Datastage merge files - datastage

I need to merge 3 input files into 1 output file via datastage, may I know how to achieve this?
The 3 input files have different fields (layout)
Input file A: HDR123
Input file B: 000123
Input file C: TRL003
Expected output:

You can use the funnel stage for this but the data types and length need to match (similar to a union in SQL).

You can achieve this in datastage by defining two jobs:
Job-1. parallel job: sequential file -> sequential file
Job-2. sequence job: startloop activity -> job activity -> endloop activity
Define job-1 as follows:
source sequential file
Define job parameter, say #INPUT# and use this value as file name in the file path, say : /tmp/#INPUT#
i.e. input files are /tmp/A, /tmp/B and /tmp/C
target sequential file
Output file, say /tmp/out.txt
File update mode : Append
Define job-2 as follows:
start loop activity : Loop definition -> delimited values : A,B,C (Delimiter comma)
job activity: Job name = above job-1
Parameters : INPUT = StartLoop_Activity_0.$Counter
Now compile both job-1 and job-2
Run sequence job job-2. You will expected result in /tmp/out.txt
Please note that, if you run the sequence job again, you will see the same contents appended again, so you need to make sure you have no file called /tmp/out.txt before running sequence job or it is empty.


How to remove last 2 positions in split and get remaining first value.?

Let's say string is a variable file name like few examples below:
The length of last 8 string values will always remain fixed i.e. (_001.csv,_000.csv,_004.csv). We need to only extract values = cr, updt, del
How can we get the value as single value before _cr,_updt,_del.?
any suggetions.?
output should get like this:
I have reproduced the above and got the below results.
First, I took a sample file name in set variable.
Then, I got the string from start to length-8.
For end folder:
#replace(split(substring(variables('sample'),sub(length(variables('sample')),8), 8),'.')[0],'_','')
For Start folder:
#substring(variables('before_8'), 0, lastIndexOf(variables('before_8'), '_'))
For middle folder:
#split(variables('before_8'), '_')[sub(length(split(variables('before_8'), '_')), 1)]
Result folder structure:
Give this variable in copy activity source folder path and it will generate the folder structure for you.
For multiple file names, first store all file names in an array then use a ForEach and inside ForEach do the same operations as above.

Requiremet of Error logging mail(mail should contain all the missing file details). in the ADF flow

the reqirement is simple , i have a folder having 4 txt files(1.txt,2.txt,3.txt,4.txt) . the Flow is controlled by a parameter called all or some which is of string type.
If i select all in the parameter, all 4 file should be processed. the requirement starts here >>
IF any file is missing from the folder(for ex 2.txt and 3.txt is not present and i selected ALL in the parameter) , i need a mail saying file is 2.txt and 3.txt is missing.
If i select some in the parameter, for ex 1.txt and 4.txt and if any of the file is missing 1.txt and 4.txt is missing(for example 1.txt is missing) , i need a mail with the missing file name(i.e 1.txt in our case).
capture missing file details in one variable
I tried to repro this capturing missing files using azure data factory. Below is the approach.
Take a parameter of array type in the pipeline. During runtime, you can give the list of file names in a folder to be processed in this array parameter.
Take a get metadata activity and add a dataset in the activity. Click +New in the field list and select child items as an argument.
Take a filter activity and give the array parameter value in items and write the condition to filter the missing files in condition box
#not(contains(string(activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems),item()))
I tried to run this pipeline. During run time, four file names are given to the array parameter.
Get Metadata activity output has three file names.
Parameter has 4 filenames and Get meta data activity has 3 filenames. Missing file names are to be filtered out.
Output of filter activity:
Use this output and send it in email.
Refer the MS document on How to send email - Azure Data Factory & Azure Synapse | Microsoft Learn for sending email.

How can I have nice file names & efficient storage usage in my Foundry Magritte dataset export?

I'm working on exporting data from Foundry datasets in parquet format using various Magritte export tasks to an ABFS system (but the same issue occurs with SFTP, S3, HDFS, and other file based exports).
The datasets I'm exporting are relatively small, under 512 MB in size, which means they don't really need to be split across multiple parquet files, and putting all the data in one file is enough. I've done this by ending the previous transform with a .coalesce(1) to get all of the data in a single file.
The issues are:
By default the file name is part-0000-<rid>.snappy.parquet, with a different rid on every build. This means that, whenever a new file is uploaded, it appears in the same folder as an additional file, the only way to tell which is the newest version is by last modified date.
Every version of the data is stored in my external system, this takes up unnecessary storage unless I frequently go in and delete old files.
All of this is unnecessary complexity being added to my downstream system, I just want to be able to pull the latest version of data in a single step.
This is possible by renaming the single parquet file in the dataset so that it always has the same file name, that way the export task will overwrite the previous file in the external system.
This can be done using raw file system access. The write_single_named_parquet_file function below validates its inputs, creates a file with a given name in the output dataset, then copies the file in the input dataset to it. The result is a schemaless output dataset that contains a single named parquet file.
The build will fail if the input contains more than one parquet file, as pointed out in the question, calling .coalesce(1) (or .repartition(1)) is necessary in the upstream transform
If you require transaction history in your external store, or your dataset is much larger than 512 MB this method is not appropriate, as only the latest version is kept, and you likely want multiple parquet files for use in your downstream system. The createTransactionFolders (put each new export in a different folder) and flagFile (create a flag file once all files have been written) options can be useful in this case.
The transform does not require any spark executors, so it is possible to use #configure() to give it a driver only profile. Giving the driver additional memory should fix out of memory errors when working with larger datasets.
shutil.copyfileobj is used because the 'files' that are opened are actually just file objects.
Full code snippet
from transforms.api import transform, Input, Output
import .utils
def compute(output, source_df):
return utils.write_single_named_parquet_file(output, source_df, "readable_file_name")
from transforms.api import Input, Output
import shutil
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def write_single_named_parquet_file(output: Output, input: Input, file_name: str):
"""Write a single ".snappy.parquet" file with a given file name to a transforms output, containing the data of the
single ".snappy.parquet" file in the transforms input. This is useful when you need to export the data using
magritte, wanting a human readable name in the output, when not using separate transaction folders this should cause
the previous output to be automatically overwritten.
The input to this function must contain a single ".snappy.parquet" file, this can be achieved by calling
`.coalesce(1)` or `.repartition(1)` on your dataframe at the end of the upstream transform that produces the input.
This function should not be used for large dataframes (e.g. those greater than 512 mb in size), instead
transaction folders should be enabled in the export. This function can work for larger sizes, but you may find you
need additional driver memory to perform both the coalesce/repartition in the upstream transform, and here.
This produces a dataset without a schema, so features like expectations can't be used.
output (Output): The transforms output to write the single custom named ".snappy.parquet" file to, this is
the dataset you want to export
input (Input): The transforms input containing the data to be written to output, this must contain only one
".snappy.parquet" file (it can contain other files, for example logs)
file_name: The name of the file to be written, if the ".snappy.parquet" will be automatically appended if not
already there, and ".snappy" and ".parquet" will be corrected to ".snappy.parquet"
RuntimeError: Input dataset must be coalesced or repartitioned into a single file.
RuntimeError: Input dataset file system cannot be empty.
void: writes the response to output, no return value
output.set_mode("replace") # Make sure it is snapshotting
input_files_df = input.filesystem().files() # Get all files
input_files = [row[0] for row in input_files_df.collect()] # noqa - first column in files_df is path
input_files = [f for f in input_files if f.endswith(".snappy.parquet")] # filter non parquet files
if len(input_files) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Input dataset must be coalesced or repartitioned into a single file.")
if len(input_files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Input dataset file system cannot be empty.")
input_file_path = input_files[0]"Inital output file name: " + file_name)
# check for snappy.parquet and append if needed
if file_name.endswith(".snappy.parquet"):
pass # if it is already correct, do nothing
elif file_name.endswith(".parquet"):
# if it ends with ".parquet" (and not ".snappy.parquet"), remove parquet and append ".snappy.parquet"
file_name = file_name.removesuffix(".parquet") + ".snappy.parquet"
elif file_name.endswith(".snappy"):
# if it ends with just ".snappy" then append ".parquet"
file_name = file_name + ".parquet"
# if doesn't end with any of the above, add ".snappy.parquet"
file_name = file_name + ".snappy.parquet""Final output file name: " + file_name)
with input.filesystem().open(input_file_path, "rb") as in_f: # open the input file
with output.filesystem().open(file_name, "wb") as out_f: # open the output file
shutil.copyfileobj(in_f, out_f) # write the file into a new file
You can also use the rewritePaths functionality of the export plugin, to rename the file under spark/*.snappy.parquet file to "export.parquet" while exporting. This of course only works if there is only a single file, so .coalesce(1) in the transform is a must:
- ^_.*
- ^spark/_.*
'^spark/(.*[\/])(.*)': $1/export.parquet
uploadConfirmation: exportedFiles
incrementalType: snapshot
retriesPerFile: 0
bucketPolicy: BucketOwnerFullControl
directoryPath: features
setBucketPolicy: true
I ran into the same requirement the only difference was that the dataset required to be split into multiple parts due to the size. Posting here the code and how I have updated it to handle this use case.
def rename_multiple_parquet_outputs(output: Output, input: list, file_name_prefix: str):
Slight improvement to allow multiple output files to be renamed
output.set_mode("replace") # Make sure it is snapshotting
input_files_df = input.filesystem().files() # Get all files
input_files = [row[0] for row in input_files_df.collect()] # noqa - first column in files_df is path
input_files = [f for f in input_files if f.endswith(".snappy.parquet")] # filter non parquet files
if len(input_files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Input dataset file system cannot be empty.")
input_file_path = input_files[0]
print(f'input files {input_files}')
print("prefix for target name: " + file_name_prefix)
for i,f in enumerate(input_files):
with input.filesystem().open(f, "rb") as in_f: # open the input file
with output.filesystem().open(f'{file_name_prefix}_part_{i}.snappy.parquet', "wb") as out_f: # open the output file
shutil.copyfileobj(in_f, out_f) # write the file into a new file
Also to use this into a code workbook the input needs to be persisted and the output parameter can be retrieved as shown below.
def rename_outputs(persisted_input):
output = Transforms.get_output()
rename_parquet_outputs(output, persisted_input, "prefix_for_renamed_files")

Greenplum : Getting filenames processed via an external table

we are processing multiple files using external table. Is there any way I can get the file name being processed in external tables and stored it in database table?
Only workaround I can find is appending the file name to every record in the flat file which isn't ideal when huge dataset and multiple files.
Can anyone help on this
No, the file name is simply never passed from the gpfdist daemon back to Greenplum. So you have to append the file name to each line - you can use gpfdist transformation for doing so
I was struggling with this as well, here's my solution. Please note I'm not an expert in linux, so there may be a one liner solution.
So I wanted to add a filename column in front of my records.
That can be done in sed, I've created a file, with the following content:
#echo $filename >> transform.txt
sed -e "s|^|$filename\v|" $filename
Please note that I was using vertical tab as a delimiter, \v. Also in the filename you could have / hence using | . In order to have the value of $filename we have to use double quites for sed.
Test it, it looks good.
./ countersamples-2016-03-02--11-51-10.csv
2016-03-02 11:51:10.064
% Committed Bytes In Use
This part is done, lets continue with gpfdist. We need a yaml file that can be passed to gpfdist, I named this transform.yaml
TYPE: input
COMMAND: /bin/bash %filename%
Please note that we have the %filename% value here. It seems that gpfdist prefilters the files that needs to be handled, and passes them 1 by 1 to our transform.
Lets fire up gpfdist:
gpfdist -c transform.yaml -v
Now go into greenplum and create an external table such as:
"filename" text,
"timestamp" timestamp without time zone ,
"machine" text ,
"category" text ,
"instance" text ,
"name" text ,
"value" double precision
LOCATION ('gpfdist://localhost:8080/*/countersamples*.csv#transform=add_filename')
And when we select data from it:
select * from "ext_transform";
We see:
I've created 2 folders to see how it reacts if the files are not in the same folder as the transform. This way I can distinguish between the 2 files, even if their data is identical.

Matching Files in SPSS using Table or In

I keep running into an error when trying to add variables of one spss file to another. File 1 has 1.800.000 cases [payments], File 2 has 800.000 cases [recipients]. They both have an ID number to match cases on.
For every payment in File 1 I want to add the recipient, from File 2. The recipients should thus be able to match for multiple payments.
This are the two codes I have been trying, which don't work:
code using IN
SORT CASES BY recipientid(A).
SORT CASES BY recipientid(A).
Match Files /File=DataSet1
/BY globalrecipientid.
When I use /In I don't get any errors, but the files don't properly match sin it doesn't add any variables.
code using TABLE
SORT CASES BY recipientid(A).
SORT CASES BY recipientid(A).
Match Files /File=DataSet1
/BY globalrecipientid.
When I use /TABLE I get the following error:
Warning # 5132
Undefined error #5132 - Cannot open text file 'S:\Progra~1\spss\IBM\SPSS\STATIS~1\20\lang\en\spss.err": No such file or directory
I have run out of tricks, wouldn't dare try this in Ruby, and excel sadly is too small to handle this.. Any thoughts?
Your first solution is wring because you are using IN subcommand wrongly. In other words you are matching Dataset1 with nothing.
IN creates a new variable in the resulting file that indicates whether
a case came from the input file named on the preceding FILE
Your second solution. You are sorting dataset by variable recipientid but the match files is done by the variable globalrecipientid. Why do you sort by one variable but match by another? This could be a problem. And dataset names should be in quotes.
Solution 1:
SORT CASES BY recipientid (A).
SORT CASES BY recipientid (A).
Match Files
/File = "DataSet1"
/TABLE = "DataSet2"
/BY recipientid.
Solution 2. I never liked the implementation of datasets in SPSS. I did not trusted them. Other solution is to save datasets as files and do the match of files.
get "file1.sav".
SORT CASES BY recipientid (A).
save out "file1s.sav".
get "file2.sav".
SORT CASES BY recipientid (A).
save out "file2s.sav".
Match Files
/File = "file1s.sav"
/TABLE = "file2s.sav"
/BY recipientid.
My syntax looks somwhat different:
/RENAME VarsToRename
/DROP= Vars
Maybe this helps?