Does a syntax highlighter plugin for Graql exist? - plugins

I cant find any syntax highlighter plugin for GRAKN/GRAQL language.
Does someone know where I could find them?
Thanks in advance.

Yes there is one for Sublime and one For VSCode. They both install from the built in installer.
Run the Package Control: Install Package command, find and install the Graql Syntax package.
VS Code:
Search for grakn, graql, or gql

For IntelliJ, there's this plugin.
Its source is on github.


File Utils plugin - command 'fileutils.duplicateFile' not found

I am using FIle Utils plugin ( for Visual Studio Code.
When I try to >File Duplicate, Visual Code says "command 'fileutils.duplicateFile' not found".
I uninstall the plugin then re-install it, does not work.
I closed Visual Code, restarted mac, clear Visual Clear Editor History.
I still can not use the plugin to duplicate file or rename file.
Update VSCode to the latest version will fix the issue. I posted in File Utils github issue
For me following worked
Uninstall extension
Close VSCode
Open VSCode and install extension
Should start working

pydev source helpers for indirect packages

I'm using PyDev 6.0.0 under Eclipse Neon, and I find that PyDev doesn't find the source for some modules.
For example, when using wxPython, when I edit a source file that contains:
mylist = wx.ListCtrl(parent, ID)
If I hover over ListCtrl, I only see:
ListCtrl.__init__ found at wx.__init__
and in wx.init has:
# Import all items from the core wxPython module so they appear in the wx
# package namespace.
from wx.core import *
# Clean up the package namespace
del core
del wx
So, ListCtrl is really in wx.core but imported into wx.
PyDev can't provide code completion, or doc hover help, etc. etc for this kind of structure.
Is there anyway to configure around this problem?
I'm new to the wxPython library and it would really be nice to have IDE support for it.
You will almost certainly have to create stubs for it. Because wxPython is a wrapper around C++, it can be harder for some IDEs to autocomplete. I think Wingware and PyCharm work though. See the following for more information on creating stubs:
How do I fix PyDev "Undefined variable from import" errors?
I think it may be a bug in PyDev though:
Autocompletion in Pydev- Eclipse for wxpython
The bug tracker for PyDev is not very friendly, so I wasn't able to actually find a bug number for you.

Add ttcn3 syntax highlighting to eclipse

I don't work with ttcn3 full-time, what I need is just basic syntax highlighting and commenting on Ctrl+/ added to eclipse.
After some googling I discovered Eclipse Titan, but it seems to be a full-blown IDE for ttcn3 with compiler and stuff, and I need just a plugin to eclipse.
I would like to find something like "Set syntax: ttcn3" from SublimeText, is it possible in eclipse?
if you go to this link:
you will find that you can download the Titan plugins for Eclipse (today they look like this):
Eclipse plug-ins 6.2.0
You may want to install them in your current Eclipse and find out if that is what you are after.
After installing the plugin
1.change the nature of your ttcn project for "TITAN Nature" this way:
Project popup>Properties>Project Natures>Add...>TITAN Nature.
(if this is not enough:)
2.Select Window>Preferences>TITAN Preferences>On-the-fly checker>Enable parsing of TTCN-3, ASN.1 and runtime configuration files
(You can also set perspective TITAN Editing/Titan Executing/TITAN Log Viewer)

Sublime Text 3 Better Coffee​Script package

I've used the Better Coffee​Script package for some time now. Today it is not working anymore. No syntax highlighting, also I can't find it under Package Controll when I'm trying to install it again. Any ideas? Thank!
OK, the package was disabled (have no idea why). Package Controll: Enable Package -> Better CoffeeScript resolved my problem.
I had the same issue and solved this way:
Package Control > Disable Package > Better CoffeeScript
and then
Package Control > Enable Package > Better CoffeeScript

Netbeans 7.x syntax highlighting for .sass files?

Does anyone know of a plugin or method to add syntax highlighting to .sass files in Netbeans 7.x?
This plugin I've found adds syntax highlighting for .scss, but I need some solution for .sass files.
Native support for SASS and LESS has recently been added to the Netbeans codebase - until the next major version (probably 7.4?) is released, you can get it using the current "development version".
Found this plugin which does what I need:
One drawback is that it doesn't allow to customize the syntax colors, but I found a way to do that by editing the following plugin file (you have to unzip the .nbm and .jar files to do that, and then rearchive them using zip without any compression):
Hope this helps someone else as well