How to integrate multiple file download to my project liferay? - liferay-6

I'm new in liferay. im trying to use the multiple file download. I downloaded the source code and I'm trying to integrate into my project.
I'm using Liferay 6.1
I have problem with the view.jsp. when trying to add the view that i downloaded to the view of my project there is some code like this
<%# include file="/html/portlet/document_library/cast_result.jspf" %>
where can I find this file. in the project that i downloaded there is no file like this, there is only one file view_file_entries.jspf.
source :

I believe this is the file you are looking for cast_result.jsp on github


how to add .bundle file to a nativescript plugin

I have some thirdparty code I want to add to my nativescript (iOS) project. The code consists of a .framework file and a .bundle file which contains a .momd file. I was thinking of adding this via a custom plugin, the docs are pretty clear on how to add the .framework file, but am not sure how I add and reference the bundle and underlying .momd file. Does anyone have any experience of this that they can share please?
I spent a lot of time poring over the iOS interop documentation while working on my nativescript-midi plugin, but I don't recall seeing anything specifically on adding bundles or .momd files. If possible, I suggest you create a new "container" iOS framework project in which you can import your desired framework, bundle, and .momd file, and then import that combined framework project into your plugin via a Podfile. That's essentially the approach I took to import a C library in my project (the cocoa-midi-message-parser repo referenced by the Podfile in my plugin).
In case anyone else needs to do this. I ended up using cocoapods xcodeproj gem to inject my file into my workspace file. A gist of the working code is here.

how to use .less files in adobe CQ5?

i'm new in Adobe CQ5, and developing CMS Application using this, i create ClienLibraryFolder in following directory:
but when i'm using this on .jsp file it is not design anything what i defined in .less file, while using .css files i'm getting all things. can anyone suggest me what i'm missing here
I assume you have added the MyLess.less to the css.txt in /etc/designs/MySiteName/ClientLibFolder.
The next step would be to ensure the OSGI bundle is running which compiles the less file. For information on where the bundle is located you can refer to this blog post

are you unable to use plugins in since version 3.0?

I was using in it's simplest way. That is: no sdk and no phonegap framework installed on my computer; no git or svn repository used. I just upload a zip with my html, css and js files.
But now I need to use the File plugin.
I found several posts (here and elsewhere) taking about using the CLI to add plugins and to build remotely since phonegap 3.0 (which doesn't use the config.xml to add plugins anymore, but instead it uses the CLI).
If you just used to upload a zip file to, are you now unable to use plugins since phonegap 3.0??
If that virtue is gone, what is now the simplest way for doing it? I currently use Aptana 3.0. Do I have to install Eclipse and install the phonegap framework? Do I have to create git of svn repository? Is that now the simplest way for using plugins in the cloud-based build service?
Is there a way to use the service with phonegap 2.x?? I have not found it yet.
This is taking me out of schedule for the imminent delivery of an ongoing project.
Please advise.
Put the config.xml in the www directory. And then upload only on
In phonegap 2.x plugins like File were part of the core, so there was no need to include them through the config.xml file.
In phonegap 3.x every plugin has to be included through the config.xml file. BUT for plugins to work, the root index.html header must have a
<script src="phonegap.js"></script>
phonegap.js is provided (kind of injected) by the service, so I don't have to have it on my source code.
The script tag was the only thing I was missing.

sonar 3.1 javascript issue

in sonar 2.5, there is jit-yc.js file in javascript folder.
this js file is used to develop the radiator plugin. But this file is removed from sonar 3.1.
is there any other js file same as jit.jy.js in sonar3.1. I need this file to build a plugin.
Is there any other way to use this file.
Plugins can provide static files like images, CSS or JS files. They have to be copied in src/main/resources/static and then can by accessible from the public URL :
You can read more here :

how do i include another project in github

I have created a plugin for a javascript library and want to upload this to github as a new project. Within my plugin directory, i include the current code for the javascript plugin.
So it's easy for users to get my plugin plus the javascript library, i thought i would include the javascript project inside my directory. My intention was not to make changes to the js library but to allow the user to download my project and get the latest version of the js library at the same time.
I could do this manually by forking the js library project into my directory and then syncing it each time a new version comes out but is there a way to do this automatically ?
Check out git submodule, it does exactly what you describe!