Powershell invoke-command access is denied error - not a double hop - powershell

I am building a new network with Server 2016 and a handful of Windows 10 clients. I have run Enable-PSRemoting successfully on all the clients. From the server I run:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -Scriptblock {'test'}
which results in
[computer] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : Access is denied.
+ CategoryInfo: OpenError: (computer:string) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: AccessDenied,PSSessionStateBroken
Because I am only having the remote computer process a string I believe this is not related to the common double hop issue I see in the forums.
I can also run WinRM successfully on the client machines:
Test-WSMan $computer
If anyone has insight into other causes of the access denied error I would greatly appreciate some ideas on where to look.

You need to be in Remote management users group on target machine (if it's local account). This will be enough for Invoke-Command access

I guess it is a permission problem. Try to create PsSession object via
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName "you_computer_name" -Credential(Get-Credential)
Call Invoke-Command with the beforehand created session object:
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock { Get-Service }
This should return a list of all services of remote machine.
Hope that helps.


CredSSP - Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic

The error:
New-PSSession : [{Public IP of my remote server}] Connecting to remote server
{Public IP of my remote server} failed with the following error message :
Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting
Help topic.
At C:\Scripts\Test.ps1:24 char:12
+ $Session = New-PSSession -Computer $target -Authentication Credssp -C ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (System.Manageme....RemoteRunspace:RemoteRunspace) [New-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AccessDenied,PSSessionOpenFailed
The "about_Remote_Troubleshooting" seems to be referring to this post which I've tried to follow along, but without luck.
I have a scripting server (Server A) that I'm trying to have manage a remote DC with a different hosting company.
DISCLAIMER: Since I've been failing miserably so far, I'm trying to set my configuration to be as wide-open as possible (AKA: temporarily unsecure), so that I can just see it working and then work backwards, tightening my security - as much as I can given that I'm being tasked with CredSSP in the first place... Also, I'm way over my head in this and very new to Powershell. With that in mind...
Configuration I've done on Server A:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value * -Force
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Shell\MaxMemoryPerShellMB -Value 0 -Force
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Enable-WSManCredSSP –Role Client –DelegateComputer *
Configuration I've done on Server B:
Enable-WSManCredSSP –Role Server
And for kicks, on both machines, I've run gpedit and went under Local Computer Policy → Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → System → Credentials Delegation... enabled "Allow delegating fresh credentials" and "Allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM-only server authentication" and added * and wsman/* to the servers list (and a few other possible combinations of IP or computer names for good measure).
So, I can send remote commands to Server B without CredSSP:
This works:
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePassword
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $target -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
Write-Host $env:computername | Select-Object
(Outputs name of Server B)
But if I pass that same $cred into a New-PSSession with CredSSP, that is where the error above occurs.
$Session = New-PSSession -Computer $target -Authentication Credssp -Credential $cred
Server A is able to use CredSSP with a different Domain Controller (in the same network/hosting company). Every article I've gone through seems to lead me to believe that what I've done should work in both cases... What am I missing?

Invoke-Command with parameter computername on local device

I'm writing a script that needs to be used on multiple devices.
This script uses an Invoke-command to connect to a specified server.
This script also has to be run on this same server.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -Credential $Cred -ScriptBlock {Write-Host "test"}
It's no problem to run this script from remote devices but when running it on the server used in $Server I get the following error
Connecting to remote server DC01 failed with the following error message : Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (DC01:String) [], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AccessDenied,PSSessionStateBroken
My question is if there is a possibility to fix it or if I have to write an if/else to check on which server it's running atm.

PowerShell Remote Access Configuration

Trying to configure remote PowerShell access on a server but cannot avoid access denied errors.
What I have done:
-Name EngrStudentAdmin
-RunAsCredential domain\delegatedAdmin
-StartupScript 'C:\Scripts\Students\Welcome.ps1'
(on a single line - displaying above for readability)
Using the permissions GUI, I granted the group DelegatedAdmins Read and Execute permissions. The startup script is just filler.
$welcome = 'Welcome to ' + $env:COMPUTERNAME
Write-Host $welcome
Attempting to connect to the endpoint with
-ComputerName $server
-ConfigurationName EngrStudentAdmin
-ScriptBlock { hostname }
fails with the error
AuthorizationManager check failed.
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (engr-mgr1.domain.edu:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PSSessionStateBroken
The execution policy on the server is RemoteSigned and the startup script is signed.
The account used to access the server is a member of the DelegatedAdmins group.
Opening a local shell as delegatedAdmin shows that the account has permission to run the startup script.
Using a member of the local admins group, the Invoke-Command, without the ConfiguationName switch (i.e. connecting to the default endpoint), executes so the winrm service is running and PSRemoting enabled.
The delegatedAdmin account has no profile.
What am I missing?
Check that the WMI service is enabled and running, if it's disabled try starting it and then retrying.
Also check the properties of the actual file, it might have been blocked.
are both Domain joined? If not you might take several further steps.
In general: Try this on the remote system: Enable-PSRemoting -Force -Verbose If you see nothing, it was already applied. If not, this will make alle necessary changes for you.
Just in case: Check your Firewall settings :-)
As Dewi mentioned: Check the WMI Service.
Here is a quick hack to enable it (if you want to enforce it):
# Configure WMI
Set-Item -Path wsman:\localhost\client\trustedhosts -Value * -Force -Confirm:$False
# Restart
Restart-Service -Name WinRM -Force
Last but not least: Use the -verbose switch to see more details.
Like this:
New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $credencial -Verbose

Cannot create remote powershell session after Enable-PSRemoting

I can not remote into any machine to save my life! I have tried everything I can find. If anyone could troubleshoot or guide me, I'd appreciate it as this would be a great tool to add on my domain.
Client machine inside domain
Server machine inside or outside domain - Virtualized and utilized for WSUS Computername: wsustest
CLIENT SERVER MACHINE physical- computername: epizzi-pc
enable-pssremoting done! on all machines
trustedhosts configured with * or client machine added
Firewalls with public profile off just in case
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName wsustest -Credential wsustest\administrator
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName epizzi-pc -Credential epizzi-pc\administrador
Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server epizzi-pc failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090311
occurred while using Kerberos authentication: There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
Possible causes are:
-The user name or password specified are invalid.
-Kerberos is used when no authentication method and no user name are specified.
-Kerberos accepts domain user names, but not local user names.
-The Service Principal Name (SPN) for the remote computer name and port does not exist.
-The client and remote computers are in different domains and there is no trust between the two domains.
After checking for the above issues, try the following:
-Check the Event Viewer for events related to authentication.
-Change the authentication method; add the destination computer to the WinRM TrustedHosts configuration setting or use HTTPS transport.
Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated.
-For more information about WinRM configuration, run the following command: winrm help config. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enter-PSSession -ComputerName epizzi-pc -Credential epizzi-pc\administrador
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (epizzi-pc:String) [Enter-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName wsustest -UseSSL -Credential wsustest\administrator
*Enter-PSSession : Connecting to remote server wsustest failed with the following error message : WinRM cannot complete the operation. Verify that the specified computer name is
valid, that the computer is accessible over the network, and that a firewall exception for the WinRM service is enabled and allows access from this computer. By default, the WinRM
firewall exception for public profiles limits access to remote computers within the same local subnet. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enter-PSSession -ComputerName wsustest -UseSSL -Credential wsustest\administrato ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (wsustest:String) [Enter-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed*
I was receiving the same problem when remoting to a server and found this blog post very helpful - http://jeffgraves.me/2013/10/14/powershell-remoting/
For my specific case I did the following:
On the Local machine
winrm quickconfig (although this was already configured)
winrm s winrm/config/client '#{TrustedHosts="myservername.domain"}'
On the Remote machine
enable-psremoting -force
Set-PSSessionConfiguration -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -Force
I got around this problem by using a fully qualified logon. Instead of "netbiosdomain\accountname", I used fqdn\accountname, as in Microsoft.com\myaccount in the get-credential prompt. May not work for everyone, but it's worth a shot.
This is how I do it. I use this on my scripts.
# This is only done once
Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File
# Setup credentials
$SecureString = Get-Content c:\Windows\temp\securepass.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$mycredentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
-ArgumentList "yourDomain\userID",$SecureString
# Open remote session:
$MyRSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName Computer1 -Credential $mycredentials
-Authentication default
# Use remote session:
Enter-PSSession $MyRSession
Get rid of -UseSSL. I enabled PSRemoting and had problems with using that. I guess I could look at it later but for now it doesn't matter.
If there is no trust between the client and server computers, you have to enable basic authentication on the server side. Do this by toggling the correct properties on the WSMAN: drive on the server. You'll obviously have to do this interactively on the console or via remote desktop, due to the chicken and egg problem :) Also, this may come into play too:
I was getting that same error currently no logon servers available.
The issue was resolved by using instead of Domain\Username as credentials the user UPN or Username#Domain.
I have achieved a remote session with Enter-pssession command, had to follow these exact parameters
$creds = get-credential (the -credential parameter in enter-pssession does not work properly, thus u must previously enter the object at another variable)
Enter-pssession -computername wsustest -authentication Default -credentials $creds
i Also had to set both client and remote server in the trusted hosts wsman: space
another solution which surely wouldve worked but i havent tried, wouldve been setting https: which is harder to do.
thx to all, your comments certainly led to the solution!

invoke command on remote machine is not working using powershell

I ran the below commands on my machine to download data from one server to another server using the invoke command
Enable-PSRemoting -force
Enter-PSSession Server1
invoke-command -computername Server1 -credential:'dom\jack' {c:\temp.ps1 -server serverX -id 4231e429-d238-4e32-a1bb-0ee812cd3124 -download $true}
ERROR is: Failed: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
but when i run the above command on my machine as
c:\temp.ps1 -server serverX -id 4231e429-d238-4e32-a1bb-0ee812cd3124 -download $true
it works as expected.
Is there something i am missing when i execute it remotely....please help me.
Try this good References:
It might be something to do with the TrustedHosts or Authentication
setting of a client. You can set it like this:WinRM set
winrm/config/client #{TrustedHosts="*"}
Read more about this here:
I use
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -WindowStyle Hidden -NoLogo
I use this code:
Invoke-Command -credential $testCred -computer $ServerName -scriptblock {
param([String]$scriptDeploy, [String]$destino) &"$scriptDeploy" 'parametro1' $destino
$ScriptBlockOutput = $Error
} -ArgumentList $RutaRemotaParaScriptDeInstalacion, "$dirRemotoDestino"
"`r`n`r`nOK para script de despliegue"
exit 0;
"`r`n`r`nError en script de despliegue"
"`r`nError in " + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName + " at line: " + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber + ", offset: " + $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine + ".";
exit -1
You need to enable remoting on the remote machine. You also need to make sure the firewall/anti virus does not block the remoting ports. These are port 5985 for http, or port 5986 for https.
If both machines on the same domain it's fairly easy to get working. If the machines are on different domains however then it's more complex. There's a registry setting that needs to be changed on the remote server, and you need to pass credentials. Have a read here for more info. There is of course ssl which can also be enabled, but that's another story.
There is a bug in your script.
You should not be executing Enter-PSSession before the Invoke-Command, because the Invoke-Command itself sets up the PSSession.
Use only this:
Invoke-command -computername Server1 -credential:'dom\jack' {c:\temp.ps1 -server serverX -id 4231e429-d238-4e32-a1bb-0ee812cd3124 -download $true}
... Without the Enter-PSSession