Problems while setting up the development environment for Eclipse SmartHome - eclipse

I am having problems with setting up the Eclipse IDE for editing source code of SmartHome on Windows 10. I have done everything as it is described in the Setting Up a Development Environment guide.
However everything works until I open up the workbench. At the first start the so called "setup tasks" will be performed automatically which takes about 5 min. After that I still got like 100 errors of 200 items and a bunch of warnings.
In the official guide they say this might be normal. After performing the "manual setup tasks" however (which can be found under "help" in the menu bar) most errors should be gone, which does not happen in my case. Even after rebuilding all of the loaded projects there are still errors and warnings remaining.
Has anybody had similar issues and maybe a solution for that problem?


pycharm crashes updating python paths

Pycharm, and evidently the JetBrains IDE in general (due to a similar problem with IntelliJ), has difficulty with mundane operations, like opening a project. Specifically, aside from taking a good deal of time to reindex, it actually takes forever, as in never finishing, and freezing or slowing the entire computer's system in the process of "updating python paths".
On the recommendation of a fellow developer, and also related SO (Stack Overflow) post Why is IntelliJ IDEA hanging on "Indexing"? , I followed the advice given:
"In the File menu, select Invalidate Caches / Restart... and then click the Invalidate and Restart button."
And the caveat left in the comment:
"This worked for me but you have to be quick as if you can't get to the menu fast enough it freezes again."
There is also this from JetBrains
Nothing really special in code, but there are a substantial number of imports that are part of the project, including many pip loaded libs. Also using a virtual environment, but owing to the above discussion, don't believe that has bearing on the difficulty. There are other project dependencies, but again, I don't think any are circular (I know Java IDE wouldn't allow), couldn't vouch for third-party libs. Have not experienced similar occurrence working in Eclipse, but unable to shift project work there presently. Using Pycharm Pro 2018.2.7 on Mac OSX 10.13.4
Just run of the mill import statements:
import python-logstash
One expects a project will open in an IDE without crashing one's computer. Having to open twice or thrice or more each time a project is closed (following the menu File, Invalidate caches/Restart...) is weird in paid software, for a known issue. And there is also always the race to run reopen before computer freezes.
Doesn't happen on a very simple project. What is the trigger? Will JetBrains ever fix? Can one change code or imports to avoid?

How can I debug why eclipse won't start?

I've been having trouble getting a weblogic server to run in eclipse, which have resulted in me not being able to open eclipse ni my current workspace at all. It is not my first attempt to work with weblogic servers in eclipse, and I do not know why it suddenly decided to stop working. I have had multiple errors, which all seem to be related to an abnormal high memory consumption.
One of my last errors, before eclipse quit on me for good, was an out of memory exception, on PermGenSpace. I set variables to 1024m, but it still complained it wasn't enough. After a lot of restarts, Eclipse suddenly wouldn't open my current workspace. I have tried others, and they work fine, but with my current one, the splash/loading screen disappears after about 10% of the loading bar is complete, and nothing happens at all. Except the fact that eclipse.exe shows up in the running processes tab on Windows task list. It does not show in the running programs list.
My attempts to start weblogic servers had the exact same symptoms. They showed in the process list, but did not respond when I tried to open the console in my browser.
Both eclipse and the weblogic tasks (shown as java.exe) has had over 400.000KB of memory consumption each, which I find very high.
I do not expect anyone to be able to find a complete solution here, but I am absolutely stuck. I cannot access any of my previous error messages. I have no experience debugging an error like this. Does anyone have any idea on how to find the error in a case like this?
My Weblogic version is 10.3.2, which is a company standard for now.
My Eclipse version is:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Kepler Service Release 2
Build id: 20140224-0627
Adding the comment as an answer since it provided some help.
Try starting up to a new empty workspace; If you dont get to select workspace at startup use the argument "-data " If you still get issues, look at the log in /.metadata/.log

Netbeans only slow when copying and pasting?

My Netbeans has been insanely fast for over 2 years, until this morning. Something strange, however, is now happening. Every time i press "copy and paste" ... so CTRL-C, it goes slow. This is what I see:
So, the moment I press CTRL-C, that shows in the bottom, my entire machines goes into super slow mode, and then 5 seconds later it stops.
I've considered maybe there's a keylogger on my machine, but can't find anything. And it's only slow when I copy and paste from Netbeans, nothing else. Maybe Netbeans is sending data out some other way?
Any ideas why Netbeans would just go slow like this?
I only have one project open
I've disabled the git and subversion plugins
I am working on a Laravel project
It's slow when I copy from a VIEW or when I copy from a CONTROLLER (I know css files often go a bit slow because of Parsing, so I figured mentioning this is probably worthwhile)
I followed the advice at the end of this article: here and uninstalled "BlueStacks". Problem solved.
Just in case the article gets deleted, here is the advice the user gives on that page:
I meet the same problem. When I copy a word in the IDE, the IDE does not response until 2 or 3 seconds. I did not confront this problem until few days ago. I try to use the latest netbeans and the latest jdk, but that does not work. Then I find someone said is the problem. And the problem is somewhat about the COM in windows. So I try to install the netbeans to another Win7 PC, and the problem is gone. In that case, I guess the problem is not the netbeans, but some other application in windows. Later I uninstall some of the application I just installed few days ago. And the IDE works right now. The applications I uninstalled is "imc studio" "imc license manager" and "blueStacks" an android simulator. I guess these application may have influence to the COM of Win7. Hope my solution will help to this bug.
You can also just stop the BlueStacks Agent process from Task Manager while you're using NetBeans.

Eclipse / CCS Bug - Uses All Memory On Clean Project

I'm having a problem with CCS6, which is based on Eclipse. I'm trying to build a demo project that comes with a TI MSP430 demo board. When I build the project CCS/Eclipse proceeds to clean the project, during which all the memory on my system is slowly consumed. After memory usage reaches 100% Windows declares that CCS/Eclipse is having problems and asks to close it down.
I am running Windows 8.1. I have uninstalled and reinstalled CCS several times, versions 5.5 and 6.0. I get the same behavior every time. I also updated the version of Java on my system. I have reached out to TI support engineers and they are baffled and useless. I have also tried with a second computer also running Windows 8.1, same behavior.
The problem is obviously rooted with gmake somehow. Perhaps there is something wrong with the project files causing this behavior? I haven't experimented with other projects yet.
P.S. I wanted to post screen shots but StackOverflow isn't letting me. The window I see in CCS/Eclipse is titled "Cleaning selected projects" and then reads "Invoking Command: c:\ti\ccsv6\utils\bin\gmake -k clean" And it just stays on this forever. Using Task Manager I can then see my memory slowly filling up. After about 5 minutes or so it reaches 100% use and Windows asks to shut down CCS.

Eclipse hangs while debugging

I searched lot about this topics but can't find a proper solution.
I am using eclipse 3.6 Helios version with operating system fedora15. In my application I am using GWT2.4 for front end development.
Now while I work with debug mode and want to debug at some point at the same time eclipse hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.
I am using this eclipse from last 3 years with windows but not faced this issue.In fedora I am using it from last 4 months and this problems stated to occur from last one month.
I am not getting what is the issues with eclipse.
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Is this something that happens with different projects/code, or is it the same code that causes freezes? I've had issues where threads have started in the background and caused problems.
You say "(...) hangs for 3-4 mins.It resumes after and again start to debug process.", what do you mean? Does it continue to debug and move to the next line, or is there a crash and it restarts?
How long has it been since you changed workspace? I've found this, rather than the Eclipse installation, to be an issue over time. Create a new workspace folder, export all your projects and preferences and start fresh.
You are using GWT 2.4 and I think you might be working with UI.xml too... There is a tag in each ui.xml at the top like
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
Which means eclipse is going to get that xhtml.ent file each time and there is a issue in GWT eclipse plugin have a look to below link
There is one comment which says
For me, removing
and saving the document,
solves the problem..
maybe it is needed for something, so better you copy that locally somewhere, and link that.
Try it out and let me know.
I had experienced the exact same problem on a less-powerful notebook I had to use.
Try one of the following
Download the latest Eclipse version (It needs, just as helios, a lot of RAM and CPU because it's based on a new "architekture", in contrast to, for instance, galileo)
Make sure you are using the latest JDK and JRE
Download Eclipse Galileo, which does require pretty less resources and goes still very very fine with most projects!
It sounds like you are experiencing the features of the latest Eclipse arch. In the latest versions of Eclipse I have noticed that the more plugins and add-ons you have installed, the slower the environment runs. There are a lot of similar posts regarding performance on the new platform
I have removed all but the plugins I am using and never install anything not needed into the Eclipse environment.
I "may" have experience this. Not sure. Suddenly started working again. I was getting a hang every time I would try to debug an app, in the part of the code (inside GWT) that creates a "table" element. Could be that there is something that just takes a while and you just have to "wait it out" the when it happens. Go get a cup of coffee, type thing. anyway I HAD stepped deep into the GWT code, plenty so I'm convinced it IS a GWT issue of some kind.
I was thinking it was some infinite recursion possibly in the logging system (like logger code accidentally trying to log itself, and going into loop?). Also there's a 50/50 chance that it was simply clicking on 'run' instead of 'debug' made it start working again. So at least try that if you have problems. My gut instinct and 30yrs programming under my belt tells me it's logger related. I can rule out "slow computers" because I never had this happen until I got a new machien which is Dell XPS, Core i7, 8 GB ram, and massive disk. So I wouldn't blame hardware, or Eclipse bloat.