Import Azure Storage Library to Eclipse, Java - eclipse

I'm a novice to coding and cloud storage and need some step by step guidance on how to set up my Eclipse so I could start working with Microsoft Azure Cloud storage.
So basically I'm following this tutorial for Azure file storage
But when I tried to import the library to in my Eclipse, I got the error "the import cannot be resolved"
// Include the following imports to use blob APIs.
I guess I am missing some libraries. I previously learnt to adds some external libraries though Jar files, I searched for Jar for Azure cloud, but couldn't find any. This page seems relevant but I don't know how to use it.
Can someone please shed some light?
Thanks a lot.

I solved it.
For other novice programmer going through the same struggle, here is how I did it
1.Install Azure Toolkit for Eclipse, follow:
2.Restart Eclipse
3.Rightclick the project you want to use the Azure library, then Properties>>Java Build Path>>Libraries tab>> Add Library>> Select Package for Microsoft Azure Libraries for Java>>Finish


AzureDevOps Exporting the ProcessTemplate

We have created a process template on the Enterprise level access on Microsoft AzureDevOps platform. We were looking to export the process template so that it can imported for some other organization. However we do not find an option to do so. Can anyone help?
The only way I've found so far to export inherited processes to other organizations is to use the process-migrator tool that's on GitHub made by Microsoft. There are some wonky things about it that don't totally work but hopefully should be a good start:
You download and install dependencies on the tool then you can run migrate or export/import (I think I usually do export/import).
I think that it works okay as-is except for if you have work item rules that are type CurrentUserIsMemberOfGroup, and picklists don't export correctly, but you'll want to do some testing of the tooling first. I also found out recently that this tooling uses an old SDK/API version (API v4.1) so hopefully it will be updated soon.
I am not sure through Azure DevOps UI but there are methods in Azure DevOps Services REST API
Export Process Template REST API Documentation
Import Process Template REST API Documentation
Parameters are pretty straighforward and well explained in MS Documentation.

Using dialogflow library in App Engine Flexible Environment

I am trying to integrate Dialoogflow V2 into my Python/Django WebApp in GAE Flexible Environment. I have followed all the steps from here, here and here.
The integration works fine locally. Once deployed on the Cloud (no errors on deployment), the application doesnt seem to find the dialogflow library, and throws the error:
ModuleNotFoundError at / No module named 'dialogflow'
Is there anything missing ? How can I get the dialogflow library into GAE Flex ?
The problem was that the file was not understood by the GAE.
The documentation here ( is insufficient.
I included this ( in my, excluding the imports of os.path and sys, and that did the trick !

How can I export issues from IBM Cloud's Git Repos and Issue Tracking

I have a project on IBM Cloud's Git Repos and Issue Tracking service (built on GitLab CE) at I'd like to export the issues in my project for reporting purposes, but I don't see any option provided in the project UI. Is there some way to export my project's issues into a spreadsheet?
At the moment, exporting GitHub issues to CSV appear to only be supported in Enterprise editions of GitLab.
However, there appear to be third party options for Community Edition. See the thread here for more details.
I just wrote a blog post on this on IBM developer works, entitled Getting Data from your IBM Cloud GitHub Project. The blog is short, its a quick read.
The the code I used (Python 2.7) is out on GitHub, in a project called IBMCloud_GitLab_CSV. It probably doesn't do exactly what you want, but the code is pretty simple and it does dump the data into a CSV file which you can use.

Using MongoDb as persistence for IdentityServer3

I want to use MongoDb to save all the scope/user/client information for IdentityServer3. However, it seems there is little documentation for external storage configurations.
I also tried using this Nuget package: IdentityServer.v3.MongoDb. It seems it is a bit out dated and not work for my project. Anyone have some luck using that package? Or anyone can show some example to implement an external storage for IdentityServer3?
Thanks in advance!

Trying to create Web Service client in Eclipse

I have followed the small tutorial for creating a web service client in eclipse:
However, I relaized that I do not have the following classes which I believe is used to access the web services. I am getting an error message.
import org.csapi.www.schema.parlayx.common.v2_1.PolicyException;
import org.csapi.www.schema.parlayx.terminal_location.v2_2.LocationInfo;
import org.csapi.www.wsdl.parlayx.terminal_location.v3_0.service.TerminalLocation;
import org.csapi.www.wsdl.parlayx.terminal_location.v3_0.service.TerminalLocationServiceLocator;
I would really appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
You need to add 2 jars of parlays in your application.
You might be having them already if you are tutorial has mentioned it or alternatively you can download it from :;jsessionid=96A5E1162D798BCF3CB77305955A359E?query=parlayx
or [][2]
do watch out for versions of jars as package/class names might be different and you will have to change them accordingly
I've found this tutorial useful. It uses Axis for the client.