Ionic full size background - ionic-framework

I'm trying to give my app a full-sized background. But I don't really know where to put it because wherever I put the image the navbar hasn't the background.
So I tried to surround my ion-content and my ion-footer with a <div> and hoped to give it the background-class. but in this case nothing I can't see anything on the screen. Right now my background is only inside the ion-content and the footer is still empty. How can I change it?
My code:
<ion-content class="bg-image" padding>

Just like you can see in the docs, you need to add the fullscreen property to the ion-content:
<ion-content fullscreen="true">
<!-- ... -->
If true, the content will scroll behind the headers and footers. This
effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar to transparent.


Why is the ion-back-button not shown?

The ion-back-button does NOT show up to the right of the ion-menu-button. Why is that?
the ion-menu-button and the ion-title show properly and aligned on the same horizantal position.
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<!-- navigation button-->
<!-- optional back button-->
{{ pageTitle | translate}}
In the DOM inspector the CSS display attribute of the ion-back-button is set to none. Why would it set itself to none?
I used
this.navCtrl.navigateForward('/term/' + term);
to navigate to this page, thus I expect the back button to pick this up. Why is navigateForward not adding to the stack, which would make the ion-back-button show?
If there is no page in Stack then
will not show. If you want to show then You need to be added a specific page in "defaultHref" Attribute.
<ion-back-button defaultHref="logout"></ion-back-button>
you need to be learned from here
It will not visible if there will be no previous overlay/page to show
So you can set css
ion-back-button {
display: block;
Then add click event on element
<ion-back-button (click)="close()">
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
Add on .ts file
click() {
For anyone who has this trouble, and the ion-back-button is still not appearing, check that you have the IonicModule imported in your page's module. It happened to me that I created a component for the ion-header and the ion-back-button was not appearing. It was because my ComponentsModule (the one that declares and exports all my components) had only the CommonsModule imported and not the IonicModule. So always check for the IonicModule in your imports. Otherwise the back button will not appear
Is it root page? if so ion-back-button will not show up.
Try adding the attribute defaultHref. For example: <ion-back-button defaultHref="home"></ion-back-button>. it should show up regardless of having no navigation stack.
So Ionic developers make life complicated, now (Ionic5) the attribute is called default-href and not defaultHref.
But still when clicking not loading to the href.
Workaround. I programmatically decide with the URI path. Drawback, if more detail pages are added to the app, they need to be added (e.g. in an array of back-button-qualifying paths).
<ion-button *ngIf="router.url.includes('/term/')"><ion-icon name="arrow-back"></ion-icon></ion-button>
Added the Router Object to the constructor of this component
constructor(public router: Router) { }
If someone still comes up with why the programmatic navigation does NOT add to the navigation stack - so that the back button would appear on the detail page - I gladly listen.
Just need to add the color in scss file to show up.
--color: black;
And also don't forget to indicate the href, adding it html file
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<ion-back-button defaultHref="YourRouteHere"></ion-back-button>
Make sure you arrived to that page via a router link that modifies the route history. Otherwise the backbutton wont show because there is no recorded history of a previous route.
My issue was, the link i clicked which takes me to a page forward, had routerDirection="none". So there was no previous route so my back button didn't show.
<IonRouterLink routerDirection="none" routerLink={`/item/${}`}>...</IonRouterLink>
<IonRouterLink routerDirection="forward" routerLink={`/item/${}`}>...
fixed my issue.

Bottom border/outline disappears ion-button inside ion-card

Im trying put ion-button inside the card.
But it's bottom border/outline disappears, as shown below.
It comes back when I click the button.
Why is this happening?
the image on top is loading late and causing this how do i wait for the image to load before rendering the page
or occupy the image space for image is loaded
Found a messy fix.
<img src="..." (load)="homeImageLoaded = true"/>
<ion-buttons *ngIf="homeImageLoaded">
<button> </button>

How to make Ionic scrollbar draggable?

I want the user to be able to click and drag the scrollbar on the side of the screen while using my ionic app. Is this possible?
Ionic has a built in component called ion-scroll. It does what you have described and more. You can implement it inside your HTML like so.
For me the solution was to add isBrowser variable to the controller which determined if this is mobile (no scroll bar) or desktop (draggable scrollbar).
<ion-content data-ng-class="{ isBrowserView : appCtrl.isBrowser }"
overflow-scroll="{{ appCtrl.isBrowser }}">
And I added the following to me scss file:
.isBrowserView {
overflow-y: auto !important;
.isBrowserView .scroll-bar-indicator {
display: none;
*If you always want the scrollbar then do not worry about setting the value on a controller. Like so:
<ion-content class="isBrowserView"

Ionic3 - How do avoid scrolling on a single html item?

I have a simple full screen page that shows a photo and you can enter a caption. The trouble I am having is that when I focus on the input box, the page scrolls and half the image is removed.
<ion-content fullscreen [ngClass]="{'focus': focus, 'focus-out': !focus}" class="focus" [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(' + image + ')'}" no-border>
<div class="gradient"></div>
<ion-toolbar color="transparent">
<ion-col col-10>
<image-caption (caption)="saveCaption($event)" (focusIn)="focus = true" (focusOut)="focus = false"></image-caption>
I would like the ion-content not to scroll but the text box (inside image-caption component) to appear when focused. I have tried no-scroll and no-bounce in ion-content. I have also tried the native keyboard method to disable scroll this.keyboard.disableScroll(true);
Can I disable scroll on one item? The other solution I see here is to disable scroll and change to position of the input box to show when the keyboard is shown.
Ended up using transform to scale the image but the problem seems to be solved.

Fixed header above Ionic 2 content / navbar With page transitions

I want to have a fixed logo in the Ionic2 framework. I have transitions between pages and the header and pages gets slid in. I want to know if I can keep the header / logo a constant above anything on the page.
<a (click)="goToRoot()" ><img src="assets/img/topBar-iPad.png" alt=""/></a>
<ion-content padding>
I have tried it with the toolbar this doesn't work either.
If you want put an image in header, you can use this code:
<ion-buttons end>
<img height="35px" width="35px" src="assets/img/topBar-iPad.png">
This might get a bit tricky if you app becomes a bit more complex over time, however what you can do is add your <ion-header> element to your app.html file found in src -> app.
That sets it at top level above the pages you are navigation to.
If your app does become complex over time where only in some cases you want the toolbar to be fixed at the top you might need to either create a custom component based on the element or pass in a *ngIf ( or [hidden]="") and then write logic to support its visibility.