Outputting cariables on a casio fx-9750GII - calculator

Messing around trying to create a simple dice roll program got most of it working but 1 part requires the output of the number rolled I looked up a tutorial and it said that all I had to do was put the variable name followed by a underscore (D_) I’ve tried it but it comes up as a syntax error the programming language the calculator uses is casio BASIC.

Use locate X,Y,D, where D is the dice number


Programming in QuickBasic with repl.it?

I'm trying to get a "retro-computing" class open and would like to give people the opportunity to finish projects at home (without carrying a 3kb monstrosity out of 1980 with them) I've heard that repl.it has every programming language, does it have QuickBasic and how do I use it online? Thanks for the help in advance!
You can do it (hint: search for QBasic; it shares syntax with QuickBASIC), but you should be aware that it has some limitations as it's running on an incomplete JavaScript implementation. For completeness, I'll reproduce the info from the original blog post:
What works
Only text mode is supported. The most common commands (enough to run
nibbles) are implemented. These include:
Subs and functions
User types
Shared variables
Input from screen
What doesn't work
Graphics modes are not supported
No statements are allowed on the same line as IF/THEN
Line numbers are not supported
Only the built-in functions used by NIBBLES.BAS are implemented
All subroutines and functions must be declared using DECLARE
This is far from being done. In the comments, AC0KG points out that
P=1-1 doesn't work.
In short, it would need another 50 or 100 hours of work and there is
no reason to do this.
One caveat that I haven't been able to determine is a statement like INPUT or LINE INPUT... They just don't seem to work for me on repl.it, and I don't know where else one might find qb.js hosted.
My recommendation: FreeBASIC
I would recommend FreeBASIC instead, if possible. It's essentially a modern reimplementation coded in C++ (last I knew) with additional functionality.
Old DOS stuff like the DEF SEG statement and VARSEG function are no longer applicable since it is a modern BASIC implementation operating on a 32-bit flat address space rather than 16-bit segmented memory. I'm not sure what the difference between the old SADD function and the new StrPtr function is, if there is any, but the idea is the same: return the address of the bytes that make up a string.
You could also disable some stuff and maintain QB compatibility using #lang "qb" as the first line of a program as there will be noticeable differences when using the default "fb" dialect, or you could embrace the new features and avoid the "qb" dialect, focusing primarily on the programming concepts instead; the choice is yours. Regardless of the dialect you choose, the basic stuff should work just fine:
DECLARE SUB collatz ()
INPUT "Enter a value for n: ", n
DO WHILE n <> 4
SUB collatz
IF n MOD 2 = 1 THEN
n = 3 * n + 1
n = n \ 2
A word about QB64
One might argue that there is a much more compatible transpiler known as QB64 (except for some things like DEF FN...), but I cannot recommend it if you want a tool for students to use. It's a large download for Windows users, and its syntax checking can be a bit poor at times, to the point that you might see the QB code compile only to see a cryptic message like "C++ compilation failed! See internals\temp\compile.txt for details". Simply put, it's usable and highly compatible, but it needs some work, like the qb.js script that repl.it uses.
An alternative: DOSBox and autorun
You could also find a way to run an actual copy of QB 4.5 in something like DOSBox and simply modify the autorun information in the default DOSBox.conf (or whatever it's called) to automatically launch QB. Then just repackage it with the modified DOSBox.conf in a nice installer for easy distribution (NSIS, Inno Setup, etc.) This will provide the most retro experience beyond something like a FreeDOS virtual machine as you'll be dealing with the 16-bit segmented memory, VGA, etc.—all emulated of course.

v-rep strange number format

I'm trying to use v-rep and following a simple tutorial. But the numbers in all windows follows sci-notation format (see the picture). Can any one tell me there to change this?
So I sent a mail to Coppelia Robotics and they basically said that there is no way to switch to a regular notation and they used sci notation in the name of precision. So we have to live with it.

Io language user input

I recently started messing around with the Io programming language and think it's pretty fun and simple to learn. But I also hate that there is so little documentation and support for it. Normally I come to SO for help, but even on here the topic is sparse.
I am learning from the 7 languages in 7 weeks book, which I like, but there he mainly talks about the deeper uses of Io.
My question is probably extremely simple but I can't find an answer anywhere... How do you actually ask a user for input? I've found ways to pass along set strings, read in strings from files, but I can't find a way to ask a user for input.
What I'm working on now is writing a function that accepts 2 parameters: a string and a substring to find in that string. The function finds the substring in the string and prints the index. I don't even know if I should be asking the user for input or doing this another way...
I'm trying to get some keyboard time in on Io but it's frustrating :/
Also, does anyone know of any IRC channels that are friendly to beginners? Not necessarily just Io, but in general?
Thanks guys.
On the topic of IRC, there's irc.freenode.net and the #io channel. We're not always active, but if you hang around, I usually poke in at least once a day.
On the topic of user input however, You can do this:
x := File standardInput readLine
This will get a single line of input, up to where the user hit the enter/return key, and capture that in x.

Execute Commands in the Linux Commandline [Lazarus / Free Pascal]

I have a problem. I want to execute some commands in the Commandline of linux. I tested TProcess (So i am using Lazarus) but now when i am starting the programm, there is nothing, wich the Program do.
Here is my Code:
uses [...], unix, process;
var LE_Path: TLabeledEdit;
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.Options := Pro1.Options; //Here i used Options before
With this Program, i want to open Files with sudo (The Programm is running on the User Interface)
->Sorry for my Bad English; Sorry for fails in the Question: I am using StackOverflow the first time.
I guess the solution was a missing space char?
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open '+LE_Path.Text));
# ----------------------------^--- added this space char.
But if you're a beginner programmer, my other comments are still worth considering:
trying to use sudo in your first bit of code may be adding a whole extra set of problems. SO... Get something easier to work first, maybe
/bin/ls -l /path/to/some/dir/that/has/only/a/few/files.
find out how to print a statement that will be executed. This is the most basic form of debugging and any language should support that.
Your english communicated your problem well enough, and by including sample code and reasonable (not perfect) problem description "we" were able to help you. In general, a good question contains the fewest number of steps to re-create the problem. OR, if you're trying to manipulate data,
a. small sample input,
b. sample output from that same input
c. your "best" code you have tried
d. your current output
e. your thoughts about why it is not working
AND comments to indicate generally other things you have tried.

How can ported code be detected?

If you port code over from one language to another, how can this be detected?
Say you were porting code from c++ to Java, how could you tell?
What would be the difference between a program designed and implemented in Java, and a near identical program ported over to Java?
If the porting is done properly (by people expert in both languages and ready to translate the source language's idioms into the best similar idioms of the target language), there's no way you can tell that any porting has taken place.
If the porting is done incompetently, you can sometimes recognize goofily-transliterated idioms... but that can be hard to distinguish from people writing a new program in a language they know little just goofily transliterating the idioms from the language they do know;-).
Depending on how much effort was put into the intention to hide the porting it could be very easy to impossible to detect.
I would use pattern recognition for this task. Think about the "features" which would indicate code-similarities. Extract these feature from each code and compare them.
One feature could be similar symbol names. Extract all symbols using ctags or regular expressions, make all lower-case, make uniq sort of both lists and compare them.
Another possible feature:
List of class + number of members e.g:
MyClass1 10
List of method + sequence of controll blocks. e.g:
doSth() if, while, if, ix, case
Another easy way, is to represent the code as a picture - e.g. load the code as text in Word and set the font size to 1. Human beings are very good on comparing pictures. For another Ideas of code Visualization you may check http://www.se-radio.net/2009/03/episode-130-code-visualization-with-michele-lanza/