WebSphere (wsadmin) Connect to remote Deployment Manager Profile password-less - soap

I'm able to connect to a remote WAS 8.5.5 deployment manager profile after supplying the user/pass from my local WAS 8.5 install. Given below is a typical wsadmin command...
./wsadmin.sh \
-lang jython \
-conntype SOAP -host myRemoteWASHost -port 12345 \
-user wasAdminUser -password wasPassword
How can I connect to remote password less; using the UserId and (xor) Password already populated in the remote WAS Profile soap.client.props file?

Put that userid and password in to soap.client.props in the profile from where you start the wsadmin tool. You may need to create new dummy local profile to not clash with your local profile, if the profile from where you run the wsadmin has different username/password.


How to change a password to an user in apache james

I want to change the password to an specific user of a james server.
You can connect to James Remote Administration Tool via Telnet
telnet <ip> 4555
The default credentials are login: root password: root
Once connected, simply run this command:
setpassword [username] [password]
Better : using the commandline client provided by the project.
It use JMX under the hood. The CLI is packages with every distribution of the server. (you can even execute it via maven from here : https://github.com/apache/james-project/tree/master/server/container/cli)
Then, fnkrm is right, you should go for setpassword.
Alternatively, on 3.0-betax we provide optional admin REST APIs. https://github.com/apache/james-project/tree/master/server/protocols/webadmin . Have a look to the corresponding docker images if interested.

Mattermost "An existing user is already attached to your gitlab account"

We use Mattermost using the 'Production Docker' setup as described in Mattermost documentation. For authentication, we federate using GitHub:Enterprise.
To setup our Mattermost team, I imported the whole Slack history. This lead to the problem that everyone who did not yet log into Mattermost via GitHub:Enterprise was not able to login. Mattermost helpfully returned the error message
"An existing user is already attached to your gitlab account"
How can I fix this issue without having to setup a new Mattermost instance and force everyone to login once before importing the Slack data?
In order for this to work, you need
GitHub:Enterprise Administrator permissions
On the Mattermost machine, either root permissions or an account that is allowed to control docker, and, if psql is not installed, a way to install the psql command-line tool.
ssh into the Mattermost vm/machine (where the mattermost docker containers are running).
Change to an account with docker permissions (root; or the account you setup during Mattermost installation; or ... )
Use docker ps and note the hash of the container mattermostdocker_db. We will assume it starts with 5c23.
Run docker inspect 5c23 | grep IPAddress. Note the IP address of the container. We will assume it is
Ensure that the psql commandline tool is installed on the machine where mattermost/docker is running.
On debian: apt-get install postgresql-client
Connect to the mattermost db of postgresql running inside the docker container:
psql -h -p 5432 -d mattermost -U postgres -W
The (default?) password seems to be postgres.
Verify that a user account with the correct email exists. Assume the email of the account that has the problem is 'john#example.com`
mattermost-# select email, authdata from users where email = 'john#example.com';
Connect to GitHub:Enterprise and open the admin console. We will assume the local github enterprise instance is at https://github.example.com.
Click on the rocket symbol, or
Click on all users and find the user that cannot login. We assume the github username is john, which would correspond to https://github.example.com/john
Visit the stafftools user security page for that user.
Click on the 'Search logs' link under the 'Audit logs' header. This will open a page with a query field. On this page, you will find the internal github user number for that user. Note this number. We will assume the number is 37.
Back in the psql console, update the user entry with the correct number:
update users set authservice = 'gitlab', authdata = '37' where email = 'john#example.com' ;
Exit the psql console with \q:
mattermost-# \q
Done. The user can now log into Mattermost with GitHub:Enterprise user authentication.
Don't forget to complete each statement in psql with a ;
It's gitlab, not github, even if you use GitHub:Enterprise
Tested with Mattermost 3.0, GitHub:Enterprise 2.6.2

postgresql: pg_ctl status shows no server running when the server is running as a windows service

I have PostgreSQL 9.4(not installed, rather self configured) which is also installed as a Windows service. Now I am trying to check the status of the server using pg_ctl.exe status -D data_dir_path, but it only shows the status when I start the console as admin.
My final goal is to be able to shutdown/ start the database server without admin rights. Is it possible to configure PostgreSQL so that I can start/stop the servers locally without admin rights?
As far I read in the PostgreSQL documentation, the services can be registered to a user using [-U username] [-P password] arguments but I am not sure whether this is the database user or the local windows user. I tried registering the service using the following code but it does not install it. And I do not see any logs too. The commnd follows:
pg_ctl.exe register -N service_name -U database_user -P database_user_password -D data_dir_path -S auto -o "-p port"
Thanks in advance

Install windows service with PsExec?

Is it possible to remotely install a Windows system serive using PsExec? The files are already on the remote system; I am trying to use
psexec \\remote-host-name -u myusername -p mypassword PathToExecutable
where PathToExecutable is the path to some executable which is intended to install the service; somehow the service is not installed due to unclear reasons. Is remote installation via PsExec possible at all?
In my case, the issue was fixed by using the command line parameter:
-h If the target system is Vista or higher, has the process
run with the account's elevated token, if available.
to run the command with administrator permissions.

How to list files in SourceGear Vault

How can I generate a report that represents all the files in a hierarchical manner using SourceGear Vault?
I know VSS and TFS have this functionality, and I am hoping that Vault does as well.
You should be able to use the command line:
vault LISTFOLDER top_of_your_repository > status_report.txt
From the command line helps:
LISTFOLDER usage: vault.exe LISTFOLDER [options] repositoryfolder
LISTFOLDER will display the contents of the folder specified by
repositoryfolder, including the status of any working folders.
Server and authentication information is specified by:
-host host Hostname of the server to connect to. Can also use "-server".
-ssl Enables SSL for server connection.
-user username Username to use when connecting to server.
-password password Password to use when connecting to server.
-repository repositoryname Repository to connect to. This is a list of possible options:
-norecursive Do not act recursively on folders.