How to use the functions.explode to flatten element in dataFrame - scala

I've made this piece of code :
case class RawPanda(id: Long, zip: String, pt: String, happy: Boolean, attributes: Array[Double])
case class PandaPlace(name: String, pandas: Array[RawPanda])
object TestSparkDataFrame extends App{
System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "E:\\Programmation\\Libraries\\hadoop")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("TestSparkDataFrame").set("spark.driver.memory","4g").setMaster("local[*]")
val session = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
import session.implicits._
def createAndPrintSchemaRawPanda(session:SparkSession):DataFrame = {
val newPanda = RawPanda(1,"M1B 5K7", "giant", true, Array(0.1, 0.1))
val pandaPlace = PandaPlace("torronto", Array(newPanda))
val df =session.createDataFrame(Seq(pandaPlace))
val df2 = createAndPrintSchemaRawPanda(session)
| name| pandas|
|torronto|[[1,M1B 5K7,giant...|
val pandaInfo = df2.explode(df2("pandas")) {
case Row(pandas: Seq[Row]) =>{
case (Row(
id: Long,
zip: String,
pt: String,
happy: Boolean,
attrs: Seq[Double])) => RawPanda(id, zip, pt , happy, attrs.toArray)
| name| pandas| id| zip| pt|happy|attributes|
|torronto|[[1,M1B 5K7,giant...| 1|M1B 5K7|giant| true|[0.1, 0.1]|
The problem that the explode function as I used it is deprecated, so I would like to recaculate the pandaInfo2 dataframe but using the adviced method in the warning.
use flatMap() or select() with functions.explode() instead
But then when I do :
val pandaInfo ="pandas"))
I obtain the same result as I had in df2.
I don't know how to proceed to use flatMap or functions.explode.
How could I use flatMap or functions.explode to obtain the result that I want ?(the one in pandaInfo)
I've seen this post and this other one but none of them helped me.

Calling select with explode function returns a DataFrame where the Array pandas is "broken up" into individual records; Then, if you want to "flatten" the structure of the resulting single "RawPanda" per record, you can select the individual columns using a dot-separated "route":
val pandaInfo2 =$"name", explode($"pandas") as "pandas")
.select($"name", $"pandas",
$"" as "id",
$"" as "zip",
$"" as "pt",
$"pandas.happy" as "happy",
$"pandas.attributes" as "attributes"
A less verbose version of the exact same operation would be:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders // going to use this to "encode" case class into schema
val pandaColumns = Encoders.product[RawPanda]
val pandaInfo3 =$"name", explode($"pandas") as "pandas")
.select(Seq($"name", $"pandas") ++ => $"pandas.$f" as f): _*)


How to input and output an Seq of an object to a function in Scala

I want to parse a column to get split values using Seq of an object
case class RawData(rawId: String, rawData: String)
case class SplitData(
rawId: String,
rawData: String,
split1: Option[Int],
split2: Option[String],
split3: Option[String],
split4: Option[String]
def rawDataParser(unparsedRawData: Seq[RawData]): Seq[RawData] = { => {
val split = rawData.address.split(", ")
split1 = Some(split(0).toInt),
split2 = Some(split(1)),
split3 = Some(split(2)),
split4 = Some(split(3))
val rawDataDF= Seq[(String, String)](
("001", "Split1, Split2, Split3, Split4"),
("002", "Split1, Split2, Split3, Split4")
).toDF("rawDataID", "rawData")
val rawDataDS: Dataset[RawData] =[RawData]
I need to use rawDataParser function to parse my rawData. However, the parameter to the function is of type Seq. I am not sure how should I convert rawDataDS as an input to function to parse the raw data. some form of guidance to solve this is appreciated.
Each DataSet is further divided into partitions. You can use mapPartitions with a mapping Iterator[T] => Iterator[U] to convert a DataSet[T] into a DataSet[U].
So, you can just use your addressParser as the argument for mapPartition.
val rawAddressDataDS =
.option("header", "true")
val addressDataDS =
.map { rad =>
addressId = rad.addressId,
address = rad.address,
number = None,
road = None,
city = None,
country = None
.mapPartitions { unparsedAddresses =>

Load constraints from csv-file (amazon deequ)

I'm checking out Deequ which seems like a really nice library. I was wondering if it is possible to load constraints from a csv file or an orc-table in HDFS?
Lets say I have a table with theese types
case class Item(
id: Long,
productName: String,
description: String,
priority: String,
numViews: Long
and I want to put constraints like:
val checks = Check(CheckLevel.Error, "unit testing my data")
.isComplete("id") // should never be NULL
.isUnique("id") // should not contain duplicates
But I want to load the ".isComplete("id")", ".isUnique("id")" from a csv file so the business can add the constraints and we can run te tests based on their input
val verificationResult = VerificationSuite()
I've managed to get the constraints from suggestionResult.constraintSuggestion
val allConstraints = suggestionResult.constraintSuggestions
.flatMap { case (_, suggestions) => { _.constraint }}
which gives a List like for example:
allConstraints = List(CompletenessConstraint(Completeness(id,None)), ComplianceConstraint(Compliance('id' has no negative values,id >= 0,None))
But it gets generated from suggestionResult.constraintSuggestions. But I want to be able to create a List like that based on the inputs from a csv file, can anyone help me?
To sum things up:
Basically I just want to add:
val checks = Check(CheckLevel.Error, "unit testing my data")
dynamically based on a file where the file has for example:
columnName;isUnique;isComplete (header)
I chose to store the CSV in src/main/resources as it's very easy to read from there, and easy to maintain in parallel with the code being QA'ed.
def readCSV(spark: SparkSession, filename: String): DataFrame = {
import spark.implicits._
val inputFileStream = Try {
this.getClass.getResourceAsStream("/" + filename)
throw new Exception("Cannot find" + filename + "in src/main/resources")
val readlines =
val csvData: Dataset[String] =
spark.sparkContext.parallelize(readlines).toDS"header", true).option("inferSchema", true).csv(csvData)
This loads it as a DataFrame; this can easily be passed to code like gavincruick's example on GitHub, copied here for convenience:
//code to build verifier from DF that has a 'Constraint' column
type Verifier = DataFrame => VerificationResult
def generateVerifier(df: DataFrame, columnName: String): Try[Verifier] = {
val constraintCheckCodes: Seq[String] =
def checkSrcCode(checkCodeMethod: String, id: Int): String = s""", "$id")$checkCodeMethod"""
val verifierSrcCode = s"""{
|import{VerificationResult, VerificationSuite}
|import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
|val checks = Seq(
| ${constraintCheckCodes.zipWithIndex
.map { (checkSrcCode _).tupled }
.mkString(",\n ")}
|(data: DataFrame) => VerificationSuite().onData(data).addChecks(checks).run()
println(s"Verification function source code:\n$verifierSrcCode\n")
/** Compiles the scala source code that, when evaluated, produces a value of type T. */
def compile[T](source: String): Try[T] =
Try {
val toolbox = currentMirror.mkToolBox()
val tree = toolbox.parse(source)
val compiledCode = toolbox.compile(tree)
//example usage...
//sample test data
val testDataDF = Seq(
("2020-02-12", "England", "E10000034", "Worcestershire", 1),
("2020-02-12", "Wales", "W11000024", "Powys", 0),
("2020-02-12", "Wales", null, "Unknown", 1),
("2020-02-12", "Canada", "MADEUP", "Ontario", 1)
).toDF("Date", "Country", "AreaCode", "Area", "TotalCases")
//constraints in a DF
val constraintsDF = Seq(
(".hasCompleteness(\"AreaCode\", _ >= 0.80, Some(\"It should be above 0.80!\"))"),
(".isContainedIn(\"Country\", Array(\"England\", \"Scotland\", \"Wales\", \"Northern Ireland\"))")
//Build Verifier from constraints DF
val verifier = generateVerifier(constraintsDF, "Constraint").get
//Run verifier against a sample DF
val result = verifier(testDataDF)
//display results
VerificationResult.checkResultsAsDataFrame(spark, result).show()
It depends on how complicated you want to allow the constraints to be. In general, deequ allows you to use arbitrary scala code for the validation function of a constraint, so its difficult (and dangerous from a security perspective) to load that from a file.
I think you would have to come up with your own schema and semantics for the CSV file, at least it is not directly supported in deequ.

how to call an udf with multiple arguments(currying) in spark sql?

How do i call the below UDF with multiple arguments(currying) in a spark dataframe as below.
read read and get a list[String]
val data = sc.textFile("file.csv").flatMap(line => line.split("\n")).collect.toList
register udf
val getValue = udf(Udfnc.getVal(_: Int, _: String, _: String)(_: List[String]))
call udf in the below df
Here is am missing the List[String] argument, and I am really not sure as how should i pass on this argument .
I can make following assumption about your requirement based on your question
a] UDF should accept parameter other than dataframe column
b] UDF should take multiple columns as parameter
Let's say you want to concat values from all column along with specified parameter. Here is how you can do it
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def uDF(strList: List[String]) = udf[String, Int, String, String]((value1: Int, value2: String, value3: String) => value1.toString + "_" + value2 + "_" + value3 + "_" + strList.mkString("_"))
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq((1,"r1c1","r1c2"),(2,"r2c1","r2c2"))).toDF("id","str1","str2")
| id|str1|str2|
| 1|r1c1|r1c2|
| 2|r2c1|r2c2|
val dummyList = List("dummy1","dummy2")
val result = df.withColumn("new_col", uDF(dummyList)(df("id"),df("str1"),df("str2")))
scala>, false)
|id |str1|str2|new_col |
|1 |r1c1|r1c2|1_r1c1_r1c2_dummy1_dummy2|
|2 |r2c1|r2c2|2_r2c1_r2c2_dummy1_dummy2|
Defining a UDF with multiple parameters:
val enrichUDF: UserDefinedFunction = udf((jsonData: String, id: Long) => {
val lastOccurence = jsonData.lastIndexOf('}')
val sid = ",\"site_refresh_stats_id\":" + id+ " }]"
val enrichedJson = jsonData.patch(lastOccurence, sid, sid.length)
Calling the udf to an existing dataframe:
val enrichedDF = EXISTING_DF
, col("id")))
An import statement is also required as:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction

spark map partitions to fill nan values

I want to fill nan values in spark using the last good known observation - see: Spark / Scala: fill nan with last good observation
My current solution used window functions in order to accomplish the task. But this is not great, as all values are mapped into a single partition.
val imputed: RDD[FooBar] = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => fill(i, iter) } should work a lot better. But strangely my fill function is not executed. What is wrong with my code?
| foo| bar|
|2016-01-01| first|
|2016-01-02| second|
| null| noValidFormat|
Here is the full example code:
import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.log4j.{ Level, Logger }
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
case class FooBar(foo: Date, bar: String)
object WindowFunctionExample extends App {
val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf()
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
import spark.implicits._
val myDff = Seq(("2016-01-01", "first"), ("2016-01-02", "second"),
("2016-wrongFormat", "noValidFormat"),
("2016-01-04", "lastAssumingSameDate"))
val recordsDF = myDff
.toDF("foo", "bar")
.withColumn("foo", 'foo.cast("Date"))
def notMissing(row: FooBar): Boolean = { != null
val toCarry = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => Iterator((i, iter.filter(notMissing(_)).toSeq.lastOption)) }.collectAsMap
println("###################### carry ")
println("###################### carry ")
val toCarryBd = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(toCarry)
def fill(i: Int, iter: Iterator[FooBar]): Iterator[FooBar] = {
var lastNotNullRow: FooBar = toCarryBd.value(i).get => {
if (!notMissing(row))1
else {
lastNotNullRow = row
// The algorithm does not step into the for loop for filling the null values. Strange
val imputed: RDD[FooBar] = recordsDF.rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex { case (i, iter) => fill(i, iter) }
val imputedDF = imputed.toDS()
I fixed the code as outlined by the comment. But the toCarryBd contains None values. How can this happen as I did filter explicitly for
def notMissing(row: FooBar): Boolean = { != null}
non None values.
This leads to NoSuchElementException: None.getwhen trying to access toCarryBd.
Firstly, if your foo field can be null, I would recommend creating the case class as:
case class FooBar(foo: Option[Date], bar: String)
Then, you can rewrite your notMissing function to something like:
def notMissing(row: Option[FooBar]): Boolean = row.isDefined &&

How to Validate contents of Spark Dataframe

I have below Scala Spark code base, which works well, but should not.
The 2nd column has data of mixed types, whereas in Schema I have defined it of IntegerType. My actual program has over 100 columns, and keep deriving multiple child DataFrames after transformations.
How can I validate that contents of RDD or DataFrame fields have correct datatype values, and thus ignore invalid rows or change contents of column to some default value. Any more pointers for data quality checks with DataFrame or RDD are appreciated.
var theSeq = Seq(("X01", "41"),
("X01", 41),
("X01", 41),
("X02", "ab"),
("X02", "%%"))
val newRdd = sc.parallelize(theSeq)
val rowRdd = => Row(r._1, r._2))
val theSchema = StructType(Seq(StructField("ID", StringType, true),
StructField("Age", IntegerType, true)))
val theNewDF = sqc.createDataFrame(rowRdd, theSchema)
First of all passing schema is simply a way to avoid type inference. It is not validated or enforced during DataFrame creation. On a side note I wouldn't describe ClassCastException as working well. For a moment I thought you actually found a bug.
I think the important question is how you get data like theSeq / newRdd in the first place. Is it something you parse by yourself, is it received from an external component? Simply looking at the type (Seq[(String, Any)] / RDD[(String, Any)] respectively) you already know it is not a valid input for a DataFrame. Probably the way to handle things at this level is to embrace static typing. Scala provides quite a few neat ways to handle unexpected conditions (Try, Either, Option) where the last one is the simplest one, and as a bonus works well with Spark SQL. Rather simplistic way to handle things could look like this
def validateInt(x: Any) = x match {
case x: Int => Some(x)
case _ => None
def validateString(x: Any) = x match {
case x: String => Some(x)
case _ => None
val newRddOption: RDD[(Option[String], Option[Int])] ={
case (id, age) => (validateString(id), validateInt(age))}
Since Options can be easily composed you can add additional checks like this:
def validateAge(age: Int) = {
if(age >= 0 && age < 150) Some(age)
else None
val newRddValidated: RDD[(Option[String], Option[Int])] ={
case (id, age) => (id, age.flatMap(validateAge))}
Next instead of Row which is a very crude container I would use cases classes:
case class Record(id: Option[String], age: Option[Int])
val records: RDD[Record] ={case (id, age) => Record(id, age)}
At this moment all you have to do is call toDF:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val df: DataFrame = records.toDF
// root
// |-- id: string (nullable = true)
// |-- age: integer (nullable = true)
This was the hard but arguably a more elegant way. A faster is to let SQL casting system to do a job for you. First lets convert everything to Strings:
val stringRdd: RDD[(String, String)] = sc.parallelize(theSeq).map(
p => (p._1.toString, p._2.toString))
Next create a DataFrame:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val df: DataFrame = stringRdd.toDF("id", "age")
val expectedTypes = Seq(StringType, IntegerType)
val exprs: Seq[Column] ={
case (c, t) => col(c).cast(t).alias(c)}
val dfProcessed: DataFrame = _*)
And the result:
// root
// |-- id: string (nullable = true)
// |-- age: integer (nullable = true)
// +---+----+
// | id| age|
// +---+----+
// |X01| 41|
// |X01| 41|
// |X01| 41|
// |X02|null|
// |X02|null|
// +---+----+
In version 1.4 or older
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug._
It was removed via SPARK-9754 though. I haven't checked but I think typeCheck becomes sqlContext.debug beforehand