Enable cell editing in Nebula NatTable - eclipse-rcp

I'm trying to learn how to enable cell editing in Nebula NatTable. I edited _301_CustomDataProviderExample::createExampleControl to show this feature:
public Control createExampleControl(Composite parent) {
final NatTable natTable = new NatTable(parent, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND
natTable.addConfiguration(new DefaultNatTableStyleConfiguration());
natTable.addConfiguration(new AbstractRegistryConfiguration() {
public void configureRegistry(IConfigRegistry configRegistry) {
return natTable;
But when run the example, I cannot edit the cells. What am I missing? Thanks!
Update: my solution for this case is:
bodyDataLayer.addConfiguration(new DefaultEditConfiguration());
bodyDataLayer.addConfiguration(new DefaultEditBindings());
Note: don't add those configurations to natTable cause of java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable cannot be cast to org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.AbstractLayer

You are missing the necessary edit related configurations DefaultEditBindings and DefaultEditConfiguration, which will configure the editors and the bindings to react on user interaction.
This is explained in the documentation: https://www.eclipse.org/nattable/documentation.php?page=editing


How to enable content proposal in NatTable TextCellEditor?

I am currently looking for content assist feature in Nattable TextCellEditor.I have found the way to attach the ContentProposalAdapter and IContentProposalProvider by extending the Nattable TextCellEditor. but ,The selected value from the proposed list is not updating in the text control.
Snippet :
protected Text createEditorControl(final Composite parent, final int Style) {
this.textControl = super.createEditorControl(parent, style);
contentProposalAdapter =
new ContentProposalAdapter(this.textControl, new TextContentAdapter(), contentProposalProvider, keyStroke,
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener() {
public void proposalAccepted(IContentProposal proposal) {
The problem you have is the internal FocusListener that is triggered while selecting a value in the popup. To add the support you also need to override the internal FocusListener with a listener that doesn't fire if the content proposal popup is open.
An example would be to add a boolean flag that indicates that the popup is open and add a listener that sets the flag accordingly.
private boolean popupOpen = false;
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener2() {
public void proposalPopupClosed(ContentProposalAdapter adapter) {
this.popupOpen = false;
public void proposalPopupOpened(ContentProposalAdapter adapter) {
this.popupOpen = true;
And then implement and set a FocusListener in the constructor that takes care of that flag.
this.focusListener = new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
if (!TextCellEditor.this.popupOpen) {
if (!commit(MoveDirectionEnum.NONE, true)) {
if (e.widget instanceof Control && !e.widget.isDisposed()) {
((Control) e.widget).forceFocus();
} else {
if (!TextCellEditor.this.parent.isDisposed())
In case the value should be immediately committed after it is selected, you need to add a listener that performs the commit after selection.
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener() {
public void proposalAccepted(IContentProposal proposal) {
Unfortunately the AbstractCellEditor#InlineFocusListener is private and can therefore not be extended.
Feel free to file an enhancement ticket for NatTable to introduce the ability to easily add content proposals to a text cell editor.

GXT: Filter Grid add select all columns checkbox

I have a Filter Grid component similar to the icon below. What I want is to add a Select All functionality in the columns section of the header. I've done my research but I can't find any kind of solution. Not even a direction. I want to be able to attach a handler to that checkbox that will check/uncheck all of the below options.
The module in question
I'm using Sencha GXT 3.1.0 and and GWT 2.6.1
The icon
Here's how to do this , override createContextMenu of the GridView
ColumnModel<HashMap> cm = new ColumnModel<HashMap>(l);
GridView<HashMap> gridView = new GridView<HashMap>()
protected void initHeader()
protected Menu createContextMenu(final int colIndex)
Menu createContextMenu = super.createContextMenu(colIndex);
final CheckMenuItem check = new CheckMenuItem();
check.setHTML("Toggle Selection");
check.addCheckChangeHandler(new CheckChangeHandler<CheckMenuItem>()
public void onCheckChange(CheckChangeEvent<CheckMenuItem> event)
Window.alert("Toggle Selection");
return createContextMenu;
Grid grid = new Grid(store, cm, gridView);

GWT Header checkbox to check / uncheck all checkboxes in my table

I´ve created an CellTable with the Google Web Toolkit.
I just started using it and my knowledge about it is very small...
However I was searching for a tutorial or just a code example of how to create a checkbox in the CellTable header but everythin I´ve found I didn´t understand or it didn´t worked.
So far I´ve got this code to create a Column for checkboxes and a normal table mostly the same as the Google tutorial for a CellTable:
Column<Contact, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<Contact, Boolean>(
new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(Contact contact) {
return null;
table.addColumn(checkColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<br/>"));
table.setColumnWidth(checkColumn, 40, Unit.PX);
Now I´m searching for the code to add a checkbox to the header and how to make it check or uncheck all checkboxes.
Thanks for your time.
From my blog post:
Here is a simple column header that selects/ de-selects all rows in a table. When all rows are checked, the header becomes checked automatically. Clicking the checkbox in the header causes either to select or de-select all rows.
I am using the selection model and the data list provider to do the selection magic. It may not work for everyone.
And here is my custom header:
public final class CheckboxHeader extends Header {
private final MultiSelectionModel selectionModel;
private final ListDataProvider provider;
public CheckboxHeader(MultiSelectionModel selectionModel,
ListDataProvider provider) {
super(new CheckboxCell());
this.selectionModel = selectionModel;
this.provider = provider;
public Boolean getValue() {
boolean allItemsSelected = selectionModel.getSelectedSet().size() == provider
return allItemsSelected;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, NativeEvent event) {
InputElement input = elem.getFirstChild().cast();
Boolean isChecked = input.isChecked();
for (TYPE element : provider.getList()) {
selectionModel.setSelected(element, isChecked);
See http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7014

Adding list sub-editors to tab panel

I use ListEditor to allow editing list of chilren and I do everything just like I saw in some examples.The only difference from examples is that I want widgets editing children to be added as a tabs to some TabLayoutPanel.
The problem is that I want to give a header to this new tab and this header is not constant but depends on object being edited by newly created sub-editor (so let the header be child.getName()) which I don't know inside EditorSource#create() method.
ListEditor<ChildProxy, ChildPanel> children = ListEditor
.of(new EditorSource<ChildPanel>() {
public ChildPanel create(int index) {
ChildPanel tab = new ChildPanel();
//here's a problem, how I can get tabHeader here?
How can I set value-dependent headers to tabs created by create()? Any help/workaround would be greatly appreciated.
Does this approach work for you :
public class ChildrenEditor extends Composite implements
IsEditor<ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor>> {
ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor> editor;
public ChildrenEditor() {
editor = ListEditor.of(new ChildInTabEditorSource());
private class ChildInTabEditorSource extends EditorSource<ChildInTabEditor> {
public ChildInTabEditor create(int index) {
ChildInTabEditor tab = new ChildInTabEditor();
// here's the trick :
Child child = editor.getList().get(index);
return tab;
public ListEditor<Child, ChildInTabEditor> asEditor() {
return editor;
ChildInTabEditor must be a Tab that implements Editor<Child> then too!
What worked for me was passing tabPanel and index to newly created ChildPanel() and make it ValueAwareEditor. Then on setValue() I was setting header on tabPanel reference at given index.

How to determine the active Tree Viewer when selection changed from one TreeViewer to other

I'm sorry if this question is too basic
I have two SWT TreeViewer's in two different composites.
If i change the selection of a TreeItem from one TreeViewer to other , is there anyway to clear the selection from earlier TreeViewer?
Add a selection-listener to treeViewerB and clear the selection in treeViewerA
treeViewerB.addSelectionChangedListener(new ISelectionChangedListener() {
public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent arg0) {