Scala: missing arguments for method count in trait - scala

In one line of code I'm attempting to take the first 10 lines of an RDD and count the records (which obviously should be 10). However, when I do some I get the error:
<console>:24: error: missing arguments for method count in trait
follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
Here is the code:
logfiles.filter(line => line.contains("jpg")).take(10).count

After you take(10), you're no longer dealing with an RDD, but a Traversable (Scala collection type). You want to use size instead of count, since count takes a predicate to filter by:
val count = logfiles.filter(line => line.contains("jpg")).take(10).size
As you've stated, this will trivially always return 10 items as long as your RDD has at least that many items, and you most likely want to use RDD.count() instead.
val count = logfiles.filter(line => line.contains("jpg")).count()

As suggested by the documentation of RDD
def take(num: Int): Array[T]
Returns Array not an RDD hence the count function doesn't work.
Also in RDD there is no native way of selecting 10 elements. If you really want to do that you should probably convert the RDD to a dataframe and use limit function in dataframe
df.limit(10) will return a dataframe of 10 elements
Where you can perform the count operation


How can you apply filter for a RelationalGroupedDataset class from apache.spark.sql using Scala?

I was trying to find a filter function (takes a List type object and a function s.t. the function should be of type of the input list elements and should return a bool value, and the output of the filter of these two functions contains the original list element in which the function returns true on the element).
When I try to apply filter, I get an error. Are there any ways to apply filter to a RelationalGroupedDataset? (I wasn't able to find any in the attached docs:
Also, is there proper notation for how I should be accessing a specific column value for a RelationalGroupedDataset?
Original Call
Error Message
Here is is an example:
.where(col("sum_bonus") >= 50000)
It should give you guidance.
Try to add :_* to passed cols into groupBy:
def showGroupByDesc(df: DataFrame, cols: Column*): Unit = {
it's a special syntax for passing arguments to varargs functions in scala.
Without :_* compiler is looking for function which accepts Seq[Column] and will not found it.
You can read more about functions with varargs here for example.

Scala. Need for loop where the iterations return a growing list

I have a function that takes a value and returns a list of pairs, pairUp.
and a key set, flightPass.keys
I want to write a for loop that runs pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys, and returns a big list of all these returned values.
val result:List[(Int, Int)] = pairUp(flightPass.keys.toSeq(0)).toList
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1))
{val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I've tried a few different variations on this, always getting the error:
<console>:23: error: forward reference extends over definition of value result
for (flight<- flightPass.keys.toSeq.drop(1)) {val result:List[(Int, Int)] = result ++ pairUp(flight).toList}
I feel like this should work in other languages, so what am I doing wrong here?
First off, you've defined result as a val, which means it is immutable and can't be modified.
So if you want to apply "pairUp for each value of flightPass.keys", why not map()?
val result = //add .toList if needed
A Scala method which converts a List of values into a List of Lists and then reduces them to a single List is called flatMap which is short for map then flatten. You would use it like this:
flightPass.keys.toSeq.flatMap(k => pairUp(k))
This will take each 'key' from flightPass.keys and pass it to pairUp (the mapping part), then take the resulting Lists from each call to pairUp and 'flatten' them, resulting in a single joined list.

Converting literal to RDD for subsequent Cartesian Product

Cannot find in the documentation how the result of below:
val DIM_Key_Max = => (x._1)).max
can be subsequently converted to a single entry RDD for JOINing with another RDD, or rather cartesian product.
Nowhere I can see that. Who can help?
max returns a single object. To turn it into a single entry RDD, use parallelize:
This returns an RDD with a single entry that can be used e.g. as an argument to cartesian.
You are getting something wrong here. max will not retrun an RDD which can be joined with another RDD.
val rdd=sc.parallelize(Array((1,2),(3,4),(5,6))).map(x=>x._1).max
rdd: Int = 5
res2: Class[Int] = int

Can we replace map with flatMap?

I was trying to find line with maximum words, and i wrote the following lines, to run on spark-shell:
import java.lang.Math
val counts = => line.split(" ").size).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b))
But since, map is one to one , and flatMap is one to either zero or anything. So i tried replacing map with flatMap, in above code. But its giving error as:
<console>:24: error: type mismatch;
found : Int
required: TraversableOnce[?]
val counts = F1.flatMap(s => s.split(" ").size).reduce((a,b)=> Math.max(a,b))
If anybody could make me understand the reason, it will really be helpful.
flatMap must return an Iterable which is clearly not what you want. You do want a map because you want to map a line to the number of words, so you want a one-to-one function that takes a line and maps it to the number of words (though you could create a collection with one element, being the size of course...).
FlatMap is meant to associate a collection to an input, for instance if you wanted to map a line to all its words you would do:
val words = textFile.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))
and that would return an RDD[String] containing all the words.
In the end, map transforms an RDD of size N into another RDD of size N (e.g. your lines to their length) whereas flatMap transforms an RDD of size N into an RDD of size P (actually an RDD of size N into an RDD of size N made of collections, all these collections are then flattened to produce the RDD of size P).
P.S.: one last word that has nothing to do with your problem, it is more efficient to do (for a string s)
val nbWords = s.split(" ").length
than call .size(). Indeed, the split method returns an array of String and arrays do not have a size method. So when you call .size() you have an implicit conversion from Array[String] to SeqLike[String] which creates new objects. But Array[T] do have a length field so there's no conversion calling length. (It's a detail but I think it's good habit though).
Any use of map can be replaced by flatMap, but the function argument has to be changed to return a single-element List: textFile.flatMap(line => List(line.split(" ").size)). This isn't a good idea: it just makes your code less understandable and less efficient.
After reading Tired of Null Pointer Exceptions? Consider Using Java SE 8's Optional!'s part about why use flatMap() rather than Map(), I have realized the truly reason why flatMap() can not replace map() is that map() is not a special case of flatMap().
It's true that flatMap() means one-to-many, but that's not the only thing flatMap() does. It can also strip outer Stream() if put it simply.
See the definations of map and flatMap:
Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper)
Stream<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
the only difference is the type of returned value in inner function. What map() returned is "Stream<'what inner function returned'>", while what flatMap() returned is just "what inner function returned".
So you can say that flatMap() can kick outer Stream() away, but map() can't. This is the most difference in my opinion, and also why map() is not just a special case of flatMap().
If you really want to make one-to-one with flatMap, then you should change it into one-to-List(one). That means you should add an outer Stream() manually which will be stripped by flatMap() later. After that you'll get the same effect as using map().(Certainly, it's clumsy. So don't do like that.)
Here are examples for Java8, but the same as Scala:
use map(): -> line.split(" ").length)
deprecated use flatMap(): -> Arrays.asList(line.split(" ").length).stream())

reduceByKey: How does it work internally?

I am new to Spark and Scala. I was confused about the way reduceByKey function works in Spark. Suppose we have the following code:
val lines = sc.textFile("data.txt")
val pairs = => (s, 1))
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
The map function is clear: s is the key and it points to the line from data.txt and 1 is the value.
However, I didn't get how the reduceByKey works internally? Does "a" points to the key? Alternatively, does "a" point to "s"? Then what does represent a + b? how are they filled?
Let's break it down to discrete methods and types. That usually exposes the intricacies for new devs:
pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
pairs.reduceByKey((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
and renaming the variables makes it a little more explicit
pairs.reduceByKey((accumulatedValue: Int, currentValue: Int) => accumulatedValue + currentValue)
So, we can now see that we are simply taking an accumulated value for the given key and summing it with the next value of that key. NOW, let's break it further so we can understand the key part. So, let's visualize the method more like this:
pairs.reduce((accumulatedValue: List[(String, Int)], currentValue: (String, Int)) => {
//Turn the accumulated value into a true key->value mapping
val accumAsMap = accumulatedValue.toMap
//Try to get the key's current value if we've already encountered it
accumAsMap.get(currentValue._1) match {
//If we have encountered it, then add the new value to the existing value and overwrite the old
case Some(value : Int) => (accumAsMap + (currentValue._1 -> (value + currentValue._2))).toList
//If we have NOT encountered it, then simply add it to the list
case None => currentValue :: accumulatedValue
So, you can see that the reduceByKey takes the boilerplate of finding the key and tracking it so that you don't have to worry about managing that part.
Deeper, truer if you want
All that being said, that is a simplified version of what happens as there are some optimizations that are done here. This operation is associative, so the spark engine will perform these reductions locally first (often termed map-side reduce) and then once again at the driver. This saves network traffic; instead of sending all the data and performing the operation, it can reduce it as small as it can and then send that reduction over the wire.
One requirement for the reduceByKey function is that is must be associative. To build some intuition on how reduceByKey works, let's first see how an associative associative function helps us in a parallel computation:
As we can see, we can break an original collection in pieces and by applying the associative function, we can accumulate a total. The sequential case is trivial, we are used to it: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10.
Associativity lets us use that same function in sequence and in parallel. reduceByKey uses that property to compute a result out of an RDD, which is a distributed collection consisting of partitions.
Consider the following example:
// collection of the form ("key",1),("key,2),...,("key",20) split among 4 partitions
val rdd =sparkContext.parallelize(( (1 to 20).map(x=>("key",x))), 4)
rdd.reduceByKey(_ + _)
> Array[(String, Int)] = Array((key,210))
In spark, data is distributed into partitions. For the next illustration, (4) partitions are to the left, enclosed in thin lines. First, we apply the function locally to each partition, sequentially in the partition, but we run all 4 partitions in parallel. Then, the result of each local computation are aggregated by applying the same function again and finally come to a result.
reduceByKey is an specialization of aggregateByKey aggregateByKey takes 2 functions: one that is applied to each partition (sequentially) and one that is applied among the results of each partition (in parallel). reduceByKey uses the same associative function on both cases: to do a sequential computing on each partition and then combine those results in a final result as we have illustrated here.
In your example of
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a,b) => a+b)
a and b are both Int accumulators for _2 of the tuples in pairs. reduceKey will take two tuples with the same value s and use their _2 values as a and b, producing a new Tuple[String,Int]. This operation is repeated until there is only one tuple for each key s.
Unlike non-Spark (or, really, non-parallel) reduceByKey where the first element is always the accumulator and the second a value, reduceByKey operates in a distributed fashion, i.e. each node will reduce it's set of tuples into a collection of uniquely-keyed tuples and then reduce the tuples from multiple nodes until there is a final uniquely-keyed set of tuples. This means as the results from nodes are reduced, a and b represent already reduced accumulators.
Spark RDD reduceByKey function merges the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
The reduceByKey function works only on the RDDs and this is a transformation operation that means it is lazily evaluated. And an associative function is passed as a parameter, which is applied to source RDD and creates a new RDD as a result.
So in your example, rdd pairs has a set of multiple paired elements like (s1,1), (s2,1) etc. And reduceByKey accepts a function (accumulator, n) => (accumulator + n), which initialise the accumulator variable to default value 0 and adds up the element for each key and return the result rdd counts having the total counts paired with key.
Simple if your input RDD data look like this:
and if you apply reduceByKey on above rdd data then few you have to remember,
reduceByKey always takes 2 input (x,y) and always works with two rows at a time.
As it is reduceByKey it will combine two rows of same key and combine the result of value.
val rdd2 = rdd.reduceByKey((x,y) => x+y)