Facebook analytic export always return "SCHEDULED" when call check status - facebook

Im new on getting with facebook api. When i try to use facebook analytic export API, i got FBID then I query status but it always return "SCHEDULED" status, on facebook api document, they said it will take about 1 -> 2 hours, but it waiting for about 3 days but it not change.
This is API link:
This is a example of request i made in today at 2017-10-09 04:10 UTC
"data": [
"id": "352212478559555",
"start_ts": "2017-10-07T08:00:00+0000",
"end_ts": "2017-10-07T09:00:00+0000",
"status": "SCHEDULED",
"column_names": [
Anyone faced with this problem? i already searched on google but no luck :(

This problem have been resovled. I have sent support ticket to facebook and problem is facebook export system too busy and it have delay time.


Facebook app_insights metric keys returning 0 data

Is anyone having trouble getting Facebook metric data from the app_insights edge? Hoping to get a sanity check about the Facebook graph API. In the past we could use story_clicks, story_publishes and story_impressions to get data about our facebook app. For example we would use the request of
to return data about our facebook application. We know the application is making posts, and the request doesn't return an error, but all we get are data points that look like this:
"data": [
"time": "2019-12-02T08:00:00+0000",
"value": "0"
The app_insights endpoint is still listed in the 5.0 graph api documentation, and nothing related to this seems to be listed in the changelog

Facebook graph API does not return any metric from two days

I have been using graph API since june 2017 but from past two days its giving empty data for all metrics.
Does anyone know whats wrong with API??
"data": [
"paging": {
"previous": "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/pageid/insights?access_token=pageToken&pretty=1&since=1506495600&metric=**page_fans**&until=1506582000",
finally the query got resolved and now the data is coming smoothly.
Don't know how the read_insights permissions got removed for the app associated with my page.
gave the read_insight permission again and the code is running very well now.

How to get Facebook Insights data of photo feed using Graph API?

Insights API works properly for link feed but it doesn't work for photo feed. For photo feed, Insights API returns 0 or empty even though Insights page shows a high reach and engagement rate.
Here is the url pattern of my photo feed:
https://www.facebook.com/[PAGE]/photos/a.xxx.xxx.[PAGE ID]/[POST ID]/
Insights API returns:
"id": "[PAGE ID]_[POST ID]/insights/post_story_adds_by_action_type_unique/lifetime",
"name": "post_story_adds_by_action_type_unique",
"period": "lifetime",
"values": [
"value": [
"title": "Lifetime Talking About This (Post) by action type",
"description": "Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by interacting with it. (Unique Users)"
I've been struggeling with the same questions... one thing I can tell you is, that you most likely used a wrong id for you photo post.
Please ensure that you ONLY use ID's retrieved by a facebook api. So this is a sample process:
1. Note your page-id
2. Use GRAPH to query <url-to-graph>/<page_id>/feed?access_token=<your_token>
3. From the response, take the photo-post-id you want to analyze
4. Use GRAPH to query <url-to-graph>/<id_from_step_3>/insights/?access_token=<your_token>
5. Check the metrics returned from step 4 and enjoy!
Please keep in mind that there's an undocumented need to add your page_id to any post_id. So every replacement of {post-id} as it is written in the FB api's will be _.
Hope that helps...

unlike facebook page api

searched around on a way to unlike facebook fan page but no success
the only way i figure out is :
error :
"error": {
"message": "(#200) App does not have permission to make this call",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200
so is there a way to unlike facebook fan page ? whatever if its through php or java api .
In the User object documentation, under the Likes connection there's nothing about changing/deleting or even adding likes, it just has a way of reading the user likes.
So as it looks, currently you have no way of automating this, and you'll have to manually go to each page you want to remove the like.
Facebook API v2, released April 30th, 2014, includes an end point for deleting a like.

Interfacing with wall/feeds

This is the first time I'm trying to develop a facebook app so sorry in advance if my question is too naive.
What I need to do is making a chat-like facebook application where:
the user can write something on the wall
the app should be able to detect this event and send an HTTP request to an external web service of my own which will provide a response (text)
publish that text as a comment
the user should be able to continue the dialog by entering another comment(s) (in which case we go back to step #2)
Basically, this would be very similar to:
I think one (ugly) way to do this would be making a script which searches for new wall entries/comments and posts replies in an infinite loop by using the Graph API but it's obviously sub-optimal and expensive.
Is there any way to have facebook call a certain url every time a wall post/comment is entered?
Or maybe something like Twitter's streaming API based on long-polling technique?
Am I in the right direction by assuming such kind of solutions or I'm totally missing the point?
Thanks in advance.
I am working on something very similar myself.
So far i have the "loop" which can be set to any page, group or app on facebook.
SAMPLE: https://shawnsspace.com/plugins/wallfeed.php My page wall.
SAMPLE: https://shawnsspace.com/plugins/wallfeed.php?pageid=19292868552&ptype=feed&limit=40 Facebook Platform Wall.
With some perms, a form and user access_tokens i can make the wall postable. Asper UGLY - you do not need to run this in a loop, Facebook supports realtime updates and will send a response to your app when a user, or page has made a change.
MORE: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api/realtime
Thanks for the input.
I tried to use the real-time API by using object=user and fields=feed.
If I understood the doc correctly this should result in my callback url being called (POST) every time a user writes something on my app's wall.
I received the initial GET request but never POST.
This is the current configuration:
"data": [
"object": "user",
"callback_url": "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:8888/",
"fields": [
"active": true
"object": "page",
"callback_url": "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:8888/",
"fields": [
"active": true
I've noticed various user comments reporting different concerns about the reliability of this API.
Also, here:
it says: "Note: Real-time updates are not yet supported for the total number of Page checkins."
...which I'm not sure what it means exactly.
For the record, my app's page I'm using for tests is: