How do I unload a module from Bing Maps? - bing-maps

Assume I have loaded a module like auto-suggest like,
Microsoft.Maps.loadModule('Microsoft.Maps.AutoSuggest', callback);
Is there any way available to unload this module? Thanks in advance.

No, but there is no need to. Loading it simply downloads the script needed for that part of the API. It's like loading any other JavaScript file into your application, once downloaded, there is no undownloading it.


Save images for my web server in SPIFFS on esp32-S2

Hi it's my first time using esp32-S2 because now its not recommended to use esp32. I'm looking for saving images in SPIFFS for my web server. In esp32 i used to use esp32fs plugin ( but it doesn't work for esp32-S2. I would like to know if there is any plugin like esp32fs and if not how can i save my images (I'm using arduinoIDE 1.8.19). I've been searching but i didn't found anything. Any orientation is welcomed. Thank you for your time and assistance.
You can try my ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD or ESP_FSWebServer example of ESP_WiFiManager library
Follow the instructions in ESP_FSWebServer Example
You can use either deprecated SPIFFS or the better LittleFS

how to call a JSView from an XSJS file?

I know I can call other JS files from XSJS by making a .xsjslib file. I would like to be able to call a JSView instead. Is this possible?
Note: the reason for me to this is that I can then use the SAPUI5 libraries and make it easier to import external libraries to my code. This is more of general question than trying to target a specific problem.
that's not possible, as the UI5 JSView is in the front end and XSJS is server-side code. Cheers

Phpfox Register Page Plugin Call

Can someone please explain this piece of code works in phpfox {plugin call='user.template_default_block_register_step2_7'}
Thanks in advance.
plugins are works in phpfox as a hook.
to add your custom code with in default phpfox system without changing any file we used plugin.
{plugin call='user.template_default_block_register_step2_7'}
to use this plugin you must create a file name user.template_default_block_register_step2_7.php
in any module even in your custom module.
what ever you write in this file it's automatically added where this plugin call.
you can add multiple plugin with same name in different module.
plugin file path
It will include a block file in the following location,that block file has the registration page.

how to load external libraries into an SAPUI5 view?

In SAPUI5 I can load local files this way:"util.someFile");
But is it possible to load external libraries when required in some view using the above command or a similar approach? Ideally, I am looking for something like:
Basically it is possible to register a module path to some URL.'external.library', 'http://....'); //not working
There is only one problem with that. UI5 loads the resources via AJAX requests. Your browser will give you an error because you are trying to load files from a different host.
You can include external libraries by including the file in a normal script tag. It is also possible to include requireJS in your project and use its features. Unfortunately, at the moment UI5 doesn't support requireJS out of the box.
jQuery is supported by SAPUI5, so you can extend your heading from controller, for example:
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";

How do I write an extension for Sinatra without packaging it as a gem?

I want to include the distance_of_time_in_words method in a sinatra app
I don't want to package and distribute a gem, which is what the Sintra docs direct you to do. I just want that method accessible in my view.
What's the easiest way to do this? Thanks.
On look at Helpers section and define helper methods for use in route handlers and templates
Just place the file somewhere in your ruby load path ($LOAD_PATH) and require it. Or place the code directly in your app file.