO API reference) in AWS SSO.
Has anyone encountered this problem as well?
I think that does not work anymore. What about using this one instead?
https://github.com/awslabs/ssosync was updated to V.2.0.0 few days ago (Dec 2022).
I installed it from AWS Serverless Application Repository and it seems to work.
It requires that you configure every possible variable before successful execution. For variables that you don't wish to use, put *.

Migrating Atlassian Confluence to Kuberntes

I am in the process of migrating Atlassian Confluence from on-prem to Kubernetes. I found the official docker image for confluence and was able to spin up the application. I need to configure ssl and i already have the key and certificate. I tried to import the certificates and restarted the server.xml and it is not working. Has any worked on confluence migration from on-prem to kubernetes/docker and if any can provide a link/experience related to the same, it would be helpful.
It's certainly possible, the healthcheck might be tricky and the reason for that is there is no automated install as far as I'm aware when it becomes live, meaning there will always been a manual configuration stage.
You're best looking at some package manager examples for this, which for Kubernetes is Helm. This allows you to iterate and rollback quickly.
Have a look at this example) which is for Jira, but the same flow should apply. Confluence and Jira are heavily related, so it should be relevant.

How to access Atlassian cloud?

I have a huge wiki on redmine and I want to move it to confluence. I found this project https://github.com/vile/redmine2confluence-wiki that would do the job since Atlassian doesn't support this functionality. My problem is that I don't know how to run the script on Confluence server since I am using their cloud. Can anyone guide me ?
The majority of the process should be run on your redmine environment provided it has internet access & has python installed.
The last step cannot be performed for Confluence Cloud
Here's the part (at the end) which confirms this:
This will result in a script called fix-author.sql to be run on the Confluence server.
Being cloud, you don't have access to the underlying Confluence server or the database for that matter.

set up camunda rest api

I want to use the camunda rest api (local), but I realy can't figure out how to set up the environment... .
First I downloaded the tomcat distribution from here (V. 7.2.0) and the prepackaged eclipse with BPMN 2.0 Modeler from here.
I modelled a process, startet the server (start-camunda.bat) and deployed it (copied .war to ...camunda\server\apache-tomcat-7.0.50\webapps).
It went well on local tasklist http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/tasklist/default/#/login and cockpit http://localhost:8080/camunda/app/cockpit/default/).
I also downloaded the engine-rest from "Maven Nexus Server" (Install the REST API web application). Now, if I call the engine (http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine), I got the following .json: [{"name":"default"}]
What to do next? I realy don't know (I'm new in camunda...)
Your setup seems to be fine. But please note that the camunda REST API is a backend which you can access with a client. Currently there doesn't exists a camunda Java REST client. So you have to implement it by your self. If you are aware of that a good starting point is the camunda REST documentation. Besides Java there exists a Javascript SDK which you could use to access the REST API.
May I suggest an alternative: use a docker image for Camunda. It's official and works like a charm. You can set it up in 5 mins tops and then use an API client like postman to access Camunda's API via http://localhost:8080/engine-rest.
I had the same problem as yours and found a docker solution much easier than installing Camunda and all related dependencies myself only having to troubleshoot them later. Here's the link to the official docker image if you're interested:
Or enter these 2 commands from terminal and you'll be golden:
docker pull camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest
docker run -d --name camunda -p 8080:8080 camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:latest
Open URL with browser: http://localhost:8080/camunda-welcome/index.html
username/password: admin/admin

Azure deployment versions

I will try to make it simplify. I am using windows azure cloud to host our web services and databases. and these web services are accessible via URL: "https://server.mydomain.com"
now we made a few major changes to our model and hence web services as a whole. This breaks the API interface for older users. Now we want to deploy the latest version on URL: "https://server.mydomain.com/v2" so that old users can still access the older version.
I searched around SO and other resources but i couldnt find a definite answer how to deploy new version without messing up the old version.
Anything in right direction will be helpful.
In one of the projects I was working on, we built in a versioning scheme on top of our Web API. We used this tutorial to get started. I would recommend starting there.
Sorry for the generic answer, if you post some more specifics I will make some updates.
I'd suggest to deploy separate cloud service and use "v2.server.mydomain.com"