Restore postgres db from folder - postgresql

i have an old copy of my postgresql db folder (/var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main/) from my server. Now I want to get the data out of the files. So i copied the main folder to my local machine and changed the postgresql config (/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/postgresql.conf) to point to that directory. Also i changed the permission of the main directory to the user postgres. After restarting the postgresql service (sudo service postgresql restart) it doesn't really work.
What I'm doing wrong? (Yea I know, pg_dump is the preferred way, but in this way...)
So my question, does this even work?
Or is there a other way to get the data out of this?
everything is done on ubuntu 16.04.
the log file after changing the postgresql.conf file to point to the new directory.
2017-10-13 06:15:43 CEST [968-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2017-10-13 00:21:04 CEST
2017-10-13 06:15:43 CEST [968-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2017-10-13 06:15:43 CEST [959-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2017-10-13 06:15:43 CEST [975-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2017-10-13 06:15:43 CEST [983-1] [unknown]#[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [975-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [959-2] LOG: received smart shutdown request
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [972-1] LOG: shutting down
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [972-2] LOG: database system is shut down
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [4667-1] FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [4667-2] DETAIL: The database cluster was initialized without USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL but the server was compiled with USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL.
2017-10-13 06:47:55 CEST [4667-3] HINT: It looks like you need to recompile or initdb.
Ok that pointed me to this. The server is a armv7l, whereas the local machine is x86_64 (uname -m). So there is no chance to get the data out of it?
thx, Luc

If it's really true that your data directory is from an ARM7l system, and your local system is x86_64, you're going to have some difficulties.
The immediate error about USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL is because ARM7L is 32-bit, and cannot pass 64-bit floating point values (8 byte) by-value. Your 64-bit host can. But if you recompiled a custom postgres with USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL disabled you'd likely just run into other issues.
I suggest installing PostgreSQL on a matching ARM system to recover the data. Data directories for PostgreSQL are not portable across architectures (for performance reasons).
If you do not have access to the ARM system anymore, an emulator like qemu should be able to help you.
Otherwise, maybe you can compile a modified PostgreSQL (probably starting with 32-bit x86) that can read the data-dir, with appropriate configure options etc. I've never needed to try this.


Postgresql - PANIC: could not open file "pg_replslot/slot_name/state": No such file or directory

Is there any way we could stop replication without logging into psql shell.
Disk-full situation lead to some corruption in PG files and keep on restarting.
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 13.7 (Ubuntu 13.7-1.pgdg20.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, 64-bit
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [8] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-02-06 08:17:45 UTC
2023-02-06 08:17:54 UTC [8] PANIC: could not open file "pg_replslot/slot_name/state": No such file or directory
2023-02-06 08:17:55 UTC [1] LOG: startup process (PID 8) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
2023-02-06 08:17:55 UTC [1] LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
2023-02-06 08:17:55 UTC [1] LOG: database system is shut down
Tried removing pg_replslot/slot_name which lead to "password auth failure" and After resetting DB password(via pg_hba.conf) DB is not showing up !
Is there any proper way to recover in this state? /pg/main files and pgdata directories seem to be available except this slot information.
Done below steps:
I'm using PSQL docker container.
disk used for PG got full. Cleaned up some log files and docker system prune was used to remove unused images which freed some space. But lead to this issue.
Multiple times, we have seen similar issue in Dev environments, Disk full leading to some corrupted files (unable to read/ No such file or directory) kind of errors.
Tried removing pg_replslot/slot_name directory and it allowed me to start PSQL container.(previously is was keep on restarting container)
Reset password by using trust in auth column in pg_hbda.conf.
Now \l in psql shell showing only postgres DB and default DB's. Not showing our custom DB.
We have main DB in a separate tablespace and is not showing up in the list.
_ MOST importantly, Standby is also having SAME errors ! Probably someone messed it?

Docker Postgres database corrupted

I had a docker container running timescaleDB. The database data was stored outside the container.
docker run -d --name timescale -v /<DATA>:/var/lib/postgresql/data timescale/timescaledb-postgis:latest-pg10
Something strange happened lately. I log in and see all the databases have suddenly vanished
I see the below in the log file
2021-03-13 11:32:00.215 UTC [21] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2021-03-11 16:16:19 UTC
2021-03-13 11:32:00.242 UTC [21] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2021-03-13 11:32:00.243 UTC [21] LOG: redo starts at 0/15C1270
2021-03-13 11:32:00.243 UTC [21] LOG: invalid record length at 0/15C12A8: wanted 24, got 0
2021-03-13 11:32:00.243 UTC [21] LOG: redo done at 0/15C1270
2021-03-13 11:32:00.247 UTC [8] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2021-03-13 20:33:10.424 UTC [31] LOG: could not receive data from client: Operation timed out
2021-03-13 20:33:10.424 UTC [29] LOG: could not receive data from client: Operation timed out
Does that means that database has corrupted? If so is there a way to recover it somehow? The container has been running for 3 years without a problem and suddenly this unexpected loss of database.
Yes, the database was corrupted, but it was recovering by the automated recovery process. It looked like the db system started working since it sent this message: database system is ready to accept connections. This means that the logfile recovery was done properly (which doesn't mean that the database files are fully consistent).
When the database is abruptly shutdown, there is small chance for filelvel corruption as well, but the good news is that I don't see anything in the log, after the recovery that can suggest that this is the case, however, you need to have backup of the files.
The next log message could not receive data from client: Operation timed out is not related to recovery, it's due to the client application which had terminated without properly closing the connection.
Check more information on corruptions and reasons in Postgresql wiki.
If you depend on the data in the database, always keep backup. Easiest way is to use pg_dumpall. This will dump the data in plain text format as a series of SQL statements and you will be able to import the data on later versions of PostgreSQL.
So my recommendation, before you do anything else with it, STOP THE CONTAINER AND TAKE BACKUP OF THE FILES. The recovery is trial and error process, and you will need to have the fresh copy of the files to try different thing. After you do this, export the data with pg_dumpall. If this passes, you can resume normal operations of the database.

PostgreSQL connection issue after service restart

I have edited my pg_hba file and copied it to server and restarted the services by "sudo service postgresql restart" but after that the server is not connecting.
Showing the below error, Your database returned: "Connection to 138.2xx.1xx.xx:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections."
The Jenkins job and data visualization tools are failing which was working fine previously. What could be the reason.
Getting this in PostgreSQL Log
2019-10-23 07:21:25.829 CEST [11761] LOG: received fast shutdown request
2019-10-23 07:21:25.829 CEST [11761] LOG: aborting any active transactions
2019-10-23 07:21:25.829 CEST [11766] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down
2019-10-23 07:21:25.832 CEST [11763] LOG: shutting down
2019-10-23 07:21:25.919 CEST [11761] LOG: database system is shut down
2019-10-23 07:21:27.068 CEST [22633] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-10-23 07:21:25 CEST
2019-10-23 07:21:27.073 CEST [22633] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
2019-10-23 07:21:27.075 CEST [22631] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2019-10-23 07:21:27.075 CEST [22637] LOG: autovacuum launcher started
2019-10-23 07:21:27.390 CEST [22639] [unknown]#[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet
Below shows no response.
root#Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal ~ # pg_isready -h localhost -p 5432
localhost:5432 - no response
Below was already added to the postgresql.config file.
listen_addresses = '*'
Do i need to restart the entire server?
Can anyone please help me to resolve this.

Change PostgreSQL data directory to directory created by PostgresSQL on another machine

I have a database stored on an external hard drive. The database was created using PostgreSQL 11, on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine. The folder it's stored in was the data directory of my PostgreSQL instance on my Ubuntu machine, everything worked fine. I don't have access to this Ubuntu machine anymore, and this will last for a few months, but I have the external drive. I'm working under macOS 14.6 in the meantime. I setup PostgreSQL on my Mac using the I created a new server, making sure to use version 11. The defaut data directory was of course not the one I want, so I changed its path in postgresql.conf to point to my existing data dir:
data_directory = 'path_to_external_HDD_data_directory'
Note that this is all I changed in the .conf file (should I change anything else?). When I try to connect to the server via, I get the following error:
pg_ctl: server did not start in time
And the log is:
2019-10-21 22:06:47.628 CEST [72547] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::1", port 5432
2019-10-21 22:06:47.629 CEST [72547] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2019-10-21 22:06:47.654 CEST [72547] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2019-10-21 22:06:47.742 CEST [72548] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2019-10-21 22:00:07 CEST
2019-10-21 22:06:58.263 CEST [72548] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2019-10-21 22:06:58.266 CEST [72548] LOG: redo starts at 4A/B2804E40
2019-10-21 22:06:58.266 CEST [72548] LOG: invalid record length at 4A/B2804E78: wanted 24, got 0
2019-10-21 22:06:58.266 CEST [72548] LOG: redo done at 4A/B2804E40
2019-10-21 22:06:58.314 CEST [72547] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections then tells me that the port is in use. Running lsof -n -i4TCP:5432, I see that postgres is listening. I killed it and retried but got the same pg_ctl error. Any idea of what I can do?
Your server started successfully. You don't use pg_ctl to connect to PostgreSQL, but the command line client psql.
Anyway, you should stop what you are doing right now before any damage is done.
It is not supported to use a PostgreSQL data directory created with one architecture (Linux) on a different architecture (MacOS).
If the server starts, it is by coincidence. Connecting might work, but it might just as well corrupt your database.

What is the purpose of `pg_logical` directory inside PostgreSQL data?

I've just stumbled upon this error while testing failover of a PostgreSQL 9.4 cluster I've set up. Here I'm trying to promote a slave to be the new master:
$ repmgr -f /etc/repmgr/repmgr.conf --verbose standby promote
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: database system shutdown was interrupted; last known up at 2014-09-22 10:44:02 UTC
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: redo starts at 0/18000028
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: consistent recovery state reached at 0/19000600
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: record with zero length at 0/1A000090
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: redo done at 0/1A000028
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: last completed transaction was at log time 2014-09-22 10:36:22.679806+00
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC FATAL: could not open directory "pg_logical/snapshots": No such file or directory
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: startup process (PID 2595) exited with exit code 1
2014-09-22 10:46:37 UTC LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
pg_logical/snapshots dir in fact exists on master node and it is empty.
UPD: I've just manually created empty directories pg_logical/snapshots and pg_logical/mappings and server has started without complaining. repmgr standby clone seems to omit this dirs while syncing. But the question still remains because I'm just curious what this directory is for, maybe I'm missing something in my setup. Simply Googling it did not yield any meaningful results.
It's for the new logical changeset extraction / logical replication feature in 9.4.
This shouldn't happen, though... it suggests a significant bug somewhere, probably repmgr. I'll wait for details (repmgr version, etc).
Update: Confirmed, it's a repmgr bug. It's fixed in git master already (and was before this report) and will be in the next release. Which had better be soon, given the significance of this issue.