Not able to use typo3 frontend edit - typo3

I'm trying to edit frontend of my website using typo3. I'm entering /typo3 to the domain name but it shows page not fount! Can someone tell me what could be the problem?

Normally you're right with it, but there seems to be a change by the web server. You should ask the administrator where to look for the TYPO3 backend.


Is there a not documented instruction for Typo3 LMS/flogin plugin

Need a Login System on my Page but with integrated security Features ( like bruteforce login restriction)
downloaded this
via composer on a freshly empty typo3 10.4.12 installation.
It appears in the Backend
I followed the documentation ->
Included the Static Typoscript in my Home / Root template
There lies the problem. The tutorial states add login form on expected page
->Tutorial Screenshot
But i checked everywhere but cant find that Login Form Element
Any Idea what iam missing?
Here is the answer directly from the Developer of this Extension
Thanks again very much!

Why do I get an 404 Error after using TYPO3 V9.5

I am using TYPO3 9.5 and I created a root page with several subpages.
Before I created a site configuration the subpages were available as
after the site configuration the url has changed to
which is absolutely fine but my subpage cannot be found anymore. I get an 404 Error.
The subpage is still available under the old url but the new one doesn't work.
What can I do to fix this?
after changing the slug(path/path segment) for a page you need to update the slugs for all subpages manually.
The slug is generated automatically when the page is created. Probably your slugs were generated wrong before you build your site configuration.
Try to autogenerate all the slugs with the adapted wizard. You must do it by hand for each page as there is no wizard for page subtrees (yet). you might do the multi-edit in the list module for the slug field.
I have similar issue and no clue how to solve. See TYPO3 9.5 URL Routing with URL Segment is not working
Manual slug override, saving, chache clearance etc. does not help.
Are you using as well Apache? Maybe the issue is related to the webserver.

Redirects in Ektron 8.6.1

Has anyone played with the new redirect feature in Ektron 8.6?
We tested it (in 8.6.0) before upgrading and were happy with it. But when it came time to do the upgrade, Ektron had released 8.6.1, so we upgraded directly to that.
Now we are having trouble with the redirect feature. (Yes, we should have tested everything again in 8.6.1 before upgrading)
Now if we try to add a redirect rule for an existing page in the CMS, it does not work.
But if we create a redirect rule for a page the does not exist, then try to hit that address, the redirect works fine.
We need the redirects to work for existing pages in the CMS.
To clarify what "working" and "not working" means...
If I have an existing page in the CMS with manual alias of "/erc/lucien.apsx", I can create an entry in the redirect table like this...
Adding this entry generates no errors, but when I visit the page, all I see is the regular old page I created. NOT the Google site it should be redirecting to. I do not get any 404 errors.
But if I create a redirect entry for a page that does not already exist, like this...
It works perfectly. If I try to visit the /erc/fake.apsx address, I end up on the Google site, as expected.
(FYI, we create a "fake" page in the CMS for external content so we can attach metadata to it and make it searchable in taxonomies, but then provide a link to the "real" page. I want to use redirects here so users don't have to do this extra click)
I suspect it might be cache related -- the original URL gets cached as an alias, then subsequent requests to that URL are redirected to the quicklink without the need for a db look up. When you add the redirect, it’s probably not clearing the old item from the cache. I'd try an IIS reset after you add the URL redirect and see if that clears up the issue.
An "outside the box" (of Ektron) answer to this is to place the redirect at the web server rather than in the Aliases section of the Ektron CMS.
The server I work on uses IIS and I have this set up for several pages.

Where are subdomains ("shortcuts") defined in TYPO3?

On a corporate website managed with TYPO3 there are shortcuts defined which lead to a page on the site.
Corporate website is
Then there is a site which is redirecting the user to for example.
Where in TYPO3 can such "shortcut" links be defined?
Most probably some page in the page tree has set type to: Shortcut which causes that it points some other page or resource, it's also possible that is set as Link to External URL and there is full URL given.
Check the page tree in the backend and find your coolproduct page in it. Then check the site's properties and change if required to other value/type.
It's also possible that this URL is generated by some plugin or TypoScript, but in this case you'll need to investigate it yourself.
Simplest way to find these kinds of things is actually using the search engine in the TYPO3 backend. You will find it in the upper right corner.
If this fails, what I do is install PhpMyAdmin from the extension repository. Once you have PhpMyAdmin you can use it's search functionality to find anything in the database using a search query of: '%coolproduct%' and selecting all tables. In the results look for the 'pid' field. It tells you on which page in TYPO3 the found item is located.
Does the page use the extension realURL? If so, there might be realURL redirects defined.
Have a look at page -> info -> RealUrl -> Redirects
Maybe you the user has defined this link redirection in many pages, you can search for it in the database exactly in the tt_content table.
You can set shortcut for your domain to any page of your site, so when user enter only your domain name in url then it redirects to page which you set in shortcut.
For that edit your domain and set shortcut to any page of your page tree.

Redirect to a specific page on a DNN site with an extensionless URL

I have a page on my DotNetNuke site and I would like to set up a redirect and was wondering the best way to do it. Here is the problem:
I have a page on the site: I would like users to be able to type OR and it will redirect them to the /dashboard.aspx page.
I have IIS6, so I set up wildcard mapping, and it seemed to work for /dashboard, but not /Dashboard. Also, I am looking for it to literally redirect you so that /dashbaord.aspx shows up in the address bar. In addition, the wildcard mapping broke some other links on the site, so I was looking for an alternative method to accomplish this. Is there a way that I can set this up through IIS? Or any other way?
Thanks in advance for the help.
In IIS, create a virtual directory by right clicking on Sites, and then call it Dashboard. Then set that to redirect to a specific URL, in your case,