PredictionIO and Recommendation Template Files - recommendation-engine

i'm trying to build movie recommendation application using PredictionIO.
i have already using PredictionIO 0.11 on Docker, the issue
that when i run pio build --verbose it's showing:
no engine found. your build might have failed. aborting.
not sure where to puts the recommendation template files?.
any idea?

You need to be sure that you are in the current working directory of your engine I mean you have to execute your pio build --verbose command from the directory where your templates's engine.json file is placed . If this not solves your issue can you please paste the complete error along with template link.


Bazel not running flutter correctly

I'm trying to execute a flutter command using bazel. This is my BUILD.bazel file:
name = "flutter_build",
srcs = [
outs = ["out.txt"],
cmd = "flutter build ipa --export-method development"
The command flutter build ipa --export-method development works perfectly if I run it directly in my iterm, but for some reason the same command in bazel returns a permission error:
Flutter failed to open a file at "/Users/rlanhe/tools/flutter/flutter/bin/cache/lockfile".
Please ensure that the SDK and/or project is installed in a location that has read/write permissions for the current user.
Try running:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Users/rlanhe/tools/flutter/flutter/bin/cache/lockfile
Well, doesn't make sense to me, since that folder already have correct permission and I'm able to run the command outside bazel.
Integrating Flutter/Dart and Bazel is likely a large amount of work.
There's an issue here about it:
And it looks like there are some dart rules here:
The immediate issue you're running into is that Bazel runs each action (i.e. build step) in a sandbox, so unless an input to the action is declared, it's not going to be in the sandbox. You can maybe get further by adding tags = ["no-sandbox"] to the genrule, (see
This is essentially running one build system inside another, and this isn't going get the caching and incrementality benefits of Bazel, because Bazel has no insight into what happens inside the genrule. Unless you have some higher-level plans to integrate this into a larger repository that uses Bazel, there isn't much benefit here compared to running flutter directly or in a shell script.

Plugin-helpers not found in wazuh-kibana-app

I have cloned the Wazuh-Kibana-app source code from
I have made some changes in the styling. So, i am making build of the app by running npm run build but i am getting this error
Command "plugin-helpers" not found
I think it is because in package.json file, it gets like that "plugin-helpers": "node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers" as it is getting out of the directory. So how to resolve this issue?
The Wazuh Kibana plugin uses the Kibana plugin_helpers to build a distributable archive of the plugin, information on how to create a Kibana development installation which is capable of building the Wazuh plugin can be found here:
There is also the option of building the Kibana plugin using the wazuh-packages tools as explained here: , however as of right now this only accepts branches from the official Wazuh plugin.
Let me know if you have any more questions!

Compile Unreal Lightmass. Error with Unreal 4.24 build from source on Linux

I get the following error when I am trying to build a project in Unreal, that I have included some lightning. "Lighting Build Failed. Swarm failed to Kick off. Compile Unreal Lightmass".
I have build Unreal Engine 4.24.1 from source on Linux with the setup instructions from the documentations.
Any ideas how to proceed. How would I go and compile Unreal Lightmass for the Engine?
After some sparse search here and there, I was able to solve this.
To compile the UnrealLightmass there is a build shell script in the directory
You need to run the ./ with the following input
./UnrealEngine_Repo_dir/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ UnrealLightmass Linux Development -verbose
This should start compilation and build the UnrealLightmass.
This probably is the way to build the remaining programs that the Unreal Engine would complain that you haven't build.
Any program that is under the directory
can be build with the above command. One example would be the ShaderCompileWorker.
Hope this helps.
If you did the full source build setup process, Lightmass should have compiled as well. Here is a probably-foolproof solution:
Once the Visual Studio .sln is finished generating, open that.
Wait for the option to appear, then (Toolbar) Build->Build Solution
The UEBuildTool should then compile everything in the project, including Lightmass.

Error creating template PredictionIO

I've created a lot of templates before as by now I was creating the Recommendation following the suggested steps.
$ pio template get PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-recommendation Foo
Getting this error:
[ERROR] [Template$] Either PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation is not a valid GitHub repository, or it does not have any tag. Aborting.
How I fix this and why is this happening?
My Prediction version 0.9.5. Using Ubuntu
It seems that happens when you have made a pio deploy of another template before pio template get, so you have to shutdown the eventserver default port 7070 as:
$ lsof -wni tcp:7070
$ kill -9 PID
This solved the problem.
I had this issue but this google group post had my solution. Basically pio template get is cloning a repository under the covers, so it can have git-related issues.
Check to see if you can access from your web browser. If not, check the google group post.
Also there is no need to do pio template get, just clone it from github. The Universal Recommender is kept up-to-date in its home repo here:
Notice v0.3.0 is nearing release but is not in the template gallery yet.

Getting Error : There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/ simulations Press any key to continue . .

I am facing this problem, when executing gatling batch file using command prompt.
GATLING_HOME is set to "G:\gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.4"
There is no simulation script. Please check that your scripts are in user-files/
Press any key to continue . . .
I have downloaded new Gatling copy gatling-charts-highcharts-bundle-2.1.4 from
And trying to run computerdatabase Simulation, getting error message.
Is there any way to run simulation other than using batch file through Command prompt?
You can run it with
The sbt plugin
The maven plugin
As standalone application. You find an example in the Maven archetype
Run with Jenkins and the Gatling-Jenkins plugin
Note that the above documentation links use the Gatling version 2.1.7. Yet the plugins exist as well in older versions (like 2.1.4) and will probably continue in later versions as well - just replace the version number on
The cause may be the lack of JAVA_HOME environment variable.