Legally bypassing Facebook Graph API limit - facebook

We are developing a project where we need to send probably hundreds of requests to Facebook's graph API per minute. Our main requirement is to continuously monitor hundreds of comments (and possibly posts) of our own page, and respond back where required. Though we haven't tested our complete project on live system yet. But we are sure that it is going to exceed the API's rate limit. We were wondering whether facebook provide some premium access to API where this limit can be bypassed? We have looked into their documentation but are unable to find anything. Or is there any way where we can monitor our page continuously without worrying about this rate limit.
Thank you


How does Facebook API Rate Limit work for App Access Token?

I'm working on a project where an app displays events in the near surrounding based on the personal preferences of the user. We plan on getting the events from the Facebook Graph API using this approach. Due to Facebook's API changes it is much more complicated to search for events in a particular city. Therefore it requires much more API calls than before and i'm worried about FB rate limit.
We want to get the information about events by calling the Graph API with our app access token from our server and then store the data temporarily in our own database. So every time a user searches for events in our app, the client gets the information from our database. Moreover the user can (but don't has to) log-in with his Facebook account in order to provide us more information about him. We want to use the user's access token to call the API in order to get the user's likes.
I've read the FB documentation about the rate limits and some posts here on the site. Apparently FB calculates the number of calls based on the active users (200 calls per user every hour). It says that
"These limits apply to calls made using any access token other than a
page access token"
ergo they also apply to the app access token. Additionally in the FB policy it says something about 100M calls per day.
So my questions are:
How does the rate limit work on a per user basis if I am using my App Access Token?
To what token does the "100M" number belong? Is it an overall number for all tokens used by the app?
A similiar question has been posted here some time ago but didn't receive any answers. I hope maybe someone got new information since then. An answer to these questions is crucial to our project, so bear with me if you've read that question before.
Thanks in advance!
Please check this
Facebook Rate Limits

Facebook Graph Limit

I am trying to develop a software with my friend that can scrape Facebook IDs from certain profiles and then check them using the Facebook graph to classify them according to gender. I would like to know what is the limit for checking because I am getting a message that I have reached the limit. Would it be helpful to use proxies that can rotate and move to another when they reach the limit? Also what do you reckon the proxy timeout should be for good and fast results?
Facebook indeed has a rate limiting on the Graph API. In general, it comes does to about 600 calls per 600 seconds, per Access Token. You should try to make as many calls as possible with User Access tokens, and others with your App Access token.

Legal ways to get all recent posts of multiple Facebook pages as soon as possible?

I want to get all the newest posts from 10 (or let's say 1xxxxx) Facebook pages (which I do not own) as soon as they there published without manual refreshing all 10 pages every second. What legal tools should I use?
Use the Facebook Graph API. It allows you to get your application notified via callback HTTP posts whenever certain updates occur. You'll find the API documentation for this feature here:
Based on your usage, you may have to pay for that service.

Does Facebook SDK have a limit for posting to a wall

Does Facebook have limits on the number of pages or wall posts an application can post per day?
The choice of SDK has nothing to do with application limits on posts per day. You could use the PHP SDK, the JavaScript SDK, or the C# SDK you are asking about (or any of many others...Android, IOS, etc.)
Facebook does enforce limits on how many posts per day your app can complete. It is not a hard and fast number, and varies by app and over time depending on the app's behavior. If your app produces posts of low quality (spammy), as measured by how many times people comment on, like, or hide your app posts, then Facebook will decrease your daily limit. These limits are expressed as "buckets" and can be seen on the Insights page for your app.
You will get an error message back from the Facebook API if you have exceeded the limit. The error number is 341 and the description is "Feed action request limit reached". This is enforced on a per-user, per-day basis.
It seems there is, though the limit is not static. Check item number 4 on the blog post for more detailed information, but in a nutshell it depends on your application's "ranking" according to an internal algorithm Facebook uses to rank your application.
Had a similar experience and came across this post while searching for a reason as to why FB was limiting the number of posts. We were actually doing some testing of sharing news articles from an app authorized with FB and since we were sharing the same link over and over again, it marked them as spammy and decreased our limit to 7!
Here are some guidelines.
If you ever happen to be testing, make sure you are not doing the spammy tests because that would decrease the limit on the app.

Publish limit on Facebook's Graph API

I've been using the Graph API for a while.
One feature of my application is that it allows a user to post a message on their friends walls (dont worry it is not spam).
Anyway...there is a limit on the API and it will only allow a certain number of posts before failing. I've read on the facebook bucket allocation limits but my app's limit has not moved. It was 26 when i created the app. It is still 26 even though there are about 20 users.
What can I do to increase my pulish limit?
And I promise this app is not used for anything spam related.
For those wanting an answer to this question: The posting limit is dynamic.
Facebook has implemented a bucket allocation system whereby each token/profile is given a set amount of posts per day (currently at 20-24). This allocation can go up or down based on the "affinity" your users show towards your application.
From Facebook:
Based on the affinity users show for your apps use of Facebook Platform through their interactions, your app is allocated certain abilities and limits. This is the functionality currently allocated to your app. These values will change over time depending on how users interact with your app. All integration points have a set of limit values and the threshold bucket column tells you which of these limits buckets your app is in for that integration point. Bucket 1 is the smallest allocation bucket.
If more people like/use your application, your posting limit will be increased. On the other hand, if you do not have traction or many people are marking posts from your app as spam, then the limit will be decreased.
You can find the current limit of your application by going to the App Page > View Insights > Diagnostics.
You can find the current limit under the Allocations header.
For some reason, FB doesn't clearly tell about this limit. The message quoted above is also nowhere to be found. The closest resources I came across on FB's website are these:
This one briefly talks about the allocation system but doesn't get into details
Also, I found a related FB REST API : But be aware, that this is REST API and should get deprecated soon.