sap.m.TileContainer Only Displays 2 Tiles - sapui5

I'd like to use sap.m.TileContainer to display tiles with some info. The SAP sample is not really useful as it does not follow the guidelines such as using manifest.json etc...
So I built an app in SAP Web IDE from scratch. I am using TileContainer to display tiles. Its tile aggregation is bound to a local JSON data file.
The data file contains an array with three items. However, only two are displayed after rendering. Any suggestions why?
This is my data.json:
"TileCollection": [{
"title": "Slovenská Republika",
"info": "support for SR",
"flag": "",
"icon": "sap-icon://inbox"
}, {
"title": "Deutschland",
"info": "support for DE",
"flag": "",
"icon": "sap-icon://inbox"
}, {
"title": "Ceska Republika",
"info": "support for CZ",
"flag": "",
"icon": "sap-icon://inbox"
This is my XML view:

many thanks for your suggestion
in the meantime i solved it with tile container as well.
what i did is that i used NOT a default model.
i initialised the model in component.js
then used model>/TileCollection and it worked though i am still a bit confused.
nevertheless, thanks for you answer as well.

I solved this issue , even i was facing same issue , If you dont use local model you will not face issue or if you define your model in controller you will not face the issue.
], function(Controller,JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("SmartPurchaseReq.controller.Home", {
* Called when a controller is instantiated and its View controls (if available) are already created.
* Can be used to modify the View before it is displayed, to bind event handlers and do other one-time initialization.
* #memberOf SmartPurchaseReq.view.Home
onInit: function() {
var that = this;
var data = {
"TileCollection" : [
"icon" : "sap-icon://hint",
"type" : "Monitor",
"title" : "Tiles: a modern UI design pattern for overview & navigation."
"icon" : "sap-icon://inbox",
"number" : "89",
"title" : "Approve Leave Requests",
"info" : "Overdue",
"infoState" : "Error"
"type" : "Create",
"title" : "Create Leave Requests",
"info" : "28 Days Left",
"infoState" : "Success"
"icon" : "sap-icon://travel-expense-report",
"number" : "281",
"numberUnit" : "euro",
"title" : "Travel Reimbursement",
"info" : "1 day ago"
"icon" : "sap-icon://loan",
"number" : "2380",
"numberUnit" : "euro",
"title" : "My Salary",
"info" : "8 days ago"
"icon" : "sap-icon:`enter code here`//lab",
"number" : "1",
"numberUnit" : "Invention",
"title" : "Test Lab Reports",
"info" : "8 Days Ago"
"icon" : "sap-icon://inbox",
"type" : "Monitor",
"title" : "Leave Request History"
"type" : "Create",
"title" : "Create Purchase Order",
"info" : "890€ Open Budget",
"infoState" : "Success"
"icon" : "sap-icon://stethoscope",
"number" : "3",
"title" : "Yearly Health Check",
"info" : "3 year overdue",
"infoState" : "Error"
"icon" : "sap-icon://meal",
"type" : "Monitor",
"title" : "Meal Schedule"
var DummyModel = new JSONModel();
// var sPath ="model", "/Dummy.json");
// var DummyModel = new JSONModel(sPath);
OnTilePress: function(evt) {
var idj = evt.getSource();
var d =5;
* Similar to onAfterRendering, but this hook is invoked before the controller's View is re-rendered
* (NOT before the first rendering! onInit() is used for that one!).
* #memberOf SmartPurchaseReq.view.Home
// onBeforeRendering: function() {
// },
* Called when the View has been rendered (so its HTML is part of the document). Post-rendering manipulations of the HTML could be done here.
* This hook is the same one that SAPUI5 controls get after being rendered.
* #memberOf SmartPurchaseReq.view.Home
// onAfterRendering: function() {
// },
* Called when the Controller is destroyed. Use this one to free resources and finalize activities.
* #memberOf SmartPurchaseReq.view.Home
// onExit: function() {
// }


Can we use of Nested where clause in sails js Collection

I am trying below queries to get the output which has start_date greater than current date.
These in structure of my collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5aeac6cd1b7e6f252832ca0e"),
"recruiter_id" : null,
"university_id" : null,
"type" : "quiz",
"name" : "Enter scheduled quiz without end date",
"description" : "Even after detailed market research, some products just don't work in the market. Here's a case study from the Coca-Cola range. ",
"quizpoll_image" : "story_7.jpeg",
"status" : "1",
"quizpoll_type" : "scheduled",
"duration" : {
"duration_type" : "Question wise",
"total_duration" : "1000"
"questions" : [
"question_id" : "5aeaa4021b7e6f00dc80c5c6"
"question_id" : "5aeaa59d1b7e6f00dc80c5d2"
"date_type" : {
"start_date" : ISODate("2018-05-01T00:00:00.000+0000")
"created_at" : ISODate("2018-05-01T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2018-04-26T07:58:17.795+0000")
This the query I am trying :
var isoCurrentDate = current_date.toISOString();
var quizScheduledData = await QuizListingCollection.find({
where: ({
'date_type' :{
'>': isoCurrentDate
This is the error I get when I hit this api in postman
"cause": {
"name": "UsageError",
"details": "Could not use the provided `where` clause. Could not filter by `date_type`: Unrecognized modifier (`start_date`) within provided constraint for `date_type`."
"isOperational": true,
"details": "Could not use the provided `where` clause. Could not filter by `date_type`: Unrecognized modifier (`start_date`) within provided constraint for `date_type`."
where: {
'date_type.start_date': {
'>' : isoCurrentDate

In mongodb is it possible to query by sub-object?

I have an doc in mongo:
"_id" : ObjectId("54eb5189ad9685bbb622ca52"),
"header" : {
"title" : "Project Name 1",
"header_img" : "project_name_1.png",
"project_stats" : {
"sqFt" : 20000,
"tons" : 300,
"duration" : "6 months",
"type" : "education facility",
"summary" : "Give quick summary of problem solved."
"row_project_detail" : {
"project_logo" : "project_name_1_logo.png",
"header" : "Project Name 1 was a project where...",
"paragraph" : "blah blah blah blah"
"row_1" : {
"img" : "project_name_2.png"
"row_2" : {
"img_1" : "project_name_3.png",
"img_2" : "project_name_4.png"
"row_3" : {
"img" : "project_name_5.png"
"row_4" : {
"img" : "project_name_6.png"
I have tried to query by db.projects.find({ header: { title: "Project Name 1"} }); but it does not produce results. How can I query by the title key in the header object? Is this possible or do I simply need to duplicate the title key from the header sub-object and put that at the root of the doc?
Use dot notation:
db.projects.find({ "header.title": "Project Name 1"});

Sapui5- Page not displayed

I am trying to build a simple Hello World App in OpenUI5 using the proper MVC structure. I am using sap.m.App and not SplitApp.
So my App.view.js looks like this :
createContent : function(oController) {
this.setDisplayBlock(true); = new sap.m.App("targetAppId", {
In my component, for routing I am wrote the following code :
routing : {
config : {
viewType : "XML",
viewPath : "./view",
targetControl : "targetAppId",
clearTarget : false,
transition : "slide"
routes : [{
pattern : "",
viewType : "XML",
name : "splash",
view : "splash",
viewPath : "./view",
viewLevel : 0,
Both my App.view.js and splash.view.xml is in ./view .
In my component.js I wrote the following code to load the view :
createContent : function() {
var oView = sap.ui.view({
id : "app",
viewName : "./view.App",
type : "JS",
viewData : {
component : this
return oView;
splash.view.xml -
<mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"
xmlns="sap.m" >
<Text text="Hello"/>
On execution I get a blank blue color screen. For some reason it is not navigating to splash.view.xml. I have no idea why. Please help.
If I change the sap.m.App to sap.m.SplitApp and add targetAggregation : "masterPages". Everything works
What I did is changing the targetAggregation : "pages" . And everything works fine. Writing this here, in case it helps somebody.
Using targetAggregation : "pages", everything works fine.

How to query and update nested arrays

I am building a course system. Each course has multiple sections, each section has multiple steps. My datastructure is as follows:
"_id" : "Mtz4DMTwMMKWTWbzE",
"slug" : "how-to-be-awesome",
"title" : "How to be awesome",
"description" : "In 4 easy lessons.",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2014-08-25T13:33:24.675Z"),
"sections" : [
"title" : "Be cool",
"description" : "Title says it all really",
"steps" : [
"title" : "Wear sunglasses",
"description" : "Always works."
"title" : "Be funny",
"description" : "Make an occasional joke. But no lame ones."
This worked while adding steps;
Course._collection.update( { _id: course._id, sections: section }, {
"$push": {
"sections.$.steps": step
But I can't figure out how to update a step. I tried to give the steps an ID and do it like that, but it's not working, apparently because it's two arrays deep, and you can't have two positionals ($) in a query. I tried something like this:
Course._collection.update( { _id: course._id, 'sections.steps._id': step._id }, {
"$set": {
"sections.steps.$.title": "test updated title"
But this gave the following error:
can't append to array using string field name: steps
Is there a way to do this? Or is my schema design off?

jstree - Cannot set icons when using types plugin

I'm trying to display a jstree containing sections and the pages that they contain.
I've set up a type for each but I can't get the icon to change for the page type, it just keeps displaying the default folder icon.
This is my javascript:
"themes" : {
"theme" : "default",
"dots" : false,
"icons" : true
"types" : {
"section" : {
"max_children" : -1,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "all",
"type_attr" : "section"
"page" : {
"max_children" : 0,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "none",
"icon" : {
"image" : ""
"type_attr" : "page"
"core" : {"html_titles" : true, "load_open" : true },
"plugins" : [ "themes", "json_data", "ui", "cookies", "crrm", "sort", "types" ],
"json_data" : {
"ajax" : {
"type": 'GET',
"url" : function (node) {
var url = ""
if (node == -1)
url = 'localhost/sections';
url = 'localhost/sections/'+node.attr("id");
return url;
"type" : "get",
"success" : function(items) {
data = []
for (i in items) {
var item = items[i]
var type;
if (JSON.stringify(items[i].root)) {
type = "section";
node = {
"data" : item.title,
"attr" : { "id" :, "rel" : type },
"state" : "closed"
} else {
type = "page";
node = {
"data" : item.title,
"attr" : { "rel" : type },
"state" : "open"
this.set_type(type, node);
return data;
This is the HTML generated by the AJAX call.
<div id="demo1" class="demo jstree jstree-0 jstree-focused jstree-default" style="height:100px;">
<ul class="jstree-no-dots">
<li id="1" rel="section" class="jstree-open">
<ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins>One
<li id="3" rel="section" class="jstree-closed"><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins>One Subsection</li>
<li rel="page" class="jstree-open jstree-last"><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins>Page in section one</li>
<li id="2" rel="section" class="jstree-closed jstree-last"><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins><ins class="jstree-icon"> </ins>Two</li>
Can anyone see what's going wrong?
Any advice appreciated.
Not sure if this answer is still useful but I've been having similar problems with jsTree and I found your question
Aare you sure this config is right? You have:
"types" : {
"section" : {
"max_children" : -1,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "all",
"type_attr" : "section"
"page" : {
"max_children" : 0,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "none",
"icon" : {
"image" : ""
"type_attr" : "page"
I think it should be
"types" : {
"type_attr" : "rel", // you can remove this. the rel attribute is the default
"types" : {
"section" : {
"max_children" : -1,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "all"
"page" : {
"max_children" : 0,
"max_depth" : -1,
"valid_children": "none",
"icon" : {
"image" : ""
Notice that the Types object contains some properties (the type_attr option) and it also contains a nested Types property which includes each type.
Based on the docs I've read, the jsTree lib looks in the type_attr and gets the node's value and compares it to the list of values in Types.Types
for those here using 3.0, its different now.
from this issue:
The type is not read off of the rel attribute. Try using <li data-jstree='{ "type" : "floor" }'... in your markup (and keep the single quotes outside, and the double quotes - inside for the data-jstree attribute).`
so the key is
<li data-jstree='{ "type" : "section" }'>...</li>