Not able to read from powershell argument list - powershell

I have a simple dotnet application which i want to execute from powershell. but while i am passing the arguments in powershell my dotnet application is not able to catch those value.
I am not sure where the error is. is it in dotnet side or in powershell.
dotnet winform
private void Form1_load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] passedArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
foreach(string s in passedArgs)
textBox1.Text = s.ToString();
powershell script
PS C:\Users\528741> Start-Process 'D:\MVC\PowershellTest\PowershellTest\bin\Debug\PowershellTest.exe' -ArgumentList '/hello'

It's difficult to tell without seeing the rest of the application what might be going wrong, as what you've shown us is pretty straightforward. Things to try:
textbox1.Text = "Does a string literal work?";
If the textbox doesn't display your string literal, the issue is in your C# or in the design of your winforms application. Maybe textbox1 isn't visible anymore and you have some other textbox object displayed? Maybe the Form1_load() method isn't being called when you think it is. Did a name get changed somewhere? If that's the case I would suggest recreating the form and pasting your code for the Form1_load() method into there and try again.
If it does display as expected, then I would suspect something with Powershell. Have you tried without Start-Process? Like:
& "D:\MVC\PowershellTest\PowershellTest\bin\Debug\PowershellTest.exe" "I'm argument 1" "This is argument 2" "3rd argument here!"
Also, as your code looks simple enough, are you sure this is the correct path to your executable? Have you rebuilt your solution after making your changes to the code? Simple oversights like this are often the issue.


Why does calling AutoFake.Provide() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()?

Why does calling fake.Provide<T>() wipe out fakes already configured with A.CallTo()? Is this a bug?
I'm trying to understand a problem I've run into with Autofac.Extras.FakeItEasy (aka AutoFake). I have a partial solution, but I don't understand why my original code doesn't work. The original code is complicated, so I've spent some time simplifying it for the purposes of this question.
Why does this test fail? (working DotNetFiddle)
public interface IStringService { string GetString(); }
public static void ACallTo_before_Provide()
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// FAILS. The result should be "Test string",
// but instead it's an empty string.
Console.WriteLine($"ACallTo_before_Provide(): result = \"{result}\"");
If I swap the order of the calls to fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo(), it works:
public static void Provide_before_ACallTo()
// Same code as above, but with the calls to
// fake.Provide<T>() and A.CallTo() swapped
using (var fake = new AutoFake())
fake.Provide(new StringBuilder());
A.CallTo(() => fake.Resolve<IStringService>().GetString())
.Returns("Test string");
var stringService = fake.Resolve<IStringService>();
string result = stringService.GetString();
// SUCCESS. The result is "Test string" as expected
Console.WriteLine($"Provide_before_ACallTo(): result = \"{result}\"");
I know what is happening, sort of, but I'm not sure if it's intentional behavior or if it's a bug.
What is happening is, the call to fake.Provide<T>() is causing anything configured with A.CallTo() to be lost. As long as I always call A.CallTo() after fake.Provide<T>(), everything works fine.
But I don't understand why this should be.
I can't find anything in the documentation stating that A.CallTo() cannot be called before Provide<T>().
Likewise, I can't find anything suggesting Provide<T>() cannot be used with A.CallTo().
It seems the order in which you configure unrelated dependencies shouldn't matter.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It isn't that the Fake's configuration is being changed. In the first test, Resolve is returning different Fakes each time it's called. (Check them for reference equality; I did.)
Provide creates a new scope and pushes it on a stack. The topmost scope is used by Resolve when it finds an object to return. I think this is why you're getting different Fakes in ACallTo_before_Provide.
Is this a bug? Or is this the expected behavior? If this is the expected behavior, can someone explain why it works like this?
It's not clear to me. I'm not an Autofac user, and don't understand why an additional scope is introduced by Provide. The stacked scope behaviour was introduced in PR 18. Perhaps the author can explain why.
In the meantime, if possible, I'd Provide all you need to before Resolveing, if you can manage it.

Convert C# logic to powershell for TFS

I have a C# program which build me a TFS build definition. I want to do the same code in a powershell script. So far, I have been able code the script which will create me a new build definition in TFS. However, I have trouble setting Process section of the build definition. I need to convert the below code in C# to powershell and all attemps I have made did not work.
//Set process parameters
var process = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildDefinition.ProcessParameters);
//Set BuildSettings properties
BuildSettings settings = new BuildSettings();
settings.ProjectsToBuild = new StringList("$/Templates/Main/Service/application1");
settings.PlatformConfigurations = new PlatformConfigurationList();
settings.PlatformConfigurations.Add(new PlatformConfiguration("Any CPU", "Debug"));
process.Add("BuildSettings", settings);
buildDefinition.ProcessParameters = WorkflowHelpers.SerializeProcessParameters(process);
First I loaded the assemblies I need to work with TFS. When I want to replicate the same C# code as,
var process = WorkflowHelpers.DeserializeProcessParameters(buildDefinition.ProcessParameters);
I did following in PowerShell
$process = New-Object Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers.
Above gave me an error saying "Constructor not found. Cannot find an appropriate constructor for type Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers"
I checked and there are no constructors for that. My question is what I am I doing wrong in writing the PowerShell script to achieve the same functionality as c# code. I am sure it's syntax error that I am doing and not aware of the correct way of doing it in PowerShell.
It would appear from your code snippet (and confirmed via MSDN) that the DeserializeProcessParameters is a static method on the WorkflowHelpers class. You would need to invoke it with the following syntax in PowerShell:
$process = [Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.WorkflowHelpers]::DeserializeProcessParameters($buildDefinition.ProcessParameters)
It looks like the buildDefinition variable is declared earlier - so I just stuck a $ character on it to make it a legit PowerShell variable. Same thing with the process variable. I hope this helps!

How to run PowerShell scripts via automation without running into Host issues

I'm looking to run some powershell scripts via automation. Something like:
IList errors;
Collection<PSObject> res = null;
using (RunspaceInvoke rsi = new RunspaceInvoke())
res = rsi.Invoke(commandline, null, out errors);
catch (Exception ex)
LastErrorMessage = ex.ToString();
return 1;
the problem I'm facing is that if my script uses cmdlets such as write-host the above throws an System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException -
Cannot invoke this function because
the current host does not implement
What are some good options for getting around this problem?
One option is to create a write-host function and inject that into your runspace. The function will take precedence over a cmdlet with the same name. In this function, you could do nothing or perhaps use [console]::writeline() if your app is a console app, or if your app is a GUI app, inject some object into the PowerShell session that the function can write the output to (look at Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable).
Another (bit more complicated) option is to implement the PowerShell hosting interfaces in your app.

insert into sql query in wpf

Hello everyone i am new in wpf. so i have got problems with it. if you help me, i will be so pleased. thanks everyone in advance.
My problem is, can not insert into name inside database in wpf. how can i fix it? my codes as follows;
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string SqlString = "Insert Into UserInformation(name) Values (?)";
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|Cell.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"))
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(SqlString, conn))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", textBox1.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
Try to use cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", textBox1.Text);
Is it opening the right database file? As people have suggested in the comments, set Visual Studio to break on first-chance exceptions, or remove the exception handling. The database file needs to exist, and you need the appropriate JET drivers.
I've tried your code and it works without any problems here (in a WPF application or otherwise). Using named parameters instead of a question mark was a good suggestion, but it doesn't appear to be the problem. (I have Office 2007 and .NET 3.5 SP1 installed, but I doubt that matters).
Are you using a WPF browser application (cbap)? Because you won't be able to access the local file system (and thus the database) if you are. WPF browser applications run with isolated permissions, much like a Silverlight browser application.
The problem here seams to be the parameter. In the command text you don't specify its name, but when you add it, it has a name. Change command text to :
Insert Into UserInformation(name) Values (#name)
In line:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("name", textBox1.Text);
the parameter name should stay without # .

Suggestions for implementation of a command line interface

I am redesigning a command line application and am looking for a way to make its use more intuitive. Are there any conventions for the format of parameters passed into a command line application? Or any other method that people have found useful?
I see a lot of Windows command line specifics, but if your program is intended for Linux, I find the GNU command line standard to be the most intuitive. Basically, it uses double hyphens for the long form of a command (e.g., --help) and a single hyphen for the short version (e.g., -h). You can also "stack" the short versions together (e.g., tar -zxvf filename) and mix 'n match long and short to your heart's content.
The GNU site also lists standard option names.
The getopt library greatly simplifies parsing these commands. If C's not your bag, Python has a similar library, as does Perl.
If you are using C# try Mono.GetOptions, it's a very powerful and simple-to-use command-line argument parser. It works in Mono environments and with Microsoft .NET Framework.
EDIT: Here are a few features
Each param has 2 CLI representations (1 character and string, e.g. -a or --add)
Default values
Strongly typed
Automagically produces an help screen with instructions
Automagically produces a version and copyright screen
One thing I like about certain CLI is the usage of shortcuts.
I.e, all the following lines are doing the same thing
myCli.exe describe someThing
myCli.exe descr someThing
myCli.exe desc someThing
That way, the user may not have to type the all command every time.
A good and helpful reference:
Library available via NuGet:
Latest stable: Install-Package CommandLineParser.
Latest release: Install-Package CommandLineParser -pre.
One line parsing using default singleton: CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(...).
One line help screen generator: HelpText.AutoBuild(...).
Map command line arguments to IList<string>, arrays, enum or standard scalar types.
Plug-In friendly architecture as explained here.
Define verb commands as git commit -a.
Create parser instance using lambda expressions.
// Define a class to receive parsed values
class Options {
[Option('r', "read", Required = true,
HelpText = "Input file to be processed.")]
public string InputFile { get; set; }
[Option('v', "verbose", DefaultValue = true,
HelpText = "Prints all messages to standard output.")]
public bool Verbose { get; set; }
public IParserState LastParserState { get; set; }
public string GetUsage() {
return HelpText.AutoBuild(this,
(HelpText current) => HelpText.DefaultParsingErrorsHandler(this, current));
// Consume them
static void Main(string[] args) {
var options = new Options();
if (CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) {
// Values are available here
if (options.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("Filename: {0}", options.InputFile);
Best thing to do is don't assume anything if you can. When the operator types in your application name for execution and does not have any parameters either hit them with a USAGE block or in the alternative open a Windows Form and allow them to enter everything you need.
USAGE FOO -{Option}{Value}
-A Do A stuff
-B Do B stuff
Parameter delimiting I place under the heading of a religious topic: hyphens(dashes), double hyphens, slashes, nothing, positional, etc.
You didn't indicate your platform, but for the next comment I will assume Windows and .net
You can create a console based application in .net and allow it to interact with the Desktop using Forms just by choosing the console based project then adding the Windows.Forms, System.Drawing, etc DLLs.
We do this all the time. This assures that no one takes a turn down a dark alley.
Command line conventions vary from OS to OS, but the convention that's probably gotten both the most use, and the most public scrutiny is the one supported by the GNU getopt package. See for more info.
It allows you to mix single letter commands, such as -nr, with longer, self-documenting options, such as --numeric --reverse. Be nice, and implement a --help (-?) option and then your users will be able to figure out all they need to know.
Here's a CodeProject article that might help you out...
C#/.NET Command Line Arguments Parser
IF VB is your flavor, here's a separate article (with a bit more guidance related content) to check out...
Parse and Validate Command Line Parameters with VB.NET
Complementing #vonc's answer, don't accept ambiguous abbreviations. Eg:
myCli.exe describe someThing
myCli.exe destroy someThing
myCli.exe des someThing ???
In fact, in that case, I probably wouldn't accept an abbreviation for "destroy"...
I always add a /? parameter to get help and I always try to have a default (i.e. most common scenario) implementation.
Otherwise I tend to use the "/x" for switches and "/x:value" for switches that require values to be passed. Makes it pretty easy to parse the parameters using regular expressions.
I developed this framework, maybe it helps:
The SysCommand is a powerful cross-platform framework, to develop Console Applications in .NET. Is simple, type-safe, and with great influences of the MVC pattern.
namespace Example.Initialization.Simple
using SysCommand.ConsoleApp;
public class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)
return App.RunApplication();
// Classes inheriting from `Command` will be automatically found by the system
// and its public properties and methods will be available for use.
public class MyCommand : Command
public void Main(string arg1, int? arg2 = null)
if (arg1 != null)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("Main arg1='{0}'", arg1));
if (arg2 != null)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("Main arg2='{0}'", arg2));
public void MyAction(bool a)
this.App.Console.Write(string.Format("MyAction a='{0}'", a));
// auto-generate help
$ my-app.exe help
// method "Main" typed
$ my-app.exe --arg1 value --arg2 1000
// or without "--arg2"
$ my-app.exe --arg1 value
// actions support
$ my-app.exe my-action -a
-operation [parameters] -command [your command] -anotherthings [otherparams]....
For example,
YourApp.exe -file %YourProject.prj% -Secure true
If you use one of the standard tools for generating command line interfaces, like getopts, then you'll conform automatically.
The conventions that you use for you application would depend on
1) What type of application it is.
2) What operating system you are using.
This is definitely true. I'm not certain about dos-prompt conventions, but on unix-like systems the general conventions are roughly:
1) Formatting is
appName parameters
2) Single character parameters (such as 'x') are passed as -x
3) Multi character parameters (such as 'add-keys') are passed as --add-keys
The conventions that you use for you application would depend on
1) What type of application it is.
2) What operating system you are using. Linux? Windows? They both have different conventions.
What I would suggest is look at other command line interfaces for other commands on your system, paying special attention to the parameters passed. Having incorrect parameters should give the user solution directed error message. An easy to find help screen can aid in usability as well.
Without know what exactly your application will do, it's hard to give specific examples.
If you're using Perl, my CLI::Application framework might be just what you need. It lets you build applications with a SVN/CVS/GIT like user interface easily ("your-command -o --long-opt some-action-to-execute some parameters").
I've created a .Net C# library that includes a command-line parser. You just need to create a class that inherits from the CmdLineObject class, call Initialize, and it will automatically populate the properties. It can handle conversions to different types (uses an advanced conversion library also included in the project), arrays, command-line aliases, click-once arguments, etc. It even automatically creates command-line help (/?).
If you are interested, the URL to the project is It is currently only available as source code.
I've just released an even better command line parser.
It's on nuget Install-Package coptions
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using coptions;
[ApplicationInfo(Help = "This program does something useful.")]
public class Options
[Flag('s', "silent", Help = "Produce no output.")]
public bool Silent;
[Option('n', "name", "NAME", Help = "Name of user.")]
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
throw new InvalidOptionValueException("Name must not be blank");
_name = value;
private string _name;
[Option("size", Help = "Size to output.")]
public int Size = 3;
[Option('i', "ignore", "FILENAME", Help = "Files to ignore.")]
public List<string> Ignore;
[Flag('v', "verbose", Help = "Increase the amount of output.")]
public int Verbose = 1;
[Value("OUT", Help = "Output file.")]
public string OutputFile;
[Value("INPUT", Help = "Input files.")]
public List<string> InputFiles;
namespace coptions.ReadmeExample
class Program
static int Main(string[] args)
Options opt = CliParser.Parse<Options>(args);
return 0;
catch (CliParserExit)
// --help
return 0;
} catch (Exception e)
// unknown options etc...
Console.Error.WriteLine("Fatal Error: " + e.Message);
return 1;
Supports automatic --help generation, verbs, e.g. commmand.exe