Visual Studio Code search only selected lines - visual-studio-code

Trying to figure out how to only search text within selected lines in visual studio code (version 1.17.2). I see lots of other options but not this which surely must be there.
Suggestions appreciated.

settings.json Ctrl+,
"editor.find.autoFindInSelection": "multiline" | "always"
Select text
Search will look in the selected text


How do I prevent autocomplete on spacebar in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)?

In Visual Studio Code when a highlighted quick suggestion appears, if I press SPACE, the suggestion is accepted and auto-completed.
How do I disable this feature so autocomplete only occurs on TAB and ENTER (the other default completion keybinds as of 2022.7.16)?
Add the following line to your VS Code settings JSON file.
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false
Sourced from a similiar question about Visual Studio - source answer.

How to get rid of these underlined things in Visual Studio Code?

Whenever I type any HTML code in Visual Studio Code these items underline automatically which make code very illegible. I was looking for some solution but I haven't find anything useful.
Here's the example:
go to Files > Preferences > Settings in your VSCode
then search for editor.links in your settings search bar, uncheck the option Editor: links and thats it

Visual Studio "Create Collapsible Region (Ctrl+M+H)" Equivalent in VS Code?

In Visual Studio there is a user defined collapsible region creation shortcut Ctrl+M+H. I really love this shortcut.
I am aware of this question regarding foldings. However I really wish there was a way to collapse / fold the selected text section of the code in VS Code. Is there any way of doing this?
I see the feature request on VSCode.
To fold selected text, use this command, new as of Insiders v1.70:
Create Manual Folding Range from Selection
There is also this related command:
Fold All Regions Except Selected

Does visual studio code support autocompletion on dot, parenthesis, and other context-dependent character?

I prefer visualstudio-like autocompletion style to vsc-style.
In Visual Studio 2017, whenever I type certain character (dot, parenthesis, space) Visual Studio autocompletes to what I selected.
Taking intelliJ, It can be controlled in Preference Settings.
You can check "Insert selected suggestions by pressing space, dot, or other context-dependent keys"
But I can't find this in any settings on Visual Studio Code.
It seems that It doesn't support this feature.
Are there any workarounds?
Try to add "editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": true, in settings.json

How to autocomplete tag.className in Visual Studio Code like Sublime Text

In sublime Text 2 writing div.panel then press tab, or the auto complete trigger, in the HTML document produces <div class="panel"></div>
I have tried to get the same result in Visual Studio Code version 1.17.1 but I could not able to get it.
I am using the following plugins:
Auto Close Tag
HTML CSS Support
HTML Snippets
settings.json Ctrl+,
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,
"emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets": true,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
In the latest version of vs code, you need to go in seetings using Ctrl+, key and search for Emmet.
Tick the checkbox of Emmet: Show Suggestions As Snippets and Emmet: Triger Expansion On Tab and you will be able to use Emmet functionalities.
Add it at setting.json
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"javascript": "javascriptreact"}
Do not forget to ADD A COMMA at the end of the closing bracket above this code.