Delimiter ";" doesnt work - papaparse

I using the following code to achieve the result below
function handleFileSelect(evt) {
var file =[0];
var asd = Papa.parse(file, {
delimeter: ";",
newline: "",
quoteChar: '"',
header: true,
complete: processResults
My .csv file looks like this:
2000;51013;;Kronospan Szczecinek Sp.z o.o.;ul. Waryńskiego 1 78-400 SZCZECINEK;PL6731657551;PLN;PL;;PL;D;51013
In the returned file it is written as:
2000,51013,,Kronospan Szczecinek Sp.z o.o.,ul. Waryńskiego 1 78-400 SZCZECINEK,PL6731657551 Zweryfikowany poprawnie,PLN,PL,,PL,D,51013
Note that the ; became ,.
anyone can help me?

for autodetect delimiter
delimiter: "",
var asd = Papa.parse(file, {
delimeter: "",//automatic detect delimiter
newline: "",
quoteChar: '"',
header: true,
complete: processResults
2. you can remove delimiter from config
var asd = Papa.parse(file, {
newline: "",
quoteChar: '"',
header: true,
complete: processResults


Convert "," to ";" in a CSV file Google script

With the below code my goal is to extract a sheet from the Google sheet file in CSV format. However, when I want to convert the , to ; the following error message appears:
r.join is not a function
Could you please help me to solve this problem.
Also, do you think it is possible to download this new file directly to the desktop of the computer ?
function sheetToCsv(){
var ssID = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
var sheet_Name = "Int_Module";
var requestData = {"method": "GET", "headers":{"Authorization":"Bearer "+ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}};
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheet_Name)
var sheetNameId = sheet.getSheetId().toString();
params= ssID+"/export?gid="+sheetNameId +"&format=csv"
var url = ""+ params
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestData);
var newfile = [result].map(r => r.join(";")).join("\n");
newfile.createFile(fileName, outputData, MimeType.PLAIN_TEXT);
I understand that there is 2 questions ... how to produce CSV file with semi-colon, and how to download the file directly to your PC.
1- To produce the csv content, try
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
var sep = ';'
const content = sh.getDataRange().getValues().reduce((s, r) => s += => c + sep).join("") + '\n', "")
2- To download, you will have to go through an html page.
Try this for both needs
function downloadMyCSVFile() {
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet()
var sep = ';'
const content = sh.getDataRange().getValues().reduce((s, r) => s += => c + sep).join("") + '\n', "")
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(`
<html><body onload="document.getElementById('dwn-btn').click()">
<textarea id="text-val" rows="10" style="display:none;">${content}</textarea>
<input type="button" id="dwn-btn" value="Download text file" style="display:none;"/>
window.close = function(){window.setTimeout(function(){},100)}
function download(filename, text) {
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';
document.getElementById("dwn-btn").addEventListener("click", function(){
var text = document.getElementById("text-val").value;
var filename = "${sh.getName()}.csv";
download(filename, text);
}, false);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, "Downloading ...");

Github API Create issue Markdown not rendering

I am creating a GitHub issue via the API using a script.
var labels = [];
var body = \n*Title:* ' + title + '\n##Abstract: \n' + abstract;
var payload = {
"title": title,
"body": body,
"labels": labels
var options = {
"method": "POST",
"contentType": "application/json",
"payload": JSON.stringify(payload)
options.headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(handle + ":" + token)};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(""+org+"/"+repo+"/issues", options);
The issue is getting posted correctly to Github, except that the markdown is not rendered when I look at the issue in Github. It just shows up as ## and * instead of headers and italics. If I go ahead and edit the issue manually in Github and mark the headers using the visual editor, it puts in another # and then renders it correctly. How do I get it to show correctly using the API?
The markdown text in the body is not correctly formatted. Every markdown syntax character should be having whitespace around it, which in OP's case is absent.
Code :
var reqHeaders = new Headers();
reqHeaders.append("Authorization", "Bearer <token>");
reqHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
var rawBody = JSON.stringify({
"title": "Markdown not rendering due to malformed markdown text in request body ",
"body": "\n*Title:* This is some title \n## Abstract: \n And this is some abstract",
"assignees": [
"labels": [
"good first issue",
"help wanted"
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: reqHeaders,
body: rawBody
fetch("<owner>/<repo>/issues", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));
Below is the end result :

Retrieve date value in jenkinsfile

I have a job to push some values to consul based on user parameters and 2 values are generated when the pipeline is run like shutdown_date and termination_date:
def now, shutdown_date, termination_date
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'env', defaultValue: 'abc')
string(name: 'owr', defaultValue: 'abc')
string(name: 'de', defaultValue: 'abc')
string(name: 'tct', defaultValue: 'abc-123')
agent { label 'abc' }
stages {
stage ('Update ENV'){
steps {
script {
now = new Date()
println now.format("yyyy-MM-dd", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))
shutdown_date = now + 170
shutdown_date = (shutdown_date.format("yyyy-MM-dd", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))).trim()
println shutdown_date
termination_date = now + 365
termination_date = (termination_date.format("yyyy-MM-dd", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'))).trim()
println termination_date
step([$class: 'ConsulKVBuilder', aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'DISABLED', envVarKey: 'env_status', hostUrl: '', key: 'env_status/${env_name}', keyValue: '{ "owr":"${owr}", "de":"${de}", "tct":"${tct}", "shutdown_date": "${shutdown_date}", "termination_date": "${termination_date}" }', requestMode: 'WRITE'])
Expected result:
{ "owr":"abc", "de":"abc", "tct":"abc-123", "shutdown_date": "2020-02-15", "termination_date": "2020-08-15" }
Actual result:
{ "owr":"abc", "de":"abc", "tct":"abc-123", "shutdown_date": "${shutdown_date}", "termination_date": "${termination_date}" }
As mentioned in this answer, single-quoted strings won't interpolate variables.
You need to change your step to use double quotes and escape the ones in json.
step([$class: 'ConsulKVBuilder', aclToken: '', apiUri: '', debugMode: 'DISABLED', envVarKey: 'env_status', hostUrl: '', key: "env_status/${env_name}", keyValue: "{ \"owr\":\"${owr}\", \"de\":\"${de}\", \"tct\":\"${tct}\", \"shutdown_date\": \"${shutdown_date}\", \"termination_date\": \"${termination_date}\" }", requestMode: 'WRITE'])
String interpolation

FBInstant.shareAsync( ) failed with 500

I'm doing the sharing in my instant game.
I'm firing next req from the game:
intent: 'REQUEST',
image: 'image-encoded-here',
text: 'Edgar just played BASH for 9 points!',
data: { myReplayData: 'message sent' },
).then( function()
console.log("sharing is done");
.catch( function(err)
console.log('failed to share: ' + err.code + " :: " + err.message);
but I'm receiving 500-error: 500 ()
failed to share: NETWORK_FAILURE ::
in My particulare case problems was with encoded image.
As i remember, image to share should include all the encoded image stuff with "" in front.
Look at your "image" parameter in the shareAsync(). You must send a Base64 url or it will go wrong.
Try removing the "," from the line
data: { myReplayData: 'message sent' },
data: { myReplayData: 'message sent' }

remote autocomplete by typeahead works only on unique queries

I am having problem setting up typeahead with bloodhound on two fields - symbol and name. You can try live version on my DGI portfolio manager and autocomplete remote source here.
Typeahead sometimes works and sometimes it does not.
If I type symbols like "jnj", "mcd", "aapl" it works.
However, when I type string from name like "corporation" and "inc" that have around 3000 objects with this name, it does not work. I doubt it is because it is loading, since json file is served quickly(under 250ms on localhost).
Firstly, I thought symbols work correctly and names are ignored. But I do get proper typeahead for some names: "apple" and "homestreet" for instance.
I believe it only works if there are 1 or 2 results. But I don't understand, json file serves always max 5 results.
Here are my codes: for autocomplete url:
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
import json
def autocomplete(request):
if request.GET.get('q', '') == '':
array = []
sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(Stock)
sqs_symbol = sqs.filter(symbol_auto=request.GET.get('q', ''))
sqs_name = sqs.filter(name_auto=request.GET.get('q', ''))
sqs_result = sqs_symbol | sqs_name
array = []
print sqs_result.count()
for result in sqs_result[:5]:
data = {"symbol": str(result.symbol),
"name": str(,
"tokens": str(
array.insert(0, data)
print array
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(array), content_type='application/json')
I added print so I know when it does not work. file:
from haystack import indexes
from stocks.models import Stock
class StockIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable):
text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
symbol = indexes.CharField(model_attr='symbol')
name = indexes.CharField(model_attr='name')
# We add this for autocomplete.
symbol_auto = indexes.EdgeNgramField(model_attr='symbol')
name_auto = indexes.EdgeNgramField(model_attr='name')
def get_model(self):
return Stock
def index_queryset(self, using=None):
"""Used when the entire index for model is updated."""
return self.get_model().objects.all()
And in my template html file:
<script type="text/javascript">
var stocks = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.tokens);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
limit: 5,
remote: {
url: "/search/autocomplete/",
replace: function(url, query) {
return url + "?q=" + query;
filter: function(stocks) {
return $.map(stocks, function(data) {
return {
tokens: data.tokens,
symbol: data.symbol,
$('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {
name: 'stocks',
displayKey: 'name',
minLength: 1, // send AJAX request only after user type in at least X characters
source: stocks.ttAdapter(),
templates: {
suggestion: function(data){
return '<p>' + + ' (<strong>' + data.symbol + '</strong>)</p>';
}).on('typeahead:selected', function (obj, stock) {
window.location.href = "/stocks/detail/" + stock.symbol;
EDIT: Some Examples
Json response:
[{"tokens": ["Johnson", "&", "Johnson"], "symbol": "JNJ", "name": "Johnson & Johnson"}]
Not working for "sto":
json response:
[{"tokens": ["QKL", "Stores,", "Inc."], "symbol": "QKLS", "name": "QKL Stores, Inc."}, {"tokens": ["SPDR", "DJ", "STOXX", "50"], "symbol": "FEU", "name": "SPDR DJ STOXX 50 "}, {"tokens": ["Statoil", "ASA"], "symbol": "STO", "name": "Statoil ASA"}, {"tokens": ["STORE", "Capital", "Corporation"], "symbol": "STOR", "name": "STORE Capital Corporation"}, {"tokens": ["StoneMor", "Partners", "L.P."], "symbol": "STON", "name": "StoneMor Partners L.P."}]
It is typeahead.js's bug. It should be fixed in version 0.11.2.