How to filter records by timestap - algolia

I have a list of events with start time and i need to display only future events. Basically something like startTime > now.
Any suggestions?

If you put a record with a date as an integer, you can use a filter on numerical values.
For example, if you have a record like that:
"objectID": 1,
"eventName": "Algolia Search party",
"startTime": 1507705690 //Wednesday, October 11, 2017 7:08:10 AM in timestamp
You can search on top with something like:{
filters: 'startTime > ' + new Date().getTime()
You can find more here:


timestamp in milliseconds and date range - elasticsearch query string

I have a timstamp in milliseconds, like 1645825932144
I'd like to make a date range query with elastic search query string for being able to get all records whom timestamp is in the last 24h:
timestamp:[now-24h TO now]
This does not work as timestamp is in milliseconds and now produces strings like 2001-01-01 13:00:00
Is it possible to achieve this with a cast or something?
I read about range queries and date math, but did not find anything.
It's easy to compute the timestamp in milliseconds for now and now-24h so why not do it in your application logic and build the query out of those values?
For instance (in JS),
const now = new Date().getTime();
const now24h = now - 86400000;
const query = `timestamp:[${now24h} TO ${now}]`;
query would contain the following value:
timestamp:[1647785319578 TO 1647871719578]
PS: I might have misunderstood the initial need, but I'm leaving the above answer as it might help others.
What you need to do in your case is to change your mapping so that your date field accepts both formats (normal date and timestamp), like this:
PUT your-index/_mapping
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"format": "date_optional_time||epoch_millis"
Then you'll be able to query like this by mix and matching timestamps and date math:
GET test/_search?q=timestamp:[now-24h TO 1645825932144]
and also like this:
GET test/_search?q=timestamp:[1645825932144 TO now]

elasticsearch filter dates based on datetime fields

assuming I have the following nested document structure, where my document contains nested routes with an array of date time values.
property_1: ...,
routes: [
start_id: 1,
end_id: 2,
execution_times: ['2016-08-28T11:11:47+02:00', ...]
Now I could filter my documents that match certain execution_times with something like this.
query: {
filtered: {
query: {
match_all: { }
filter: {
nested: {
path: 'routes',
filter: {
bool: {
must: [
terms: {
'routes.execution_times': ['2016-08-28T11:11:47+02:00', ...]
But what if I would like to filter my documents based on execution dates. What's the best way achieving this?
Should I use a range filter to map my dates to time ranges?
Or is it better to use a script query and do a conversion of the execution_times to dates there?
Or is the best way to change the document structure to contain both, the execution_date and execution_time?
"The dates are not a range but individual dates like [today, day after tomorrow, 4 days from now, 10 days from now]"
Well, this is still a range as a day means 24 hours. So if you store your field as date time, you can use leverage range query : from 20-Nov-2010 00:00:00 TO 20-Nov-2010 23:59:59 with appropriate time zone for a specific day.
If you store it as a String then you will lose all the flexibility of date maths and you would be able to do only exact String matches. You will then have to do all the date manipulations at the client side to find exact matches and ranges.
I suggest play with range queries using Sense plugin and I am sure it will satisfy almost all your requirements.
You should make sure that you use appropriate date-time mapping for your field and use range filter over that field. You don't need to split into 2 separate fields. Date maths will allow you to query just based on date.
This will make your life much easier if you want to do aggregations over date time field.
Date Maths:
Date Mapping :
Date Range Queries:

get mongodb records created in a specific month

I'm trying to get a specific range of documents, based on when they were created. What I'm trying to do is something like:
that way a user can browse through all records based on the selected month.
In my database I'm not storing a created_at date, but I know mongodb stores this in the objectid.
I found that I can get records like this:{
$where: function () { return - this._id.getTimestamp() < (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) }
of course that doesn't filter based on a specific month, but only within a certain time limit.
What would be a possible way of limited a query based on a specific month, using the Timestamp from the objectid's?
I'm using mongoose, but it's probably a good idea to start in mongo shell itself.
Based on the function borrowed from the answer to this question -
function objectIdWithTimestamp(timestamp) {
// Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
var hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16);
// Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
return ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000");
Create a start and an end date for the month you're looking for:
var start = objectIdWithTimestamp(new Date(2015, 01, 01));
var end = objectIdWithTimestamp(new Date(2015, 01, 31));
Then, run the query with $gte and $lt:{_id: {$gte: start, $lt: end}});

mongodb remove all dates less than specified

I have the following data.
deviceID: 186,
date: "2014-3-15"
deviceID: 186,
date: "2014-3-14"
deviceID: 186,
date: "2014-3-13"
And some lower dates, like 2014-3-9 , 8 ,7 ,6 etc.
When doing a db.coll.remove({date:{$lte:"2014-3-5"}})
Mongo removes the 15,14,13 aswell, but keeps single digit day dates. Is this maybe due to the date is a string?
I dont know how else to format the date so I can remove all dates below a certain date.
It is supposed to be a cleaning process, removing all documents with a date lower than specified.
Its because the date field you are querying on is a string filed and not a Date(). In your mongo documents instead of a custom date string, insert javascript date objects into date field.
{ deviceID: 186,,"date": new Date(2012, 7, 14) }
and when you execute the remove do it like
db.coll.remove({date:{$lte:new Date(2012, 7, 14)}})
If you want to remove data from MongoDB from the date less than specified, you MUST make sure of the date.
Easiest way for you to check whether you are inputting the right format is to test it before you use it in your query.
For example if you want to get current date in ISODate in Mongo shell, just type new Date and you will get the current date in Mongo.
I've tried the following in the Mongo shell:
new Date(2017, 11, 1)
and it returns
which is not what I wanted.
What I want is to delete data before 1 November 2017.
Here's what works for me:
new Date("2017-11-01")
and it returns:
Which is what I wanted.
This is because you are storing your data in a wrong format. You have a string an string
'15' is smaller than string '5'. Convert your strings in the beginning to date (read here how to use dates in mongo).
And only than you can use it to properly compare your dates:
$lte : new Date(2012, 7, 14)
The reason for this is is your dates are strings.
So in a lexical sense when comparing strings "2014-3-5" is greater than "2014-3-15", as what is being compared is that "1" is less than "5".
Fix your dates as real ISO Dates, or you will forever have this problem.
Batch convert like this, assuming "year" "month" "day" in format:
db.collection.find().forEach(function(doc) {
var d ="-");
var date = new Date(
"" + d[0] + "-" +
( d[1] <= 9 ) ? "0" + d[1] : d[1] + "-" +
( d[2] <= 9 ) ? "0" + d[2] : d[2]
{ "_id": doc._id },
{ "$set": { "date": date }
That makes sure you get the right dates on conversion.

MongoDb Date query without using range?

if i want to find a document created on a specific Day, until now i used a range
from the first minute of the day, to the last minute of the day in seconds , sth like :
is is possible to to somehow find all documents where only the Day, Month and year equals "dtCreated" ?
in pseudocode like :
query:{"dtCreated":ISODate("2014-01-23")} <- i know that may not be a valid iso date
but what i want is to find all documents for one day without using lt and gt ?
Sry for bad english and for any hints thanks in advance!
You can do it with the aggregation framework using the date aggregation operators.
Assuming dtCreated is an ISODate field, you could try something like this:
query = [
'$project': {
'year': {'$year':'$dtCreated'},
'month': {'$month':'$dtCreated'},
'$match' : {'year':'2014', 'month':'1', day:'1'}
Edit: as orid rightly remarks, though this is an answer to your question (query for date without using date range), it's not a good way to solve your problem. I would probably do it this way: a range greater than or equal to today, but less than tomorrow{'dtCreated':{'$gte':ISODate("2014-01-23"), '$lt':ISODate("2014-01-24")}})