Adding a clickable icon to jFace table column header - swt

Is it possible to add an icon to a jFace table column header with a text and make the icon separately clickable (Add listeners to the icon)

No, this isn't possible for the standard TableColumn.


How to customize Table Calendar header in flutter

Default Table Calendar Header:
Expected Header:
The Default Calendar header showing the icons left and right side of the screen and text in center. But I want to customize like second image.
I have tried header style method to only change the colors and styles but not changing their positions. Please help..
My advice to you, which is what I did myself in a similar situation, is to create your own header and link it to the callendar.
You can do this by hiding the callendar's original header with
headerVisible: false
Then you can add a Row() for example and add the widgets you wish

How do I remove title and detail placeholder labels and its row from a table?

After much searching through the net (and Xcode), I haven't found any way of how to remove the title and detail placeholder labels and its containing row from a table view in a today widget. See picture below:
Today Widget Interface Builder Screenshot
Select the cell and change Style to Custom

I'd like to add a table style, like the ones that appear in the tinyMCE style combo box, not the table properties box

When you go through the choices for the tinyMCE "style..." combo box, there is a section for styling tables, cells and rows. How can I add another of these?
It doesn't seem to match up with the options in TinyMCE settings -> styles.
You can add one new row in the Styles section.
For example:
Special Row|tr|MySpecialCSSKlass
Of course you have to style MySpecialCSSKlass by your own.
You have to reset the JS cache before this change take effect.
It's also necessary to place the curser inside of table row/cell.

Is it possible to span a header of a celltable GWT

I want to create a header in CellTable as follows.
The workaround I think of is to add a panel with "Main title" just above the table.
If you use GWT 2.5, you can use a customized CellTableBuilder to add your Main Title header line.

GWT menu item text alignments issues

Is it possible in GWT to set Menu Item text in two different alignments,what I mean to say is
I want my menu item's label to be left justified and its accelerator key to be right justified.
Create Alt+Ctrl+C
Edit Shift+E
Optimize Ctrl+O
There's a "boolean asHTML" option when creating menu items, set that to true, then use CSS to left align and right align the text you want to align.
See the docs: