js file not being rendered in ejs file - ejs

I am using ejs independently with piece of html. All the things being rendered from API call & I am templating everything with the help of ejs. There is piece of html for slidebar & using the jquery it's working statically. But when I include that piece of code in the ejs file to make it dynamic, it no longer works.
I am confused. Is there any way to implement it. I want to make whole slidebar content dynamic.
Thanks in advance.


Loading a Vue file's content into a JavaScript variable for routing

I've been trying to use the vue-router package for days without figuring out how it works, and it kind of drives me crazy.
My problem: I want to make a Single Page Application using VueJS, and I have taken the vue-router package since it is the routing package officially supported by the VueJS development team.
I've read a lot of "getting started" articles, lots of them start by hard-writing the template like this:
const Foo = { template: '<div>foo</div>' }
But since I'm not really into writing my entire template between those two quotes marks, I searched for a way to write my template into a file, and then load the file's content into a JS variable.
It seems that it's possible to write the templates into .vue files, and then load them into variables using:
import App from './App.vue';
But when I do this that way I get this error: "Unexpected token import".
I'm really frustrated by that, haven't they thought about a really convenient way for the template loading to be compatible on every browser? What did I miss?
I suggest you look into Vue CLI for helping you set up a desired scaffold for your project. Based on the options you choose you can end up with a webpack backed template along with the vue-router included. Webpack will take care of bundling your project so you don't encounter errors like that one.
Generally what you want to do is use vue files. A vue file is divided into three parts, and would look something like this:
// Your HTML for this component goes here
// Your JS for this component goes here
// Your CSS for this component goes here
Once you have your components organized like this, handling routing is pretty straightforward. You designate a file to contain the router object that handles the routing.
These are pretty much basics, so I won't go into details here but you can learn a lot more on the official Vue docs page. Here is also an example project that shows how to construct simple components in vue files and how to properly use the vue-router.

Script tags in RTE AEM 6.1

I am trying to create a Editor component that will take inline javascript.
I understand that I can use clientlibs folder for loading JS, but some of the video CDN folks require you to put embed tags with JavaScript in the editor, and I think some of that is also used for rapid development. Currently with the state of RTE, I cannot put a script <script/> tag even after extending it, as it strips it out and only takes the html tags.
Could you please provide any insight if this could be doable in AEM 6.1
Here's what I have tried:
I looked at several post didn't got a clue
extended RTE using Adobe's documentation, but see a script button, that only takes html tags.
looked for hacks that could tell me what part of the code is tripping out </script> tags or could not execute js.
looked for some components out there that does that, found nothing
so far.

Node/Express/Mongo: How do I render HTML attributes from dynamic content?

I have made a simple blog using Node/Express/Mongo/Jade (and/or HAML.js). I used (and slightly updated) the blog app from this tutorial, which itself an update of one from howtonode.org
I can render attributes such as links, etc., with the template engine just fine, but when I pass data from the db, none of the html renders. I get plain text print-outs of the HTML. I figure I need some other node packages/modules to render the 'dynamic' content, but I don't know where to start.
In jade, when you're passing content you DON'T want to be escaped, be sure you pass it along as != instead of =
BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL THOUGH! If you don't manually parse out the bad stuff, you could make your website extremely vulnerable.
You can read some more jade documentation here

Why do we use HTML helper in ASP.NET MVC?

Are there any good thing, best practice or profit we have after using the HTML helper in an ASP.NET MVC project?
When I am trying to use them I found that I lose the speed I have with HTML and many difficulties I have whenever I use an HTML helper.
Other [non-techie] persons can't understand what I write using Helper if I want to show them or they want to do something they need to spent more time on, even if they have working knowledge of HTML.
If I use an HTML helper I lose the speed. When I use HTML I just type and of course I am not aware of it. But using helper, it is hard to understand.
What thing do we get when I use HTML helper? I think it is nothing I get because I lose the speeed. Others can't understand what I do using helper and can't customize the code if they want.
Why do we use HTML helpers?
You use HTML helpers to encapsulate some small HTML fragments which are repeated all over your pages. And to avoid writing those HTML snippets all over again you use helpers.
They are very useful, especially when dealing with things like URLs because instead of hardcoding your links helpers take advantage of routing the definition on your server and by simply changing those routes the whole site URLs' change without ever touching any single HTML page.
Another scenario where HTML helpers are useful is for generating form input fields. In this case they automatically could handle values when posting back and show associated validation messages. Can you imagine the spaghetti code you would have to write in your views if there weren't HTML helpers?
The biggest advantage I find is with the editor and display templates.
If your editor for a field is more than just a simple input box, you can put that into a template and replace the several tags with a call to
This means that your page is a lot easier to edit as you aren't wading through a lot of fluff HTML to find what you want.

Generating HTML from a template on the iPhone

I have an iPhone application which needs to generate a local HTML file from a template and then render the HTML in a UIWebView. It basically needs simple Django-like template features, just to replace template tags with values and simple enumeration over collections (for instance to generate rows of a table). Is there some existing simple template framework available for iPhone apps (implemented in C or in Objective-C of course)? I looked at Dashcode but that does not fit my needs I dont think. I have an HTML file I just want to replace values in it and enumerate/loop over collections to do it. I cant use Javascript for this actually because HTML needs to be email-able.
Take a look at MGTemplateEngine
https://github.com/groue/GRMustache may help you.
I've written a simple tempalte class once. It had <%= foobar %> style tags in it. I would call [myTemplate setValue:#"I like SO" forVar:#"foobar"] which would find the tag and replace it.
Looping and enumeration might be much harder. Maybe there is a ObjC templating library out there that I don't know of.