Backup a table using pg_dump - postgresql

I am new to PostgreSQL. I have a database name employee (id , name, address , Phonenumber , salary). I would like to make a backup of the employee details if anyone of Phno,addres and salary is changed.
Is there any way of doing it using pg_dump or I should be satisfied with trigger method that output original Tuples onto another Table say Backup if any changes are made .
Please , if someone could elaborate in detailed manner how to get start with this using pg_dump.

pg_dump scripts out the current state of the database. That's all it does, with some fine-tuning to let you get at individual tables, schemas, etc. It does not watch for changes, it does not work at the row level (barring some zany row-level security setup), and it is not an audit log.
What you're describing -- backing up individual rows when they're modified -- is an audit log, so pg_dump is the wrong tool for the job. An update trigger which inserts the original row into an audit table is the canonical way to accomplish this, so you're on the right track there. If you need to generate scripts of the audit table, that's where pg_dump comes in.


how to restore a postgresql database to the exact same state?

I am trying to
create a snapshot of a PostgreSQL database (using pg_dump),
do some random tests, and
restore to the exact same state as the snapshot, and do some other random tests.
These can happen over many/different days. Also I am in a multi-user environment where I am not DB admin. In particular, I cannot create new DB.
However, when I restore db using
gunzip -c dump_file.gz | psql my_db
changes in step 2 above remain.
For example, if I make a copy of a table:
create table foo1 as (select * from foo);
and then restore, the copied table foo1 remains there.
Could some explain how can I restore to the exact same state as if step 2 never happened?
-- Update --
Following the comments #a_horse_with_no_name, I tried to to use
DROP OWNED BY my_db_user
to drop all my objects before restore, but I got an error associated with an extension that I cannot control, and my tables remain intact.
ERROR: cannot drop sequence bg_gid_seq because extension postgis_tiger_geocoder requires it
HINT: You can drop extension postgis_tiger_geocoder instead.
Any suggestions?
You have to remove everything that's there by dropping and recreating the database or something like that. pg_dump basically just makes an SQL script that, when applied, will ensure all the tables, stored procs, etc. exist and have their data. It doesn't remove anything.
You can use PostgreSQL Schemas.

How to find the OID of the rows in a table in postgres?

I have a problem encountered lately in our Postgres database, when I query: select * from myTable,
it results to, 'could not open relation with OID 892600370'. And it's front end application can't run properly anymore. Base on my research, I determined the column that has an error but I want exactly to locate the rows OID of the column so that I can modify it. Please help.
Thank you in advance.
You've got a corrupted database. Might be a bug, but more likely bad hardware. If you have a recent backup, just use that. I'm guessing you don't though.
Make sure you locate any backups of either the database or its file tree and keep them safe.
Stop the PostgreSQL server and take a file backup of the entire database tree (base, global, pg_xlog - everything at that level). It is now safe to start fiddling...
Now, start the database server again and dump tables one at a time. If a table won't dump, try dropping any indexes and foreign-key constraints and give it another go.
For a table that won't dump, it might be just certain rows. Drop any indexes and dump a range of rows using COPY ... SELECT. That should let you narrow down any corrupted rows and get the rest.
Now you have a mostly-recovered database, restore it on another machine and take whatever steps are needed to establish what is damaged/lost and what needs to be done.
Run a full set of tests on the old machine and see if anything needs replacement. Consider whether your monitoring needs improvement.
Then - make sure you keep proper backups next time, that way you won't have to do all this, you'll just use them instead.
could not open relation with OID 892600370
A relation is a table or index. A relation's OID is the OID of the row in pg_class where this relation is defined.
Try select relname from pg_class where oid=892600370;
Often it's immediately obvious from relname what this relation is, otherwise you want to look at the other fields in pg_class: relnamespace, relkind,...

Create TABLE in many Postgres schemas with a single command

I have two schemas in my Postgres BOOK database, MSPRESS and ORELLY.
I want to create the same table in two schemas:
Now, I want to create the same table in all my schemas with a single command.
To accomplish this, I thought about event triggers available in Postgres 9.3 ( Intercepting CREATE TABLE command by my event trigger, I thought to determine name of table and schema in which it is created and just repeat the same command for all available schemas. Sadly, event trigger procedure does not get name of table being created.
Is there a way to 'real-time' synchronization of Postgres schema?
Currently only TG_EVENT and TG_TAG is available from an event trigger, but this feature will likely be expanded. In the meantime, you can query information_schema for differences and try to add every table, where its missing; but don't forget that this synchronization will also trigger several event triggers, so you should do it carefully.
But if you just want to build several schemas with the same structure (without further synchronization), you could just write schema-less queries to build them & run it on every schema one-by-one, after changing search path with SET search_path / SET SCHEMA.

PostgreSQL reset tables to original state

We have a large PostgreSQL dump with hundreds of tables that I can successfully import with pg_restore. We are developing a software that inserts into a lot of these tables (~100) and for every run we need to return these tables to their original state (that means to the content that was in the dump). Restoring the original dump again takes a lot of time and we just can't wait for half an hour before every debugging session. So I need a relatively fast way to revert these tables to the state they are in after restoring from the dump.
I've tried using pg_restore with -L switch and selecting these tables but I get either a duplicate key error when using both --data-only and --clean or a "cannot drop table X because other objects depend on it" error when using only --clean. Issuing a SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED command before pg_restore did not work either. Maybe I have the rows in the table list all wrong, right now it's
491; 1259 39623998 TABLE public some_table some_user
8021; 0 0 COMMENT public TABLE some_table some_user
8022; 0 0 ACL public some_table some_user
for every table and then
6700; 0 39624062 TABLE DATA public some_table postgres
8419; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET public some_table_pk_id_seq some_user
for every table.
We only insert data and don't update existing rows so deleting all rows above an index and resetting the sequences might work, but I really don't want to have to manually create these commands for all the hundred tables and I'm not even sure it would work even if I set cascade to delete other objects depending on the given row.
Does anyone have any better idea how to handle this?
So you are looking for something like a snapshot in order to be able to revert quickly to a certain state.
I am not aware of a possiblity in PostgreSql to rollback to a certain timestamp.
While searching for a solution, I've found two ideas here
Use create database with the template option
Virtualize your PostgreSql installation using VMWare or VirtualBox, and use the snapshot feature of the virtual machines.
Again, both ideas are copied from the above source (I have search for "postgresql db snapshots").
You can use PITR to create a snapshot before loads and use the PITR snapshot to take you back to any point that you have the logs for.

db2 reorganize a table

When I alter a table in db2, I have to reorganize it
so I execute the next query:
Call Sysproc.admin_cmd ('reorg Table myTable');
I m searching an appropriate solution to reorganize a table when it s altered, or reorganize all the schema after making various modifications
You can determine when tables will require a REORG by looking at SYSIBMADM.ADMINTABINFO:
select tabschema, tabname
from sysibmadm.admintabinfo
where reorg_pending = 'Y'
You may also want to look at the NUM_REORG_REC_ALTERS column as this may show you additional tables that don't require reorganization due to various ALTER TABLE statements.
The reorg operation is similar to a defrag in hard disk. It frees empty spaces in pages, and eventually it could reorganize data according to an index. Depending on the features, it creates the compression dictionary and compress data.
As you can see, reorg operation is an administrative task, and it is not necessary each time data is modified. A database could run without reorg.
It order to ease this, DB2 included autonomic features like automatic backup, however this doesn't answer you own question. This will only trigger reorg on tables that need that.
To reorg a table explicitly you need to execute the command reorg
or via the admin_cmd
in db2 config we have:
Automatic reorganization (AUTO_REORG) = OFF
we can set auto_reorg to on