Resetting forms in Polymer 2.x - forms

I am trying to reset my form. What am I doing wrong? What is best-practice?
Here is my Plunk demo.
My problem on the demo is that connectedCallback() appears to fire continually (not just on initial load), thereby losing the value of savedItem by updating it to newItem on each update.
Here is the same issue on Github.
<base href="">
<link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="paper-toggle-button/paper-toggle-button.html">
<dom-module id="my-demo">
:host > * {
margin-top: 40px;
font-size: 18px;
} {
color: white;
background-color: blue;
<paper-toggle-button checked="{{item.alice}}">Alice</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button checked="{{item.bob}}">Bob</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button checked="{{item.charlie}}">Charlie</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button checked="{{item.dave}}">Dave</paper-toggle-button>
<button class="save" on-tap="_reset">Save</button>
class MyDemo extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {
return 'my-demo';
static get properties() {
return {
item: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
value: () => {
return {
alice: false,
bob: false,
charlie: false,
dave: true,
savedItem: {
type: Object,
notify: true,
connectedCallback() {
this.set('savedItem', this.item);
static get observers() {
return [
_itemChanged(newItem) {
console.log('saved-item', this.savedItem);
console.log('new-item', newItem);
_reset() {
this.set('item', this.savedItem);
window.customElements.define(, MyDemo);
Steps to recreate the problem
Open the demo here.
Open your console.
Navigate in the Plunker to my-demo.html
Click one of the toggle switches.
Notice in the console, the savedItem property updates to the current item property.
Notice, this appears to be the result of the following code block.
connectedCallback() {
this.set('savedItem', this.item);
But how can this be? Because I thought connectedCallback() only fired once at initialization time?

tldr; The connectedCallback() isn't actually being called more than once in this case. savedItem and item are always the same object in your code because JavaScript passes objects by reference.
Object references
In the following:
connectedCallback() {
this.set('savedItem', this.item);
_reset() {
this.set('item', this.savedItem);
savedItem and item are both references to the same object. Calling this.set() does not automatically clone the operand (nor does the = operator).
One solution is to clone the object before assignment (using ES2017 object-spread operator):
connectedCallback() {
this.savedItem = {...this.item};
_reset() {
this.item = {...this.savedItem};
updated plunker
Best practice (or simpler reset method)
A simpler way to reset the form is to let iron-form handle the form's reset event, where it resets the form's named inputs to their initial values. This saves you from having to declare savedItem and no extra JavaScript to manage it.
To accomplish this, wrap the <paper-toggle-button>'s in an <iron-form>, and add name attributes to them. Then, insert an <input type="reset"> in the form, which serves as the reset button.
<paper-toggle-button name="alice" checked="{{item.alice}}">Alice</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button name="bob" checked="{{item.bob}}">Bob</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button name="charlie" checked="{{item.charlie}}">Charlie</paper-toggle-button>
<paper-toggle-button name="dave" checked="{{item.dave}}">Dave</paper-toggle-button>
<input type="reset" class="save">


Handling form data in PreactJS

I am porting a react app to preact. Handling data from a form on submit throws a TypeError: this.createIssue is not a function at Object.createTestIssue [as click] error.
The code is a follows:
class IssueList extends Component {
state = { issues: [] };
createIssue(newIssue) {
const updatedIssues = this.state.issues.slice(); = this.state.issues.length + 1;
this.setState({ issues: updatedIssues });
createTestIssue() {
const issue = {
status: 'New',
owner: 'Pieta',
created: new Date(),
title: 'Completion date should be optional'
render(props, state) {
return (
<h1>Issue Tracker</h1>
<IssueFilter />
<hr />
<IssueTable issues={state.issues} />
<hr />
<IssueAdd createIssue={this.createIssue} />
<hr />
<button onClick={this.createTestIssue}>Add Test</button>
export default IssueList;
I have tried to create a constructor and setting the state from inside the constructor, however there is a ReferenceError: state is not defined at new IssueList.
I have looked at linkState module that preact recommends for forms, however, I have not been able to set it up correctly. Do I pass an empty object and an object with the data that I want to be added to my array; something like:
render({}, { state }) {
But that does not allow me to access the state. Any help is appreciated.
In preact props and state are passed into the render function, as you have shown.
render(props, state) {
This allows you to use destructuring#MOZDocs to
render({}, { state }) {
What you have ^^ would not be beneficial, and might hide state behind another object. What you should have is:
render({}, { ...state }) {
OR in my opinion the best solution assuming state = {key: 'test', value: 1}:
render({}, { key, value }) {
If you do not wish to use anything from props you can either use the empty object as shown above or just have props, but then not use it.

How to change input value in redux

I am making a file manager app based on react-redux, and I meet problem with input.
For example, my code:
export default class PathForm extends Component {
render() {
const { currentPath, handleSubmit } = this.props;
console.log('PathFormPathFormPathForm', this.props)
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" className="current-path-input" placeholder="input path" value={currentPath} />
<button className="go-btn" type="submit">Go</button>
class Explorer extends Component {
goPath(e) {
// fake function here, because I have to solve the input problem first
console.log('PathForm goPath:',this.props)
let {targetPath , actions} = this.props
render() {
const { node, currentPath , actions} = this.props
return (
<div className='explorer-container'>
<PathForm currentPath={currentPath} handleSubmit={this.goPath.bind(this)}/>
<FileListOperator />
<FileListView fileList={node && node.childNodes} actions ={actions} />
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
node: state.tree[state.tree.currentPath],
currentPath: state.tree.currentPath
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators(NodeActions, dispatch)
export default connect(
Feature I want:
I have a PathForm, it need show path from two way:
user click a file path from left tree view, Explorer get this path as currentPath, then pass to PathForm, and show currentPath in input
user directly type a path to the PathForm's input, PathForm call handleSubmit(Explorer's function) to change the currentPath
Additional:I want to keep PathForm as a stateless component
The problem:
I'd like use PathForm as a stateless form, so I don't want connect it to store, but I need it change input by currentPath. But if I set value={currentPath}, user can not type anything else.
change to <input type="text" onChange={this.changeValue} value={this.getValue()}/> allow user type string in this input, but can not use props currentPath passed by Explorer
The only way I can imagine is connect this form to store which I don't want. I'd like Explorer to dispatch all actions and pass props.
Tried with some package
I found the input not act as my thought, so I tried the two popular package:
It create a form need so much code, and official doc not say how to render this form with parent props,
I try to pass props and handleSubmit to it, not work. After I see
React + Redux - What's the best way to handle CRUD in a form component?
and How to wire up redux-form bindings to the form's inputs
I found I can't do that, it define some function overwrite mine, this behave is not good for me(I have to change the handlerSubmit function name, but it still not work), and it connect to the store. So I turn to formsy-react
It still need so much code, though it provide some mixin, but I still have to write a custom text input with changeValue function myself(changeValue is no need in most situation when writing normal html jquery app).Then I found the problem that PathForm can not use props currentPath passed by Explorer...
Probably Worked solution(but I don't tend to use):
connect PathForm to store, add another state inputPathValue for this input. Use inputPathValue interact with currentPath
After above, I found use input/form is super in-convenient in react....
Does it mean I have to connect PathForm to stroe?
Any other way to solve my problem?
There are uncontrolled(not set value) and controlled(set value) input in reactjs.
controlled not allow user input, but uncontrolled does.
Need use uncontrolled input(no value attribute).
Select input element and set the value when currentPath change.
Bad way:
export default class PathForm extends Component {
changeCurrentPath(path) {
const pathInput = document.querySelector('.current-path-input')
if (pathInput){
pathInput.value = path
this.lastPath = path
render() {
const { currentPath, handleSubmit } = this.props;
console.log('PathFormPathFormPathForm', this.props)
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" className="current-path-input" placeholder="input path" />
<button className="go-btn" type="submit">Go</button>
Good way:
use componentWillReceiveProps to set props and rel to select element
1.use form submit
export default class PathForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// can not find `this` if not bind
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.currentPath !== this.props.currentPath) {
getInputValue() {
return this.refs.pathInput.value
setInputValue(val) {
this.refs.pathInput.value = val
render() {
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input className="current-path-input"
ref="pathInput" />
<button className="waves-effect waves-light btn" type="submit">Go</button>
2.use button click
export default class PathForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
// can not find `this` if not bind
this.handleGoClick = this.handleGoClick.bind(this)
this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this)
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.currentPath !== this.props.currentPath) {
getInputValue() {
return this.refs.pathInput.value
setInputValue(val) {
this.refs.pathInput.value = val
handleKeyUp(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
handleGoClick(e) {
render() {
return (
<div className="path-box">
<form >
<input className="current-path-input"
ref="pathInput" />
<button className="waves-effect waves-light btn" type="submit" onClick={this.handleGoClick}>Go</button>
If you really don't want the state in Redux, you can instead store the state on the component with setState. Directly accessing the input is strongly discouraged. You should track the state of the input on the component. Add an onChange handler to the input, store the state and handle componentWillReceiveProps where you decide what to do with new incoming props.

How to add multiple event handlers to same event in React.js

I wonder if it is possible that binding multiple event handlers to same event?
For example:
var LikeToggleButton = React.createClass({
render: function(){
(function toggle(){
return (
<div onClick={toggle}>TOGGLE LIKE</div>
Until this point everything seems normal, but I want to add another feature to that button, which is decide by other option:
For example, I have another switch component(could be anything like checkbox or radio button etc.) called "count toggle", which when enabled, the LikeToggleButton's button will be added another onClick handler which is start counting times of button clicked, I know it could be predesignd into the toggle function, but I just wonder if there is a way to append this part to onClick handler?
If you want to have multiple callbacks executed when onClick is triggered, you can have them passed from outside, so you'll have access to them in the props object. Then execute them all (note: code not tested):
var LikeToggleButton = React.createClass({
toggle: function() {
handleClick: function(e) {
for (var i=0, l<this.props.callbacks.length; i<l; i++) {
render: function() {
return (
<div onClick={this.handleClick}>TOGGLE LIKE</div>
BUT, if you want to have components connected between them, you should not do that by calling methods inside handlers. Instead you should use an architectural pattern, where Flux is the obvious choice (but there are lots more).
Take a look to Flux, and here you have more choices.
For an extensible way that does't require the component to know about components that use it - save the onClick event before changing it.
This is highlights extracted from the actual working code:
class Button extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state= { callback: false};
//do stuff here
if(this.state.callback) {; }
render () {
this.state.callback = this.props.onClick; // save the onClick of previous handler
return (
<button { ...this.props } type={ this.props.type || "button" } onClick={ } className = this.props.className } >
{ this.props.children }
export default Button;
Then in another component you can use the button and it can have it's own onClick handler:
class ItemButtons extends React.Component {
itemClick () {
//do something here;
render () {
const buttons = [
<Button onClick={ this.itemClick.bind(this) } className="item-button">
return (<section>{ buttons }</section>);
export default ItemButtons;
To group multiple actions on an event
onMouseDown={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); alert('hello'); }}
Maybe you can set multiple click event handlers on the same one target as described here:
Code (copied from linke above):
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<div style={{
width: '270px',
background: '#f0f0f0',
borderRight: "30px solid red",
minHeight: ' 500px',
maxHeight: '700px',
overflowX: 'hidden',
overflowY: 'scroll',
<button onClick={this.props.ClickHandler}>props</button>
<button onClick={(e) => this.props.ClickHandler}>props</button>
<button onClick={this.props.ClickHandler}>props</button>
<button onClick={this.state.ClickHandler}>state</button>

ReactJs: Wrap Semantic UI Modal using Portal "pattern"

I'm trying to wrap Semantic UI Modal component using portal approach described here
Here is my take at it
I'm running into issue though, when obtaining a DOM reference and Rendering new markup into it there seem to be old reference still maintained.
render: function() {
return <div className="ui modal"/>; <-- the idea at first was to only return <div/>
React.render(<div > <----------- originally this element had className="ui modal", but this.node doesn't seem to overtake the original node reference
<i className="close icon"></i>
<div className="header">test</div>
<div className="content">
</div>, <-----------
Any pointers how fix this test case
You will lose correct vertical positioning and probably animations with approaches mentioned above.
Instead, you can just place your modal's component inside your app's root component and call .modal() with detachable: false. With this option, semantic wouldn't make any DOM manipulations and you won't lose your React DOM event listeners.
Example using Webpack/Babel:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import $ from 'jquery'
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.jQuery = $
class App extends Component {
state = {
showModal: false
_toggleModal = (e) => {
toggleModalState = () => {
this.setState({ showModal: !this.state.showModal })
render() {
return (
<a href="" onClick={this._toggleModal}></a>
? <Modal toggleModalState={this.toggleModalState}/>
: ''}
class Modal extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
.modal({ detachable: false })
componentWillUnmount() {
_close = (e) {
render() {
return (
<div ref={(n) => this.modal = n} className="ui modal">
<div class="content">
<a onClick={this._close} href="">Click Me</a>
When you call this.$modal.modal('show'), it will actually restructure your DOM, and React will not be happy about it. Plus, if you try to put control in your modal, the control will not work.
What you should do is to React.render an already shown modal, i.e. a modal with markup as if $('.ui.modal').modal('show') has been called.
Here is my attempt using "React-Portal" to help with rendering a react component at body level. You can still use your method if you prefer.
// modal.jsx
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Portal from 'react-portal';
class InnerModal extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { modalHeight: 0 };
componentDidMount() {
let modalHeight = window.$('#reactInnerModal').outerHeight();
this.setState({modalHeight: modalHeight});
render() {
return (
<div id='reactInnerModal' className='ui standard test modal transition visible active' style={{'margin-top': - this.state.modalHeight / 2}}>
<i className='close icon' onClick={this.props.closePortal}></i>
class Modal extends Component {
render() {
let triggerButton = <button className='ui button'>Open Modal</button>;
return (
<Portal className='ui dimmer modals visible active page transition' openByClickOn={triggerButton} closeOnEsc={true} closeOnOutsideClick={true}>
export default Modal;
Notice that my modal has already been rendered in the markup.
You can then consume the modal as below:
// index.jsx
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Modal from './modal';
class ModalDemo extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='header'>
Profile Picture
<div className='image content'>
<div className='ui medium image'>
<img src='' />
<div className='description'>
<div className="ui header">We've auto-chosen a profile image for you.</div>
<p>We've grabbed the following image from the <a href='' target='_blank'>gravatar</a> image associated with your registered e-mail address.</p>
<p>Is it okay to use this photo?</p>
<div className='actions'>
<div className='ui black deny button'>
<div className='ui positive right labeled icon button'>
Yep, that's me
<i className='checkmark icon'></i>
React.render(<ModalDemo />, document.getElementById('content'));
With this you don't have to hack your way into DOM manipulation with jQuery, and the control in the modal (button, link, etc, to invoke functions) still works.
Hope this help!
Khanetor answered this question thoroughly and correctly, I just want to contribute one additional tidbit about how to position the Modal. It would be best as a comment, but unfortunately, I don't have the reputation to do so.
Anyways, the first child element of the Portal element needs to be positioned absolutely in order to make the dimmer and resulting modal sit on top of the page content rather than get put beneath it.
First, add style={position:'absolute'} to the Portal declaration in Modal's render method so the dimmer gets set at the top of the page. You end up with:
<Portal className='ui dimmer modals visible active page transition' openByClickOn={triggerButton} closeOnEsc={true} closeOnOutsideClick={true} style={position:'absolute'}>
Next, set the InnerModal's position to relative and decide on a distance from the top of the screen. I used an eighth (or 0.125) of the browser's viewport and got:
class InnerModal extends Component {
this.state = {
modalId : _.uniqueId('modal_'),
style: {}
componentDidMount() {
style : {
position : 'relative',
top : $(window).height() * 0.125 + 'px'
return (
<div id={this.state.modalId} className='ui standard modal transition visible active'
<i className='close icon' onClick={this.props.closePortal}></i>
{ this.props.children }
With those edits made, I've finally got some working modals in React! Hope this is helpful to someone else running into some of the same issues I've been.

Validate fields after user has left a field

With AngularJS, I can use ng-pristine or ng-dirty to detect if the user has entered the field. However, I want to do client-side validation only after the user has left the field area. This is because when a user enters a field like e-mail or phone, they will always get an error thrown until they've completed typing out their full e-mail, and this is not an optimal user experience.
Angular now ships with a custom blur event:
From version 1.3.0 this can easily be done with $touched, which is true after the user has left the field.
<p ng-show="form.field.$touched && form.field.$invalid">Error</p>
Angular 1.3 now has ng-model-options, and you can set the option to { 'updateOn': 'blur'} for example, and you can even debounce, when the use is either typing too fast, or you want to save a few expensive DOM operations (like a model writing to multiple DOM places and you don't want a $digest cycle happening on every key down) and
By default, any change to the content will trigger a model update and
form validation. You can override this behavior using the
ngModelOptions directive to bind only to specified list of events.
I.e. ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" will update and validate
only after the control loses focus. You can set several events using a
space delimited list. I.e. ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'mousedown
blur' }"
And debounce
You can delay the model update/validation by using the debounce key
with the ngModelOptions directive. This delay will also apply to
parsers, validators and model flags like $dirty or $pristine.
I.e. ng-model-options="{ debounce: 500 }" will wait for half a second
since the last content change before triggering the model update and
form validation.
I solved this by expanding on what #jlmcdonald suggested. I created a directive that would automatically be applied to all input and select elements:
var blurFocusDirective = function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function (scope, elm, attr, ctrl) {
if (!ctrl) {
elm.on('focus', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
ctrl.hasFocus = true;
elm.on('blur', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
ctrl.hasFocus = false;
ctrl.hasVisited = true;
elm.closest('form').on('submit', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
ctrl.hasFocus = false;
ctrl.hasVisited = true;
app.directive('input', blurFocusDirective);
app.directive('select', blurFocusDirective);
This will add has-focus and has-visited classes to various elements as the user focuses/visits the elements. You can then add these classes to your CSS rules to show validation errors: {
background-color: #ffeeee;
This works well in that elements still get $invalid properties etc, but the CSS can be used to give the user a better experience.
I managed to do this with a pretty simple bit of CSS. This does require that the error messages be siblings of the input they relate to, and that they have a class of error.
:focus ~ .error {
After meeting those two requirements, this will hide any error message related to a focused input field, something that I think angularjs should be doing anyway. Seems like an oversight.
This seems to be implemented as standard in newer versions of angular.
The classes ng-untouched and ng-touched are set respectively before and after the user has had focus on an validated element.
border-color: red;
Regarding #lambinator's solution... I was getting the following error in angular.js 1.2.4:
Error: [$rootScope:inprog] $digest already in progress
I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if this is a change in Angular, but removing the scope.$apply statements resolved the problem and the classes/states are still getting updated.
If you are also seeing this error, give the following a try:
var blurFocusDirective = function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function (scope, elm, attr, ctrl) {
if (!ctrl) {
elm.on('focus', function () {
ctrl.$hasFocus = true;
elm.on('blur', function () {
ctrl.$hasFocus = false;
ctrl.$hasVisited = true;
elm.closest('form').on('submit', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
ctrl.hasFocus = false;
ctrl.hasVisited = true;
app.directive('input', blurFocusDirective);
app.directive('select', blurFocusDirective);
It might work for you to write a custom directive that wraps the javascript blur() method (and runs a validation function when triggered); there's an Angular issue that has a sample one (as well as a generic directive that can bind to other events not natively supported by Angular):
If you don't want to go that route, your other option would be to set up $watch on the field, again triggering validation when the field is filled out.
To pick up further on the given answers, you can simplify input tagging by using CSS3 pseudo-classes and only marking visited fields with a class to delay displaying validation errors until the user lost focus on the field:
(Example requires jQuery)
module = angular.module('app.directives', []);
module.directive('lateValidateForm', function () {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
$inputs = element.find('input, select, textarea');
$inputs.on('blur', function () {
element.on('submit', function () {
select.has-visited:not(:focus):required:invalid {
color: #b94a48;
border-color: #ee5f5b;
<form late-validate-form name="userForm">
<input type="email" name="email" required />
based on #nicolas answer.. Pure CSS should the trick, it will only show the error message on blur
<input type="email" id="input-email" required
placeholder="Email address" class="form-control" name="email"
<p ng-show="$" class="bg-danger">This is not a valid email.</p>
.ng-invalid:focus ~ .bg-danger {
Here is an example using ng-messages (available in angular 1.3) and a custom directive.
Validation message is displayed on blur for the first time user leaves the input field, but when he corrects the value, validation message is removed immediately (not on blur anymore).
myApp.directive("validateOnBlur", [function() {
var ddo = {
restrict: "A",
require: "ngModel",
scope: {},
link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelCtrl) {
element.on('blur', function () {
modelCtrl.$showValidationMessage = modelCtrl.$dirty;
return ddo;
<form name="person">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.firstName" name="firstName"
ng-minlength="3" ng-maxlength="20" validate-on-blur required />
<div ng-show="person.firstName.$showValidationMessage" ng-messages="person.firstName.$error">
<span ng-message="required">name is required</span>
<span ng-message="minlength">name is too short</span>
<span ng-message="maxlength">name is too long</span>
PS. Don't forget to download and include ngMessages in your module:
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngMessages']);
ng-model-options in AngularJS 1.3 (beta as of this writing) is documented to support {updateOn: 'blur'}. For earlier versions, something like the following worked for me:
myApp.directive('myForm', function() {
return {
require: 'form',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, formController) {
scope.validate = function(name) {
= formController[name].$invalid;
With a template like this:
<form name="myForm" novalidate="novalidate" data-my-form="">
<input type="email" name="eMail" required="required" ng-blur="validate('eMail')" />
<span ng-show="myForm.eMail.isInvalid">Please enter a valid e-mail address.</span>
<button type="submit">Submit Form</button>
Use field state $touched The field has been touched for this as shown in below example.
<div ng-show="formName.firstName.$touched && formName.firstName.$error.required">
You must enter a value
You can dynamically set the has-error css class (assuming you're using bootstrap) using ng-class and a property on the scope of the associated controller:
<div ng-class="{'has-error': badEmailAddress}">
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" name="email"
$scope.badEmailAddress = false;
$scope.emailBlurred = function (isValid) {
$scope.badEmailAddress = !isValid;
If you use bootstrap 3 and lesscss you can enable on blur validation with the following less snippet:
:focus ~ .form-control-feedback.glyphicon-ok {
:focus ~ .form-control-feedback.glyphicon-remove {
.has-feedback > :focus {
& {
outI used a directive. Here is the code:
app.directive('onBlurVal', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {
element.on('focus', function () {'has-visited');'has-focus');
element.on('blur', function () {'has-focus');'has-visited');
All my input control has a span element as the next element, which is where my validation message is displayed and so the directive as an attribute is added to each input control.
I also have (optional).has-focus and has-visited css class in my css file which you see being referenced in the directive.
NOTE: remember to add 'on-blur-val' exactly this way to your input control without the apostrophes
By using ng-focus you can achieve your goal. you need to provide ng-focus in your input field. And while writing your ng-show derivatives you have to write a logic not equal too. Like the below code:
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="inputPhone" ng-model="demo.phoneNumber" required ng-focus>
<div ng-show="demoForm.inputPhone.$dirty && demoForm.inputPhone.$invalid && !demoForm.inputPhone.$focused"></div>
We can use onfocus and onblur functions. Would be simple and best.
<body ng-app="formExample">
<div ng-controller="ExampleController">
<form novalidate class="css-form">
Name: <input type="text" ng-model="" ng-focus="onFocusName='focusOn'" ng-blur="onFocusName=''" ng-class="onFocusName" required /><br />
E-mail: <input type="email" ng-model="" ng-focus="onFocusEmail='focusOn'" ng-blur="onFocusEmail=''" ng-class="onFocusEmail" required /><br />
<style type="text/css">
.css-form {
border: 1px solid #FF0000;
.css-form {
border: 1px solid #000000;
Try here: