Postgresql: Quoting variables passed from batch-file - postgresql

I have a batch script that I want to be able to run on both my laptop and desktop. Depending on which machine I'm running it on, I need to pass 1 of 2 file paths to a postgresql script.
if "%computername%"=="LAPTOP" (
set init_path=C:\path1
) else (
set init_path=C:\path2
psql -U postgres -d dbname -v full_path=%init_path%\csvfile.csv -qf sql/sqlfile.sql
My postgresql script looks like this:
drop table if exists schm.table_name;
create table schm.table_name (
var1 date,
var2 float,
var3 text,
var4 float
truncate table schm.table_name;
\set quoted_path '\'' :full_path '\''
\copy schm.table_name from :quoted_path with delimiter as ',' csv quote as '"';
When I run it, I get the error:
:quoted_path: No such file or directory
Is this the correct way to quote a variable? I was basing my syntax on this thread.


Backup complete postgis database with geometry transformation

I have a PostGIS enabled PostgreSQL database that is no longer needed in production. I would like to back it up, but the geometry columns of PostGIS should be transformed to a simple, long-term stable text format like WKT.
I'm aware of the ST_AsText function.
SELECT road_id, ST_AsText(road_geom) AS geom, road_name FROM roads;
But how do I apply this to backup the complete database with several tables with geometries and many without?
That's the backup strategy I finally applied:
1. Normal dump of the PostGIS-Postgres database with pg_dump. Plain-text format to improve readability.
2. CSV backup of all tables
For this I created a copy of my initial database ("la_as_text") and transformed all the geometry columns to text with the following script (thanks #Jim Jones). It's very specific for my case, but I decided to post it like this anyway. Just in case somebody runs in the came issues as I did with views that depend on geometry columns and gist indexes. The views won't work if you change the datatype to text and text columns are also not valid for gist indexing.
# has to be run by a user who has owner permissions for the database
rm delete_views.txt delete_views_mod.txt alter_script.txt alter_script_mod.txt
# delete all views - not necessary in long-term-backup and cause problems when altering geometry columns
echo "select 'drop view ' ||table_name|| ';' from information_schema.views where table_schema not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') and table_name "'!'"~ '^pg_';" | psql la_as_text >> delete_views.txt
cat delete_views.txt | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 >> delete_views_mod.txt
cat delete_views_mod.txt | psql la_as_text
# delete one particular gist index that depends on a geometry column -- text can't be indexed with gist
echo "drop index idx_combined_points_the_geom;" | psql la_as_text
# change data type geometry (EWKB) to human readable text (WKT)
echo "select 'alter table '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||' alter column '||column_name||' type text USING ST_AsText('||column_name||');' from information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'public' and udt_name = 'geometry';" | psql la_as_text >> alter_script.txt
cat alter_script.txt | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 >> alter_script_mod.txt
cat alter_script_mod.txt | psql la_as_text
The resulting database lacks a lot of its initial functionality due to the missing geometry data type, but it's human readable.
Instead of a normal dump I exported all the individual tables as ';'-separated text files with the following script:
psql -Atc "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname='$SCHEMA'" $DB |\
while read TBL; do
psql -c "copy $SCHEMA.$TBL to stdout with csv delimiter ';'" $DB > $TBL.csv
I'm pretty confident that this backup can be reconstructed in the future -- if necessary.

psql \copy "No such file or directory" if file is a variable

I want to copy a .csv file into a postgresql table, where the file name is a variable. It fails with a "no such file or directory" error if \COPY and a user other than postgres is used. However, the copy succeeds if COPY and the postgres user is used.
The failing script:
martin#opensuse1:~> ./
Null display is "¤".
psql:load.sql:2: :load_csv: No such file or directory
martin#opensuse1:~> cat
psql -d test1 -e -f load.sql --variable=load_csv="'$load_csv'"
martin#opensuse1:~> cat load.sql
\echo :load_csv
\copy test_table (col1, col2, col3) FROM :load_csv delimiter ';' encoding 'LATIN1' NULL '';
The working script:
martin#opensuse1:~> ./
Null display is "¤".
copy test_table (col1, col2, col3) FROM '/home/martin/20180423.csv' delimiter ';' encoding 'LATIN1' NULL '';
martin#opensuse1:~> cat
psql -w postgres -d test1 -e -f load.sql --variable=load_csv="'$load_csv'"
martin#opensuse1:~> cat load.sql
\echo :load_csv
copy test_table (col1, col2, col3) FROM :load_csv delimiter ';' encoding 'LATIN1' NULL '';
What can I do to make this script run without having to use the postgres user?
It seems that the psql variables are not substituted in the \copy command.
A solution is to write the \copy command to a file and execute that file.
The part from my script (load the table par from the tsv-file with the
name stored in :input_file) is:
-- Tuples only:
\t on
-- Output file:
\o load_cmd.sql
select concat('\copy par from ''', :'input_file', '.tsv'';');
-- Standard output again:
-- Normal decoration of tables:
\t off
-- Now execute the file with the \copy command:
\i load_cmd.sql

psql - read SQL file and output to CSV

I have a SQL file my_query.sql:
select * from my_table
Using psql, I can read in this sql file:
\i my_query.sql
Or pass it in as an arg:
psql -f my_query.sql
And I can output the results of a query string to a csv:
\copy (select * from my_table) to 'output.csv' with csv header
Is there a way to combine these so I can output the results of a query from a SQL file to a CSV?
Unfortunately there's no baked-in functionality for this, so you need a little bash-fu to get this to work properly.
CONN="psql -U my_user -d my_db"
QUERY="$(sed 's/;//g;/^--/ d;s/--.*//g;' my_query.sql | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "\\copy ($QUERY) to 'out.csv' with CSV HEADER" | $CONN
The sed fun removes all semicolons, comment lines, and end of line comments, and tr converts newlines to spaces (as mentioned in a comment by #abelisto):
-- my_query.sql
select *
from my_table
where timestamp < current_date -- only want today's records
limit 10;
select * from my_table where timestamp < current_date limit 10
which then gets passed in to the valid psql command:
\copy (select * from my_table where timestamp < current_date) to 'out.csv' with csv header
Here's a script:
CONN="psql -U my_user -d my_db"
QUERY="$(sed 's/;//g;/^--/ d;s/--.*//g;' $1 | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "$QUERY"
echo "\\copy ($QUERY) to '$2' with csv header" | $CONN > /dev/null
./ my_query.sql out.csv
I think the simplest way is to take advantage of the shell's variable expansion capabilities:
psql -U my_user -d my_db -c "COPY ($(cat my_query.sql)) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER" > my_query_results.csv
You could do it using a bash script.
# Takes an sql query file as an argument and dumps its results
# to a CSV file using psql \copy command.
# Usage:
# <sql_query_file> [<csv_output_filesname>]
[ -z $SQL_FILE ] && echo "Must supply query file" && exit
[ -z $OUT_FILE ] && OUT_FILE="output.csv" # default to "output.csv" if no argument is passed
TMP_TABLE=ttt_temp_table_xx # some table name that will not collide with existing tables
## Build a psql script to do the work
# create a temporary database table using the SQL from the query file
echo ";" >> $PSQL_SCRIPT
# copy the temporary table to the output CSV file
echo "\copy (select * from $TMP_TABLE) to '$OUT_FILE' with csv header" >> $PSQL_SCRIPT
# drop the temporary table
echo "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $TMP_TABLE;" >> temp.sql
## Run psql script using psql
psql my_database < $PSQL_SCRIPT # replace my_database and add user login credentials as necessary
## Remove the psql script
You'll need to edit the psql line in the script to connect to your database. The script could also be enhanced to take the database and account credentials as arguments.
The accepted solution is correct, but I had Windows and had to make it run via a batch (command) file. Posting it here if someone needs that
#echo off
echo 'Reading file %1'
set CONN="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin\psql.exe" -U dbusername -d mydbname
"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sed.exe" 's/;//g;/^--/ d;s/--.*//g;' %1 | "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\tr.exe" '\n' ' ' > c:\temp\query.txt
set /p QUERY=<c:\temp\query.txt
echo %QUERY%
echo \copy (%QUERY%) to '%2' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER) | %CONN%

PostgreSQL - copy first 5 rows of all tables and output to a file

I need to grab the first 5 rows of every table in PostgreSQL and output them to my computer in .csv and (preferably) .sql. There are 275 total tables.
Is this possible to do via CLI in a single scripted command?
So far I'm able to copy a single table at a time, but it's taking forever.
\COPY (SELECT * from table-name limit 5) TO '/vagrant/testexport.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
bash file:
tables=$(psql -d a -tXa -c "COPY(select concat(schemaname,'.',tablename) as tables from pg_tables) to '/tmp/tlist'")
for i in $(cat /tmp/tlist); do
psql -d a -tXa -c "\COPY (SELECT * from $i limit 5) TO '/tmp/$i.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;";

PostgreSQL: How to pass parameters from command line?

I have a somewhat detailed query in a script that uses ? placeholders. I wanted to test this same query directly from the psql command line (outside the script). I want to avoid going in and replacing all the ? with actual values, instead I'd like to pass the arguments after the query.
FROM foobar
WHERE foo = ?
AND bar = ?
OR baz = ? ;
Looking for something like:
%> {select * from foobar where foo=? and bar=? or baz=? , 'foo','bar','baz' };
You can use the -v option e.g:
$ psql -v v1=12 -v v2="'Hello World'" -v v3="'2010-11-12'"
and then refer to the variables in SQL as :v1, :v2 etc:
select * from table_1 where id = :v1;
Please pay attention to how we pass string/date values using two quotes " '...' " But this way of interpolation is prone to SQL injections, because it's you who's responsible for quoting. E.g. need to include a single quote? -v v2="'don''t do this'".
A better/safer way is to let PostgreSQL handle it:
$ psql -c 'create table t (a int, b varchar, c date)'
$ echo "insert into t (a, b, c) values (:'v1', :'v2', :'v3')" \
| psql -v v1=1 -v v2="don't do this" -v v3=2022-01-01
Found out in PostgreSQL, you can PREPARE statements just like you can in a scripting language. Unfortunately, you still can't use ?, but you can use $n notation.
Using the above example:
PREPARE foo(text,text,text) AS
FROM foobar
WHERE foo = $1
AND bar = $2
OR baz = $3 ;
EXECUTE foo('foo','bar','baz');
In psql there is a mechanism via the
\set name val
command, which is supposed to be tied to the -v name=val command-line option. Quoting is painful, In most cases it is easier to put the whole query meat inside a shell here-document.
oops, I should have said -v instead of -P (which is for formatting options) previous reply got it right.
You can also pass-in the parameters at the psql command-line, or from a batch file. The first statements gather necessary details for connecting to your database.
The final prompt asks for the constraint values, which will be used in the WHERE column IN() clause. Remember to single-quote if strings, and separate by comma:
#echo off
echo "Test for Passing Params to PGSQL"
SET server=localhost
SET /P server="Server [%server%]: "
SET database=amedatamodel
SET /P database="Database [%database%]: "
SET port=5432
SET /P port="Port [%port%]: "
SET username=postgres
SET /P username="Username [%username%]: "
SET /P bunos="Enter multiple constraint values for IN clause [%constraints%]: "
ECHO you typed %constraints%
REM pause
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\bin\psql.exe" -h %server% -U %username% -d %database% -p %port% -e -v v1=%constraints% -f test.sql
Now in your SQL code file, add the v1 token within your WHERE clause, or anywhere else in the SQL. Note that the tokens can also be used in an open SQL statement, not just in a file. Save this as test.sql:
WHERE NOT someColumn IN (:v1);
In Windows, save the whole file as a DOS BATch file (.bat), save the test.sql in the same directory, and launch the batch file.
Thanks for Dave Page, of EnterpriseDB, for the original prompted script.
I would like to offer another answer inspired by #malcook's comment (using bash).
This option may work for you if you need to use shell variables within your query when using the -c flag. Specifically, I wanted to get the count of a table, whose name was a shell variable (which you can't pass directly when using -c).
Assume you have your shell variable
Then you can get the results of that by using
psql -q -A -t -d databasename -c <<< echo "select count(*) from $TABLE_NAME;"
(the -q -A -t is just to print out the resulting number without additional formatting)
I will note that the echo in the here-string (the <<< operator) may not be necessary, I originally thought the quotes by themselves would be fine, maybe someone can clarify the reason for this.
It would appear that what you ask can't be done directly from the command line. You'll either have to use a user-defined function in plpgsql or call the query from a scripting language (and the latter approach makes it a bit easier to avoid SQL injection).
I've ended up using a better version of #vol7ron answer:
DO $$
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pg_prepared_statements WHERE name = 'foo') THEN
PREPARE foo(text,text,text) AS
FROM foobar
WHERE foo = $1
AND bar = $2
OR baz = $3;
EXECUTE foo('foo','bar','baz');
This way you can always execute it in this order (the query prepared only if it does not prepared yet), repeat the execution and get the result from the last query.