Unity .obj import is regrouping sub-objects - unity3d

I have a .obj file representing a map (generated by OSM2World) and containing multiple sub-objects as Bench, Bridges, Buildings... These sub-objects have the following naming convention : ObjectName+index.
Here is an abstract from the file :
o Building1536
f 67932 67933 67930
f 67933 67931 67930
f 67930 67931 67928
f 67931 67929 67928
v -47.185 7.5 280.942
f 67928 67929 71008
v -47.185 0.0 280.942
f 67929 71009 71008
f 71008 71009 67932
f 71009 67933 67932
f 67928 67932 67930
f 71008 67932 67928
o Building1537
f 65093 65094 65091
f 65094 65092 65091
f 65091 65092 65089
f 65092 65090 65089
f 65089 65090 63035
f 65090 63036 63035
f 63035 63036 63033
f 63036 63034 63033
f 63033 63034 65093
f 63034 65094 65093
f 65091 63033 65093
f 65089 63035 63033
f 65089 63033 65091
When I import it in a Unity project, the ObjectNameX sub-objects are "abstracted" as a single "Building" object :
When I open it in Blender, I have the expected result (multiple ObjectNameX objects) :
Any ideas to avoid this behavior ?
Thank you for your help.


Error when referencing type variable from another file

I am working upon formalization of groups theory in coq. I have 2 files:
groups.v - contains definitions and theorems for groups
groups_Z.v - contains theorems and definitions for Z group.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import PeanoNat.
Class Semigroup G : Type :=
mult : G -> G -> G;
assoc : forall x y z:G,
mult x (mult y z) = mult (mult x y) z
Class Monoid G `{Hsemi: Semigroup G} : Type :=
e : G;
left_id : forall x:G, mult e x = x;
Class Group G `{Hmono: Monoid G} : Type :=
inv : G -> G;
left_inv : forall x:G, mult (inv x) x = e;
Declare Scope group_scope.
Infix "*" := mult (at level 40, left associativity) : group_scope.
Open Scope group_scope.
Section Group_theorems.
Parameter G: Type.
Context `{Hgr: Group G}.
(* More theorems follow *)
Fixpoint pow (a: G) (n: nat) {struct n} : G :=
match n with
| 0 => e
| S n' => a * (pow a n')
Notation "a ** b" := (pow a b) (at level 35, right associativity).
End Group_theorems.
Close Scope group_scope.
Add LoadPath ".".
Require Import groups.
Require Import ZArith.
Open Scope group_scope.
Section Z_Groups.
Parameter G: Type.
Context `{Hgr: Group G}.
Definition pow_z (a: groups.G) (z: Z) : G :=
match z with
| Z0 => e
| Zpos x => pow a (Pos.to_nat x)
| Zneg x => inv (pow a (Pos.to_nat x))
Notation "a ** b" := (pow_z a b) (at level 35, right associativity).
End Z_groups.
Close Scope group_scope.
The attempt to define pow_z fails with message:
The term "pow a (Pos.to_nat x)" has type "groups.G" while it is
expected to have type "G".
If we use the different signature: Definition pow_z (a: G) (z: Z) : G
instead of Definition pow_z (a: groups.G) (z: Z) : G.
then it gives another error:
The term "a" has type "G" while it is expected to have type
How to fix this?
In Coq, the command Parameter G : Type declares a global constant, which is akin to axiomatizing the existence of an abstract Type G : Type. From a theoretical point of view, this should be ok as this axiom is trivially realizable, but I think you meant Variable G : Type to denote a local variable instead.
The errors messages of Coq follow from there because you declare two global constants named G, one in each module. As soon as the second one is declared, the first one is designated by groups.G by Coq (it's the shortest name that disambiguates this constant from others). Now pow operates on and returns a groups.G, while you require pow_z returns a G (which in file groups_Z.v at this location means groups_Z.G, and is different from groups.G).
NB: Group theory has been developed several times in Coq, and if you want to do anything else than experimenting with the system, I would advise you work on top of existing libraries. For example the mathematical components library has a finite group library.
I changed Parameter G: Type. to Variable G: Type in both files and pow_z definition to this:
Definition pow_z (a: G) (z: Z) : G :=
match z with
| Z0 => e
| Zpos x => pow G a (Pos.to_nat x)
| Zneg x => inv (pow G a (Pos.to_nat x))

Supplying section arguments for examples

Consider this section:
Section MyMap.
Variables D R : Type.
Fixpoint mymap (f : D -> R) (l : list D) : list R :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| d :: t => f d :: mymap f t
End MyMap.
Here I've used Variables to declare my domain and range types. As a sanity check on the definition of my function, I would like to include an Example:
Example example_map_S : mymap S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
simpl; trivial.
However it seems I can't do so within my section. Instead I get:
Error: The term "S" has type "nat -> nat" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".
That's not too surprising, so let's try it another way:
Example example_map_S : #mymap nat nat S [0; 1; 2] = [1; 2; 3].
simpl; trivial.
Which produces:
Error: The term "nat" has type "Set" while it is expected to have type "D -> R".
I suppose that's fair, section-ized Variables aren't the same thing as implicit arguments. But it still leaves the question!
How can I supply concrete Variables to a term before closing the section, in order to create useful Examples?
Section MyMap.
If we check the type of mymap inside the section, we get
Check mymap.
(* mymap : (D -> R) -> list D -> list R *)
Of course, we can't unify D and R with nat, since D and R are some locally postulated types.
However, we can sort of simulate your example in this generalized setting, showing the expected property of the mymap function:
Example example_nil (f : D -> R) :
mymap f [] = [] := eq_refl.
Example example_3elems (f : D -> R) (d0 d1 d2 : D) :
mymap f [d0; d1; d2] = [f d0; f d1; f d2] := eq_refl.
End MyMap.

Converting to Fin Type in Coq

Can anyone tell me why the following projection function in COQ doesn't work?
Require Import Vector.
Require Import Fin.
Definition Proj {n:nat}{p:nat}(x:t p+{(exists m : nat, n=p+m)}):=
match x with
inleft y => y
|_ => F1
I get the following error:
In environment
n : nat
p : nat
x : t p + {(exists m : nat, n = p + m)}
e : exists m : nat, n = p + m
The term "F1" has type "t (S ?6 (* [n, p, x, e, e] *))"
while it is expected to have type "t p".
On the other hand, using concrete values for p works fine:
Require Import Vector.
Require Import Fin.
Definition Proj {n:nat}(x:t 3 + {(exists m : nat, n=3+m)}):=
match x with
inleft y => y
|_ => F1
Eval compute in (Proj (of_nat 2 3)) = FS (FS F1): t 3.
I'm assuming that you want Proj to return a value of type t p. That is impossible for p = 0 (because t 0 is the empty set), and that's why you cannot implement Proj for arbitrary p. If you extend you function to take a proof that p is not equal to 0, then you can implement it as follows. Read Adam's CPDT Chapter on Dependent Types to understand what is going on here.
Definition Proj {n:nat} {p:nat} (x:t p+{(exists m : nat, n=p+m)}) : p <> 0 -> t p :=
match x with
| inleft y => fun _ => y
| _ => match p with
| 0 => fun h => False_rect _ (h eq_refl)
| S _ => fun _ => F1

Using sets as hyphotesis and goal in COQ

How exactly could a proof like the following be completed?
1 subgoals
IHt1 : {t' : some_type | something_using t'}
IHt2 : {t' : some_type | something_else_using t'}
{t' : some_type | another_thing_involving t'}
I do understand that the {x|P x} notation is a shorthand for the sig definition but I really cannot understand how to use it.
{x : D | P x} is intuitively speaking the subset of the domain D containing the elements that satisfy the predicate P. As a proposition, it is true if that subset is non-empty, i.e. if there is a witness x0 in D such that P x0 is true.
An object of type {x : D | P x} is a pair containing an element x0 : D and a proof of P x0. This is visible when you look at the definition of {x : D | P x}, which is syntactic sugar for sig (fun x:D => P x)
Inductive sig (D:Type) (P:D -> Prop) : Type :=
exist : forall x:D, P x -> sig P.
The type of the constructor is a dependent pair type; the first element of the pair has the type D and the second element has the type P x in which x is the first element.
To make use of a hypothesis of the form {x : D | P x}, the most basic way is to use the destruct tactic to break it down into its two components: a witness x0 : D and a proof H : P x0.
destruct IHt1.
1 subgoals
t' : some_type
H : something_using t'
IHt2 : {t'0 : some_type | something_else_using t'0}
{t'0 : some_type | another_thing_involving t'0}
To prove a goal of the form {x : D | P x}, the most basic is to use the exist tactic to introduce the intended witness. This leaves one subgoal which is to prove that the witness has the desired property.
exists u.
another_thing_involving u

RDF/OWL/Protege: let a subclass be a union of some disjoint super classes?

I have following classes: Classes B, C and D are the subclasses of A.
A ----+----------> B
+----------> C
+----------> D
Besides, I have an object property, hasObjectProperty, and some other classes X, Y, Z,
where X, Y, Z are disjoint classes.
Then I set restrictions to classes B, C and D as following:
(Here I use Manchester OWL syntax used in Protege as well http://www.co-ode.org/resources/reference/manchester_syntax/ )
B: (hasObjectProperty only X) and (hasObjectProperty some X)
C: (hasObjectProperty only Y) and (hasObjectProperty some Y)
D: (hasObjectProperty only Z) and (hasObjectProperty some Z)
now the question is, how can I describe a Class E, which should be the union of only Class B and C?
How can I describe a Class which can be both Class B and Class C (but not Class D)?
A ----+----------> B ------> E
+----------> C ------> E
+----------> D
is is possible?
I tried to define Class E's restriction like this. But a Reasoner will determine it as invalid.
E: ((hasObjectProperty only X) and (hasObjectProperty some X)) or ((hasObjectProperty only Y) and (hasObjectProperty some Y))
thanks a lot!
In order to restrict E to be exactly the union of B and C, you can state:
E ≡ (B or C)
i.e., that anything belonging to the union of B and C is in E, and vice-versa (encoding the subsumption relationship both ways).
Note that this necessarily makes E a superclass to both B and C since it contains them both, so you will instead get:
A --+---> E --+---> B
| |
+---> D +---> C