Feetching all adunits relate to one line item - google-dfp

Is there any optimal way of fetching all adunits related to one line item?
At the moment our solution takes the adunits from the line item and expands them in a breadth-first search which is not really optimal since we end up doing many API calls (not many per second per the total time is pretty long). This is done by running a PQL statement which fetches all the adunits with parent id withing the current set (last level of the tree).
One solution we are not doing at the moment and we plan on implementing is caching the results after traversing the adunit tree but that would nto solve the long time it takes for us to actually find all the adunits for one campaign.

No methods simplifying this available in DFP API.
But the following algorithm could be more efficient than BFS if you have many line items:
select all ad units with hasChildren = false
use parentPath of the extracted ad units to fully reconstruct the ad units tree & cache it somewhere
once you need to find the entire tree of a line item targets use this structure


When and how to load data for an infinite list when page/index of data is hard to know?

I'm writing a Flutter web/mobile calendar application / todo list, the main feature of which is a long list of items (appointments, tasks, and the like).
Much of the time, the list won't be longer than a few hundred items. But it should be able to scale to thousands of items, as many as the user wants. Not too hard to do should the user make many repeating items. I'm using ReorderableListView.builder to virtualize the list. The part I'm struggling with is when to load the list data and how to store it.
Important: When the user picks a day, the list can jump to somewhere in the middle... and can scroll back to the top of the list.
The easiest thing to do would be to just load all data up to the users position. But this means storing a potentially very large list in memory at best, and in the web application it means requesting way more data than is really needed.
A good summary of the problem might be: Jumping to particular day is more challenging than jumping to a known index on the list. It's not easy to know what an item's index would be in a fully constructed version of the list without fully constructing the list up to that item. Yes, you can get items at particular date, but what if you wanted to get fifty items before a particular date, and fifty items after a particular date (useful for keeping scrolling smooth)? There could be a huge gap, or there could be a whole ton of items all clustered on one day.
A complication is that not all items in the list are items in the database, for example day headers. The day headers need to behave like regular items and not be attached to other items when it comes to the reordering drag animation, yet storing them as records in the database feels wrong. Here's an image of the web application to give you some idea:
I like the answer here (Flutter: Display content from paginated API with dynamic ListView) and would like to do something like it.
I would do this both for web app, where there's http bottlenecks. I would also do this for the mobile app, even when all data is in the database. Why keep the entire list in memory when you don't have to? (I have very little mobile development experience, so please correct me if I'm wrong)
Jumping to particular day is more challenging than jumping to known index on the list. It's not easy to know what an item's index would be in a fully constructed version of the list without fully constructing the list up to that item.
Solution I'm leaning toward:
ReferencesList + keyValueStorage solution
Store the item ids in order as well as key value pairs of all items by id as a json list in NoSql. This list will include references to items, with day headings included and represented by something like 'dh-2021-05-21' or its epoch time. This list will be very lightweight, just a string per item, so you don't need to worry about holding it all in memory. Item data can be pulled out of storage whenever it's built. (Should this be a problem in Sembast or hive? Hive, and here's why: https://bendelonlee.medium.com/hive-or-sembast-for-nosql-storage-in-flutter-web-fe3711146a0 )
When a date is jumped to, run a binary search on this list to find its exact position and scroll to that position. You can easily preload, say 30 items before and 50 items after that position.
other solutions:
SplayTreeMap + QuerySQLByDate Solution:
When jumping, since you don't know the index, insert it into a new SplayTreeMap at an arbitrarily high index, say 100 * number_of_list_items_in_database just to be safe. Run two queries, on ascending from scrolled to date, and one descending from it. Cache these queries and return them in paged form. Should the user reach the beginning of the list, simply prevent them from scrolling further up the list manually with a ScrollController or something like it.

Watson Retrieve and Rank/ Discovery Service return always table of content with high(est) score

I'm using Watson Retrieve and Rank/ or Discovery Service to retrieve information from user manuals. I performed the training with an example washing machine manual in pdf format.
My target is to receive the best passages from the document where a specific natural language string occurs (like "Positioning the drain hose"). Which is working in general.
My problem is that the table of content is almost always the passage with the highest score.
Therefore are the first results just the table of content instead of the relevant text passage. (See example results)
"wrong" result (table of content):
Unpacking the washing machine ----------------------------------------------------2 Overview of the washing machine --------------------------------------------------2 Selecting a location -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Adjusting the leveling feet ------------------------------------------------------------3 Removing the shipping bolts --------------------------------------------------------3 Connecting the water supply hose ------------------------------------------------- 3 Positioning the drain hose ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 Plugging in the machine
"correct" result
Positioning the drain hose The end of the drain hose may be positioned in three ways: Over the edge of a sink The drain hose must be placed at a height of between 60 and 90 cm. To keep the drain hose spout bent, use the supplied plastic hose
possible Solutions
ignoring the table of content during training process
offset parameter to e.g. ignore the first 3 results
find out whether the result is part of table of content and ignore if YES
Those approaches are static and don't applicable for multiple documents with various structures (table of content at the beginning/ at the end/ no table of content, ...).
Has someone an idea to better approach this topic?
At this time, passage retrieval results are not affected by relevancy training. As passage retrieval always searches the entire corpus, unfortunately the only reliable way of excluding passage retrieval results from a table of contents is to remove the table of contents.

Database and item orders (general)

I'm right now experimenting with a nodejs based experimental app, where I will be putting in a list of books and it will be posted on a forum automatically every x minutes.
Now my question is about order of these things posted.
I use mongodb (not sure if this changes the question or not) and I just add a new entry for every item to be posted. Normally, things are posted in the exact order I add them.
However, for the web interface of this experimental thing, I made a re-ordering interaction where I can simply drag and drop elements to reorder them.
My question is: how can I reflect this change to the database?
Or more in general terms, how can I order stuff in general, in databases?
For instance if I drag the 1000th item to 1st order, everything below needs to be edited (in db) between 1 and 1000 the entries. This does not seem like a valid and proper solution to me.
Any enlightenment is appreciated.
An elegant way might be lexicographic sorting. Introduce a String attribute for each item. Make the initial length of the values large enough to accomodate the estimated number of items. E.g., if you expect 1000 items, let the keys be baa, bab, bac, ... bba, bbb, bbc, ...
Then, when an item is moved from where it is to another place between two items, assign a value to the sorting attribute of the moved item that is somewhere equidistant (lexicographically) to those items. So to move an item between dei and dej, give it the value deim. To move an item between fadd and fado, give it the value fadi.
Keys starting with a were initially not used to leave space for elements that get dragged before the first one. Never use the key a, as it will be impossible to move an element before this one.
Of course, the characters used may vary according to the sort order provided by the database.
This solution should work fine as long as elements are not reordered extremely frequently. In a worst case scenario, this may lead to longer and longer attribute values. But if the movements are somewhat equally distributed, the length of values should stay reasonable.

Puzzle Solver - TreeNode Help

I'm trying to code a puzzle solver app.
I need to find out how many moves it takes, and how many solutions there are.
I would rather not give too many details on the puzzle.
but the player moves around a grid ( say 5 x 7 )
as they move, obstacles could be captured so the state of the board needs to be tracked.
( this could be done as a string or an array )
I understand I need to create a TreeNode, starting with a root ( the players start position )
and give each node children of the possible moves until all the possible moves are calculated.
The puzzle stats could then be collected.
Number of Possible solutions, minimum number of moves to solve, average number of moves to solve, etc.
I have the puzzle logic created that will return if moves are possible and such.
I'm having problems creating the TreeNode structure and making sure moves are not duplicated.
The puzzle app itself is on the iPhone, but I'm writing this solver/editor on the Mac.
Any help would be VERY much appreciated.
Perhaps you could do a variant of a tree recursion? Traverse the tree recursively, having each end node return a value of how hard it was to get there (if there are costs associated with different moves) and a description of how it got there. This of course requires the player to only move in one direction, otherwise the tree-structure doesn't describe the problem. A bit more info on what your exact problem looks like would be helpful.
It might be a heavy algorithm, but it gets the job done.
For detecting repeated states, you would put the states in a set as you went along, and then check every time you found new states to see if they already existed. Though if space is an issue, you will have to resort to only checking if the children are not the same as the parent, or some kind of limited version of this approach.
A node class is very simple. It just contains a pointer back to a parent (if it has one) and the variable it holds (such as a state). You will also probably want other variables depending on your application.
When you get to a node, you use a successor function to get all the child nodes from there (the states that can be reached in one move) and add them to a list. You pluck from the list to traverse the tree.

How to approximate processing time?

It's common to see messages like "Installation will take 10 min aprox." , etc in desktop applications. So, I wonder how can I calculate an approximate of how much time a certain process will take. Off course I won't install anything but I want to update some internal data and depending on the user usage this might take some time.
Is this possible in a iPhone app? How Cocoa guys do this, would it be the same way in iPhone apps?
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I want to rewrite/edit some files on disk, most of the time these files are not the same size so I cannot use timers for the first iteration and calculate the rest from that.
Is there any API that helps on calculating this?
If you have some list of things to process, each "thing" - usually better to measure a group of 10 or so "things" - is a unit of work. Your goal is to see how long it takes to process a single group and report the estimated time to completion.
One way is to create an NSDate at the start of each group and a new one at the end (the top and bottom of your for loop) for each group. Multiply the difference in seconds by however many groups you have left (minus the one you just processed) and that should be a reasonable estimate of the time remaining.
Of course this gets more complicated if one "thing" takes a lot longer to process than another "thing" - the above approach assumes all things take the same amount of time. In this case, however, you may need to keep track of an average window (across the last n "things" or groups thereof).
A more detailed response would require more details about your model and what work you're performing.