Spark - Calculate total number of transitions for events - scala

having the following RDD:
I have to calculate the total number of transition between events, so for this example the result should be:
("A","B") -> 5 , ("B","A") -> 5
For the moment, I have the following solution but I don't know if there could be a more efficient implementation.
val rddSplited = => x.split(":")(1)
.replaceAll("(.)\\1+", "$1"))
val finalrdd = rddSplited.flatMap(x => x.sliding(2))
.map(x => ((x.charAt(0).toString,x.charAt(1).toString),1l))
val finalmap = finalrdd.reduceByKey(_+_).collectAsMap()

Some filtering and grouping can be included in "flatMap"
rddSplited.flatMap(row => row.sliding(2).
filter(pair => pair(0) != pair(1)).toSeq.groupBy(identity).mapValues(_.length)


SPARK: sum of elements with this same indexes from RDD[Array[Int]] in spark-rdd

I have three files like:
file1: 1,2,3,4,5
file2: 11,12,13,14,15
file3: 21,22,23,24,25
I have to find the sum of rows from each file:
1+2+3+4+5 + 11+12+13+14+15 + 21+21+23+24+25
6+7+8+9+10 + 16+17+18+19+20 + 26+27+28+29+30
I have written following code in spark-scala to get the Array of sum of all the rows:
val filesRDD = sc.wholeTextFiles("path to folder\\numbers\\*")
// creating RDD[Array[String]]
val linesRDD = => elem._2.split("\\n"))
// creating RDD[Array[Array[Int]]]
val rdd1 = => => str.split(",").map(_.trim.toInt)))
// creating RDD[Array[Int]]
val rdd2 = => => e.sum))
rdd2.collect.foreach(elem => println(elem.mkString(",")))
the output I am getting is:
What I want is to sum 15+65+115 and 40+90+140
Any help is appreciated!
the files can have different no. of lines like some with 3 lines other with 4 and there can be any no. of files.
I want to do this using rdds only not dataframes.
You can use reduce to sum up the arrays:
val result = rdd2.reduce((x,y) => (x,y) + _))
// result: Array[Int] = Array(195, 270)
and if the files are of different length (e.g. file 3 has only one line 21,22,23,24,25)
val result = rdd2.reduce((x,y) => x.zipAll(y,0,0).map{case (a, b) => a + b})

Finding average of values against key using RDD in Spark

I have created RDD with first column is Key and rest of columns are values against that key. Every row has a unique key. I want to find average of values against every key. I created Key value pair and tried following code but it is not producing desired results. My code is here.
val rows = 10
val cols = 6
val partitions = 4
lazy val li1 = List.fill(rows,cols)(math.random)
lazy val li2 = (1 to rows).toList
lazy val li = (li1, li2) :: _)
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("First spark").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(li,partitions)
val gr = x => (x(0) , x.drop(1)))
val gr1 = gr.values.reduce((x,y) => => x._1 +x._2 )).foldLeft(0)(_+_)
I want result to be displayed like
1 => 1.1 ,
2 => 2.7
and so on for all keys
First I am not sure what this line is doing,
lazy val li = (li1, li2) :: _)
Instead, you could do this,
lazy val li = li2 zip li1
This will create the List of tuples of the type (Int, List[Double]).
And the solution to find the average values against keys could be as below,{ x => (x._1, x._2.fold(0.0)(_ + _)/x._2.length) }.collect.foreach(x => println(x._1+" => "+x._2))

Spark - calculate max ocurrence per day-event

I have the following RDD[String]:
The first number is supposed to be days and the following characters are events.
I have to calculate the day where each event has the maximum occurrence.
The expected result for this dataset should be:
{ "A" -> Day2 , "B" -> Day3 }
(A has repeated 10 times in day2 and b 10 times in day3)
I am splitting the original dataset
val foo =":")).map(x => (x(0), x(1).split("")) )
What could be the best implementation for count and aggregation?
Any help is appreciated.
This should do the trick:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val rdd = sqlContext.sparkContext.makeRDD(Seq(
val keys = Seq("A", "B")
val seqOfMaps: RDD[(String, Map[String, Int])] ={str =>
val split = str.split(":")
(s"Day${split.head}", split(1).groupBy(a => a.toString).mapValues(_.length))
}{key => {
key -> seqOfMaps.mapValues(_.get(key).get).sortBy(a => -a._2).first._1
The processing that need to be done consist in transforming the data into a rdd that is easy to apply on functions like: find the maximum for a list
I will try to explain step by step
I've used dummy data for "A" and "B" chars.
The foo rdd is the first step it will give you RDD[(String, Array[String])]
Let's extract each char for the Array[String]
val res3 ={case (d,s)=> (d, s.toList.groupBy(c => c).map{case (x, xs) => (x, xs.size)}.toList)}
(1,List((A,18), (B,6)))
(2,List((A,20), (B,4)))
(3,List((A,14), (B,10)))
Next we will flatMap over values to expand our rdd by char
res3.flatMapValues(list => list)
Rearrange the rdd in order to look better{case (d, (s, c)) => (s, c, d)}
Now we are groupy by char
(A,CompactBuffer((A,18,1), (A,20,2), (A,14,3)))
(B,CompactBuffer((B,6,1), (B,4,2), (B,10,3)))
Finally we are taking the maxium count for each row{case (s, list) => (s, list.maxBy(_._2))}
Hope this help
Previous answers are good, but I prefer such solution:
val data = Seq(
val initialRDD = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
// to tuples like (1,'A',18)
val charCountRDD = initialRDD.flatMap(s => {
val parts = s.split(":")
val charCount = parts(1).groupBy(i => i).mapValues(_.length) => (parts(0), i._1, i._2))
// group by character, and take max value from grouped collection
val result = charCountRDD.groupBy(i => i._2).map(k => k._2.maxBy(z => z._3))
Result is:

How can I deal with each adjoin two element difference greater than threshold from Spark RDD

I have a problem with Spark Scala which get the value of each adjoin two element difference greater than threshold,I create a new RDD like this:
I want to subtract each two adjoin element like this:
a.apply(1)-a.apply(0) ,a.apply(2)-a.apply(1),…… a.apply(a.lenght)-a.apply(a.lenght-1)
If the result greater than the threshold of 10,than output the collection,like this:
How can I do this with scala from RDD?
If you have data as
val data = Seq(2,3,5,8,19,3,5,89,20,17)
you can create rdd as
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
What you desire can be achieved by doing the following
import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.RDDFunctions._
val finalrdd = rdd
.map(x => (x(1), x(1)-x(0)))
.filter(y => y._2 > 10)
.map(z => z._1)
should print
You can create another RDD from the original dataframe and zip those two RDD which creates a tuple like (2,3)(3,5)(5,8) and filter the subtracted result if it is greater than 10
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(2,3,5,8,19,3,5,89,20,17))
val first = rdd.first() => r != first))
.map( k => ((k._2 - k._1), k._2))
.filter(k => k._1 > 10 )
.map(t => t._2).foreach(println)
Hope this helps!

Efficient countByValue of each column Spark Streaming

I want to find countByValues of each column in my data. I can find countByValue() for each column (e.g. 2 columns now) in basic batch RDD as fallows:
scala> val double = sc.textFile("double.csv")
scala> val counts = sc.parallelize((0 to 1).map(index => {> { val token = x.split(",")
scala> counts.take(2)
res20: Array[scala.collection.Map[Long,Long]] = Array(Map(2 -> 5, 1 -> 5), Map(4 -> 5, 5 -> 5))
Now I want to perform same with DStreams. I have windowedDStream and want to countByValue on each column. My data has 50 columns. I have done it as fallows:
val windowedDStream = myDStream.window(Seconds(2), Seconds(2)).cache()
ssc.sparkContext.parallelize((0 to 49).map(index=> {
val counts => { val token = x.split(",")
val topCounts = . . . . will not work
I get correct results with this, the only issue is that I want to apply more operations on counts and it's not available outside map.
You misunderstand what parallelize does. You think when you give it a Seq of two elements, those two elements will be calculated in parallel. That it not the case and it would be impossible for it to be the case.
What parallelize actually does is it creates an RDD from the Seq that you provided.
To try to illuminate this, consider that this:
val countsRDD = sc.parallelize((0 to 1).map { index => { x =>
val token = x.split(",")
Is equal to this:
val counts = (0 to 1).map { index => { x =>
val token = x.split(",")
val countsRDD = sc.parallelize(counts)
By the time parallelize runs, the work has already been performed. parallelize cannot retroactively make it so that the calculation happened in parallel.
The solution to your problem is to not use parallelize. It is entirely pointless.