When and why would you use a class with no data members? - perl

I have noticed some Perl modules use a class based structure, but don't manage any data. The class is simply used to access the methods within and nothing more.
Consider the following example:
package Class;
use Moose;
sub do_something {
print "Hi!\n";
use Class;
# Instantiate an object from the class
my $obj = Class->new();
In this example you can see that you would first instantiate an instance of the class, then call the method from the created object.
The same end result can be achieved like so:
package Module;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub do_something {
print "Hi!\n";
use Module;
I am wondering why people write modules using the first approach, and if there is some benefit that it provides. To me it seems like it adds an extra step, because in order to use the methods, you first need to instantiate an object of the class.
I don't understand why people would program like this unless it has some benefit that I am not seeing.

One benefit is inheritance. You can subclass behavior of an existing class if it supports the -> style subroutine calls (which is a weaker statement than saying the class is object-oriented, as I said in a comment above).
package Class;
sub new { bless \__PACKAGE__,__PACKAGE__ }
sub do_something { "foo" }
sub do_something_else { 42 }
package Subclass;
#Sublcass::ISA = qw(Class);
sub new { bless \__PACKAGE__,__PACKAGE__ }
sub do_something_else { 19 }
package main;
use feature 'say';
$o1 = Class->new;
$o2 = Subclass->new;
say $o1->do_something; # foo
say $o2->do_something; # foo
say $o1->do_something_else; # 42
say $o2->do_something_else; # 19
A prominent use of this technique is the UNIVERSAL class, that all blessed references implicitly subclass. The methods defined in the UNIVERSAL namespace generally take a package name as the first argument (or resolve a reference in the first argument to its package name), are return some package information. The DB class also does something like this (though the DB package also maintains plenty of state).


Perl class attribute inheritance

I have class attribute, e. g., counter of created objects in some base class,
package A;
our $counter = Counter->new; # not just a counter in fact, so initialization code should be inherited by descendants as well
sub new {
bless {}
sub get_counter {
package B;
use base 'A';
package main;
I want package B to have his own copy of this class attribute (e. g., counting objects of B class only), and all inherited methods from package A should deal with this copy. What is the correct way to implement this in plain perl and in Moo/Moose? Seems like MooX::ClassAttribute can not be inherited.
One ugly solution found is to repeat attribute initialization code in each descendant and use symbolic dereference like ${"${class}::counter"} in ancestor's methods to access this attribute with actual package name. But seems like there should be more elegant way.
The default Perl object model has no concept of class attributes. And there's no kind of hook like “when a new subclass is created, run this code”.
Instead, the base class could maintain a hash of counters, using the class name as keys:
package A;
my %counters;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $counter = $counters{$class} //= Counter->new;
return bless {} => $class;
sub get_counter {
my ($self_or_class) = #_;
my $class = (ref $self_or_class) || $self_or_class;
package B;
use parent -norequire, 'A';
This will create a new counter when an instance of a subclass is created. Note that the first argument to a method is either the class name or the object instance. We need to use that in new() as the hash key. In get_counter() I've written this in a way that the method can be called on both a class and an object to the same effect.
A similar technique is known as inside-out objects, where store object fields in a hash held by the class, so that the object itself doesn't contain any data.
(Why parent instead of base? The parent module only does inheritance, whereas base also integrates with the fields pragma which you should not use.)

multi-level inheritance in Perl

I have a question related to multi-level inheritance in Perl.
Here is my code
package first;
sub disp {
print "INSIDE FIRST\n";
package second;
#ISA = qw(first);
sub disp {
print "INSIDE SECOND\n";
package third;
#ISA = qw(second);
sub new {
$class = shift;
$ref = {};
bless $ref, $class;
return $ref;
sub show {
$self = shift;
print "INSIDE THIRD\n";
use mod;
$obj = third->new();
I have a .pm file which contains three classes. I want to access the disp method in the first class using an object of third class. I'm not sure how that could work.
I tried to access using two ways:
using class name => first::disp()
using SUPER inside second package disp method => $self->SUPER::disp();
But am not sure how it will be accessed directly using the object of third class.
$obj->first::disp(), but what you are asking to do is something you absolutely shouldn't do. Fix your design.
If you need to do that, then you have defined your classes wrongly.
The third class inherits from the second class. second has it's own definition of disp, so it never tries to inherit that method from its superclass first. That means third gets the implementation defined in second
The simple answer would be to call first::disp something else. That way second won't have a definition of the method and inheritance will be invoked again
If you explain the underlying problem, and why you want to ignore an inherited method, then perhaps we can help you find a better way
Please also note that packages and module files should start with a capital letter, and each class is ordinarily in a file of its own, so you would usually use package First in First.pm etc.

Are objects in Perl can only be declared inside packages?

Cant I do something like
#! usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Horse; #this is the package
my $test;
bless $test,Horse;
Does that code above instantiate $test as an object reference to Horse package? Or Objects in Perl are just packages which "already have bless statements" waiting to be instantiated?
Also, can you provide sample accessing on object variables or methods or functions? whatever it is called in Perl?
The bless builtin tags a reference with a package name. That package is then used to resolve methods that are called on the object. So even without an explicit package, one could do
my $obj = bless { x => 1}, 'Foo';
sub Foo::x {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{x};
print "1 == ", $obj->x, "\n";
Note that you should quote the package name given to bless.
So yes, you can bless a reference into any class, including a class that was imported. But be aware that this doesn't run constructors, and breaks “encapsulation”, an object oriented principle that you should only use methods to interact with a class/with an object (e.g. the new class method).
Edit: Fully qualified names
Each global variable has a fully qualified name, which consists of the package name plus the variable name. Subroutines are just a special kind of variable. For example, this:
$Some::Package::var = 5;
sub Some::Package::give_var { return $Some::Package::var }
is roughly the same thing as
package Some::Package; # package declaration opens a new namespace
our $var = 5;
sub give_var { return $var }
Therefore, sub Foo::x {...} declares a sub named x in the package Foo.

Moose Perl: "modify multiple methods in all subclasses"

I have a Moose BaseDBModel which has different subclasses mapping to my tables in the database. All the methods in the subclasses are like "get_xxx" or "update_xxx" which refers to the different DB operations.
Now i want to implement a cache system for all these methods, so my idea is "before" all methods named like "get_xxx", I will search the name of the method as key in my memcache pool for value. If i found the value, then I will return the value directly instead of method.
ideally, my code is like this
package Speed::Module::BaseDBModel;
use Moose;
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
for my $method ($self->meta->get_method_list()){
if($method =~ /^get_/){
$self->meta->add_before_method_modifier($method,sub {
warn $method;
SubClasses Example 1
package Speed::Module::Character;
use Moose;
extends 'Speed::Module::BaseDBModel';
method get_character_by_id {
Now my problem is that when my program is running, it's repeatedly modify the methods, for example:
restart apache
visit the page which will call get_character_by_id, so I can see one warning message
my $db_character = Speed::Module::Character->new(glr => $self->glr);
$character_state = $db_character->get_character_by_id($cid);
get_character_by_id at /Users/dyk/Sites/speed/lib/Speed/Module/BaseDBModel.pm line 60.
but if I refresh the page, I saw 2 warning messages
get_character_by_id at /Users/dyk/Sites/speed/lib/Speed/Module/BaseDBModel.pm line 60.
get_character_by_id at /Users/dyk/Sites/speed/lib/Speed/Module/BaseDBModel.pm line 60.
I am using mod_perl 2.0 with apache, every time i refresh the page, my get_character_by_id method will be modified which I don't want
Isn't your BUILD doing the add_before every time you construct a new instance? I'm not sure that's what you want.
Well, the simple/clunky way would be to set some package-level flag so you only do it once.
Otherwise, I think you want to hook into Moose's own attribute building. Have a look at this: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=948231
The problem is BUILD runs every time your create an object (i.e. after every ->new() call), but add_before_method_modifier adds modifier to class, i.e. to all objects.
Simple solution
Mind, that use calls import function from used package every time. That is the place where you want to add modifiers.
package Parent;
use Moose;
sub import {
my ($class) = #_;
foreach my $method ($class->meta->get_method_list) {
if ($method =~ /^get_/) {
$class->meta->add_before_method_modifier($method, sub {
warn $method
package Child1;
use Moose;
extends 'Parent';
sub get_a { 'a' }
package Child2;
use Moose;
extends 'Parent';
sub get_b { 'b' }
So now it works as expected:
$ perl -e 'use Child1; use Child2; Child1->new->get_a; Child2->new->get_b; Child1->new->get_a;'
get_a at Parent.pm line 11.
get_b at Parent.pm line 11.
get_a at Parent.pm line 11.
Cleaner solution
Since you can't be 100% sure import will be called (since you can't be sure use will be used) the more cleaner and straightforward solution is just add something like use My::Getter::Cacher in every derived class.
package My::Getter::Cacher;
sub import {
my $class = [caller]->[0];
# ...
In this case every derived class should contain both extends 'Parent' and use My::Getter::Cacher since the first line is about inheritance while the second is about adding before modifier. You may count it a bit redundant, but as I said I believe it's more cleaner and straightforward.
P. S.
Maybe you should give a glance at Memoize module.

Is there a point to Perl's object oriented interfaces if they're not creating objects?

I think I read somewhere that some modules only have object oriented interfaces ( though they didn't create objects, they only held utility functions ). Is there a point to that?
First, its important to remember that in Perl, classes are implemented in a weird way, via packages. Packages also serve for general namespace pollution prevention.
package Foo;
sub new {
my ($class) = #_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
return $self;
That is how you make a Foo class in Perl (which can have an objected instantiated by calling Foo->new or new Foo). The use of new is just a convention; it can be anything at all. In fact, that new is what C++ would call a static method call.
You can easily create packages that contain only static method calls, and I suspect this is what you're referring to. The advantage here is that you can still use OO features like inheritance:
package Bar;
sub DoSomething {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
sub Compute {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
$arg * 2;
package Baz;
#Baz::ISA = qw(Bar);
sub Compute {
my ($class, $arg) = #_;
$arg * 2 - 1
Given that, then
say Bar->DoSomething(3) # 6
say Baz->DoSomething(3) # 5
In fact, you can even use variables for the class name, so these can function very much like singletons:
my $obj = "Baz"; # or Baz->new could just return "Baz"
print $obj->DoSomething(3) # 5
[Code is untested; typos may be present]
I suspect that this is mostly a philosophical choice on the part of authors who prefer OO to imperative programming. Others have mentioned establishing a namespace, but it's the package that does that, not the interface. OO is not required.
Personally, I see little value in creating classes that are never instantiated (i.e. when there's no object in object-oriented). Perl isn't Java; you don't have to write a class for everything. Some modules acknowledge this. For example: File::Spec has an OO interface but also provides a functional interface via File::Spec::Functions.
File::Spec also provides an example of where OO can be useful for uninstantiated "utility" interfaces. Essentially, File::Spec is an abstract base class -- an interface with no implementation. When you load File::Spec it checks which OS you're using and loads the appropriate implementation. As a programmer, you use the interface (e.g. File::Spec->catfile) without having to worry about which version of catfile (Unix, Windows, VMS, etc.) to actually call.
As others have said, inheritance is the big gain if an actual object is not needed. The only thing I have to add here is the advice to name your variables well when writing such interfaces, e.g.:
package Foo;
# just a static method call
sub func
my $class = shift;
my (#args) = #_;
# stuff...
I named the variable that holds the classname "$class", rather than $this, to make it clear to subsequent maintainers that func() will be called as Foo->func() rather than $foo->func() (with an instantiated Foo object). This helps avoid someone adding this line later to the method:
my $value = $this->{key};
...which will fail, as there is no object to deference to get the "key" key.
If a method might be called either statically or against an instantiated object (for example, when writing a custom AUTOLOAD method), you can write this:
my method
my $this = shift;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my (#args) = #_;
# stuff...
namespacing, mostly. Why not? Everything that improves perl has my full approval.