Cannot add Postgresql view to EDMX File - postgresql

I ensured my tables all have primary keys which are not null fields. I ensured my views contain one of these primary key fields. Nothing works.
When I try to add the views in the wizard, Visual Studio returns me to the EDMX diagram view but the views I just added are not there! This below shows when returned to the diagram view:
The model was generated with warnings or errors.PMCPolyModel.edmx Please see the Error List for more details. These issues must be fixed before running your application.
Loading metadata from the database took 00:00:00.5619194.
Generating the model took 00:00:00.5230463.
Added the connection string to the App.Config file."
The internal error is:
Error 6013: The table/view '[My View Name]' does not have a primary key defined and no valid primary key could be inferred. This table/view has been excluded. To use the entity, you will need to review your schema, add the correct keys, and uncomment it."
I closed and reopened Visual Studio and the EDMX diagram view states "The Entity Data Model Designer is unable to display the file you requested. You can edit the model using the XML Editor."


How can I map one custom Entity to some database tables in Entity Framework?

I have a database first model in my project. The 3 tables Document, DocumentItem and Product are imported from the database.
I want to create a new Entity named Order that joins some fields of these three database tables. I created that Entity as you see in the first picture and filled its table mapping as you see in the second picture.
After the build of the project I get the following errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Error 3025: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 193:Must specify mapping for all key properties (Product.Id) of table Product. EFTest C:\Users\Me\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\EFTest\EFTest\Data\EfTest.edmx 194
Error Error 3025: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 186:Must specify mapping for all key properties (Document.Id) of table Document. EFTest C:\Users\Me\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\EFTest\EFTest\Data\EfTest.edmx 187
Error Error 3024: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 193:Must specify mapping for all key properties (Orders.Id) of the EntitySet Orders. EFTest C:\Users\Me\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\EFTest\EFTest\Data\EfTest.edmx 194
Error Error 3024: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 186:Must specify mapping for all key properties (Orders.Id) of the EntitySet Orders. EFTest C:\Users\Me\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\EFTest\EFTest\Data\EfTest.edmx 187
I could not find the source of the problem. How can I solve these errors?
The error tells there's a foreign key missing in your project !
Considering that you know You cannot simply add tables from the database into your model and then create a new association in the model. By default it uses independent association which must be mapped to its database counterpart(e.g the relation must exists in the database as well). You must model your relation as FK association but it allows only one-to-one and one-to-many associations. In another words, when you add a new table with "Include foreign key columns in the model" checked in EF4 and the table doesn't contain any foreign key relationships then you try to add a association it will trigger this error. The solution is to Define Constraints in an EF4 model that don’t exist in the database.
Sometimes we have unwanted conflicts which can cause such this problems when you can delete the table from the EF designer and also delete everything related to that table manually (in the XML file), then add the table again and put the right mappings again.

Cannot generate ADO.NET Entity Data Model, model class is empty

So I follow all the steps to create the ADO.NET Entity data model, right click the Model folder, click Add New Item -> ADO.NET Entity Data model -> Generate from Database, and then select the database connection and enter the namespace of my models, and click Finish. However the edmx view looks like this:
I built the solution, still the same. And after the build, the model class is not generated, I can only see:
// <auto-generated>
// This code was generated from a template.
// Manual changes to this file may cause unexpected behavior in your application.
// Manual changes to this file will be overwritten if the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
There is no class definition is found here. I checked SQL Server, the table and its data are there. What have I missed?
The table or view does not have a primary key defined and no valid primary key could be inferred. For this reason, this table or view has been excluded. To use the entity, you will need to review your schema, add the correct keys.
If your table has been accidentally removed, add it back to the DBML file and recreate the ADO.NET Entity Data model.

Entity Framework - Entity not added to design surface

I attempted to update my edmx file by selecting a table. The tool spit out a info message that said the table did not have a primary key.
The entity did not get added to the design surface but it did get added to the .edmx file. In addition, using the model browser I see an Entities.Store and an Entities. My table got added to Entities.Store, but not to Entities.
I cannot access the table that was "added" in the code.
What do I do?
Steps to reproduce:
Create a SQL table with two columns that are both defined as foreign keys to other tables. Make sure the tables that the FKs point to already exist in the model on the design surface.
Right click and choose Update Model from Database...
Next. Under the Add tab, mark the new table under Tables
Click Finish.
An association will be created and it will be selected on the design surface, but it won't start with FK_, it will just be the name of your table. Go to the Model Browser and look under Entity Types. The table will not be there. Look under Associations and you will see your table name there as an association, but it will look out of place (because of the name).
Entity Framework was too smart for me. It created an association instead of an entity. Odd, but it works for how I need to use it.

MVC Entity Type Missing

I'm brand new to ASP.NET MVC (Literally just two days of learning on the fly). I'm trying to create a website using MVC, however, I've screwed something up in my solution.
I created this table that had foreign key constraints but I initially forgot to set up a primary key on the id field and forgot to set it identity specification to yes. So when I updated my DataModel and brought this table in, it showed every field as being the primary key and it showed the relationship to the other tables. So I went back to the database and changed the id field for the table to be the primary key and identity specification to yes.
I went back to the DataModel, tried to Update Model From Database, went to the refresh tab, expanded the tables, and selected the table I wanted to refresh, then click on "Finish".
The data model appeared to make the changes but it showed the relationships to the other tables twice.
So I thought I'd delete the table (entity) from the DataModel diagrahm and bring the table back in through Update Model From Database. But when I went back to the Update Model From Database...
Under the Add tab, the table isn't under the Tables
Under the Refresh tab, the table is listed, but when I select it and click on "Finish" the table doesn't reaapear in the diagrahm.
In the model browser...
Under Models
Entity Types, The entity isn't listed
Under Associations, The relationships no longer appear (obviously because the entity is gone).
Under Models.Store
Tables/Views, The table is listed.
Constraints, the relationships are shown.
I've tried dragging the table over to the diagrahm from the Model Browser, but that doesn't appear to work.
I've tried to right click in the diagrahm, add Entity but my table doesn't appear as a Base Type.
I've tried to google but I'm coming up with nothing. With this entity missing, I cannot even build my solution. Please help.
Try to delete the entity file and add it again. But you have to name it as previous entity and don't forget to delete the connectionString in web.config before add it.
If you don't know what I am saying just let me know.

EF4 is throwing an error "Schema specified is not valid"

I'm getting a weird EF4 "Entity Framework v4" error when I do a select on the context:
Schema specified is not valid. Errors:
The relationship 'AnalyzerConfigurationModel.FK_AnalyzerMetadataParameters_AnalyzerMetadata' was not loaded because the type 'AnalyzerConfigurationModel.AnalyzerMetadataParameter' is not available.
The query to generate the error is:
Using context As New AnalyzerConfigurationEntities
Dim EFAnalyzerConfiguration = (From P In context.AnalyzerConfigurations
Where P.Name = analyzerConfigurationName).FirstOrDefault
End Using
The schema is show below.
I've checked the connection strings, multiple times, its not that. Everything looks fine. I'm not sure if the XML that gets generated from this schema is off or not. But looked there too and don't see anything off or different from other properties. Has anyone run into this one before?
I found that if I expanded the EDMX file in solution explorer (VS 2012) and right clicked on each .tt file and selected Run Custom Tool also fixed the issue. This might be easier than de
Also make sure you're referencing project has the EntityFramework installed otherwise the dependent code will get this error.
Let me explain this:
The problem is because the system did not find consistency of the columns in database, the entities in the .edmx file and the model class and also the use of the same in the controller class.
So follow the following steps to fix this up:
Go to the database, check all the column names and properties.
Confirm them with the class diagram in the.edmx file. Right-click on the class in which you are getting the error, and select update option for the class. Select the Refresh tab in dialogue (if there is no new column added. if new column is added, you can select the add tab.) and select the relevant objects. Generally they are tables. So select them and finish.
Next check the names in the model class and the controller class.
This should be the solution. If not, let me know.
Are you using the SelfTracking Entity T4 template? I had this issue and found out the T4 template was not re-generating my entities after I had changed the Entity model in the Entity Designer. Try to right click the T4 Template and click "Run custom tool", and see if that helps.