In GoogleEarth can you have a photo overlay relative to ground? - overlay

I'd like to have photo overlays that are clamped at a fixed height above ground level. Is this possible?
Are there any good work-arounds for this?

Yes this is possible. Right click on the image overlay and select Properties. Then in the altitude set the absolute elevation in meters. Image of the dialog box is here (Image of Altitude Dialog Box)


Unity - 2D - Draw a sprite with it's "real" size

Is there a way to draw a 10x20px sprite always with 10x20px regardless of the resolution?
I don't mean to add it as a UI/canvas object, I want to be able to place it in the world and move it or move the camera.
thx for any help!
If using an Image component you can hit the Set Native Size button in the Inspector
Set the dimensions of the image box to the original pixel
size of the Texture.
In order to move it and place it in 3D it has to be a child of a Canvas with RenderMode = WorldSpace
Then also note the options of the Canvas especially the CanvasScaler -> Reference Pixels Per Unit value. It should be 1 in your case before hitting Set Native Size in the Image.
You can do that by setting the Camera ortographic size to the correct size. Try the 2D Pixel Perfect Camera package by Unity
The script in that package will automatically set your Camera ortographic size with provided parameters. If you want to manually set it, the formula is:
Camera ortographic size = vertical resolution / PPU / 2
Vertical resolution means the target vertical resolution that your sprite was designed for. For example, if your sprite is designed to look pixel perfect on 1600x900 screen, then the vertical resolution will be 900.
PPU means the pixel per unit, by default all imported sprites are set to 100.

Setting X of camera's viewport causes the black strip to be rendered

I’ve run out of ideas, please help me.
That's the situation:
Imagine a simple object in the center of screen (it's always so, because camera has an orbit script)
Then we add a canvas image, 300px width, for example, on the right side of the screen (blue one in the picture). Our cube is not centered anymore.
For example, we can change X property of camera viewport rect, but we'll get a black strip and if object appears in this zone, it would not be rendered.
So, what can I do to offset camera position?
Thank you in advance!
The best option I have for now is:
create basic UI for FullHD resolution and make right panel as wide as black strip is
if user's screen bigger than 1920px, than change Canvas Scaler mode from Constant pixel size to Scale with screen size

Unity3d background

I'm trying to get an image to be a background on my camera. It's one picture, it doesn't need to be repeated. It would be nice to have it stretch out when the resolution of the screen changes. I've found older tutorials that show how todo it in an older version of unity, like this one: Link
However it seems that functionality is no longer in the newest version of Unity. Does anyone have any idea how to put a single picture as background?
thanks in advance.
Add a Canvas (UI --> Canvas) to your scene and set it's render mode to "Screen Space - Camera".
Set the Canvas' Render Camera to your scenes main camera (i.e. the camera you render your 3D scene with... or the only camera in the scene ;) )
make sure the Plane Distance of the Canvas is set to the far plane of your camera. So if your far clipping plane is set to 1000 set the Plane Distance to 1000 as well (or 999, if images in the canvas happen to be clipped away by the camera). If your Plane Distance is lower than the far clipping plane of your camera, objects behind the Plane Distance will be occluded by Images on the canvas.
Add an Image (UI --> Image) to the Canvas and set its anchor presets to strech on both axes.
Set the Left, Top, Right and Bottom Parameters of the Image's Rect Transform to 0. Now the image should be full screen and adjust to any change in the aspect ratio.
That should do the trick :)

How to create a custom slider with custom selected and unselected images?

I need to create a slider which should have custom images for following slider parts:
left round corner image.
left part image which is selected part.
right part image which is
unselected or remaining part.
right corner image.
Thumb image.
Also i want to increase the thickness of the slider.
Please give me some suggestion or share some code snippets.
Look at setThumbImage:forState to change thumb image.
minimumValueImage and maximumValueImage for the images on the left and right hand side of the slider.
The track images can also be manipulated.
See "Customizing the slider's appearance" at

How can I highlight an image on an iPhone?

I have a photo displayed on an iPhone. I would like to lower brightness of the photo at first, and when the user touches the photo, I would like to raise the brightness of the rectangular region near where the user touched, like this:
Could anyone point me to a simple way of doing this?
While you can't actually adjust the brightness of the screen, you can put a semi-transparent image on the screen. I'd paint everywhere but where the user touched with an color that is black, but has X transparency, which is exactly what that image is showing that you linked to.
I'm no expert, but I've been trying to do something similar. You could implement this with layers. As Malfist suggested, you could make a black layer with a certain opacity and may the clicked part of it fully transparent or somesuch. Another option would be to do some image processing. I found an article here that I think will handle my highlighting issue: